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12-05-2013 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Let me guess, you like it when a guy is rocking the beret, scarf, and glasses with thick black rims on a slender frame, and a peacoat to match?
Oh, come on. Don't be sore about it. And no, I dislike all of those things except the slender frame bit. I used to be crazy into that in my early 20s and the black rims thing is a maybe.
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12-05-2013 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Sounds like you are a sucker for guys who love to BS about meaningless nonsense. Then again, all girls are
It's only meaningless if you actually don't know what you're talking about or she doesn't care. Or if you're a poor conversationalist
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12-05-2013 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
Oh, come on. Don't be sore about it. And no, I dislike all of those things except the slender frame bit. I used to be crazy into that in my early 20s and the black rims thing is a maybe.
Lol not sore, just throwing out my best guess as to your type. I don't think it's inherently offensive to be into a guy who's like what I just described.
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12-05-2013 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by movieman2g
Re: wine - if you spend a few hours reading up on it you'll automatically know more than most people you'll date

I had to learn wine for a server job a while ago and a tip I picked up was to go and buy a 10 dollar bottle every week or so and drink it at home/with your friends. That way you'll learn that wine.

Being able to accurately predict a girls wine (or her drink in general) is a useful skill. Wine pairing too, comes as a nice ace up your sleeve
So I should look up what red wine pairs with peanut butter cookies? Haha. I'll actually take a read about wine before Friday
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12-05-2013 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by mashoo
So I should look up what red wine pairs with peanut butter cookies? Haha. I'll actually take a read about wine before Friday
Ha, I mean if you were really pairing you'd get a dessert wine. Just get something for 15 dollars and make sure it's not dry

If you start reading about tannins you've gone too far, that's for your second lesson
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12-05-2013 , 01:52 AM
3bet sure is bonafieding all up in this bitch
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12-05-2013 , 01:57 AM
Get a red wine that's not dry, gotcha.
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12-05-2013 , 02:48 AM
Just got back from coffee date.


Had coffee, walked around Bloomington on a beautiful 60 degree night. They have really nice Christmas lights strung up downtown this time of year. Kissed her sitting on the stoop of a random bookstore. I suggested going back to my place, she resisted, so we went and saw a movie in a theater: Frozen, the Disney movie. We made out basically the whole time. Afterwards, I again suggested we go back to my place, and she said yes.

At this point, my "Christian Roommate and Fatty Fat Girlfriend Cockblock Constantly" thread came into play. He was just sleeping on our couch there. I didn't feel that she would be receptive to sex just yet, so I decided to be the douche bag and turn on the tv. We watched South Park and I started making out with her again. Roommate woke up, called me a douche bag, went back to fatty mcgoo.

Eventually I started fingering her under her dress. She was very wet, but eventually told me to stop and we had a talk about what I wanted. I truthfully said I eventually wanted a relationship, to which she then said we should wait for sex. Oh well... We sat and cuddled and kissed for the rest of the time she was there. Then I drove her to her car and said goodbye.

Fairly successful, I'd say. I'll probably see her again
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12-05-2013 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by Jennitron
It's great first date banter for any alcohol really. It always earns a lot of points with me when a guy orders us a drink and tells me all about how it's made and what makes it special. Impossible not to swoon, and even more impossible not to notice the next guy that just orders any ol' thing and has nothing to say about it. Definitely leaves an impression.
goofyballer norcal brewery tour confirmed getting the panties wet
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12-05-2013 , 02:57 AM
On the tinder front, I've been matched with two cave trolls so far
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12-05-2013 , 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Honestly it depends on the girls you are targeting.

I pretty much only messaged top tier girls and due to the absolutely insane amount of msgs they receive, you have to either be ridiculously good looking or have good msg game to get their attention. If you're only going after 5-7s sure a boring msg can work with a good pic and profile.

Many of the girls revealed on our dates that I really stuck out because of my messages. Of course having a good profile and pictures helped, but the message was what set me apart and landed me the date. One girl had actually hidden her profile shortly after I started msg her because she saod she was getting way too many msgs and it was driving her nuts.

My current girl I've been seeing for the last couple months admited that she originally only signed up for the site to screw with guys and make fun of their horrible msgs for entertainment. I was one of the few she took seriously and again she said it was because my msg was different and interesting.

