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Online dating thread Online dating thread

07-09-2013 , 03:44 AM
Why are you guys so anxious about banging chicks early on if you're looking to find a long-term girlfriend? Have some faith in your ability to keep her interested, and stop trying to sleep with her to get her to bond with you. She will come around when she's ready. All you're doing is sabotaging a fledgling relationship by being overaggressive.

And if you're worried about being trapped in a relationship before finding out whether you're sexually compatible, the solution isn't to bang earlier, it's to learn how to communicate your needs and break off a relationship when it's clear that you're not sexually compatible.
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07-09-2013 , 09:13 AM
Do you guys ever have girls disappear once you ask them out? It has happened twice to me now and I'm just wondering how common it is... Usually we exchanged 3-4 messages of a few paragraphs and I end my last message asking them for a drink and to send me their # so we can sort out the details.

My initial assumption is they just decided to pursue someone else.
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07-09-2013 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by omgtwoplustwo
That is exactly what this thread is for.
Originally Posted by movieman2g
Ok in which case I have time to type one. On my 2nd go around on Eharmony, got matched up with what seemed like a pretty intelligent hottie (face was a 9). 31ish, new to the city. We didn't talk as much online as I was typically used to, and quickly decided to meet. She was a TEACHER, which makes this whole story a bit funnier in retrospect.

We go for a glass of wine, and she shows up WAY heavier than her pics. Gorgeous face despite being fat, but may have put on 20 lbs from her fairly recent pics. The very second she walks into the place I'm 100% sure she isn't getting date #2. I know a lot of guys capable of ending the date there, but I figured I could stomach the 45 mins and $20 so whatever, I'll stick around. About 20 mins into the date, in front of about 50-60 people, she goes insane on me. I'm not exactly sure why to this day, she mentioned something about cutting her off, but really that never happened. She had to have been medicated or something along those lines (maybe the wine and her pills did something). A few mins into her tantrum I told her I'd just grab the bill and we could leave. I'm smiling at this point because I'm thinking about how much I'm going to enjoy telling the story to my friends. She gets madder because I'm laughing to myself at how ridiculous this all is. We finally manage to part ways at the entrance, and she musters some sort of weird half apology for the tantrum, she looks like she might be crying a little. I head to my car which is parked underground, and just before I leave I notice I'd left my phone on the table inside the resto. A hostess helps me look for said phone when I run back up, but no luck. I buy a new phone the next day, life goes on.

Two weeks later I get an email from that same girl (we had gotten as far as swapping emails before meeting), she tells me she dropped my phone off at the resto we had met at. I happen to be down there 2 days later and grab it. She had:

1) Cracked the screen, but you could still see pictures fairly decently
2) Deleted about 2/3's of my contacts (no idea why)
3) filmed a 12 second video of what I presume is her rubbing her pretty fat pussy. No face so can't be sure, but seems like it would have to be.

About 2 months later she actually asked me out again via email. Never replied. And that actually began a crazy bad streak of girls showing up way fatter than their pics. That was the worst stretch for online dating for me.

Coles notes:

-girl shows up really fat
-has massive temper tantrum in public, I pay the bill and leave
-she steals my phone, possible video of her pussy ends up on the phone I eventually recover
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07-09-2013 , 09:32 AM
^ I don't even know how to react to that story, lol
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07-09-2013 , 09:39 AM
Originally Posted by lazer
....met her at her building and it was a torrential downpour (Toronto, for anyone following the news).
You went out in that? That's very impressive.

I walked 5 minutes from the PATH to my place and my phone stopped working because it got too wet inside my pant pocket.
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07-09-2013 , 09:39 AM

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07-09-2013 , 09:49 AM
My best one is probably 2 pages to type up, took place over about 4 dates. The biggest nut I've ever been involved with, and at the same time a pretty sweet girl. I don't have the stamina to type it now, but it's overall better than the first story. I'll find a quiet time and type it then.

