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Online dating thread Online dating thread

06-20-2013 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
I have my second date - first date according to her, our first was a "meeting" - with the 43 yo cheerleader tomorrow and she's already asked if she should plan to stay at my place. Point, El D.
Why do you keep referring to a 43-yo as a cheerleader?
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 12:39 AM
I'm a real female looking for a Real Male to get to know (Friends First ) Please Know Broke low Life Ment I like Tall Men But can adjuat if your real I have my own everything so dont message me if you dont have your sh*t together!!!!!! Must HAVE A CAR, JOB, HOUSE APT ETC NO BM DRAMA

POF profile that make me chuckle.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Why do you keep referring to a 43-yo as a cheerleader?
Clearly trying to make up for the fact that when he was in HS he couldn't get cheerleaders. He now feels as if it is an accomplishment, so it boosts his ego to say it over and over. Probably seeking validation as well.

I watched an episode of American Dad the other night with the same situation. Stan had a HS reunion and wanted to dance w/ the prom queen, whom now was a fat alcoholic. He did so at the expense of his beautiful wife all so he could feel validation from his peers from HS.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by garcia1001
KPowers can we have the first few messages after that opener it seems awesome
Used it twice so far with good success. You definitely need a girl who has a good, clear picture of her non-brown eyes, so it's not THAT good imo.

If that is your real eye color I will eat this entire keyboard and put a video of it on YouTube.

I do not wear any kind of contact lol so that is my real eye color

Send me the link to that video when you post it

****, really? What do I get if I actually eat this entire keyboard? And this thing is HUGE, it has a screen and everything. It's actually called a laptop lol

Lol yeah :P real eye color in every picture. Well you can't eat it now haha then we won't get to talk

Hahaha ok, you got me. My eyes are not THAT bright, but they are green and they are big lol don't eat it!!! Sent from the OkCupid app
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Jun 19, 2013 – 6:54pm
Haha, thank GOD. I'm big on keeping promises, that would have hurt really bad. Twice. Okay now that I've insulted you and grossed you out, I will say you are very pretty. Sent from the OkCupid app

Jun 19, 2013 – 6:55pm
You also made me laugh so it's all good . And thank you very much

me:So are they contacts? I used to wear electric blue ones that's how I could tell. I stopped cuz everyone said they preferred the brown, weird. Sent from the OkCupid app

Jun 19, 2013 – 6:57pm
No, it's just a filter on my phone. Sent from the OkCupid app
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Jun 19, 2013 – 6:58pm
me:Lol! You're catfish Sent from the OkCupid app

Jun 19, 2013 – 7:02pm
Baahahah I am so catfish lol Sent from the OkCupid app
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Jun 19, 2013 – 7:04pm
me:Well, I'm all about a good first date story, and it sounds like ours would be great. Want to grab lunch and tell me some more secrets?
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 01:29 AM

Your msging game has gotten pretty good imo.
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06-20-2013 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Your msging game has gotten pretty good imo.
I agree as well.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 02:30 AM

Wowow, that is pretty pro messaging skills you have, very nice! Thanks.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 03:09 AM
gonna play it cool and not even respond, thanks guys
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 06:58 AM
Eharmony continues to be the nuts. I searched for the criticism in this thread and it seems to be mainly that the girls aren't attractive, which has been the opposite of my experience. I'm trying international dating so I have a different pool of women, but the process is something that people in this thread would love. A few highlights:

You can't browse through profiles, so nobody could ever find you. Nobody could ever link someone to your profile, for instance.

If a girl messages you that you don't like, you click "block" and you disappear from their matches. No girls following up asking why you don't reply. They can't even see you anymore. If a girl sees your profile and isn't interested you see that she's blocked you and you know to move on. (You can see her thumbnail greyed out but then it goes away when you click on it.)

The communication is just clicking buttons. The first several steps are sending them multiple choice questions and "makes or breaks" which you can send the same ones to every girl. So you don't have to even think about what to write until you know they are interested in you. It's such a waste of time to send out 50 messages tailored to girls' profiles when you know most of them won't reply. EH gets rid of that.

The third round is asking open-ended (not multiple choice) questions and you can send the same ones to everyone, or customize them. I just sent a girl from Houston this: "You're from Texas. Do you play that game Texas hold them or something? Would you ever date one of those poker players?"

The matches I've received are off the charts in terms of looks. About a third of them are out of my league and quite often reply. And you get new matches every day. Again, I'm getting matches from all over the world, but the dogs are few and far between and then you just instantly hide them and move on.

If you don't want to do the questions, then you can skip to emailing. But the questions are such a layup that I don't do that.

Anyone ever done international online dating? Seems like if you're interested in traveling it's a great way to do it.

Also, the girls are serious about it. When I start messaging a girl, the messages get longer and longer. You don't get the one line answers ever.
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06-20-2013 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Why do you keep referring to a 43-yo as a cheerleader?
It's just a title I've been using from the very beginning. I could just as easily refer to her as the Woman Likely Using Me For Sex / Validating Herself By Sleeping With A Younger Man

Originally Posted by RollingUP
Clearly trying to make up for the fact that when he was in HS he couldn't get cheerleaders. He now feels as if it is an accomplishment, so it boosts his ego to say it over and over. Probably seeking validation as well.

