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Online dating thread Online dating thread

07-10-2013 , 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by SandraXII
This made me lol for some reason. Can you elaborate?
Very first time I ever tried online dating I used POF. I met this woman (said 28 had to be 34) who wanted to get me to yahoo messenger very quickly so we could chat there. She had a really weird schedule, and would always like to chat during those specific times. I was getting over a very long previous relationship, and was cool just hanging out with a pretty girl to start. So we'd just...hang out! We go shop together, or take a walk. She was a cool chick, some sort of personal trainer or something so her body was quite muscular (although that athletic does nothing for me personally). One day for example we went to grab a drink on a patio, and then I helped her pick out eye glass frames. And that's when she explained to me that she lived with some dude, but wasn't "with" him. I'm talking to and dating like 3-4 others (it's POF in the summer, zomg), so frankly I'm just working on my game and I'm amused by the situation. She keeps insisting that it's not her boyfriend or husband or anything. During the times we hang out, she asks me weirdly about the other girls I'm with (since we both knew that we were going on other dates too). She wanted to know what the intimacy was like, etc... So we'd continue to just talk and hang out, almost like friends I suppose. The more she'd insist we were just friends, the more I started to get the feeling that it was like some kind of creepy slow play by her. At night on yahoo, every time like clockwork near the same time, she pops up. Eventually she starts talking pretty dirty on yahoo, and I ask her "you have a boyfriend don't you". And she sort of gets a bit defensive and dodges it a bunch. I think ultimately when I had met someone cool I removed her from yahoo etc... but by the end I was convinced she had to be married. It just felt so much like a married woman who couldn't fully get herself to cheat, but wanted to get out there and feel something again.
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07-10-2013 , 09:54 AM
ATF- Even in the new parts of the conversation you posted, you did absolutely nothing to really further the conversation. You could've typed an essay in the same vein as what you wrote and I still wouldn't blame her for not asking you anything or really engaging. You're asking a girl out that you've built no rapport with and haven't connected with at all. Not to say it couldn't or wouldn't work, but you didn't give her anything to really go all
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07-10-2013 , 09:58 AM
ATF you're trying too hard to be funny. Now it's entirely possible that you consider this to be your best attribute in dating, and it's very possible that it is. However you need to learn to balance that out a bit, instead of constantly going to the well.

I for one am very similar to you in this regard. At some point as I got older I learned that I needed to use my big guns when a big impression needed to be made, but that I also had to learn to be confident enough in the rest to be able to just talk and listen, without always being "on". That may be vague, I can elaborate more later.
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07-10-2013 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
You needed to quote like one more post by amazin. He plays poker and she's with the floor or something.

EDIT: Here it is:
Damn, I was so close

I have 0 idea how that dynamic of a work place works. Are players allowed to ask out the floor? Are they like waitresses where they're nice to everyone and maybe she's not actually flirty? Maybe the best approach is just being super direct and asking her out for a drink?
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07-10-2013 , 10:32 AM
I missed the latest ATF dialogue. Glad I looked back.

ATF- You've been told dozens of times and will never listen. The only line of yours in that whole exchange where you don't come off as a D-list comedy writer is "I'm ___. Are you ___?" [/QUOTE]

Is it so hard to just talk like you think a normal person would talk and not try to be the Robin Williams of online dating with every single ****ing sentence? Here are some examples of how normal people talk, in case you forgot:
Haha well it is My eyes are hazel.

Jul 9, 2013 – 2:14pm
I would consider it haha

Jul 9, 2013 – 2:30pm
Yes [name]