Wouldn't mind hearing some from others.
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07-09-2013 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
Do you guys ever have girls disappear once you ask them out? It has happened twice to me now and I'm just wondering how common it is... Usually we exchanged 3-4 messages of a few paragraphs and I end my last message asking them for a drink and to send me their # so we can sort out the details.

My initial assumption is they just decided to pursue someone else.
A certain number of women don't actually want to meet (often because they're not who their profile presents, married, fat, etc.) and will vanish as soon as you move toward meeting. It's just a thing that happens.
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07-09-2013 , 11:15 AM
I was once on a second date where we ran into her boyfriend. Yep- I was the guy she was cheating 'with'. He flipped out and caused a huge scene....I told him I had no clue she was with someone, apologized, paid my bill and left. As I was leaving I could see the bartenders calling bouncers over to restrain him
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07-09-2013 , 11:22 AM
My friend went out with a girl from OKC once, took her back to his place, banged, and woke up in a bed soaked in pee. She wet herself, and didn't say anything about it the next morning, didn't offer to clean anything, just went about her way as if everything was normal. Needless to say he went out with her a few more times after that.
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07-09-2013 , 12:06 PM
Full TR from last night:

I guess it was a success but it was so frustrating at points I barely even want to see her again. This is the same girl I went out with on 6/18 and posted this about:

Originally Posted by d10
She ended up texting me last Tuesday like I thought she would but I didn't push hard to see her. She made up some excuse that I'm pretty sure was bs so I was just like "Whatever, have fun, we'll do something next week." Made plans on Sunday to see her tonight.

She's hard to get a read on, seemed pretty aloof but it might just be her personality. Had some drinks at a bar and ordered some food cause the bar we were at was known for their good bar food. About 3 hours of good conversation. We have a lot of stuff in common. Different llife situations though. I've got a pretty good career going and she's had a history of teaching English overseas and waitressing. IDGAF but she might.

Put my arm around her at some point and she seemed ok with me resting my hand on her lower back. Felt pretty natural which is a good improvement for me cause I suck at that physical escalation stuff. Offered her a ride home cause she lived like half a mile away and she walked, plus I had my sweet ass ride parked literally right in front of the place. Did some light kissing before she got out. Still seemed pretty aloof about it though. She could be anywhere on the range of dating hundreds of dudes just for free dinners to totally into me, no idea.
Those who were laying odds on whether I would see her again, the winner was "yes." Also the same girl who texted before the date saying she wanted to see a movie.

So I arrange to pick her up, we go out to dinner at a place neither of us had been before but I think it was a success. Make our way over to a 10pm showing of This is the End. It's a nice theater with big recliner love seats + beer so I think it was a good spot for getting close. She's not really getting into it but not pushing away either. The theater is practically empty so I start trying some different things trying to get a response. She's still letting me do basically anything I want but not responding at all so it started feeling a bit creepy and I pulled back. I was a bit frustrated when we left the movie theater.

We walk past a bar on the way back to the car and she suggests getting another drink. Hoping for a chance to salvage the date I agree. By the time we're done with the first one I'm getting a much better feel that she wants to keep the night going so I suggest going back to my place for more drinks + TV. She agrees quickly so I thought for sure I was in at this point. She knows I live 30 minutes away so it was implied she'd be spending the night.

We get back to my place, grab some beers and start watching TV. I give it about 5 mins and start making some moves on her but she's still not reacting well to it. She was clearly more focused on the show. So we sit through the entire first episode and then she's like "I'm tired, let's go to bed." I really got the impression she was just going to fall asleep on me and if I wasn't so tired myself I would have driven her home at that point. But after we get to bed she finally lets me get her clothes off. A bit of foreplay, I throw a condom on, and she gets out of bed and stands there. I'm thinking "OK I guess she wants me to bend her over the bed or sth" so I get up with her and she starts pushing me away. I ask her "WTF are you doing?" and she says she wants to be wrestled down. That's cool with me but obv not something I can just do on a second date before she makes it explicitly clear that's what she wants, cause I feel like 9 times out of 10 you'd just be raping a girl in that spot. So I dunno if that's what she was expecting all along but wtf that was frustrating.

