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OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters OOT Containment Thread for very bad posters

01-08-2019 , 02:35 PM
Interviewed the guy. Of course my recommendation was not to hire him.
I didn't get a pedo vibe from him, but it was obvious from his answers that he was fired from his church. He was a really nice guy, but a lot of red flags. He is clearly wanting the job to make a quick buck while he finds another ministry job. He kept repeating "I'm a problem solver" so I asked him to give an example of his problem solving. He said he was counciling a couple that cheated and was helping them work through their problems...*eyeroll. He of course has no expertise or experience for the job....I have no idea what my boss was thinking and didn't get a good read if he just knows someone higher up in the company.
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01-08-2019 , 02:40 PM
Can't wait for minister's first promotion.
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01-08-2019 , 02:42 PM
All of this is definitely happening in real life and not your imagination :eyeroll:
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01-08-2019 , 02:48 PM
Either this whole thing is

Or MLYLT is trying to get fired.
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01-08-2019 , 03:17 PM
MLY is just so valuable to the company that they had to hire her her own personal counselor.
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01-08-2019 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Larry Legend
txdome earned a day off for that one
A day seems to be rather light for something many times worse then what thinman did. This wasnt even making a point but just straight up trying to hurt someone.
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01-08-2019 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by DodgerIrish
Sounds like a man seeking a missionary position.

Originally Posted by prana
Can't wait for minister's first promotion.

Originally Posted by marknfw
MLY is just so valuable to the company that they had to hire her her own personal counselor.
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01-08-2019 , 05:51 PM
The guy knows the HR lady somehow. We had a recap where I gave my opinion and said I didn't think he was qualified and the HR lady got beyond defensive for him and pissed. She had a rebuttal for every single thing I said and was a complete *****. She was going in circles with excuses when I asked why we were even interviewing him for an engineering position. She is not affected in any way by who is hired for our department and her defensiveness was just off the charts weird and absurd. They must know each other....its the only thing that makes any damn sense. She dismissed me before the meeting was over so they could discuss without me.
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01-08-2019 , 05:56 PM
I think that there's a > than 0% chance the HR lady is in cahoots with Mboss in the poisonings
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01-08-2019 , 05:58 PM
Knowing people tends to be a better way to get a new job than submitting cold applications. Get pissed off all you want, but it's not going to help or change anything. Focus on getting back to a cutting phase instead of a bulking phase.
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01-08-2019 , 05:59 PM
The new co worker is actually a professional hitman
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01-08-2019 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
I think that there's a > than 0% chance the HR lady is in cahoots with Mboss in the poisonings
Every rose has its thorn.
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01-08-2019 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
The new co worker is actually a professional hitman
Wasn't that a Charles Bronson movie?

Life imitates art.
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01-08-2019 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
The guy knows the HR lady somehow. We had a recap where I gave my opinion and said I didn't think he was qualified and the HR lady got beyond defensive for him and pissed. She had a rebuttal for every single thing I said and was a complete *****. She was going in circles with excuses when I asked why we were even interviewing him for an engineering position. She is not affected in any way by who is hired for our department and her defensiveness was just off the charts weird and absurd. They must know each other....its the only thing that makes any damn sense. She dismissed me before the meeting was over so they could discuss without me.
I hope you're spending the extra time working on your game plan, since it's 100% obvious they're going to hire the guy.

What are you going to try to do to get him on board with Team MLY? You probably didn't get off to a great start with the interviewing and from the sound of things you don't really want him being your boss's eyes and ears for the 5% of the day she isn't following you around and micromanaging you. Life will be much better if you can build some rapport, co-opt him once he realizes that MBoss is an incompetent nerf and just maybe you can pawn off some of the work that you hate to do onto him.

It's never going to be enough to just show everyone you're a great enginear, you need to learn how to play office politics to win!
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01-08-2019 , 06:28 PM
McLY inviting the pastor over for dinner is very common. Living in TX, you probably already know this.
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01-08-2019 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
The guy knows the HR lady somehow.

Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
They must know each other....its the only thing that makes any damn sense. She dismissed me before the meeting was over so they could discuss without me.
Sounds like you are uncertain and lol at dismissing you before the meeting was over. They must really value your insight.

Last edited by prana; 01-08-2019 at 06:44 PM.
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01-08-2019 , 06:48 PM
Maybe a small gift is in order. An originol painting of him would look great in his new office.
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01-08-2019 , 06:52 PM
They probably had a good laugh at your expense at the end of the meeting.
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01-08-2019 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
The guy knows the HR lady somehow. We had a recap where I gave my opinion and said I didn't think he was qualified and the HR lady got beyond defensive for him and pissed. She had a rebuttal for every single thing I said and was a complete *****. She was going in circles with excuses when I asked why we were even interviewing him for an engineering position. She is not affected in any way by who is hired for our department and her defensiveness was just off the charts weird and absurd. They must know each other....its the only thing that makes any damn sense. She dismissed me before the meeting was over so they could discuss without me.
So I guess the obvious question is - what was her rebuttal about him not having any engineering experience or qualifications on his resume but he was hired as an engineer?
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01-08-2019 , 07:22 PM
Yes, what were the HR woman’s rebuttals? Sounds like there were multiple.
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01-08-2019 , 07:35 PM
I think the main one was get your buttal out of this interview, adults need to talk.
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01-08-2019 , 07:37 PM
They went over a timeline for minister to take over.
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01-08-2019 , 07:40 PM
Her rebuttal was that the job description states "or an equivalent degree" and that he is getting his master's and that supercedes an engineering degree. He is getting his master's in some other religion stuff btw. She also said they wanted him more for interpersonal customer relations and writing procedures.

If he gets hired, I'm immediately giving him all the bull**** paper work crap that I don't want to do and direct all the phone calls from sales to him, then I can getting busy on my projects.
I'll play nice with him so he does all the stuff I don't want to do and I can be in the plant more. Inviting him and his family for dinner sounds like a great idea. I might give him a nude painting as a joke as well.
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01-08-2019 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Steve350
Maybe a small gift is in order. An originol painting of him would look great in his new office.
I wonder if he's into Portal or bondage?
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01-08-2019 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
She also said they wanted him more for interpersonal customer relations and writing procedures. .
Did you remind them that these are two of your best qualities???
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