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05-20-2024 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
I don’t mean this to be personal, I just can’t imagine a woman would ever tell a man that if she wanted anything to do with him moving forward. She’d make something else up
"I have herpes" is typically something you hear from someone who wants to have sex with you but doesn't want to be a total ******* and not tell you about their incurable STD even if the chance of transmission is low
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05-20-2024 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
Also kudos to that girl for the herpes message. Outstanding way to gtfo of a date/ensure you never see someone again without being mean to thwm
I lold. It reminded me of The Office episode when Michael Scott was calling all the women in his life when he thought he had herpes.
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05-20-2024 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
... I assume she didn’t like me as I give off feminine pretty boy vibes.
It is what it is but this can't be a good look for a dude.
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05-20-2024 , 05:49 PM
Not sure why you’re taking all these girls out to “swanky sushi dates” that you haven’t even kissed. Definitely not the optimal strategy, but hey, maybe you hate money.
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05-20-2024 , 06:30 PM
I was going to **** someone when I saw they had a cold sore. I said what’s that? She said “oh it’s a cold sore. It’s not contagious “

I still ****ed but no kissing no head etc

The pussy was good and it’s nearby and I can literally have it whenever I want but the risk of getting cold sores is not worth it to me at all

Old me had no idea and I dated a girl for 2 years and she got cold sores once every 6 months

Now the issue I’m having is that good pussy girls friend wants to **** me now too. But I can’t tell the friend I don’t **** good pussy girl cause of the cold sores.

I don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings. I’ve ****ed good pussy like 4 times and each time I’m stressed the **** out for 3 weeks following

If I got herpes not the end of the world but I wouldn’t be happy at all. I’d go into the herpes dating website and be a herpes porn star boss

There is a swinger couple in vegas and the dude has herpes and tries to play it off… I make sure no to **** his girl lmao
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05-20-2024 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords

There is a swinger couple in vegas and the dude has herpes and tries to play it off… I make sure no to **** his girl lmao
just anal play on him then?
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05-20-2024 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
I thought you couldn’t see the Beeline unless you paid? I would guess that far less women end up paying than men.
Originally Posted by Malucci
Not sure why you’re taking all these girls out to “swanky sushi dates” that you haven’t even kissed. Definitely not the optimal strategy, but hey, maybe you hate money.
Yea I can offer more advice but tbh *he* needs to hire a professional. I charge $25 an hr if you’re interested

You need a complete workover+ empathy training
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05-20-2024 , 06:54 PM

Online dating is easy y’all are just ****ing it up
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05-20-2024 , 07:37 PM
You’re referring to me? I would love to laugh at what you consider empathy training. “If she has herpes, empathetically have sex with her without ever kissing her, then try to have sex with her friends, then brag about all of those things on the internet. That’s empathy”.

Yeah, sounds amazing.
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05-20-2024 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci
Not sure why you’re taking all these girls out to “swanky sushi dates” that you haven’t even kissed. Definitely not the optimal strategy, but hey, maybe you hate money.
Haha. So true. I like eating out and is so much better if I go with someone else Vs alone (I’m new to area so I have few friends I can ask out- and like the one girl I know has a serious bf so no way I see her going with me bc we had a small thing back in the day).

Yea I’m going to def tone down nice dinners and stick to cheaper stuff. Sushi is at a nice place that is supposed to be best here and is what $120 for 2 people plus drinks. Not a common thing I do but if she doesn’t like me- it’s fine if I spend 120+ on a nice dinner.

I’m slightly worried bc online dating is starting to get sparse here and it seems like matches are drying up. I’m trying to join a lot of groups per se or atleast more than I did in last (tennis, pickleball, kickball league with happy hour agter , might do a meetup group or something else). I feel these are solid avenues if online dating doesn’t go as planned over next 6 months. Hopefully it goes well with sushi girl but idk- she’s going to be living 45 min away which is rough. I’ll post here if I have good story with it. First date- I didn’t go for a kiss bc we were both sober lol and I just didn’t get vibes she was going to accept it. I’m pretty sure I’m going to just go for it and invite her back Friday and see what happens. I could be wrong but I feel asian girls tend to skew on more conservative side so I don’t see her back unless I blow her socks off and she’s into early hookups.

