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11-16-2013 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by gorie
A guy being 5'11 isn't even short, have you tried being honest about it and see if it actually affects your life at all? Putting 6' isn't a huge deal but everything you said makes it seem even more silly that you feel the need to exaggerate, especially by 2 inches when girls already think you're tall at the height you actually are.
Some guys have body types that make them appear taller than they are. Virtually everyone who guesses my height pegs me at 6 or 6-1.
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11-16-2013 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Some guys have body types that make them appear taller than they are. Virtually everyone who guesses my height pegs me at 6 or 6-1.
Do you walk up to people at bars and say "hey, guess how tall I am?"
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11-16-2013 , 08:23 PM
No strangers have ever fooled me about their height, thanks to my handy-dandy contractor-grade tape measure.
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11-16-2013 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ice Cold Nuts
Do you walk up to people at bars and say "hey, guess how tall I am?"
Of course not. Doesn't mean people don't estimate my height
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11-16-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by gorie
A guy being 5'11 isn't even short, have you tried being honest about it and see if it actually affects your life at all? Putting 6' isn't a huge deal but everything you said makes it seem even more silly that you feel the need to exaggerate, especially by 2 inches when girls already think you're tall at the height you actually are.
When I created my profile, I did honestly list my height, because I had always been measured by doctors at 6-0 or 6-1 all my adult life. When I went back to the doctor a few months ago and got remeasured, it came to 5-11, likely due to back scoliosis.

But the larger point is that many girls say they want a guy at least 6 ft, but in reality they believe that every guy who is 5-11 or 5-10 actually is 6 ft, so in fact what they want is a guy who is at least 5-10. So in a sense you being more honest in spirit by exaggerating your height slightly, because you are presenting yourself more closely to what the girl will actually expect.
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11-16-2013 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
But the larger point is that many girls say they want a guy at least 6 ft, but in reality they believe that every guy who is 5-11 or 5-10 actually is 6 ft, so in fact what they want is a guy who is at least 5-10. So in a sense you being more honest in spirit by exaggerating your height slightly, because you are presenting yourself more closely to what the girl will actually expect.
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11-16-2013 , 09:38 PM
So we're still talking about height?
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11-16-2013 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
When I created my profile, I did honestly list my height, because I had always been measured by doctors at 6-0 or 6-1 all my adult life. When I went back to the doctor a few months ago and got remeasured, it came to 5-11, likely due to back scoliosis.

But the larger point is that many girls say they want a guy at least 6 ft, but in reality they believe that every guy who is 5-11 or 5-10 actually is 6 ft, so in fact what they want is a guy who is at least 5-10. So in a sense you being more honest in spirit by exaggerating your height slightly, because you are presenting yourself more closely to what the girl will actually expect.
See, **** like this is why I'd never online date, it seems to put a lot of emphasis on issues that would be minor irl, like the difference between 5ft11 and 6ft. What's the point of scraping the bottom of the honeypot when there's a beehive just round the corner where you can get your sting on.
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11-16-2013 , 09:56 PM
then why the **** are you so active in this thread
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11-16-2013 , 10:02 PM
I find the conversations interesting. Most of them don't seem to be about Online Dating at all, or at the very least the advice is applicable to irl.
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11-16-2013 , 10:17 PM
I'm 6'4 and make decent $, should I be saying that I'm 6'7 and make a lot of money?
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11-17-2013 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by KPowers
then why the **** are you so active in this thread
uno is AIDS in many threads
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11-17-2013 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by capone0
uno is AIDS in many threads
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11-17-2013 , 01:44 AM
This thread got so boring during the height debate. Who cares? You ever not bang a cute girl cause she was short?
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11-17-2013 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by ElSapo
This thread got so boring during the height debate. Who cares?
Thank you.
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11-17-2013 , 02:39 AM
lol that gif
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11-17-2013 , 04:35 AM
Random tinder question.. Has anyone ever had it where they recently just got a message from someone on the app, but on the other persons profile it says that they havent logged on in 10+ hours?

Does this happen bc of technical problems with the app or is it likely just a bot?
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11-17-2013 , 04:44 AM
where does tinder say last logon? Maybe iPhone only version?

