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Online dating thread Online dating thread

05-24-2024 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Date one: drinks. $90. I can tell she likes me and wants to kiss so I go ahead and kiss her. Wild success. I don’t recommend kissing girls on first date but I could tell she wanted it

Date two (next day) : I text her and ask her if she wants cuddles tonight. She says yes. I come over at 9:30 and leave at 12:30

It was dope ����❤️
Interesting. I think the first date kiss question is a good topic of discussion. I've seen several women say they don't want it, an equal number say there won't be a 2nd date without a kiss on the first date, and yet another group that say it depends on the chemistry but is a must by date 2.

Obviously this applies more to someone looking for something long-term, because if you're just looking to hookup I would think going for a kiss sooner would give you an idea if that is going to be in the cards or not.
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05-24-2024 , 12:51 PM
Doesn’t work that way

Women want what they can’t have. And if you’re sexual before they are ready, you turn them off

The proper adjustment is to leave all sex stuff out of the first date. This usually ensures you get laid as quickly as possible.

Most dates of mine I get laid 2nd or 3rd date, and it’s cause I don’t try to kiss them and then I tease them until they ask me to **** them

Like last night we make out, I rub my dick on her pussy as we are kissing and she starts moaning. So I know she wants to ****

I eat her pussy (which was gorgeous) and I make her feel good for like ten minutes

She asks me if I have a condom. I tell her

a) we aren’t having sex lmao
B) I got tested last week

I start fingering her and she’s soooo wet. I know she wants it.

So I tell her I’m not going to initiate sex with her but if she wants, she can hop on

It takes her a few minutes and then she’s thrusting her hips onto mine.

I ask her if she wants it. She says will you think less of me? I said I want it more than you do

****ed her one, good, for a bit. Finished, took a nap, then ****ed her again but my nut felt way better

GG tinder

PS after we made out a bit in my car the first date I took a risk and asked for a booty pic. This is when you can tell if they wanna **** you or not. Booty pic? You’re getting laid. Some flirty response like you’ll see it soon enough? Perfect

But if you ask and they aren’t about it then you know you’re prob not getting laid with this one
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05-24-2024 , 03:54 PM
Jesus wept
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05-25-2024 , 01:15 AM
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05-25-2024 , 12:34 PM
Had date 2 with cute azn girl. She looked so good on our date- wore like a little top and skirt with boots. I was nervous on date and she pointed that out. Told me I should see a therapist bc I’m good looking and have my career and life together in other ways. She came back to my place and we made out- i thought I could get her to do more but nope didn’t happen. Have a 3rd dinner date planned for a nice steakhouse- lol jk is a sucker.

Feel writing is on the wall. I think if I slam dunk 3rd date I have a shot but yea I get nervous and not the best w/ conversation so I expect the worst. She’s down to hike and play pickleball with me and said we should do that for a date also.
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05-25-2024 , 06:30 PM
What’re you nervous about?

Dont try to get laid or kiss or do any of that . It’s ****ing you up

Your end girl should be a girl that likes you and gives you raw pussy whenever you want it. For that to happen they have to want you. For them to want you, we gotta be confident.

You can do it. Just takes a couple reps and you’ll be fine. Alcohol and weed are your friends here. Get professional tinder pics asap and then go on dates with girls that aren’t as good looking as you. Go get reps in man.

Last edited by PointlessWords; 05-25-2024 at 06:41 PM.
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05-25-2024 , 11:14 PM
A girl who says you need to see a therapist seems like a girl who

1. Doesn’t want you.
2. And thus doesn’t want to **** you.
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05-26-2024 , 12:46 AM
I dunno, there seems to be a fairly recent trend of some girls saying or at least implying therapy is a prerequisite even. I’ve seen it in quite a few Bumble profiles too. To me it’s not a promising sign and gives off vibes of being demanding, inflexible and presumptuous

Last edited by SandraXII; 05-26-2024 at 12:52 AM.
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05-26-2024 , 01:09 AM
When girls neg you it’s time to ditch them.
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05-26-2024 , 03:12 AM
Yeah man that’s an Insta gtfo from me. Presumptuous entitled bullshit.

Idk, I only seem to meet normal sane women so far. Maybe I’m weeding them out at profile stage.

I connected with a woman the other day whose profiles gave off red flags but was v hot so I liked her and started talking but the crazy in her was pretty obvious. She’s like a 45 min drive away and wanted me to come over late night and I think was legit surprised when I said no. Even though I’m sure it would be good sexy time I just don’t want the hassle.

Decision was confirmed when I got 3 paragraphs of weirdness from her after. Also a good advert for not giving her my phone number so I can just unmatch and move on
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05-26-2024 , 06:10 AM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
A girl who says you need to see a therapist seems like a girl who

1. Doesn’t want you.
2. And thus doesn’t want to **** you.
I’ll be honest- I don’t want to go into it but she’s right and told me I should see one because I self sabotage etc. I told her a lot about my life and she actually said some really smart things to me last night.

