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12-03-2013 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
Am I misunderstanding peacocking? If half the men ages 15-30 wear what you do isn't that then the opposite of peacocking?
Yeah I'm not a great example myself. The only thing that could be viewed as "peacocky" about what I wear is the diamond stud earrings. The caps are def really mainstream but the ice not yet.

I'm more just putting out there some recent musings I have had regarding girl's "types" and appearance/style in general. I think the concept can also apply to a wide variety of diff concepts such as race, wherein for many minorities its obv a disadvantage with the female pop as a whole, but if you're good/decent looking then you should be able to wreak havoc with the women who have a particular thing for men of that race. This concept of lowered attractiveness to the gen pop as a whole in exchange for greatly heightened attractiveness with a particular niche of women. If the niche is big enough or you're in a big city like LA, the latter is enough to do major damage imo.

Obv very good looking guys need not worry about such dynamics, as they are found highly attractive by almost all women

Last edited by 3BetBluffing; 12-03-2013 at 04:50 AM.
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12-03-2013 , 04:45 AM
please find a picture of your style on someone else please. Need to see if my visualizations match up.
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12-03-2013 , 04:53 AM
I think I am visualizing the correct style but I could be off. Obviously 50% of men rocking caps is a big exaggeration but a couple LA guys said it's really common so it can't be that rare.

Must be a west coast thing. I mean I wasn't paying super close attention or anything so maybe I'm wrong but I was walking around in Gramercy and Chelsea yesterday during a busy time so I obviously saw thousands and thousands of people - I'd estimate less than 5 people were wearing fitted caps.
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12-03-2013 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Post examples? I think this is good advice but I often struggle at finding the right tone of humor and instead resort to a boring getting-to-know-you message.
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12-03-2013 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
please find a picture of your style on someone else please. Need to see if my visualizations match up.
This wiithout the chains and tats. And much much smaller earrings. That **** would have to be fake if I had earrings that big

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12-03-2013 , 04:58 AM
That's pretty generic
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12-03-2013 , 04:59 AM
thats what I figured.
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12-03-2013 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
That's pretty generic
Relatively so for LA and most big cities, but probably a big target sign for a lot of the Midwest and the entire, hmm let's call it "conservative," south
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12-03-2013 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
practice duder. youre not going to get earth shattering advice here, just message a lot of girls and get comfy with the whole process.

heres a simple one:

Hey xxxx,

You seem pretty cool so I figured I would send you a message saying hi. Did you do anything fun this past weekend?

Or "anything exciting planned for the weekend" if its weds or later.

Its simple and if they think youre their type they will respond. They will also give you something to work with when they respond.

"i did xxxxx"

generally they will ask the same question...answer something that makes you look good then say:

"hey lets grab a drink this xxxx or xxxx, just something quick and see if we hit it off or not"

these women meet some super desperate dudes who want to marry some girl they just met. so let her know ahead of time its gonna be relaxed.

if she says yes she either gives you her # or she doesnt. if she doesnt i just say cool, I will let you know the details, send me a text and give her yours.

Less = Better
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 05:38 AM
I meant specifically wrt witty comments about their pics or profile or whatever. I have plenty of practice messaging women and I think I'm decent at establishing things we have in common and relating to their interests, but I think 3b brings up a good point about setting yourself apart by being funny and making them laugh in an initial message. Personally, I think I struggle at doing that in a generic way b/c I don't usually start cracking jokes with people until I have a better idea of what their sense of humor is like. So, I'm curious what's worked for his friend.
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12-03-2013 , 05:39 AM
Feel like there is potential for some of the girls whose profiles were linked to to emerge in this thread...
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12-03-2013 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I meant specifically wrt witty comments about their pics or profile or whatever. I have plenty of practice messaging women and I think I'm decent at establishing things we have in common and relating to their interests, but I think 3b brings up a good point about setting yourself apart by being funny and making them laugh in an initial message. Personally, I think I struggle at doing that in a generic way b/c I don't usually start cracking jokes with people until I have a better idea of what their sense of humor is like. So, I'm curious what's worked for his friend.
A girl I messaged on okc had all face pics(you could tell she as skinny) and her last pic was her boy(skinny), she put a caption on body pic saying to show she is not like 300 pounds.

I made an offhand remark in my message how that picture is no proof. She could be impressively dense. She got a laugh out of it.

3 bet have you actually talked to any of those girls you posted(dont need specifics)? Or are you just posting links
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12-03-2013 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Feel like there is potential for some of the girls whose profiles were linked to to emerge in this thread...
i hope they do, some of them cute.
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12-03-2013 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
Feel like there is potential for some of the girls whose profiles were linked to to emerge in this thread...
Eh, no one made disparaging remarks. Nothing juicy here
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
A girl I messaged on okc had all face pics(you could tell she as skinny) and her last pic was her boy(skinny), she put a caption on body pic saying to show she is not like 300 pounds.

I made an offhand remark in my message how that picture is no proof. She could be impressively dense. She got a laugh out of it.
Ha, nice, I like that. Thanks.
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 07:23 AM

The style you describe is common in sf at what are referred to as "bridge and tunnel" bars/clubs, which are sorta like the second tier places in the city frequented by a lot of people coming to sf from other parts of the Bay Area.
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by 3BetBluffing
Yeah def on pof. Most of my dates off there are best described as two individuals with nothing in common, but who can tolerate each other, going through the perceived societal motions necessary in order to have have intercourse (second, third date? check it off the list, we're ready). Most of the time I let them drone on and pretend I'm interested. Some are really stupid. No, rather, I should say the vast majority are.