Anyway, all of the above is to just say you're downplaying the importance of the msg if you're going after top tier girls and aren't blessed with ridiculous looks.
I disagree, but its cool. Its not like I don't think there is validity in a more personalized message its just that the ROI is ridiculously low with that approach.

Another great benefit of a standard message is it prevents guys from writing terrible messages when they think they are being clever. Which based off reading females friends messages is usually the case.

Being really good looking is also, of course, entirely subjective. Looks don't matter nearly as much to women as they do to men anyway. Of course the super studs have a massive leg up but not many of them are online to begin with. A guy who is a 6+, in shape and has great photos/profile is going to clean up. Provided he messages enough women to find the ones that his type and trys to improve his relationships with women.

Anyway if what you're doing is working obv ignore what I say. You could be very witty and have it translate well via email. Very few men are going to be able to pull that off.

I have gotten comments on my messages from dates also. They are usually either:

"Was that a copy and paste"


"I loved how quickly you asked me out, most guys drag on forever"

When asked if its copy paste I just say yes and say yes my keyboard was on the fritz or something. They giggle and we move on. They don't care.

Last edited by sublime; 12-05-2013 at 03:05 AM.
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12-05-2013 , 03:10 AM
How common is it for attractive Online Datings Girls to give it up on the first Date? Are most of them looking for short-term flings or actual relationships?
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12-05-2013 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
I think, conceptually, we are onto something here with the recent statements regarding canned lines. Perhaps the best way to go about it isn't to have a single WMD line, but rather to have an arsenal of lines available to cover all the common situations that arise.

• For girls that have a high enemy percentage, the go-to can be something like WuTang's or Housenuts line.
• For a girl who randomly visited your profile but didn't say anything, I know you guys have a line for that that's been posted here before.
• For girls who say they want meaningful messages beyond just "hey" or "your sexy," send them something along the lines of my canned opener which states essentially that it looks like they deserve better than a dude sending canned lines and asking for nudies (+ your name and a question).
• Whenever a girl says she just transferred to or started going to X school, I say that I just visited my friend who also just transferred there and that we had fun doing this and that. then I ask how she likes it so far.

We see a profile, then we look at our tool bag (canned lines) and decide which one is the ace in the hole to get the job done and pull off looking like it's personalized. Girls say the same **** over and over so much on their profiles that this should be a feasible task

I agree with you, having like 3-4 messages on standby is the best. Also always on the lookout for a quick add on that doesn't require much work.

I would never folds 98s otb after limpers, but when it comes to the ladies I like the way your brain works.
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12-05-2013 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
I'm running into something odd where after some convo, I ask the girl if she wants to grab some coffee one of these days and they go "Sure " or whatever, but then when I ask for their number in the very next message and they don't reply. Wtf is up with that lol

Also, in general, the quick number close that is advocated ITT doesn't seem effective with the girls I talk to. Even the ones who message me. I feel like maybe for younger chicks you gotta get a bit of a convo/engagement going before going for the kill. Anybody else that talks to mostly 18-22 have any input regarding this?
whats with this coffee stuff, ask them to smoke a bowl with you if they under 21. chicks dig bad boys, eff coffee u hoemo.

also, while 18-22 yo's are super sexy i feel bad that you have to deal with them. just glued to the phone constantly.
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12-05-2013 , 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
How common is it for attractive Online Datings Girls to give it up on the first Date? Are most of them looking for short-term flings or actual relationships?
totally depends on the guy and where she is on her menstrual cycle. hard to see a boring nerd with a good job getting some on first date under any conditions when she can get a few more meals out of the deal. however if its the cocky jerk type and shes ovulating, dem panties be dropping.
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12-05-2013 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
totally depends on the guy and where she is on her menstrual cycle. hard to see a boring nerd with a good job getting some on first date under any conditions when she can get a few more meals out of the deal. however if its the cocky jerk type and shes ovulating, dem panties be dropping.
This is very, very much on point. Somebody has read up on their biology.

Do you really ask chicks that are under 21 if they wanna smoke a bowl?? No way that is more effective lol
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12-05-2013 , 03:34 AM
The Girls I like tend to frown upon smoking weed for some reason. They probably associate it with the stereotypical lazy pothead.
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12-05-2013 , 03:44 AM
Coffee is boring. Girls want to have fun.

