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06-25-2017 , 04:49 PM
Spelling isn't even a skill when everything you write gets a red, squiggly line when you **** it up.

Plenty of jobs don't require literacy. Ditch digger, construction site laborer, bus boy: all jobs with low literacy requirements. But any job where you're given a desk and a computer? That requires basic language skills.

To top it off, we've heard from the Queen Dunce herself on this topic. It's always, "Oh, damn autocorrect!" or, "I was in a hurry on my phone!" or, "Oh, who cares, I was looking for my daughter who was either hiding in a litter box or out in the street." Not once, "Man, I didn't know it was spelled like that, lol!" Sound familiar? She is a very stupid, delusional, incorrigible person who is never at fault or in the wrong.

If it came out she was lying about her education or job, there is virtually no magnitude to that lie that would surprise me (in one direction, of course). She could be the DblBarrelJ of Texas engineers and I'd say, "Yup, no surprise there."
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06-25-2017 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by lapka
So much in this that I don't get. Not even jokingly.

Code is a butt, but he is smarter than you in live and in poker. You should listen to him and try to learn from him. And you say that you love him. A part of love is respect. And how you treat him..... is definitely not respectful. I mean alone: "I don't listen to anything he says....."

Again like always when code enters the picture, I just don't get it.
What evidence do you have that he is smarter than me in life and poker?
I consistently make money playing poker, even casually. And, I have a pretty good life put together.

And we have a joking+teasing relationship with poker. I won't speak for him, but I'm sure he would tell you that he doesn't feel disrespected by me.
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06-25-2017 , 04:54 PM
When MLY writes emails, she likely does pay attention to red squiggly lines. When she posts on 2+2, she doesn't, but it doesn't matter for her bottom line.
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06-25-2017 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
When MLY writes emails, she likely does pay attention to red squiggly lines. When she posts on 2+2, she doesn't, but it doesn't matter for her bottom line.
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06-25-2017 , 05:00 PM
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06-25-2017 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
When MLY writes emails, she likely does pay attention to red squiggly lines. When she posts on 2+2, she doesn't, but it doesn't matter for her bottom line.
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06-25-2017 , 05:07 PM

Man, exactly an excuse she's given!

In the old days, if you caught your employee tracing words with their finger, silently mouthing the sounds out, and taking five minutes to read a page, you could safely conclude they were an idiot.

You know what that reminds me of? Watching someone take a picture of their computer screen with their phone, in order to post that picture on the internet.

EDIT: I should be in the TSPYO thread. MLY, good luck, we would all be better off if you could achieve even a fraction of the improvement you claim to want.
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06-25-2017 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I consistently make money playing poker, even casually.
You should stop making claims like this, as you do not have nearly a large enough sample size to make this claim, and it makes you seem ridiculous to people who have even a basic understanding of how people actually do make their living playing poker.

I mean this sincerely. It's fine that you are a casual player who enjoys the game and that you (at least according to what you post here) have been mostly having winning sessions. Most low level players fall into this category (enjoy the game, play to have fun, sometimes leave with far more money than they started). Inflating this to "I'm actually very good at poker and a winning player," however, is laughable. You'd need years of tracking at your current rate of play to call yourself a winning player.
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06-25-2017 , 05:11 PM
Joe Flacco won four games in a row. You know what they call him?

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06-25-2017 , 05:13 PM
My brother makes spelling mistakes when he writes without a checker, and yet, his wage is many times bigger than the Moscow median.
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06-25-2017 , 05:13 PM
Hmmm, I hadn't considered that.
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06-25-2017 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
What evidence do you have that he is smarter than me in life and poker?
I consistently make money playing poker, even casually. And, I have a pretty good life put together.

And we have a joking+teasing relationship with poker. I won't speak for him, but I'm sure he would tell you that he doesn't feel disrespected by me.
Poker: Your sample size is LOL. Hands you posted are usually butchered. So you can play poker as a hobby, but speaking about you making money at a poker table consistently is LOL. At the same time you said somewhere that code played semi-professionally. I believe you this and so I think that he has significantly larger sample size with hourly >0. Him commenting this HU play as poor signals that he has at least a little bit a clue.

Live: Who drives almost every weekend to have sex? Who has sex without driving? Who said that your relationship has no future and continues to have basically everything he wants from you?