In any case Tinder app is pretty dodgy, definitely worse than OKC/POF which aren't great themselves.
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11-17-2013 , 05:06 AM
Yeah referring the iphone version

Contacted a girl on there this afternoon, and got a semi-generic reply a cpl hrs later. On her profile it said she handnt logged on in 13 hrs. Couldnt tell if it was the bot or technical problems part of tinders range.
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11-17-2013 , 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by yowsa
Actually I don't care so much about height, but age & hair are a couple of my hot buttons. A few months back I met a guy who was wearing a baseball cap in all his pictures, he listed himself as having brown hair, and his age was something like 49. When he got there he looked at least 10 years older than his pics & I didn't even recognize him as the same guy. He showed up wearing a hat, so over drinks I finally said "so... let's see what's under the hat?" (half joking but I was super curious so I figured I'd go for it). He was almost completely bald with little grey tufts on both sides of his head.

If there are any older/balding guys here - when you start losing your hair, stop trying to hide it & just own it. If you're bald, just show off that dome because we're going to see it eventually. I don't care if a man doesn't have hair or is losing it, just be honest.

I'd say the same to you guys talking height but sadly I have friends who refuse to date someone below a certain height... so I guess if an inch or 2 gets you the date, it might be worth it to fudge on that.
At first when I made my profile I just put up my best pics, then realized that I had a hat on in all of the pics (I'm bald). I don't take very many pictures so it was hard finding a decent picture of me without a hat or helmet on. But I feel like I have to have at least one pic with the bald head showing so as not to surprise a girl on the first date.
I also have a beard in all of my pictures so I tend to make sure I have a beard on all of my first dates (honesty nit here).

Originally Posted by Ice Cold Nuts
NickMPK: I call bull****. Maybe if you're 19 you might not know your exact height, but virtually every person in North America knows their exact height by their mid-20s.

Also I can't see how telling an obvious lie is better than telling a subtle lie.
It's not better in an ethical/moral sense, but it is better in a "less likely to get called out on it sense." For example I can say that I don't smoke that often when I actually smoke a lot, and its hard to get called out on it without a defense by saying "what do you mean by a lot?" And with height, when is someone actually going to measure your height or see it being measured. Age is just such a ridiculous thing to lie about.

And I am actually not so sure of my exact height now (I say 5'8", and have never considered lying about it on my okcupid profile). I remember being measured regularly till I was 18 (At the doctor and we also had a wall at my house growing up where we measured heights for my sibilings and I) but don't go to the doctor very often anymore and can't remember the last time I was measured.
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11-17-2013 , 07:42 AM
That gut wrenching feeling when your see on facebook your ex is in a new relationship...

We were together for 4 years and split a few months ago...I thought I was over her wtf.

Doesn't help I had a bad date last night, felt bit burnt out from dating and didn't put much effort into the conversation. The date went on for 4 hours which is way too long for a first date, I need to work on excuses to bounce after 2 hours.
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11-17-2013 , 12:05 PM
rgr: I'm sorry, I'm sure that's rough. If you were together for 4 years, a few months might not be long enough to totally get over her. Could it be that you actually are over her, but just feel a little jealous because she found someone new & you haven't yet? Maybe it's not her, but a relationship you actually miss.

And 4 hrs is definitely too long for a first date if it's not going great! You should have a plan ahead of time so you can cut it off if you need to.
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11-17-2013 , 04:27 PM
Found a profile with no pics and absolutely nothing in it except 'Drugs: Never' and 'Speaks: English' Sent a flippant remark and got this response:

I see you are taking your chances on a mystery profile with 0% matches. Why not!

Is Wednesday good with you? I work in XX and live in XXX. So anywhere nearby would be good for me.

Here's my number 0********, or we can do the 'I'm going to wear yellow and stand outside x location at x time'.

Or be random and let's meet tonight! How does scrumpy cider and foos balls sound?

Then I got opened with this:

Hello. I'm really jaded by this whole experience and I'm sure we won't get on and it'll be really awkward, but on the other hand I like people who are good with words, and I'm from Manchester too (or are you from somewhere north of Manchester?). If you'd like to catch up sometime for an awkward drink (we can specify just one beforehand to curtail the pain), let me know.

Then I got a message from someone who stalked me on another site, has sent a message on this one and clearly hoped I wouldn't remember who she is.

LOL, can't one of these randos be semi-attractive ONE TIME! Like, just one random nice girl who decides to be proactive instead of just waiting for the messages to pile in.

BUT I have sorted out two dates with cute girls so it's not all bad!
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11-17-2013 , 04:48 PM
So I have a date set up. Not till December though
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11-17-2013 , 05:34 PM
Is she an elf?
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