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***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) ***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :)

10-30-2010 , 07:05 PM
The dust is inhaled into the lungs when they are digging in the box. It is not scientifically proven because not enough studies have been done but I would just rather not take a chance and can see how dust particles could be inhaled. I also like the fact that the litter I use is biodegradable and very light in weight.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:09 PM
Does the Little Robot make a lot of noise? I googled it and I like the way it says it works my only concern would be noise level.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Official cat thread FTW!

Inspired by the "Taught Zeuss a cool trick" here in OOT
Taught Zeuss a cool trick...

Not the trick...
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by jessiep
Her cat is moving in to your cat's domain so it is very important that she puts her cat in one room or closed off area from your cat at first so her cat feels secure and your cat is not having his terrority invaded. Leave them separate for a week or so then let them meet in small intervals of time gradually increasing the amount of time until they demonstrate that they are okay together. Then she can let her cat out of the room and get used to the rest of your place.

It is good that they are different sexes. Male cats tend to fight over territory and compete with each other.

Good luck!
Ver good advice. Let the cats sniff each other through a door for the first meeting. Then when they see each other they'll already recognize each others' smell.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:52 PM
My neighbor and I have adopted a cat, she wandered into our carport scratched and bleeding one day and has been hanging around on the back stairs ever since (about a year now). We made a little house for her and she seems content, except for fleas.

We tried a collar but it didn't seem to help much. A friend recommended Advantage but we can't get her to sit still for it. Any suggestions? Would putting something in her house help at all? Thanks for any help.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 08:23 PM

A friend found an abandoned litter about 3 months ago, and I got this rascal and named her Chinny on account of her white chin.

She's pretty energetic and loves to play fetch with a hair tie. Shes better about dropping it than any dog I ever had as a kid.

Be it Karma or coincidence I've been running in god mode since the day I took her in.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Eowin
I have 3 main coons. Never had any problems with them except the tons of hair I have to vacum of the carpets every day. Unfortunatly their direct relatives suffer from heart and kidney issues. That seems to be a common health issue with main coons but lucky me (us) none of my cats has had any trouble so far.
how affectionate are your cats?
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 09:16 PM
bump for catfecta?
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 10:47 PM

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by th1986
I love cats but will not get one due to the fact that removing hair from your clothes becomes a part time job....

And i get to visit my parents cats on weekly basis...

so i too am very interested in the whole leaving hair all over the place , but am not interested in the Dr Evil type cat.
Short hair cat is the answer.

Short hair + regular brushing = minimal shed.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 10:56 PM
This is my/my parents cat, Shadow:

This is the cat I got with my romm-mates, 7 weeks old; meet SPARTACUS:

I'm not sure how serious these plans are but we're considering getting two more so we can name them Varro and Crixus.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by art__vandelay

Highest point in the oom when the doors are opened.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-30-2010 , 11:41 PM
Whenever someone enters my home Sebastian is always the star and what people want to know about.

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 12:19 AM
Some awesome cats ITT.

grind kitty

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 12:34 AM

Hilarious video if you have a cat. Little bitty kitty want to bite bite bite...
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by jessiep
Eowin - If you are worried about the possibility of expensive health issues I would suggest buying an insurance policy. I have VPI (Veterinary Pet Insurance),

thanks for the link. That is really great. I'll certainly check on this.

actually I am mostly worried because we might move to Philadelphia next year (we are in Europe atm) and my cats are used to certain food and litter and stuff and as far I could figure out most of the stuff is not available in the US (of course - you have all different brandnames over there) and I have no clue how a 9 hour + flight will affect them (since I cant take them to the cabin with me) they have to travel in cargo ...

and of course I will be very sad to leave my Vet here. She knows my cats from since there where babies so that will be tough.

So expect tons of.. where cann I buy ... questions from me in 2011

and btw: 2nd picture cats real name is Tinkerbelle! funny since yours are called Tinker and belle! but she has picked herself another name so no one calles her by her real name

Last edited by Eowin; 10-31-2010 at 01:51 AM.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Some awesome cats ITT.

grind kitty

So sweet!!!
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
how affectionate are your cats?
very! They dont care if its me or friends stepping in if some one sits down they jump on your lap the very second you sit down and want to be stoked and petted.

A friend of mine said something like: your cats seem to be very friendly cats (she doesn't like cats much but she loves mine)
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 02:23 AM
@ everlasterr
wow, what a beauty.. is he abesinian or something?

@ faybio
beautyful cats. So glad mine never figured out how to get on top of a door

@ noidea
omg! little Cats are soooo sweet.. cool name as well

@ the noodleman
she has such beautiful fur! omg how can you abandon such a sweet cat! And isnt it funny how cats allways try to get in to boxes actually way to smal for them? Good thing she is with you now!

I love this thread! Glad I have started it (is it I have started or I started? sorry for my english - I have to practise more I guess)

@ Bostaevski
omg... so sweet! persian?

@ Keyser
Wow! Your cats are awesome. Bengals would have been my choice if it had not been Maine coons. I thought for like a year if I could really handle a pet in my life and then it came down to either:
Savanna, Bengal or Main ****..

@ jessiep
your cats look like egyptian godesses on that black chair. They look so sweet together...

I guess I'll not talk about poker in 2+2 anymore now

Thanks for the loveley pictures
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 02:55 AM
They like to lie on me while I play poker...

The dog belongs to the people I rent from, he likes to visit...

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 04:04 AM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog

Hilarious video if you have a cat. Little bitty kitty want to bite bite bite...
very nice
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by TimM
They like to lie on me while I play poker...
sweet cats mine do too lie on me while I play.. makes me tilt less...
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Keyser.
Official cat thread FTW!

Inspired by the "Taught Zeuss a cool trick" here in OOT I did some research on bengals and found them to be a perfect fit for me. Here are Huckleberry and Thomas:

Which cat food brand does everyone prefer? As per Faybio's recommendation I switched HuckTom to Wellness and it seems to be working well.

How about litter preferences? Does anyone use those fancy self-cleaning ones that are supposed to help with odor? I'm hesitant to switch litter boxes but I'm considering it.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by suckerpunch
My neighbor and I have adopted a cat, she wandered into our carport scratched and bleeding one day and has been hanging around on the back stairs ever since (about a year now). We made a little house for her and she seems content, except for fleas.

We tried a collar but it didn't seem to help much. A friend recommended Advantage but we can't get her to sit still for it. Any suggestions? Would putting something in her house help at all? Thanks for any help.
Other parasites are likely as well, unfortunately, which could be cured/cleared up w/meds. A vet visit would be awesome for this kitty.

***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
10-31-2010 , 08:19 AM
I missed caturday but better late then never.

Her name is Izzy, she's pretty much the nuts.

And she's a ginger!


Keyser your cats are gorgeous.

Last edited by GDF; 10-31-2010 at 08:23 AM. Reason: Please dont make fun of my floor, the house is getting gutted soon.
***The official cat owners thread*** no Dogs allowed.. oh, but wait.. cute ones welcome :) Quote