I watched an episode of American Dad the other night with the same situation. Stan had a HS reunion and wanted to dance w/ the prom queen, whom now was a fat alcoholic. He did so at the expense of his beautiful wife all so he could feel validation from his peers from HS.
You do realize that this probably says more about you than it does me, right?
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 12:20 PM
Girl coming round for dinner for date 4 and is a guaranteed embedding. I like her but:

Question: Anyone become a bit put off by a girl being slightly too into you? I just have this 'So many girls out there online, can't stop ever' mentality where I'm convinced I can find someone better. The truth is though that this one I get along with incredibly well and our personalities gel superbly. She is cute and has a nice body, and we will inevitably be getting together, but there's just *something* that makes me want to not stop online dating (obv, I liked her more when she wasn't texting, such is the nature of the beast). Maybe I'm hooked on the process. I do enjoy it for sure, I almost feel like I want to do it indefinitely, regardless of what happens.

Last edited by SandraXII; 06-20-2013 at 12:25 PM.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 12:55 PM
I think that's pretty's the excitement of the unknown. Keep seeing her and keep in mind that she probably has similar thoughts sometimes. Do you want to lose a good thing because something else could be better? I think that would be silly at this point.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 01:17 PM
Ugh, I have that same problem with a girl. Just texted her to cancel tonight simply because I'm not feeling it and semi-regretted it as soon as I hit send. Then I check this thread and see this. Someone tell me I did the right thing.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 01:26 PM
i think if youre looking for validation on "i couldve boned this girl but decided not to" your best bet is probably not an internet forum on dating.

that being said, do what you gotta do bro
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Ugh, I have that same problem with a girl. Just texted her to cancel tonight simply because I'm not feeling it and semi-regretted it as soon as I hit send. Then I check this thread and see this. Someone tell me I did the right thing.
I think it depends on what your goal is with online dating. If you're looking for something serious then there is a reason you're probably not feeling it.

My goal is a serious relationship and although I'm only 6 dates deep with this one girl I find myself excited to see her everytime we have something planned.

I known if I wasn't too pumped about seeing her this early on then I'd probably focus my efforts on another chick.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Ugh, I have that same problem with a girl. Just texted her to cancel tonight simply because I'm not feeling it and semi-regretted it as soon as I hit send. Then I check this thread and see this. Someone tell me I did the right thing.
If there is enough doubt in your feeling that you hit send then that's too much.You def did the right thing.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 03:36 PM

Rollingup is a scammer, I don't how we let him into the hallowed halls of online dating thread but he snuck through. I'm on extra watch for more potential scammers.

Sly Caveat,

One of my biggest problems with the other websites is the inability to block girls from messaging me.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 04:37 PM
details yo
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Ugh, I have that same problem with a girl. Just texted her to cancel tonight simply because I'm not feeling it and semi-regretted it as soon as I hit send. Then I check this thread and see this. Someone tell me I did the right thing.
Only you can know for sure bro. It's interesting though, I'd like to think I'm capable of decent advice in the thread but as soon as it becomes your own scenario you can have second thoughts on the simplest things.

I envisage a situation where I could be dating this girl indefinitely and not having 'the conversation', seeing other girls but possibly becoming increasingly more guilty as the long-term girl gets more and more serious and wants to get official.

I'm going to use some poker terminology here (sorry) but it really does apply. the variance in online dating is just massive. The sample size of girls needed to ascertain your true attractiveness winrate (god it gets worse) really is representative of how diverse in looks, personality, psycho tendencies, etc, girls really can be, as well as how my own attractiveness can vary based on a myriad of factors. I would probably need to date a hundred girls before I had a true impression of the 'level' I am at (and I'm starting to hate the grading structure as it can be so unreliable).
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by KPowers
details yo
Originally Posted by RollingUP


Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Censored
Posts: 221 << banned scammer


Just click on someone that's in the tournament and you can watch there table.

I play MTTs and personally don't like using a HUD for them unless I'm playing a ton of tables. It's all a preference though. Some people swear by them, some rather play without them.

...his final post ^^

multi-banned troller, spammer, scammer
TheCorkyJR among others

Last edited by Rainbow Warrior; Today at 12:58 PM.

rolling one up was dealing scams.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 08:21 PM
I had a back and forth going with a very hot girl on OKC. We sent 4 messages each, all pretty lengthy and detailed. In my second last message I said I'd tell her a story over drinks at the Jays game..the last two messages were:

I'd love to go to the Jays, I haven't been yet this year! And yes I would love to hear about your Larry David moments. i probably have a couple of them myself. I have some relatives here all weekend but maybe we can work it out early next week?

Sounds great. My number is (xxx) xxx xxxx...text me and we'll figure it out.

Normally in these situations the girl insta-texts her number but I haven't heard from her. I'm not really concerned but my question what point would you follow up if she doesn't text?
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 08:29 PM
When are you guys going to learn that the man asks for the number he doesn't offer it?
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 08:31 PM
I've never had a single issue doing this. In fact, I do it in person too- if I meet a girl randomly on the street, often I'll give her my card and tell her to get in touch. Not to say you're wrong but I've had a lot of success this way. I guess I'll have to change it up
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 08:39 PM
I'm thinkin about about getting a paysite when I'm looking for a relationship. My POF reply to conversion rate is still at infinite.I'm not putting my full effort forth yet because of my actuarial exam monday, and some of it is run bad from girls being different places for the summer, but it's still frustrating to get a few chats,but no one ever wants to meet. OKC is like a dead zone in my area, the few decent looking ones don't seem to want me.
Online dating thread Quote
06-20-2013 , 08:40 PM
The guy takes the lead. The guy asks for the girl's number.
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