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05-15-2013 , 06:32 PM
Based on the way she worded it I have to agree with ATF here but wtf do I know.
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05-15-2013 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
I have a date set up for Friday. The girl is under 21 so that makes it a little tougher. Need some Dating Logistics 101. I said dinner in case she can't drink

I have a studio apartment close to bars. Do we want to be like 6 blocks away or might it be better to have a longer walk/possibility to hop back toward my apartment. There are enough bars that are roughly 6 blocks away to do some hopping anyway. I'm planning to have some alcohol at home either way.

When I show up do I sit at the bar and wait for her or get a table? order a drink or wait? order a drink with dinner even if she can't/doesn't drink? Do I want to make sure there is no wait for dinner or could that be good in case it's going really badly + girl show up much worse looking than picture and I'm not into her(possibility since she only had one pic, but she didn't look very fat in it).

If dinner goes well and she can't drink should I suggest coming back to my place to drink or should we play pool or something in between? Should I try to sneak her drinks at the bar? Should I text asking her if she has a fake?
She probably has a fake but having a backup plan is a good idea. Might not hurt to ask her. The 19 year old that messaged me the other day made a comment about how she could outdrink me (lol), and I just asked her how she finds going out being under 21, to which she replied she has a fake.

I've never tried it but I've heard if you just order a bottle of wine at the table most of the time the restaurant won't bother carding, but seems like it would be awkward if it doesn't work out.

I wouldn't let her not drinking/not being of age prevent me from having a couple drinks.
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05-15-2013 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Quirky and shy can be cute and endearing characteristics for a woman, but usually much less so for a guy.
Yeah, this. But I think the main point is that you shouldn't care if a girl is a little insecure. I don't recall what started this whole tangent, so maybe you don't. But most girls are insecure to some degree. Shy, quirky, insecure, whatever...she might be a good match for you.
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05-15-2013 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Quirky and shy can be cute and endearing characteristics for a woman, but usually much less so for a guy.

Well I'm ****ed then.
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05-15-2013 , 06:41 PM
Tend to agree with ATF and KP that it's not great to say that, but I don't think it's a big deal either. Just go out with her and see how you like her.
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05-15-2013 , 06:43 PM
dale and others,

Quirky and shy girls often display some insecurities. My point was not that she is likely some alpha-woman oozing w/ self-confidence. It was simply that those types of responses are pretty normal and did not merit the kind of shocked response ATF had, that's all.
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05-15-2013 , 06:51 PM
TR from date w Commodus should be up later. She didn't respond to my last text from yesterday and in confirming for tonight I asked "Where's my sarcastic response? xxx at 8?" She replied with "Wasn't sure how much you could handle...".

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05-15-2013 , 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Quirky and shy can be cute and endearing characteristics for a woman, but usually much less so for a guy.
That's my whole shtick, damnit.
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05-15-2013 , 07:13 PM
So I messaged this Jewish med student last night who has a list of like 6 DO NOT message me criteria in her profile, which didn't mention anything about religion.

Anyways she responded to me today with this:
We have a lot in common based on questions... It's too bad that our religions don't match

Under religion I'm listed as Catholic and not too serious about it.

Anyways what's my play? I'm puzzled given she didn't mention anything about religion in her qualifier list and why would she even bother responding to me?
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05-15-2013 , 07:14 PM
A few things that should be obvious but might not be and go a long way with most girls:

Hold the door for them, but don't make a big point of it. Just do it. If the moment calls for it, help her take off/put on her jacket. If you're out somewhere nice and she's wearing heels, offer your hand if she's going on/off a curb/ledge. Little things like these get noticed and while they might not comment on it, they'll remember.
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05-15-2013 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by DontDoItPls
So I messaged this Jewish med student last night who has a list of like 6 DO NOT message me criteria in her profile, which didn't mention anything about religion.

Anyways she responded to me today with this:
We have a lot in common based on questions... It's too bad that our religions don't match

Under religion I'm listed as Catholic and not too serious about it.

Anyways what's my play? I'm puzzled given she didn't mention anything about religion in her qualifier list and why would she even bother responding to me?
surprised she responded to you, but imo if a girl lists her religion it means its important and jews and catholics don't mix at all.

i had the opposite happen to me a while ago on another site, i messaged a girl (i'm jewish) and she (catholic) said that it was a shame we werent the same religion. i said something like, well if you want to just go on a date and see where it goes i'm open and never heard back. i think thats all you can do but am curious other's ideas
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05-15-2013 , 07:54 PM
lots of jewish chicks will only date jewish dudes afaik.
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05-15-2013 , 07:57 PM
People that care what your religion is freak me out.
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05-15-2013 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by NLSoldier
lots of jewish chicks will only date jewish dudes afaik.
Yeah, their family would disapprove.