Might as well ask advice here- for girl I took to 2 dinners and 3 other dates (tennis, pickleball, etc). She’s like nerdy- into board games, super smart, engineer etc. I might just keep her around as a friend. She’s going to Canada for 2 months for work and told me she doesn’t go on many dates (we met from hinge). I feel kinda like a sucker bc I wouldn’t be surprised if she makes more $ than me and I’ve just happily paid for her meals even though she has offered lol. I took her to a food festival event this weekend and said hey stop at my place before and we can drive over and she declined. She doesn’t drink (said she gets asian glow + can’t breath lol). I like her personality but like appearance wise she could lose some weight. She’s like a nice girl but I can tell already she’s not going to put out pre serious relationship prolly. I also feel I could hail Mary and invite her to my place for dinner but I just get the vibe she’s not going to agree to it lol. I’m just considering cooling off with texting her and let her make a play if she wants before she leaves in a few weeks but I doubt it bc she’s even less socially adept than me haha. She’s like a good girl that would be marriage material bc no glaring red flags in her life but just not fun in general bc she doesn’t drink and let loose (probably a slight red flag but not terrible per se).
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05-20-2024 , 09:39 PM
As someone who is currently divorcing someone who turned into an alcoholic, I think someone who doesn’t let loose isn’t a huge deal if you like them

But idk man - you’ve had 5 dates with her and haven’t ****ed her? I can’t imagine that. Is there no chemistry?
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05-20-2024 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
As someone who is currently divorcing someone who turned into an alcoholic, I think someone who doesn’t let loose isn’t a huge deal if you like them

But idk man - you’ve had 5 dates with her and haven’t ****ed her? I can’t imagine that. Is there no chemistry?
Def chemistry. She’s like nerdy man. I feel she has low self esteem and I just haven’t tried to hard to progress like ask her back to my place bc I just get the vibe she’s not going to agree. She told me she doesn’t do online dating really which I believe. I honestly feel I’m only guy she is seeing at the moment and I’m just not like super into her sexually bc I feel she’s the type that you date seriously or just be friends with. I can tell she’s not the type that is fine with casual sex or wants something more loose.

It’s my fault though bc I haven’t tried to ask her back to my place post dinner. If I did- I would clearly know what’s going on. She told me she’s going to Canada and I was like I don’t see the point of trying that hard bc im not going to try and long distance relationship with her. I just get the vibe she’s a “good girl” that isn’t into early casual sex with a relationship: maybe I’m crazy but sometimes you can easily get that vibe with a girl- like most girls are dtf or show clear signs of being dtf and she hasn’t honestly. Not drinking doesn’t help- I always feel drinking pushes girls to make more rash decisions like go back to a guys place if they are interested and maybe a tad nervous to agree to it.

Final note- we get along well and I don’t want to lose her as a friend. I feel if I sleep with her and stop keeping in constant contact bc I’m with another girl when she’s gone- she’s going to be angry and not want to be friends down the road. She has similar hobbies to me (tennis/ pickleball) so I feel not losing her as a friend is a good move. I’m going to try and hook up with other girl I’m seeing and just feel like she’s very into me if I don’t F it up on our 2nd date. The other girl is prettier and basically has a solid career and similar green flags to the 5 dates chicks- she’s just way better looking; like no comparison.
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05-21-2024 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by feel wrath
a few questions

- is this specific to all apps or just one?
- re delete and effectively create a new profile from scratch?

all apps but i assume you mean bumble and tinder mainly

yes do that every 6 months , if you do it too often like every other week then you ight get shadow banned.
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05-21-2024 , 01:00 AM
first time I ever actually fell "in love" hanged over and slept in same bed with her about 14x in 2 months and even gave her flowers and valtenies day card after about 2.5 months of seeing her..I still feel that was a bad move on my end

anyways i only slept with her twice during that whole time, i was scared and whatnot, at times it would be late, she would be after work wouldnt shower ust wanted to sleep so we just layed in bed and cuddled till fell asleep I was tired too, i was just a scared little bitch and never enforced anything, sure I would makke out with her a lot but only having sex onnce maybe twice (made sure she got off 2-3x) but still, i feel that's the reason she just dissociated herself with.