I think you would do very well approaching sub 21 yo's from this sort of angle:

hey you seem cool but I gotta ask ahead of time, are you mjj friendly? I go out with girls all the time and when I mention weed they get all uptight, are you one of those types?

or something.

if you dont smoke then scrap this idea but i think it has huge potential for you.

leaving money on the table by not overlimping w 98s and by not using your image to the ladies as effectively as possible.
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12-05-2013 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by UnoTrap
The Girls I like tend to frown upon smoking weed for some reason. They probably associate it with the stereotypical lazy pothead.
whats their age? i wouldn't run this on girls over 22 say.

also we live in socal, weed is looked at differently than most parts of the us.
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12-05-2013 , 03:54 AM
18-21. I know there's plenty of Girls that would be up for smoking a bowl, but they're usually a certain type of Girl. I guess going for a coffee probably requires you to be a better conversationalist than if you were to get high instead, so most people probably come across boring on coffee dates if they're not prepared.
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12-05-2013 , 03:54 AM
Alright you ****ing silly geese. Behold the following:

Look at 98s. What is it's overall EV (based on 368k+ real money hands)? It is exactly 0.0000. "LOLZ 3Bet, we are on the buttonzzz" you say? Then behold the following:

Select total number of players to 9. Look for 98s on the button. What is it's EV? +0.04.

I previously did some calculations with my buddy, and 0.04 isn't even enough to offset the rake. In other words, with rake taken into account, +0.04 hole cards are overall -EV. In addition, here is my challenge to you jesters. Pull up your HEM or PT's, and look at your lifetime bb/100 with 98s specifically. Are any of you doing any sort of damage with it?

I've also been tracking some big winners at online poker and a lot of them play as tight as 13/11, which I can assure you does not include playing 98s in any position (well, it might include playing 98s if folded to on the button). I may be wrong in that I should play 98s on button after 4 limpers, but I think the debate is much closer than your ridicule would have one believe. If anything, I think I am much more likely to be wrong at that for live poker but not for online (which is where I was born & raised in pokerland). As evidenced from the above mentioned charts, this hand is far from a monster, even on the button, and despite what Brunson and Sklansky say about suited connectors. Even +0.04 EV after rake is nothing but crumbs. At $1/$2 that is ****ing 8 cents, though again, it's negative with rake. Throwing more of those borderline profit EV hands into my range probably just increases my variance since it's much closer to a coin-toss sort of expected profit.

Last edited by 3BetBluffing; 12-05-2013 at 04:02 AM.
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12-05-2013 , 04:02 AM
pretty sure those stats are from when LHE was popular so they are dirty. They also show the hands overall result from that position. There are guys (lots) calling a raise with 30 or so bets behind etc. You are overlimping in a MW pot with it, HUGE difference. Like astronomical difference.

I play 300-1000 in LA...folding 98s in this dynamic in that game is absurd. Lots of guys who have made lots of money playing this game are telling you something, I wouldnt ignore it.

anyway derail over.
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12-05-2013 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
pretty sure those stats are from when LHE was popular so they are dirty. They also show the hands overall result from that position. There are guys (lots) calling a raise with 30 or so bets behind etc. You are overlimping in a MW pot with it, HUGE difference.

I play 300-1000 in LA...folding 98s in this dynamic in that game is absurd.
Like I said, I leave plenty of room for me wrong, but my poker foundation is from online... specifically American-facing online in post-BF (Carbon/Merge is my foundation). People don't play anywhere near as atrociously as they do in LA casinos and the ONLY time you're going to get a lot of action from hitting a flush with 98s is when facing another flush.

But I do know there's plenty of people who will pay off a flush in live LA casinos with something as bad as middle pair or top pair... or a plethora of < flush hands. Guess I just need to make some adjustments to my live vs online play. I'm a live a nit? lol
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12-05-2013 , 04:23 AM
3 bet you are wrong, for both online/live and pre/post bf, folding 98s on the button to limps is atrocious.

Also just saw a post where you offered to coach(presumably for money ) a guy struggling at nl25, when you yourself just moved to nl50 for the first time. Don't do that.
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12-05-2013 , 04:33 AM

You can't just look at the vacuum EV of 98s and decide that positive means it's playable and negative means it's not playable. Adding or subtracting it to/from your range has an effect on the profitability of the rest of the hands in your range.
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