So I pin her down after a bit of a fight and the sex is amazing. She's totally getting into it which was a nice surprise. We end up going twice and I go to sleep thinking about how great the morning sex is going to be. Morning rolls around, she jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom before I can make a move on her, and comes out fully clothed asking me to take her home.


Is this at all standard? I really don't know.
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07-09-2013 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Full TR from last night:

I guess it was a success but it was so frustrating at points I barely even want to see her again. This is the same girl I went out with on 6/18 and posted this about:

Those who were laying odds on whether I would see her again, the winner was "yes." Also the same girl who texted before the date saying she wanted to see a movie.

So I arrange to pick her up, we go out to dinner at a place neither of us had been before but I think it was a success. Make our way over to a 10pm showing of This is the End. It's a nice theater with big recliner love seats + beer so I think it was a good spot for getting close. She's not really getting into it but not pushing away either. The theater is practically empty so I start trying some different things trying to get a response. She's still letting me do basically anything I want but not responding at all so it started feeling a bit creepy and I pulled back. I was a bit frustrated when we left the movie theater.

We walk past a bar on the way back to the car and she suggests getting another drink. Hoping for a chance to salvage the date I agree. By the time we're done with the first one I'm getting a much better feel that she wants to keep the night going so I suggest going back to my place for more drinks + TV. She agrees quickly so I thought for sure I was in at this point. She knows I live 30 minutes away so it was implied she'd be spending the night.

We get back to my place, grab some beers and start watching TV. I give it about 5 mins and start making some moves on her but she's still not reacting well to it. She was clearly more focused on the show. So we sit through the entire first episode and then she's like "I'm tired, let's go to bed." I really got the impression she was just going to fall asleep on me and if I wasn't so tired myself I would have driven her home at that point. But after we get to bed she finally lets me get her clothes off. A bit of foreplay, I throw a condom on, and she gets out of bed and stands there. I'm thinking "OK I guess she wants me to bend her over the bed or sth" so I get up with her and she starts pushing me away. I ask her "WTF are you doing?" and she says she wants to be wrestled down. That's cool with me but obv not something I can just do on a second date before she makes it explicitly clear that's what she wants, cause I feel like 9 times out of 10 you'd just be raping a girl in that spot. So I dunno if that's what she was expecting all along but wtf that was frustrating.

So I pin her down after a bit of a fight and the sex is amazing. She's totally getting into it which was a nice surprise. We end up going twice and I go to sleep thinking about how great the morning sex is going to be. Morning rolls around, she jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom before I can make a move on her, and comes out fully clothed asking me to take her home.


Is this at all standard? I really don't know.
Only made it to the first paragraph, and I have a question I need answered before I keep moving on. Your age bracket:


Because I can't even conceive going on a second date to see This Is The End and hoping to make out in the theatre. I'm in my mid 30's so I'm "old" for sure. So knowing how old you are is going to help me sort this out. I find taking a girl to a movie to make out is fairly low EV for an adult. I'd rather take one extra date of talking to her, and then just shipping it in the bedroom frankly.

Btw if a girl talks to you for 3 hours on the first date, she's into you. You'd have been cut off at 90 mins or less if she wasn't sure she'd eventually sleep with you.
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07-09-2013 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by skunkworks
Why are you guys so anxious about banging chicks early on if you're looking to find a long-term girlfriend? Have some faith in your ability to keep her interested, and stop trying to sleep with her to get her to bond with you. She will come around when she's ready. All you're doing is sabotaging a fledgling relationship by being overaggressive.