I'll never forget the girl from a couple weeks ago who insisted that she drive because my car didn't have tint. Then she got lost while I gave her directions because she still doesn't know her right from her left. She blamed it on being a girl. She's 21 and hot but ditsy and dumb as ****.

Originally Posted by amazinmets73
3bet, was kinda surprised at the women you're pursuing after your description of your style of dress. Impressive thar you have success with those girls while while wearing fitted caps and ice

Sounds like hot/trashy/dumb, its exactly what hes looking for with that style.

Originally Posted by mullen
Am I misunderstanding peacocking? If half the men ages 15-30 wear what you do isn't that then the opposite of peacocking?

I also very much dislike a big part of sublime his opening advice, it doesnt get more generic and boring than that.

That CCuster line up here is great btw.
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12-03-2013 , 07:45 AM

IMO sublime's approach is pretty solid if your goal is maximizing volume of mediocre chicks, but not very good if you are looking for top-tier girls.
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12-03-2013 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
practice duder. youre not going to get earth shattering advice here, just message a lot of girls and get comfy with the whole process.

heres a simple one:

Hey xxxx,

You seem pretty cool so I figured I would send you a message saying hi. Did you do anything fun this past weekend?

Or "anything exciting planned for the weekend" if its weds or later.

Its simple and if they think youre their type they will respond. They will also give you something to work with when they respond.

"i did xxxxx"

generally they will ask the same question...answer something that makes you look good then say:

"hey lets grab a drink this xxxx or xxxx, just something quick and see if we hit it off or not"

these women meet some super desperate dudes who want to marry some girl they just met. so let her know ahead of time its gonna be relaxed.

if she says yes she either gives you her # or she doesnt. if she doesnt i just say cool, I will let you know the details, send me a text and give her yours.

Less = Better
If you read back through the thread there are quite a few good openers that have been posted that would certainly hit the funny/unique mark you should be aiming for with openers.

What is posted above is rather boring and certainly won't bring a smile to a ladies face.

It isn't horrible, but only slightly better than "hey sexy" imo.
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 07:48 AM
Confirmed date with AhhhHomework. Of interest is the shift in her texts. Ahead of our first date it was stuff like "I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm cold, I'm blah" and "I'm going to die." Now she's sending more traditional stuff like "Tuesday works great. I'm looking forward to it." and "Sounds perfect!" In the case of the former, I was left with the impression that she might flake, which she confirmed that she considered however followed through because I'd been trying to meet her since April.

Sober spa date where we'll be hanging out around a bunch of naked Koreans is going to be ****ing bizarre. Whatever, rack up them experience points... and HJs!
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 07:49 AM
Yeah its one of those shotgun approach lines that half of these chicks have in the message me if with the advice that they are probably not replying to them (at least the profiles i read are often including that). Putting in effort takes like 10 seconds and half a braincell. Ill try the sublime line on the throwaway part of my dating pool to see how I do today.
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12-03-2013 , 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I was left with the impression that she might flake, which she confirmed that she considered however followed through because I'd been trying to meet her since April.
I could be way off, but after reading your TRs over the last few months I must say you really come off like a desperate predator in the fact that you never give up on a woman. Seems like every woman you've posted about has involved you repeatedly engaging with them when they don't appear too keen to meet you.

You do realize things are so much easier when the girl is actually excited to see you and talk to you? Seems to be a common theme that the women don't know how to shake you and just eventually break down and meet up, hence the lack of sex on your dates.
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12-03-2013 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
I could be way off, but after reading your TRs over the last few months I must say you really come off like a desperate predator in the fact that you never give up on a woman. Seems like every woman you've posted about has involved you repeatedly engaging with them when they don't appear too keen to meet you.

You do realize things are so much easier when the girl is actually excited to see you and talk to you? Seems to be a common theme that the women don't know how to shake you and just eventually break down and meet up, hence the lack of sex on your dates.
Totally the opposite. For the majority of my dates the woman opened with me.

As far as desperate predator, if I like a woman I will be persistent with them. The one's that know me realize that it's coming from a good place and not scary stalker like. Some people in life are worth putting in some extra effort or giving it a few more tries.
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12-03-2013 , 08:48 AM
But to your point, DDIP.

Dating, when I like a woman, gives me massive anxiety for some reason and I become obsessive-compulsive. Like I over think everything and can't get out of my head and experience the moment (unless I'm tipsy / drunk). Another poster here also expressed having dating related anxiety. I'm basically high stung and super anxious about nearly everything. For the first time in my life I've sought out proper treatment. Frankly it's amazing, I have no compulsion to self-medicate the anxiety with booze. Things are looking up.
Online dating thread Quote
12-03-2013 , 09:30 AM
Ok, so I have changed my zipcode to LA to 'check out them broads' there but I'm very disappointed. The girls arn't even close to what you just linked on POF 3B. Its way more mediocre like Im used to although the sheer size of the pool makes for quite a few hotties.
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