May be he is perfectly fine with how you treat him, that you don't listen to him, and not only in poker. I don't know...... Like I said, I completely don't get how things are working with you both. It is not to troll you. I express this also only because you go in circles in this relationship and also give updates about this circles here.
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06-25-2017 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Tbh I had a very strong sense a few times with a few plays you made that someone was helping you
There was a lot of tanking if you ask me. I couldn't play just one table like that, it would drive me mad.
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06-25-2017 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
When MLY writes emails, she likely does pay attention to red squiggly lines. When she posts on 2+2, she doesn't, but it doesn't matter for her bottom line.
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I did accidentally right "****" instead of "Shift" in an email to my team the other day though lol.
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06-25-2017 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Are you really shameless enough to own that wrong defense of yourself when you posted a typo-riddled cover letter that you sent to a prospective employer?
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06-25-2017 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
You should stop making claims like this, as you do not have nearly a large enough sample size to make this claim, and it makes you seem ridiculous to people who have even a basic understanding of how people actually do make their living playing poker.

I mean this sincerely. It's fine that you are a casual player who enjoys the game and that you (at least according to what you post here) have been mostly having winning sessions. Most low level players fall into this category (enjoy the game, play to have fun, sometimes leave with far more money than they started). Inflating this to "I'm actually very good at poker and a winning player," however, is laughable. You'd need years of tracking at your current rate of play to call yourself a winning player.
I understand that I dont have a large sample and how ppl play for a living and how variance is a big part of that.

I'm obviously not saying that I am a professional player or playing for a living or looking for long term results. Saying that I consistently make money playing casually is an accurate statement at this moment.

Last edited by MeLoveYouLongTime; 06-25-2017 at 06:07 PM.
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06-25-2017 , 05:52 PM

'****' is a word that some spell checkers don't correct (e.g. Chrome's doesn't). Furthermore, I guess other people accidentally omit the 'f' in 'shift' too from time to time, and that's regarded rather as a funny typo than a manifestation of illiteracy.
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06-25-2017 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
Saying that I consistently make money playing causally casually is an accurate statement at this moment.
I wish poker were as easy as what you're describing I don't know how soft your local games are, though.
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06-25-2017 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I'm obviously not saying that I am a professional player or playing for a living or looking for long term results. Saying that I consistently make money playing causally is an accurate statement at this moment.


Originally Posted by coon74

'****' is a word that some spell checkers don't correct (e.g. Chrome's doesn't). Furthermore, I guess other people accidentally omit the 'f' in 'shift' too from time to time, and that's regarded rather as a funny typo than a manifestation of illiteracy.

It doesn't matter since she didn't proofread her email, which indicates she is lazy or shows incompetence on her part.
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06-25-2017 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by coon74

'****' is a word that some spell checkers don't correct (e.g. Chrome's doesn't). Furthermore, I guess other people accidentally omit the 'f' in 'shift' too from time to time, and that's regarded rather as a funny typo than a manifestation of illiteracy.
A lot of the mistakes she makes aren't things that would be caught by spell-check, but they make her look just as illiterate. Did you notice 'right' in that random one-sentence quote? I'd be willing to bet she does that kind of thing all the time in her work emails too. She did have her boss at one point telling her to stop sending so many emails and just get up and talk to people instead. I wonder why.
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06-25-2017 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
I consistently make money playing poker, even casually. .
Wallowing swamp donkey consistently makes money playing poker itt!

Last edited by cs3; 06-25-2017 at 06:27 PM. Reason: Like how I combined both physical and pokering ability descriptions?
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06-25-2017 , 06:59 PM

I'm dubious. If you play the same way as you did HU i'd say you're probably a massive loser in a FR cash game.

Do you track your hours/winnings? Because you have a hard time tracking even something as simple as calories correctly.

I don't really understand your attitude. Code is almost certainly better at poker than you. Why not try to improve rather than just say "oh i know everything already" like you do with everything.
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06-25-2017 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
What evidence do you have that he is smarter than me in life and poker?
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06-25-2017 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Do you track your hours/winnings? Because you have a hard time tracking even something as simple as calories correctly.

Am I right in thinking that it's actually much harder to track calories than poker winnings? Not saying she's capable of doing either, but it seems poker is pretty much money in v. money out, while estimating how much fat was used to cook Stinky Joe's Death by Chicken Tex Mex Fajita with Sundae is something a lot of people would struggle with.

I guess with poker you've also got stuff like remembering that you spent $30 on Dackeries and you can adjust that out of your true poker rate, but that still seems a level easier than estimating the 1/16 slice of a 48" pizza.
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06-25-2017 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
Why not try to improve rather than just say "oh i know everything already" like you do with everything.

Because she's crushing 1/3 for $60/hr.
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