At least the serious Jews. Ones that go to temple and observe the holidays, etc
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05-15-2013 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I learned a long time ago that honest people tend to think most people are honest, and BS'ers tend to think that most people are BS'ers. Still, though, I can't dismiss your opinion on this
ytf you usually freak out with the passive-aggressive stuff after someone lands a sick burn on you. Could you explain for me why this latest occurrence happened essentially unprovoked?
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05-16-2013 , 12:16 AM
Got messaged by a girl I'd probably be interested irl. Into the bush--I mean bushes, or errr uhhhhhhhh yeahhhh excited. Hopefully it won't be too prickly.
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05-16-2013 , 01:29 AM
this world is really tough to not be insecure in without some sort of preordained destiny. i am insecure. i think every person i've worked with in the past couple years aside for one, who i got to agree to helping me make a profile tonight woop woop, is insecure. i can see that many of you are not really that insecure, but that is something absolutely amazing, and in my experience something you encounter very rarely.

i'm not the type to hide insecurity, but am learning that acting insecure drives people away and acting alpha just works. i am totally incapable of acting though and girls see right through me, so finding my own 'edge' or whatever in this regard is a process i'm in right now, but it comes with just doing things you're actualy proud of i think, not comparing yourself to others.

Last edited by skater3598; 05-16-2013 at 01:40 AM.
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05-16-2013 , 01:54 AM
Just ask yourself what someone cool would do, and do that. 100% serious, this works for me in a lot of situations.
tough poker decision: What would someone better than me do? Then I do it.

Sounds silly and maybe won't work for everyone but it's been okay for me.
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05-16-2013 , 01:55 AM
that is a terrible way to approach poker imo. prob not as terrible for dating or w/e.
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05-16-2013 , 05:05 AM
TR w/ Commodus

Really not much to write. Probably one of my worst personal performances on a date on account of: operating on 4 hours of sleep, having a head cold which is literally forcing me to be a mouth breather, and never really getting a solid feel for her interest in me, if any.

She greeted me at the bar with an attempt at a handshake which I refused and gave her a quick hug. Two drinks later, one more at another spot down the way, an awkward goodbye hug where she kinda shot down my idea for possible future date but said "call me" and two hours later it was over. Because I felt like crap I didn't engage in much if any physical escalation though I did stroke her back briefly on the walk to the next place to which she sorta tensed up at in response. Conversation went pretty well and any extended pauses felt natural. I enjoyed her personality but she was a bit of an enigma. Said she was in an odd stage of her life where she was bouncing between three places: her ex-boyfriend's of 4 years place with whom she said she broke up with 2 months ago, her friend's, and her new apartment. What? She was also the second online girl that made a point to say she didn't really read / recall my profile (didn't know I was previously married or that I had a kid). I don't know why but it seems strange for them to say that. Though I'd never say it obviously, I make an effort to memorize as much of a woman's profile for the sake of having conversation pieces for the date.

I have zero clue if she was interested in me which, given my impression that my last two dates definitely were, might mean that she is. The fact that she revealed that she works a 5 minute drive from where I live (which is 45 minutes from where we met up) probably will compel me to fire off a text to see where I'm at with her.
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05-16-2013 , 07:06 AM
Interesting. Was there any discussion of your Gladiator message and what she liked about it?

The stroke on the back sounds like it backfired. Did she give you any indication that she was into you before that?

I think if a girl you've never met extends her hand to shake yours, you have two proper things you can do. You can shake it or you can take it and pull her towards you and kiss her cheek. Someone once said "Always greet ladies with kisses." I think girls love to be kissed on the cheek, and it shows a confident and gentlemanly side if you pull it off. Hugging is normally standard, but some girls are already apprehensive about e-dating and might want to avoid starting the date with you wrapping your arms around them. These are the types of girls that will preemptively extend their hand. Sounds like she might have started to build a wall and her tensing up at your physical escalation was evidence of that. Dunno though.
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05-16-2013 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
she was bouncing between three places: her ex-boyfriend's of 4 years place with whom she said she broke up with 2 months ago...

she didn't really read / recall my profile (didn't know I was previously married or that I had a kid)...

I have zero clue if she was interested in me
Given the first two quotes, the answer to this should be "who cares". I would never contact that girl again.
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05-16-2013 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by dalerobk2
The only problem with that approach is that it only works with a woman who sits in front of her computer all day and responds within minutes. If she's only on the dating site once a day to respond to messages, it could take you two weeks to have that conversation. For women who don't respond instantaneously that approach won't work.
I agree, most girls I message are "online now" and if I'm only getting one reply per day I think ill ask for her number sooner to speed things up.
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05-16-2013 , 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Well done. By "formula" standards that was maybe a little too much messaging, but it all seemed to flow very naturally and there's little urgency since she's not around for a couple of weeks anyway. I'd put the odds of you guys getting together when she's here at pretty high.
Thanks, she seems pretty hype about meeting up and wants me to "make sure I'm in EL around may 30th"

Gotta say wo this thread I highly doubt things would have gone as smooth.
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05-16-2013 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by AnonymousTextField
she was bouncing between three places: her ex-boyfriend's of 4 years place with whom she said she broke up with 2 months ago
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