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***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) ***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :)

11-01-2010 , 03:20 AM
Does anyone here use the Cat Genie?

Anyway, here's mine

My cat Chrissy after giving birth. My mom wouldn't let me take Chrissy when I moved out of her house, and the kittens were all given away except for one, which my brother took

the newborn kittens

a few weeks old before we gave them away

Ally & Chance

Ally at a few months old


Arby. This pic is over 10 years old now, the cat is still alive but in very poor health these days. He's living with my mom. This pic was taken when I lived in NYC

my looney-dog, Bruiser

Bruiser & Marshmallow

Hangin on the bed with the cats
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11-01-2010 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by suckerpunch
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't know how she'll handle being picked up and put in a carrier but I'll give it a go.
Seriously, you are awesome to be willing to try to help! Good luck, and fire away any other questions. Lots of people in this thread who know cats, obv.
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11-01-2010 , 06:23 AM
Play time:

Nap time:

Laundry Time:
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
11-01-2010 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by suckerpunch
Thanks for the suggestion. I don't know how she'll handle being picked up and put in a carrier but I'll give it a go.
Try to "trick her in" like give her some food stuff she really likes and put small portions in direction of the carrier and the rest of it in the carrier. If she is hungry enough she might fall for the trick and go inside.

I think its pretty nice of you what you are doing to help that cat.

Wish you all the best!
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11-01-2010 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by jessiep
If you are unable to get your brand food in the US (I have not seen it in the pet stores) I would bring a good amount of it with you when you move. Then choose a brand that is similar here in the US. Start by giving them 3/4 of their regular food mixed in with 1/4 of the new food. Gradually increase the new food until they are off their old brand. This is important because if you just totally switch brands it could cause you cat to have an upset stomach.

Just find a high quality food with no by products like Blue Buffalo (which I use), Wellness, Avoderm, etc. Watch out for brands like Science Diet which are high priced but list water as the first ingrediant of all their wet foods.

I feel so bad for you kitty having to fly in the cargo area. I know some airlines let you fly with a small dog as long as they are in a soft carrier and they charge you extra of course. Does this not apply to cats?
Thought of getting them used to something I can buy in the US and here since I am not allowed to bring any dairy products nor meat or fish into the country. Sometimes they allow you a small portion of dried food to feed them when you get them from cargo but most oft the time not even that is allowed. I thought about going via ship already but thats even worse since I won't be able to let them out of their box for 6 days then. So that is not an option.

I am really worried. This is gonna be the horror trip of my life I think. You can't even give them some medicine against air/travel sickness or something to calm them since they have to go through health inspection by a vet at the airport and the can't be inspected if they have gotten any medicine ...

Well. I just googled I can buy nutro overhere and I can get Royal Cannin from me vet. Any one using this?

The stuff I am feeding atm has the quality it needs to have if sold to humans. Its pure Tuna or Chicken or whatever flavor with no additives and no "garbage". And it comes in its natural shape like you can tell that ist is tuna or chicken meat because it looks just like tuna or chicken not like pressed into shape what ever pieces.

Is there anything similar in the US? I could try to get that over here then and slowly get them used to it.

Hope my english isnt to messed up and is still understandable.
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11-01-2010 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by William Murderface
Does anyone here use the Cat Genie?

Anyway, here's mine
She looks so .. Ach, do I have to do this?

Beautyful, cute cats!

Originally Posted by JimHammer
I love it when they do this

Originally Posted by Dids

Beatrice had a slight heart murmur when they did her vaccination a while back, so I had them do and EKG before had. They determined that she had a slightly enlarged heart, which x-rays later confirmed. Don't really fully know what that means yet, hopefully just more money to spend.
Bird? They are adorable.. so many wonderfull catpics

About the heart issue... all brothers of my cats have serious heart issues but all of them are treated with like on heart pill a day that needs to be mixed into the food or somehow put into the cat. So to me it sounds pretty undramatic what Beatrice has. I would think youll probably won't have to do anything special. And if it might come down to giving her a heart pill every day.

Originally Posted by The Iron Sheik

and I love the picture of them sleeping and of course the one with Tipps under the blanket.

So many cute cats in 2+2.. amazing!

Originally Posted by Everlastrr

Yes he is an Abyssinian. They are arguably the oldest breed of domestic cat and have a well defined, consistent set of traits that the wiki sums up well.

"Abyssinians are extroverted, extremely active, playful, willful and intelligent."

They are known for being somewhat hypoallergenic. Many cat allergy suffers are not affected by Abyssinians. They also are unique among domestic cats in that they have ticked fur that gives them that "wild" look. ie 4 colors on 1 band of hair rather than just one color.

This statue from the MET Museum is from the Ptolemaic period (332–30 B.C.) Egyptians used them for pest control and were they often found under their owners chairs in tomb scenes. As you can see they are very similar looking to the Abyssinians of today.

They look very majestic. Like Eqyptian Gods/Godesses. (but to me almost any cat looks liek a godess ) But theses look extremly eqyptian I think.. very beautiful!

And I think I have heared the allergic part before. Is it true, can you confirm this?
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11-01-2010 , 12:29 PM
These are my cats, They are indoor/outdoor cats I cant remember the last time I saw them use their litter box. I am also allergic to cats but for being long hair cats they don't shed much at all except at the change of seasons when they loose their winter fur. Thats the only time I noticed hair around. I feed them Friskies (soft and hard food and Nine lives soft food).

