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*** Official "Let's Make Prop Bets Until TBAB Comes Into More Money" Thread *** *** Official "Let's Make Prop Bets Until TBAB Comes Into More Money" Thread ***

09-16-2015 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by ec_outlaw
Haha ****er. I wanted to save myself the trip to the gym tomorrow but I respect making me earn it lol.
09-16-2015 , 01:15 PM
Just popped in to say



09-16-2015 , 01:44 PM
Biggest thing I take from this, is im now up money prop betting in OOT.

No one can talk **** about me being down so much now.
09-16-2015 , 01:44 PM
Money shipped, both to G10 (1800) and Custer (200) via PayPal. Please confirm at convenience.
09-16-2015 , 01:52 PM
I have 200 pending, will let you know when it clears.
09-16-2015 , 01:59 PM
got it
09-16-2015 , 02:12 PM
Kudos to you both, by the way. G10, solid hustle, totally appropriate for a gambler. And Custer, you handled that as would a boss.
09-16-2015 , 02:13 PM
The only one coming off poorly in this is banned. Holy hell that guy is shook af.
09-16-2015 , 02:14 PM
Basically this thread turns into the default G10 thread, where very gracious people help me add to my kids college fund.
09-16-2015 , 02:20 PM
Can't knock the hustle

wp G10
09-16-2015 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
No one can talk **** about me being down so much now.
tBag, though.
09-16-2015 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Trolls Dont Die
Custer take this midget down, practice?? We talking about practice??? Not a game, not a game, but PRACTICE??
Why you so mad? Because I am a better shooter than everyone on your pathetic basketball team that you root for and have false hope in?

Originally Posted by El Diablo

Wonder how many you could spot Babs and still be a favorite. Surely a huge number.
I could probably spot babs 70 shots and still be a decent favorite.

If I go 90/100 FT and 75/100 from 3, that's 165, which is a huge ****ing number.
09-16-2015 , 02:52 PM
For someone to say he can make 70% opposite handed and not think "okay this dude can ****in shoot" is pretty naive hahah. I can shoot in the 90s I'm certain but left handed would probably be like 15%.

Makes me want to have a shooting contest with you, Greer. I similarly haven't shot in a few years
09-16-2015 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Why you so mad? Because I am a better shooter than everyone on your pathetic basketball team that you root for and have false hope in?

I could probably spot babs 70 shots and still be a decent favorite.

If I go 90/100 FT and 75/100 from 3, that's 165, which is a huge ****ing number.
Are you shooting tomorrow still? 75/100 is something I'd like to see...
09-16-2015 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by RMB
Are you shooting tomorrow still? 75/100 is something I'd like to see...
Yeah I have side bets with EC & red that still need to be decided. Red still has the option to buy out for $180, while EC has declined.

I think im a big dog to shoot 75/100 from 3, but it's possible. In my practice round yesterday I was 68/100 from 3. Today I started off 14/14 but that's obviously flukey.
09-16-2015 , 02:58 PM

What's your go-to foosball shot?
09-16-2015 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

What's your go-to foosball shot?
Dead man pull tap from the far side to the middle man. Very long and very fast, but it became a non issue when the pull shot (using only the middle man) became the end all and be all of Foosball. (Todd Lofrado style)

I supported the pull being only awarded a half point each in competition, but it never caught on. I was ranked nationally as a pro goalie and novice forward. Ah, the good old days.

Actually, I'm going to play a little, I'm buying a table off Craig's List!

Last edited by tylertwo; 09-16-2015 at 03:14 PM.
09-16-2015 , 04:13 PM
G10 is doing way too much "peacocking".
He's acting like the bet is over. It is not over until he has hit 100 of his 200 shots. There's no "buy out" in red buck nation!!!
He executed a very admirable double hustle on a couple of people, but I want to see it.
But in the spirit of the competition, I will let you buy out for $100.
09-16-2015 , 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by redbuck
G10 is doing way too much "peacocking".
He's acting like the bet is over. It is not over until he has hit 100 of his 200 shots. There's no "buy out" in red buck nation!!!
He executed a very admirable double hustle on a couple of people, but I want to see it.
But in the spirit of the competition, I will let you buy out for $100.

At least now im not going to only bet with one person tomorrow. I appreciate the offer for me to buy out, but I have to respectfully decline!

May the best man win tomorrow morning.
09-16-2015 , 04:30 PM

This is already a great hustle, but it would be a truly epic hustle if it turns out you gimmicked the video somehow and actually can only do like 105 max and got Custer to buy out for $1800!
09-16-2015 , 04:37 PM
09-16-2015 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

This is already a great hustle, but it would be a truly epic hustle if it turns out you gimmicked the video somehow and actually can only do like 105 max and got Custer to buy out for $1800!
You thought that was actually me shooting today? LOL

I'm 5'7, dude in that video is 5'9 IMO
09-16-2015 , 04:51 PM
Would be even better if g10 and I are in on this since I was the only one watching. We get the other bets to buy out and chop profits.
09-16-2015 , 04:54 PM
09-16-2015 , 05:38 PM
75 out of 100 3s!!!!!