I don’t think she will date me long term bc I have prolly spazzed on dates on what I said but I think there is slight chance she will. Lol she told me I was guy she was hanging most with and via text- I felt she likes me and has shown signs of interest. (Has sent cute flirty texts that no girl has sent to me). Took one of my sweatshirts and sent me pics in it, told me she wants to see me before our planned date, etc.
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05-26-2024 , 06:14 AM
Don't over think it, continue to talk to her and see how it goes, there's no rush right now.
And if it goes nowhere, its not the end of the world

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05-26-2024 , 06:18 PM
Her telling you that you’re the guy she likes the most is her way of letting you know she’s getting ****ed by someone else. She prob is the kinda person who gets anxious by the truth and says the opposite to make herself feel better. Which means she prob likes you the least

If you’re hanging out with her on Friday then she likes you the most. Saturday maybe. But if not then she’s hanging out with other guys and she likes that you pay for dinner
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05-26-2024 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
Her telling you that you’re the guy she likes the most is her way of letting you know she’s getting ****ed by someone else. She prob is the kinda person who gets anxious by the truth and says the opposite to make herself feel better. Which means she prob likes you the least

If you’re hanging out with her on Friday then she likes you the most. Saturday maybe. But if not then she’s hanging out with other guys and she likes that you pay for dinner
I think it’s mix of last 2 posts here. I went on date with her today and we got dinner (she offered to pay but I said I’ll handle it whatever) and we got ice cream after and she paid. We then walked. Lol I tried to hold her hand but she told me her ex bf lives in town we were at lmao. I then asked her about that is text and was like that is really weird: she said she goes on dates with multiple guys and doesn’t want to be seen as skeevy lmao. I dropped her off at her place- no invite lmao.

Yea gotta be honest, I think this chick could have been into me but I came off so poorly on date 1 and 2- she thinks I need therapy yada yada and prolly thinks I’m not the right guy to settle down with long term (aka she’s not going to F me). I’ll do one more dinner with her but like I’m 99% sure it’s going to be me picking her up and taking her back to her place and no sex. After that, I’ll just cut bait. I’m going to vegas next week so should be good. Idk this girl is really awesome and beautiful but I def get vibe she’s not going to want me. It’s quite pathetic bc if I came off well on date 1 and 2- I’m 100% sure she would have been dtf. My fault honestly. Will keep thread posted here but trust it’s not going anywhere- maybe can find something in vegas but idk I’m drained lately with dating.

I went out with other girl and played pickleball- she’s so god damn delightful and nice to me (not as pretty as other girl). Then I go out with chick I find sexy and she’s like kinda nice to me but we don’t even have great convo and I can just tell she can get any guy she wants / prolly dates around a ton. While the other girl doesn’t. It’s just mildly infuriating- only thing I can tell is I def need to see a therapist prolly sadly bc I botch dates so poorly. I think most girls just ghost me on date 1 while a nice girl might tag along for a little. Laughable- please feel free to bash jk here. My self esteem is literally in the gutter.
Online dating thread Quote
05-26-2024 , 09:00 PM
If girls like you then you can’t **** it up. If they don’t like you then you pretty much can’t change their mind.

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05-27-2024 , 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by PointlessWords
If girls like you then you can’t **** it up. If they don’t like you then you pretty much can’t change their mind.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This right here should be inserted into the OP of this thread.

Undeniable facts right here. Words to live by. Words to be inspired by. Certainly not "Pointless Words" by PointlessWords.
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05-27-2024 , 11:04 AM
Had date number 3 with girl. It was really fun tbh. I grinded for 2 hrs. We drank for free and then went back to her place

Before we start messing around we have been talking about exes. She spits something out like “well it’s not like how it used to be when we would go hunting for other couples”

“Like swingers??”

“Oh I should tell you I don’t do monogamy”

Now this was a small hit to my ego but it’s really the best thing for a playerman like me; I’m not going to be exclusive with one girl lol. I’m crushing it on tinder rn and don’t have a roommate
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05-27-2024 , 03:38 PM
doesn't do mo0nogomy huh as long as you dont fall in love or get in a relationship with her .. you're golden man, keep doin your thing
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Yesterday , 08:35 AM
Wanna laugh folks? I somehow kinda got out of friend zone with chick. Took her to steakhouse Friday night- I dressed very well and felt I held my composure well bc I know she likes me now per our text convos. She invited me back to her new apartment and we got the deed done haha. Girl is cool- gf material no doubt but she def plays head games.

Told me before date 3 we should be friends- then on date 4 she see me in a new light and says I look super handsome etc. I feel I come off super poorly before know a girl likes me but still this girl is def all over the place. We are hanging today- and I go to vegas on Wednesday: not sure I’m going to try hard in vegas. I’m looking solid with physique and dress now: might just go to a few edm shows at night and try to drink minimum and see if I can converse well- I need practice not getting hammered at busy clubs so trying to keep myself at a 3 drink max. I feel I do very well in Vegas and don’t have to try super hard- like normally girls will check me out and I’ll start a convo and it’s game on. Not sure how much I plan to go out though bc doing well in poker > women for a vegas trip honestly.

Have a first date set up in Albany day before I leave in vegas. Girl looks cute and fashionable so might grab a beer with her. I kinda wanna stop trying to see multiple girls at same time bc it’s annoying but I feel girls fall off so easily (so not trying would be bad move). I’m friends with another chick I met on an app who is a drinking partner- we like to help each other out when we go drink on weekends which is always nice. I’m going to start seeing a therapist also just to work on confidence issues- hoping that helps me going forward: I def have some self esteem issues that need to be ironed out.
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Yesterday , 09:37 AM
Not uncommon for azn girls to tell you what they think you need to be doing. I think it’s mostly a cultural thing, real direct in that way. When they get to grannies they definitely won’t be shy about it lol.

I wouldn’t read that as a sign of disinterest, agree it is demanding. Won’t stop you from getting to the Online dating thread if that’s what you’re after. For LT, would be a red flag for me, would rather hear some introspection lol.
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Yesterday , 05:00 PM
I match with a ton of Asian women on tinder but they all seem so ****ing passive when messaging that I’m yet to meet one.

I never seem to get beyond a 1 sentence answer from them (plus a few emojis obvs) and I just get bored and move on
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