And if you're worried about being trapped in a relationship before finding out whether you're sexually compatible, the solution isn't to bang earlier, it's to learn how to communicate your needs and break off a relationship when it's clear that you're not sexually compatible.
If this is referring to me, I'm not anxious about banging her at all- my 'best' relationship ever she made me wait for the sex and it was worth it in every way. I was just looking for thoughts on the message today vs tomorrow camp from my TR
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07-09-2013 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Only made it to the first paragraph, and I have a question I need answered before I keep moving on. Your age bracket:
31, she's 28, and you're probably right, but she wanted to see the movie and I was trying to make the most of it. I didn't try for much making out, mostly just feeling her up.
Online dating thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 12:26 PM
Check out this profile description on POF:

I'm a friendly, charismatic girl with many interests and hobbies including volleyball, hangin with friends, going out and music

I'm looking for a guy who likes to do things and live life. Preferably European, I don't mean to sound racist (I'm really not), it's just what I'm physically attracted to!

Messages from guys with no shirts, mirror shots don't get responded to, same with messages that only say "hi" or make any kind of inappropriate comment. I'm looking for a sweet experienced guy who is not afraid to satisfy me I enjoy creampies and anal.
Online dating thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by d10
31, she's 28, and you're probably right, but she wanted to see the movie and I was trying to make the most of it. I didn't try for much making out, mostly just feeling her up.
Ya don't do that. Seriously. It's creepy, and a lot of the time they'll find it creepy. There's a reason why teenagers do it, it's because they've basically got nowhere else to do it.

Imho after a funny movie once her endorphines are in happy mode and it's the right time based on instinct, just invite her over to your place. I'm fairly conservative on this side of dating, but I'm of the opinion that when a girl is really comfortable with you physically, you're going to be that much more likely to SIIHP. Feeling someone up in a movie theatre is pretty teenie-bop
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07-09-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
Check out this profile description on POF:

I'm a friendly, charismatic girl with many interests and hobbies including volleyball, hangin with friends, going out and music

I'm looking for a guy who likes to do things and live life. Preferably European, I don't mean to sound racist (I'm really not), it's just what I'm physically attracted to!

Messages from guys with no shirts, mirror shots don't get responded to, same with messages that only say "hi" or make any kind of inappropriate comment. I'm looking for a sweet experienced guy who is not afraid to satisfy me I enjoy creampies and anal.

Btw you can't post this without pics on 2p2. I mean this demands that you post one, even black out the eyes or whatever.
Online dating thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki

Btw you can't post this without pics on 2p2. I mean this demands that you post one, even black out the eyes or whatever.

has to be fake, right?
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07-09-2013 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
have literally sent this to a dozen friends. Incredible. Chick is cute to.

Odds that's a real profile?
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07-09-2013 , 12:40 PM
no clue....even if is real, the chances I want to date (or have sex with) a girl who is comfortable writing that online are close to 0
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07-09-2013 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
no clue....even if is real, the chances I want to date (or have sex with) a girl who is comfortable writing that online are close to 0
I said that about a lot of stuff I eventually did with 5-6 drinks in me. But I agree, sober me wouldn't do it.
Online dating thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Ya don't do that. Seriously. It's creepy, and a lot of the time they'll find it creepy. There's a reason why teenagers do it, it's because they've basically got nowhere else to do it.

Imho after a funny movie once her endorphines are in happy mode and it's the right time based on instinct, just invite her over to your place. I'm fairly conservative on this side of dating, but I'm of the opinion that when a girl is really comfortable with you physically, you're going to be that much more likely to SIIHP. Feeling someone up in a movie theatre is pretty teenie-bop
Good to know. I rarely go to movies, much less for a date.
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07-09-2013 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by lazer
Fake. I recognize the pics and have seen that exact profile set up in my city (Calgary). Troll must have lots of time on his hands lol
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07-09-2013 , 01:59 PM
d10: I would bet pretty heavily that she is either cheating on someone or has religious inhibitions and wanted sex with plausible deniability ("we'd been drinking and he was really aggressive and it just happened, I didn't mean it to!")
Online dating thread Quote
07-09-2013 , 02:09 PM
I doubt it. She's definitely not religious, and she's unashamed of living a pretty wild single life.
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