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*** Official "Let's Make Prop Bets Until TBAB Comes Into More Money" Thread *** *** Official "Let's Make Prop Bets Until TBAB Comes Into More Money" Thread ***

09-17-2015 , 12:23 PM

Sick shooting!

Kinda funny that none of the other stuff - mystery shot, over/under bet, etc was necessary vs Custer, and just basic shooting contest would have been an easy win.

I wonder how much money and what kind of odds you could have gotten on over 150...
09-17-2015 , 12:27 PM

Money sent. And you're officially uninvited from drinking beer and playing miniature golf and baggo with me and Bluff.
09-17-2015 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by gambit8888
lol wtf

never seen someone get upset over being offered a free meal
A bum once asked me for money outside of a McDonalds but since I only had a debt card I offered him a meal and he said "I don't need no charity!"

gg, best of luck with baby mama drama.
09-17-2015 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Sick shooting!

Kinda funny that none of the other stuff - mystery shot, over/under bet, etc was necessary vs Custer, and just basic shooting contest would have been an easy win.

I wonder how much money and what kind of odds you could have gotten on over 150...
My thinking was this... since custer was so eager to play me for thousands of dollars, I expected him to be really good at shooting.

Still I knew I would at least have decent equity to beat him, but I wanted the left handed FTs to make that a for sure win, along with the gimme over/under.

My goal in negotiations was to create a free $2,000 for myself, and I accompolished that.
09-17-2015 , 12:40 PM
The look on Babs' face after GREEAR made his 100th consecutive free throw would've been priceless.
09-17-2015 , 12:41 PM
Someone asks him if he wants to do a shooting contest against me since I can't post there. Tell him I'll give him odds too. And he can live stream from his local gym.
09-17-2015 , 12:42 PM
That was great. But I gotta admit, the two spots on the lens tilted the hell out of me.
09-17-2015 , 12:46 PM
Tell babs that i'll give him 2:1
09-17-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
$200 for a new tie fund has been received.
09-17-2015 , 01:16 PM
Once again Greear delivers.
09-17-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

If you don't talk about in that thread, it's not impossible that Babs could stay oblivious and agree to a terrible bet v grear.
I made a pizza and thought it over. For a hundred or so, okay, for thousands, no way. I have to live with myself and I'm a million times more critical than any of you. (Not that he ever listens to me anyway.)
09-17-2015 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I was really good as a freshman, I think I finished shooting like 56% from 3 and 88% from the FT line. Avg like 16pts/game

We had 6 freshman that made JV and I wasn't one of them, so I figured my playing time would be minimal going forward, and wanted to focus on baseball anyways.

Looking back, I sort of wish I did play.
damn son, imagine if michael jordan had just given up after the first time he was rejected from the school team
09-17-2015 , 01:26 PM
Motion to allow Greear back into the babsland thread...
09-17-2015 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by amead
Motion to allow Greear back into the babsland thread...
09-17-2015 , 01:40 PM
G10 such an ICE COLD hero.
09-17-2015 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
damn son, imagine if michael jordan had just given up after the first time he was rejected from the school team
I was never rejected from the team lol. Not in HS anyways, back in 4th grade.

I definitely would have made JV in 10th and Varsity for 11th/12th, I just didn't think I would get any playing time so I choose to party more and focus on baseball.
09-17-2015 , 03:13 PM
I remember making a post on here a few years ago about hitting 97 free throws in a row. I prayed that no one found it during the negotiations.
09-17-2015 , 03:40 PM

Jason Day currently holds a 5 shot lead over Fowler, and 6 over Speef.....after 10 holes. Because you've been so generous with buyout offers in the past, I'll extend one to you. $57 including the $20 from the G10 contest.

Edit: as I type that Speef gets an ace and is only 4 back. Offer is adjusted to $52.
09-17-2015 , 05:15 PM
ec, a couple more aces and we're tied. I thank you from the heart of my bottom for the buy-out offer, but I'll go with my horses. Long way to go, and Day hasn't been very hot lately :roll eyes:…

I'll be off for a couple of days of bj, drinking etc, so you won't have me to kick around for a while you cantankerous cantelope...
09-17-2015 , 05:30 PM
Don't say I never offered you anything. Enjoy your time away from 2+2, and good luck getting several BJ's.
09-17-2015 , 06:33 PM
Everyone being bitches in the other thread. Especially pussy, I mean BEAST.

This thread is where the ballers come to throw stacks down.
09-17-2015 , 06:35 PM
Just watched. Jfc.

Say what you want about g10, but that was a sick performance. Props.
09-18-2015 , 01:20 AM
is that a 28.5 inch ball greear?
09-18-2015 , 03:35 AM
You may have been an irritating yammering douchebag in the TBag thread, but I definitely would never have guessed that you would be an irritating yammering douchebag with a hell of a good shot.

Very impressive. Grats on the 100!
09-18-2015 , 04:46 PM
Day running away with 124. I wonder if I could shoot 124 on that course in one round.

We have a sweat so far with Stenson (-8) vs. McIlroy (-9)/Matsuyama(-7)
