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*** No (supafey is not a good poster) vember Official LC thread *** *** No (supafey is not a good poster) vember Official LC thread ***

11-10-2018 , 01:30 PM

jesus man, get some drugs for that ****. I used to have terrible anxiety about flying, drugs was only way I could make it through a flight.
11-10-2018 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by DoctorZangief
I think the only way I can describe my anxiety is like hot bugs crawling out from under my skin. A pressure building up my throat that explodes out my cheeks and head and whites out my vision .

On a plane it leaves me closing my eyes and focusing with every muscle in my legs and butt and arms. If I trust in the professionals and let myself feel this pain every moment of the flight my brain is convinced I am doing what I can to stay safe. In a hospital, it's like the only way I won't feel guilty about someone dying is if I know I felt every inch of my legs and arms shaking with adrenaline and drained myself mentally every single moment forever.
Psychotherapy! Big time. And until it works: drugs. But actually psychotherapy. Such kind of stuff is really well treatable by CBT, differently to personality disorders.

I mean...... I think you know it yourself....

Or start a blog.
11-10-2018 , 02:33 PM
DrZ obviously making stuff up (dare I say, a magic show?) because he's an attention whore.
11-10-2018 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
he's an attention whore.
He totally is. Parallels to MLYLT are obvious. He is even worse because he tries to get attention by actively mistreating others.
11-10-2018 , 03:25 PM
DZ can fix his posting problems. M can’t.
11-10-2018 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
It’s November, so that could drop below 80 if I remain clean.
Conservative guess.
11-10-2018 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
M can’t.
11-10-2018 , 05:52 PM
Villain: You’re the only person I’ve ever heard say that fried chicken is hard to eat.

All: no wonder ytf and mly can’t resist gas station food!

The maltesers were an odd item in that bunch.
11-10-2018 , 06:09 PM
If fried chicken was shredded and put in a sauce on top of spaghetti maybe. That doesn't sound terribly nice though.

Are those doughnuts fully covered in sugar? What a great way to ruin a doughnut! Which reminds me of this rhubarb crumble I made earlier this week. I halved the sugar and it was still sickly sweet and it got rated a 4/5!
11-10-2018 , 06:25 PM

Wtf, you’ve never seen a powdered doughnut before!?
11-10-2018 , 06:31 PM
The last time I went to a doughnut shop I was a teenager and I don't remember anything like that!
11-10-2018 , 06:32 PM

Powdered doughnuts are more of a gas station, 7-11, or grocery store thing than a doughnut shop thing.
11-10-2018 , 06:38 PM
Maybe I have missed them. I don't really buy doughnuts. They're probably here but I am a bit oblivious at the supermarket, have my list and get in and out.
11-10-2018 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
Villain: You’re the only person I’ve ever heard say that fried chicken is hard to eat.

All: no wonder ytf and mly can’t resist gas station food!

The maltesers were an odd item in that bunch.
Holy crap!

Originally Posted by Rexx14
Maybe I have missed them. I don't really buy doughnuts. They're probably here but I am a bit oblivious at the supermarket, have my list and get in and out.
They are best enjoyed by teenagers and gluttons. I ate a ton of them for breakfast as a teenager. I don't recall eating a single one of them after that.
11-11-2018 , 12:01 AM
Rexx I would send you powdered donuts international for 40 dolla or whatever, but they would be very stale.

May be time for an International Snack Exchange. I'd like to send Lapka some things iykwim.
11-11-2018 , 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Rexx14
Maybe I have missed them. I don't really buy doughnuts. They're probably here but I am a bit oblivious at the supermarket, have my list and get in and out.
Powdered sugar donuts are top tier gas station food. They also have them covered in like crumbs with coconut and there are chocolate ones too.

package of chocolates and a red bull is required road tripping fuel.
11-11-2018 , 12:10 AM
Jesus christ gross
11-11-2018 , 01:05 AM
The chocolate ones are horrible. The coating has a waxy texture that sticks to the roof of your mouth and the back of your tongue.

Nothing beats a box of full sized Hostess powered sugar raspberry filled. Sadly, I can't seem to find them anywhere anymore.
11-11-2018 , 01:26 AM
Currently watching Road House. I've never seen it. It's pretty fantastic(lly 80s).
11-11-2018 , 01:29 AM
Definitely would like to know what percentage of screen time Swayze spends shirtless.
11-11-2018 , 02:16 AM
I saw road house in the theater with my dad. Maybe the first R rated movie I saw. Years later when I rewatched it I was baffled to find out the sex scene in the storage room in the bar was only a few seconds of nudity and tame af because it loomed large in my mind for years.
11-11-2018 , 10:56 AM
Cake donuts are taste kind of gross to me. There usually is too strong of a baking soda flavor.
11-11-2018 , 11:10 AM
Looks like our house survived. We’re the fourth of five houses on a long driveway. The fifth house (owned by a former MLB player) is destroyed. The one at the bottom of the driveway is damaged but repairable. We haven’t seen ours yet but we’re told by our neighbor that it looks okay. The guy that owns the house next door is missing. He has been as irritating as DZ for forty-three years but even so, I hope he’s okay.

These things are wildly chaotic and move ridiculously fast when winds are blowing hard.
11-11-2018 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
Currently watching Road House. I've never seen it. It's pretty fantastic(lly 80s).
In the most 80s thing ever, I got accosted in the mall before this came out to be a market research subject for it. The gave me a sandwich and a mall coupon for ten buck, or some ish. I panned the movie.

Basically went like this:

11-11-2018 , 11:17 AM
Fingers crossed, Howard.