Jul 9, 2013 – 2:40pm
I'd rather get to know u a little better first I guess, and I have no idea how to word this without sounding snobbish bu I don't mean it the way it's about to sound. ..basically too many people message me for my number and if I gave my number to everyone that asked Id have lots of random strange men calling and texting.
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07-10-2013 , 10:42 AM
ATF, the "wow, a paragraph!" line comes off SUPER douchey since it seems like you've only built up that "she's not saying much" as a jokey routine in your mind and not in reality. In reality you've sent a few generic lines which she responded to, but then you didnt get any deeper. That's why her line about "if I gave my number to everyone who sent me 2 generic messages and then asked for my number" makes a lot of sense.
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07-10-2013 , 10:43 AM
ATF, best advice is to write a bit more like you'd speak. You'd never speak to someone like that (at least I don't think you would).
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07-10-2013 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
You'd never speak to someone like that (at least I don't think you would).
You must be new here.
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07-10-2013 , 11:28 AM
Lol, yeah. That's pretty much exactly how he'd speak to them
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07-10-2013 , 11:39 AM
ATF is pre-selecting for co-dependent women. So for his purposes, his texts are perfect
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07-10-2013 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
You must be new here.
this made me legit lol
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07-10-2013 , 12:18 PM
My ex girlfriend tried to troll me on pof. She put pics of a hot girlfriend of hers then sent me a message. Before I had time to respond she got caught when some guy messaged her asking if he knew her from a popular bar she cocktailed at, so she immediately took the profile down. Gabby 1, Ex 0.
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07-10-2013 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
My ex girlfriend tried to troll me on pof. She put pics of a hot girlfriend of hers then sent me a message. Before I had time to respond she got caught when some guy messaged her asking if he knew her from a popular bar she cocktailed at, so she immediately took the profile down. Gabby 1, Ex 0.
Ya that story is evidence that there are way more nutty ones than sane ones, imho. You get a sane one, you hold on to that ****.
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07-10-2013 , 01:12 PM
That's a pretty good troll. Like any guy would say no to the hot friend of an ex.
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07-10-2013 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Do you guys ever have girls disappear once you ask them out? It has happened twice to me now and I'm just wondering how common it is... Usually we exchanged 3-4 messages of a few paragraphs and I end my last message asking them for a drink and to send me their # so we can sort out the details.

My initial assumption is they just decided to pursue someone else.
Heard back from one of the girls. She said her sister was in town visiting all weekend.

Should be a good rest of the week, had 1 date last night that went well and now have 2 more coming up and a 2nd date to arrange with the girl from last night.

Hopefully I'll have an interesting TR to post soon.
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07-10-2013 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Gabby Hayes
My ex girlfriend tried to troll me on pof. She put pics of a hot girlfriend of hers then sent me a message. Before I had time to respond she got caught when some guy messaged her asking if he knew her from a popular bar she cocktailed at, so she immediately took the profile down. Gabby 1, Ex 0.
Ex gf unfortunately trolls me all over 2p2 and also for the short time I was on OKC

I used to care...but then I stopped.

Last edited by derada4; 07-10-2013 at 03:24 PM.
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07-10-2013 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Heard back from one of the girls. She said her sister was in town visiting all weekend.

Should be a good rest of the week, had 1 date last night that went well and now have 2 more coming up and a 2nd date to arrange with the girl from last night.

Hopefully I'll have an interesting TR to post soon.
Yeah I mean in actuality she probably just had another guy who she was temporarily more interested in/focused on, which has now fizzled out. But nonetheless if you're into her it's no reason to not set up a 2nd date.

I know from my experience, I went on a date Friday, was into the girl, went on a date Saturday, was sort of into the girl. Schedule date #2 with Friday night girl for Tuesday, and the plan was if that went well don't bother contacting Saturday night girl again. If 2nd date didn't go well, contact Saturday night girl.
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07-10-2013 , 04:53 PM
Girls are crazy. Went out with a girl 2 weeks ago, had plans last week she cancelled, then today had plans she cancelled again and then said out schedules are too busy, damn crazy bitches, she cancelled twice, thank god I never have to see her again
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07-10-2013 , 05:49 PM
I've got a second date Friday with the girl from Monday....sushi and then comedy club. Not getting my hopes up (too much) but I've got high hopes for her. I think I was her first (or one of her very first) online dates...even though we'd done a fair amount of texting before the first date, she was nervous right at the beginning and introduced herself as she gave me a hug, lol. As I said in the TR, everything was super smooth from there- it was pouring rain and I told her to bring an umbrella, I held it and she held my arm underneath from the start.
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07-10-2013 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
she was nervous right at the beginning and introduced herself as she gave me a hug, lol.
i actually think thats really cute, but that might just be me
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07-10-2013 , 06:11 PM
Ya I liked it, made fun of her about it a bit. She also came down wearing a nice top/skirt with big rubber rain boots, with shoes in her bag. I made her keep the boots on for the date, it was entertaining.
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07-10-2013 , 06:32 PM
Pro move

Maybe on a later date you could've offered to wear her rain boots when she switched shoes
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07-10-2013 , 09:27 PM
Sent a hail mary text to my first OKC date this afternoon. We went out about 2 months ago but she stopped texting me a couple days later and we never got a second date. I figured it couldn't hurt to fire off a last chance text because if it fails I'll never see her again anyway and it's not like I'm going to get my hopes up waiting for a response.

She texted back apologizing for going dark and asking where/when to meet up. So now my hopes are up a little. I reply with a reference to our previous date and she's like "Wait, who is this? I thought you were [some girl's name]. I don't have this number saved in my phone." Told her who I was and it looks like she's gone dark again.
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07-10-2013 , 09:29 PM
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07-10-2013 , 09:49 PM
bahahahaha you shoulda just played along man. Would've been hilarious when you met up.
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