my very close friends say thats very weird that it was that low but ultimately they think that was only 10% of the reason why there was prolly more, i think the flowers gave her the hard ick, after vday we hung out one more time I was starting to get sick, i said i would text her next day, we would text bak and forth 1-2x a day then i noticed responses were longer longer than then she jut didnt respond after a double text

cringe me decided to give her a care package a week after i felt beter and she said she couldn't hang cause she was sick.. i left a big bag of things for her she then texts me it made her cry and how nice of me etc etc but after a week the responses went from normal responses to day after etc and i should have seen writing on the wall

i guess i ****ed up, i handled it wrong, a) should have communicate my intention better but b) all my life I have legit done casual, first time I got very very dtrong feelings and I didnt know how to respond and handle it and I bet i just rubbed her the wrong way

to this day my friends say its no big deal and its weird she just ghosted like that but i didnt expect her to do that. they said its due to my poor comm that I should have expressed mysself during valenties day and a big **** up was hte day after valentines day she said she had a lot on her mind and couldnt sleep i never asked her what was on her mind...we did hang out 2 days later tho and i slept over her place but then after that i got sick and then she got sick and she just..wasnt as repsonsive : /
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05-21-2024 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
During sex I called her a whore and other stuff: I feel that may have turned her off lol.
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05-21-2024 , 12:29 PM
I would think I'm getting punked with these stories.

Are you Ashton Kutcher???
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05-21-2024 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Elrazor
I honestly think that is why she isn’t talking to me now. During sex, she def enjoyed it by sounds she made. Yea I’m a goon I was a tad drunk and doing porn like dirty talk. I didn’t think someone would take it seriously. Maybe bad bc she didn’t drink a lot and I had a little more than her.

I’m a goof so felt I learned a lesson with that one. I’m like certain that bothered her even though she didn’t say anything. I found it weird she slept with me and then later on goes oh I don’t think we were a match lol. In convo, she like wanted to hang a lot and me travel to see her 70-80 min away which is a little bonkers. I felt she got mad when I said I don’t travel like that often- still found it odd she slept with my and stayed the night lolz.

Yea sorry for my stories. I just wanted to spitball what I have going on. I’m going to vegas for wsop in a few weeks. Not sure I’m going to hit dating apps hard as I met girls last 2 times there and just had terrible tourny poker run bad. Feel I should just focus on poker and maybe try to meet a girl out at a club if I go out 1-2 nights. I’m meeting up with some guy friends from England so we might get bottle service on a day I skip poker mtts for a pool party, feel that could lead to some fun if I play my cards right and act cool + don’t get too drunk- skipping one day of the WSOP $1500 monster stack for that which is prolly good.
Online dating thread Quote
05-21-2024 , 09:32 PM
If you want coaching while in vegas hmu. Bottle service isn’t going to help you, it will hurt you unless you’re really attractive

Your best bet in vegas (for one night stands) are poker girls and face to face pickup.

Don’t call girls names or make critical comments about their bodies/ sex stuff


Empathy isn’t sympathy.

A girl came over with a short dress and her titties out. I asked her if she wanted me to **** her and she said yes.

What do you think would hurt her more? Me having sex with her without kissing or me saying actually we can’t have sex cause of your cold sore

Honestly, what do you think is worse?

Last edited by PointlessWords; 05-21-2024 at 09:49 PM.
Online dating thread Quote
05-22-2024 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
If you want coaching while in vegas hmu. Bottle service isn’t going to help you, it will hurt you unless you’re really attractive

Your best bet in vegas (for one night stands) are poker girls and face to face pickup.

Don’t call girls names or make critical comments about their bodies/ sex stuff


Empathy isn’t sympathy.

A girl came over with a short dress and her titties out. I asked her if she wanted me to **** her and she said yes.

What do you think would hurt her more? Me having sex with her without kissing or me saying actually we can’t have sex cause of your cold sore

Honestly, what do you think is worse?

I’m going to be honest- in vegas, I’m totally fine with not doing well with ladies. I don’t want to get bottle service for women- I want to do it to be with friends and if I find a girl cool- if not who cares.

I’ve done well the past 2 summers in vegas. Met 2 girls that became solid friends with hookups and both were attractive in my viewpoint. Vegas is kinda tough bc you get some skanky chicks just looking for a good time. Honestly if I set up dates, I just want company at dinner or someone to talk to and if nothing happens- idc. Just would be fine hooking up with a girl I can trust won’t rob me + is classy. Met a chick from England last summer at Wynn pool party I thought I had chance to hook up with. I passively asked her to come to my hotel and she declined but later on IG said she was lonely and wanted a cuddle lol. It was super late so I just bypassed it but pretty sure it could have worked.