Blue, He's he father of the second one names Kitten. These cats are awesome they have a mane like a lions and tails like a fox. (I think they may be part Somali cat)

This is Kitten. He got his name after his mother her name was Kitten and we could decide on a name so I just started calling him kitten to get him back in the house when it was time to feed them.

In before LOL you need to straighten up your table.
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11-01-2010 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by SneakyFerret
How did I miss that Pic? Lol!

Originally Posted by nuisance
These cats are awesome they have a mane like a lions and tails like a fox. (I think they may be part Somali cat)

In before LOL you need to straighten up your table.
never mind, Cat will clean up table (mine would)

Tail reminds me of norwegian forest Cats and also a bit of my main coons.
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11-01-2010 , 05:37 PM
I've never heard of that breed but looking at pictures I wouldn't doubt if they had some of that breed in them. The tail and the main look similar except the pure breed ones I saw had a lot longer hair. Those cats are really cool looking to,
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11-01-2010 , 05:59 PM
My cats are always knocking things off tables. My Belle jumps up on the bathroom vanity a few times a day and knocks the hand soap dispenser off the vanity onto the floor. She then waits for us to see what the noise was and there she is on the vanity her favorite spot for brushing and petting.

I love seeing everyone's cats they are all so cute!
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11-01-2010 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by MSUcougar

^^My cat Puma

Question: I'm getting married in a few months so my fiance will be moving in with her cat. My cat is male, about 1-1/2 yrs old and full of energy. Her cat is female, 5 yrs old and fairly calm. She has explained that her cat "doesn't really like other cats". Any tips or tricks on bringing these cats together?
Congratulation on getting married first

My first cat did not like any other cats an when I got my 2nd Cat she was terrible to the new cat. I just did not make any fuzz of anything - just behaved normal with both of them, did not give more attention to the new cat (like protecting him and stuff) and left them to sort of clear it by themselves. And I never gave them the impression that anything would change if they keept being terrible with each other (I sort of ignored it) only took 2 days and they where fine.

I truly believe cats are really smart and they sense if they can get away with something or manipulate you into doing something - so if you are not paying a lot of attention to the new situation they will be fine.

Maybe leave them enough space seperate from each other (dont put the food right next to each other in the beginning, get a seperate litter box and so on - make sure each one has a safe place to retreat).

GL to all of you!
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11-01-2010 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by nuisance
I've never heard of that breed but looking at pictures I wouldn't doubt if they had some of that breed in them. The tail and the main look similar except the pure breed ones I saw had a lot longer hair. Those cats are really cool looking to,
and the ears as well - I think (forest cat)

and my cats are playing "cat hockey" with everything on a table that may be pushed of the edge just to sit motionless on the table looking at the stuff falling.
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11-01-2010 , 09:24 PM
They could Blue goes outside when there's 2ft of snow with no hesitation.
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11-03-2010 , 04:39 AM
Guys it is Maine **** ^_^. One pretty easy way to tell if you have one (or part of one) is to look at its forehead. Does it have an M shape on it? If yes, probably part Maine ****.

Anyways, I will post some pictures of wet, happy Bengal cats when I get back to the states!
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
11-03-2010 , 10:32 AM
don't want to post pictures of my now dead cat (3 weeks ) but please keep up the good work, guys, excellent thread!
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11-03-2010 , 11:08 AM
Mr.K getting ready for Christmas


Sorry to hear about your cat, Wazz.
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11-09-2010 , 03:37 PM

Curiosity, obv.
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11-09-2010 , 03:41 PM
In honor of the new embed technology...

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11-09-2010 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by The Iron Sheik
We can never get them to sit still unless they are sleeping, except for when we put on The Lion King. Then they sit down and quietly watch the whole thing.


Zeuss didn't care for The Lion King, but he is a fan of Conan.

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11-09-2010 , 04:48 PM
from a friends facebook

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
11-09-2010 , 05:04 PM
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
11-09-2010 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by IWEARGOGGLES
Guys it is Maine **** ^_^. One pretty easy way to tell if you have one (or part of one) is to look at its forehead. Does it have an M shape on it? If yes, probably part Maine ****.
From the pictures I saw on Google it looks like that is what kind of cat he is at least part and he has the same pattern on his head.
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11-09-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by thedeezy
I guess I want have to tard up the EPL thread anymore with my cats.

The Lounge I introduce you to Cowboy and Carlos who are brothers who just turned 9 months old:



Both are of these kittens came from a friend of my girlfriend and I who couldn't keep all 3 kittens in the litter. We took all three but gave the girl of the litter to my girlfriends mom.

Bonus pic of all three from back in July - L to R: Zoe, Carlos and Cowboy

I initially just wanted one cat but when I was around Carlos and Cowboy I immediately changed my mind and needed both of them. Cowboy is definitely the more social cat, always wanting to play, chirping at us, waking us up in the morning . Carlos is really hit or miss, either wants to lay on you for hours or hide in a closet. I've always been a cat person but hadn't owned one for 6 years since my childhood cat died and I couldn't imagine not having them.
xposted from The Lounge thread.

Cats recently turned one, will have to take some new pics
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11-09-2010 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by Faybio

Curiosity, obv.
How ****ing big is that cat, that's insane.

Also you need a lapinator.
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11-09-2010 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
How ****ing big is that cat, that's insane.
Zeuss weighs 12-12.5 lbs. All muscle. He's only 20 months old, and possibly still growing.

The angle of the pic makes him look bigger than he is, IMO. I hadn't noticed until you posted, but he does look huge in the pics.

Originally Posted by Dids
Also you need a lapinator.
I do need a lapinator.

(Though that's my brother in the picture, which I took.)
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