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02-10-2014 , 06:17 PM
@Wu: I dunno, I imagine getting laid was fairly easy back when there were slaves. Ask Thomas Jefferson.
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02-10-2014 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by Hoagie
I had the "talk" with the girl I've been dating.

It went great

She likes her steaks medium rare, it's her favorite food, and she is fully on board with me being a steak nerd.

She's coming over for steaks on Thursday since she works on valentines day.

What's the standard move regarding gifts at this point? Dating a month and a half, haven't really committed to anything. Flowers? Card? Nothing?
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02-10-2014 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by wutangpoker
Has it been mentioned itt that for the vast vast vast majority of men, this is the greatest point in history for dating/ ****ing/ reproducing? It's a perfect storm of pussy out there. Between feminism liberalizing attitudes towards sex, diminishing poverty rates, the emergence of online dating and a ton of other factors, it's pretty sweet to be a male in the beginning of his prime right now! We blessed
I'm biased cause I suck with women

But I'm 6'1" and in decent shape and I am not experiencing this perfect storm of pussy you're referencing.

If anything I think the internet, reality tv and increased expectations makes it harder.
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02-10-2014 , 06:23 PM
I actually think trivia would be a solid first/second date. There's an external force driving conversation, you're at a bar, you two get to work together on something, and you get a sense of how fun/intelligent one is at the same time.
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02-10-2014 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
Girls love shoes
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02-10-2014 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
@Wu: I dunno, I imagine getting laid was fairly easy back when there were slaves. Ask Thomas Jefferson.
Well for the mega elite top status males things have probably stayed pretty much the same forever, or even gotten worse since there's less of a disparity between top and bottom now.
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02-10-2014 , 07:06 PM
Gonna go do Yoga with Incense Girl. She says she doesn't give head unless it's monogamous so I've decided she's gonna blow me tonight. We'll see.
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02-10-2014 , 07:06 PM
But for a schmoe who doesn't have a mega abundance of resources (enough to buy slaves back in the day), things are better than they've ever been. Society's non pussy getters of the past are affluent enough and live in an environment that permits them to basically have their own harems today, where they would have had to struggle very hard in the past just to find one prospective mate to produce offspring with
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02-10-2014 , 07:24 PM
The girl I was finna meet tomorrow

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02-10-2014 , 07:33 PM
I told her not to worry about it, I didn't think it was awkward at all. But then I'm going to send "or you could come over and get split in half by me" ten minutes later "oops wrong person."

If she doesn't think that's funny she won't like me anyway
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02-10-2014 , 07:40 PM
Anyone else miss 3bet ?
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02-10-2014 , 07:41 PM
Online dating thread Quote
02-10-2014 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Tyler Durden
Anyone else miss 3bet ?
He nuthugged me pretty intensely, and he had some funny posts from time to time. It was his own doing though, coming back with all the other accounts. He could have just waited out however long the original ban was and come back to his passed out slampiece banging ways
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02-10-2014 , 11:12 PM
Anyone ever try the $20 trick on VDay?
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02-10-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by d10
Anyone ever try the $20 trick on VDay?
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02-10-2014 , 11:59 PM

I hope you do actually text her that. Might as well at this point.

I sort of agree with your post earlier about the prime time to be dating but I haven't seen great results either. Mostly for my own reasons, traveling a lot during the week and not having a large group of friends to rely on, etc. but overall online dating hasn't come easy to me. It's time consuming and exhausting. I know we're supposed to power through stuff like having a girl like your profile, sending what you think is a great message, having her view you again, and never hearing back. I find the whole process very disheartening but I'm obviously overthinking it.

We'll see. I'm planning on having a big summer and have a few things in the works in the meantime so maybe my perception will change but I'm feeling quite jaded by the process pretty quickly.
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02-11-2014 , 12:06 AM
Went to a bar that happened to be doing karaoke. We were in the worst part of town yet the bar was mostly old white people singing some terrible crap that made Jimmy Buffet seem like Nine Inch Nails. Decided to yolo it and sing Bullet With Butterfly Wings. yadda yadda yadda had sex
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02-11-2014 , 12:09 AM
Sounds like a good time KP.

Had a chance to see smashing pumpkins live a few years back, one of my favorite concerts.

Last edited by calmlikeabomb; 02-11-2014 at 12:19 AM.
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02-11-2014 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by kaipwn
I was banging some girl who eventually called it off because she liked me (wouldn't admit it) and said she didn't want to be **** buddies because we knew each other too well but had to stop seeing be because I wouldn't take it further. She said we should stop talking.

About a month if no contact she had randomly messaged me a few times. Need to know how to get her back in the sack!

I asked her what her plans were this week but she just said "what for a f***..? I'm busy.."

Her breaking the radio silence can only be a good thing though
I am under the belief that if a girl clicks with you sexually, you can always have her, even if years/decades pass. she contacting you means she is still open to the idea , you just have to push the right buttons to get her alone and take it from there.
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02-11-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by d10
Anyone ever try the $20 trick on VDay?
20 dollar trick has always worked for me.. from new years night to a random weekend.. you are talking about hotel right??

if its to a restaurant.. get a reservation if you are planning it for fri/sat
Online dating thread Quote
02-11-2014 , 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by calmlikeabomb
Sounds like a good time KP.

Had a chance to see smashing pumpkins live a few years back, one of favorite concerts.
Yeah, best band, and that's a good karaoke song imo. Not in that bar... not at all, but I wanted to leave anyways so decided to kinda just troll everyone.

Saw them live last year or something at Mohegan Sun. Such an amazing band. so much lurve
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02-11-2014 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by MyrnaFTW
20 dollar trick has always worked for me.. from new years night to a random weekend.. you are talking about hotel right??

if its to a restaurant.. get a reservation if you are planning it for fri/sat
No, restaurant. Waited too long to plan cause I've only gone on 5 dates with this girl and wasn't sure I was going to be seeing her for VDay but it's happening. The best reservation I could find was for a decent enough restaurant but at 10:30. Was thinking about trying some better spots around 9 and see if I can work my way in.
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02-11-2014 , 12:57 AM
cook a meal together
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02-11-2014 , 01:11 AM
Third date went well tonight. I introduced her to the roommates after we went to dinner. I wish I lived alone again lol. I want to move out soon, but this is a friend so no lease which is great when I'm looking for new job. We made out a little bit outside when I walked her to her car, but it's going to be -20 Fahrenheit tonight, so it was fing cold.

She's available for #4 on Wednesday or not until a week from Wednesday. I'm thinking drinks near hers as she lives downtown by herself so no roomies, near my work, and no worries about driving drunk.

Girl who looked at my profile a bunch of times finally got back to me. She just wanted to type infinite paragraphs, so she prob was waiting until a good time. I'm gonna try to convert that to a date rather quickly.
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02-11-2014 , 01:15 AM
Well, no trivia date I guess, she hasn't texted back for almost a day now after getting back to me within minutes whenever we texted last week (she verbally said yes to hanging Wednesday in-person fwiw on Friday). Sigh, this is the 7th 1st date in the last two months I've had a girl just go radio silent or back out of hours before it. It's such a double-edged sword when on one hand, I'd rather just say **** all of this, delete all my site accounts & not even look twice at someone of the opposite sex for awhile, but OTOH, everything sees to click for me when I'm seeing someone (not to say I can't be happy being single)
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