I’m meeting up with some bros from England so feel bottle service at a pool party will be a load of fun regardless. I’m just hoping I don’t go too crazy with booze as I might play monster stack next day at wsop and would like to be feeling ok for it (I’m worried bc I tend to go hard in uncomfortable settings with booze).

Hit me up- I tend to go to davidoff cigar bar across from Wynn to smoke cigars after poker tournies. Always looking to meet people to talk with ha.
Online dating thread Quote
05-22-2024 , 05:10 PM
Bottle service with friends is one of the best things to do in vegas imo

Bro your posts are hilarious. What do you think cuddle means? It means ****.

Bottle service at pool you’re gonna get sunburned and dehydrated. Watch out for heat stroke.

Sounds Gucci
Online dating thread Quote
05-22-2024 , 07:23 PM
I don’t think you’re remotely concerned about her feelings. I’m not saying you should be, but trying to convince me that you are would be pointless words.
Online dating thread Quote
05-22-2024 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Bottle service with friends is one of the best things to do in vegas imo

Bro your posts are hilarious. What do you think cuddle means? It means ****.

Bottle service at pool you’re gonna get sunburned and dehydrated. Watch out for heat stroke.

Sounds Gucci
I’ve never done bottle service + I’ll be with a group that actually has the money that can spend it (my ny friends would never do bottle service). I hate to say it but I went to Wynn pool party with a girl last summer and bottle service is prolly clutch if don’t want to wait in line even though spending insane amount of money. Hopefully I make day 2 on Friday and can take Sunday off bc I’m taking Saturday off 100%.

Yea I know cuddle means **** haha. Normally a girl won’t decline an invite to hang after though. I feel one has to be careful with vegas chicks. If anyone here wants to go out let me know. I’m thinking of going to Frankie Rizardo mid week when I’m there June 6-19. I’m sure I can pull without dating apps if I just go to club and don’t drink a ton. I’ve done fairly well in vegas going out alone. Feel chicks just want to let loose in vegas and if I dress well + look good I’ll do well.
Online dating thread Quote
05-22-2024 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
I’ve never done bottle service + I’ll be with a group that actually has the money that can spend it (my ny friends would never do bottle service). I hate to say it but I went to Wynn pool party with a girl last summer and bottle service is prolly clutch if don’t want to wait in line even though spending insane amount of money. Hopefully I make day 2 on Friday and can take Sunday off bc I’m taking Saturday off 100%.

Yea I know cuddle means **** haha. Normally a girl won’t decline an invite to hang after though. I feel one has to be careful with vegas chicks. If anyone here wants to go out let me know. I’m thinking of going to Frankie Rizardo mid week when I’m there June 6-19. I’m sure I can pull without dating apps if I just go to club and don’t drink a ton. I’ve done fairly well in vegas going out alone. Feel chicks just want to let loose in vegas and if I dress well + look good I’ll do well.

going to a pub or club solo and trying to pick up is actually a challenging thing to do unless you're some pure salesman, punter type

- it gets lonely, dispiriting and emotionally tiring really quick
- it's very difficult not to give off creepy vibes
- having fun with a group of guys is a far far far more attractive thing for women to see than the lone wolf spending all his time trying to pick up

also though...surely a pool party with bottle service is not the thing to take a girl to on a date. seems like the opposite. tons of guys there trying to pick up, not at all intimate, very difficult to escalate things

like, I'm not the guy to spend $$ on women anyway, but if you do want to throw big $$ at a girl, do it in a more intimate and controllable setting
Online dating thread Quote
05-23-2024 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Bottle service with friends is one of the best things to do in vegas imo

Bro your posts are hilarious. What do you think cuddle means? It means ****.

Bottle service at pool you’re gonna get sunburned and dehydrated. Watch out for heat stroke.

Sounds Gucci
You sir are the MVP of the last 500~ posts of this thread. I salute thee.
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05-24-2024 , 10:03 AM
Date one: drinks. $90. I can tell she likes me and wants to kiss so I go ahead and kiss her. Wild success. I don’t recommend kissing girls on first date but I could tell she wanted it

Date two (next day) : I text her and ask her if she wants cuddles tonight. She says yes. I come over at 9:30 and leave at 12:30

It was dope ����❤️
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