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Netflix "Watch Instantly" Netflix "Watch Instantly"

11-18-2010 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by runLOLArun
Anyone watch netflix movies on a vizio TV? I'm thinking of getting this one and would appreciate any feedback from those who own one, thanks.
Link didn't work but I own a Vizio and watch Netflix thru XBox fairly regularly and it's fine. The friends of mine who are a/v types say Vizio makes good TVs these days so if you're concerned about it being crappy or something I don't think you need to be. Netflix picture for me is roughly as good as any of the HD movie channels.
Netflix "Watch Instantly" Quote
11-18-2010 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Link didn't work but I own a Vizio and watch Netflix thru XBox fairly regularly and it's fine. The friends of mine who are a/v types say Vizio makes good TVs these days so if you're concerned about it being crappy or something I don't think you need to be. Netflix picture for me is roughly as good as any of the HD movie channels.
Sorry the link didn't work, I think this one's good

Thanks for the input, I wasn't worried about a crappy TV, just wanted to know if netflix works well through this set.
Netflix "Watch Instantly" Quote
11-18-2010 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by runLOLArun
Sorry the link didn't work, I think this one's good

Thanks for the input, I wasn't worried about a crappy TV, just wanted to know if netflix works well through this set.
Be careful if you need a wired internet connection to it.
Netflix "Watch Instantly" Quote
11-18-2010 , 07:22 PM
Dogs Decoded - Nova doc about the domestication of the dog.

I Am Comic - doc about the lives of stand-up comedian.

Me and You and Everyone We Know
- a fantastic quirky indie film. ))<>((

Amelie - Probably the best movie I've seen in the last 5 years. I can't say enough good things about this movie. I could use it as a friend filter. If you don't like Amelie, we probably shouldn't be friends.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-18-2010 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by 175503
Still, it's a bunch of comedians in every episode and there are tons of comedic things going on, like the blonde chick planted etc etc etc and he's a comedian ffs.

idk I just wasn't feeling the last few episodes and where they went with it.
dramedy bro
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-18-2010 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by runLOLArun
Sorry the link didn't work, I think this one's good

Thanks for the input, I wasn't worried about a crappy TV, just wanted to know if netflix works well through this set.
Oh, yeah I dunno since I'm watching it thru XBox, sorry. Don't have experience with direct-to-TV Netflix, nor have I heard anyone's experiences with it.

Seconded on I Am Comic, didn't know it was available for Watch Instantly. Decent and fairly captivating look into the non-glamorous comic lifestyle.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 02:23 AM
I have direct to tv Netflix on my Panasonic G25 and it works great. I have no problem streaming HD on my wireless G network, would imagine Vizio would be no different.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 06:40 AM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
It all depends on when the license for each movie runs out. If you look at your queue on the website they will give you around a 5 day heads-up when something is expiring.
It usually gives more notice than that fwiw.

Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
They finally started adding more SNL seasons, 6-11 or so. It looks like they are heavily edited, which sucks. The hype was "EVERY SNL sketch to soon be available on Netflix". I hope none of the ones I'm nostalgic about are the ones that don't make the cut.
Edited as in censored or edited as in shortened?

Originally Posted by Dog Boy
If Netflix is editing, that sucks. Reminds me a Blockbuster caving in to conservatives in Utah years ago. They started editing their rentals to make them family friendly.

FFS. If you don't want the kids to watch it, then don't rent it.
+1 I live in Utah. These ****ers are crazy here. They put black plastic over magazines w/cleavage too. Also a lawsuit is getting filed for them censoring the movies.

Edit- I'd never seen 30 rock before but I saw the first episode and it was pretty funny. Kinda like the office but a little less dry if you're not familiar with it. Probably going to crack out on this after I get through dexter.

Also saw they added "The Girl Who Played With Fire". I've heard those are good, but haven't gotten around to seeing them.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:57 AM

this being on the horizon is super sweet. Like they say it'll still be no replacement for BD but it should be fairly close and that's awesome.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 11:24 AM
That article is from February. The switch from disc to Playstation app also brought full HD and 5.1 sound.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
I have direct to tv Netflix on my Panasonic G25 and it works great. I have no problem streaming HD on my wireless G network, would imagine Vizio would be no different.
I have it on a Samsung television and it also works amazingly well. Compared to the Wii (which I used to stream Netflix on), it is faster load times, better interface, just a much better overall user experience (and obviously Wii doesn't have HD steraming so Samsung set wins on that count as well).

Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by 175503

this being on the horizon is super sweet. Like they say it'll still be no replacement for BD but it should be fairly close and that's awesome.
I want to be more excited by this announcement as it's a tech upgrade - but honestly I'm fine with 720 and I bet something like 90% of consumers are as well.

Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by killer_kill
Edited as in censored or edited as in shortened?
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by Aloysius
I want to be more excited by this announcement as it's a tech upgrade - but honestly I'm fine with 720 and I bet something like 90% of consumers are as well.

sure but I was fine with 480 too, and we were fine with CRTs and VHS and everything else we've ever had. If it's only $1-$2 more a month, what's the downside?
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by 175503

this being on the horizon is super sweet. Like they say it'll still be no replacement for BD but it should be fairly close and that's awesome.
The upgrade in this 9 month old article happened a month ago for the ps3.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 07:04 PM
finally figured out something to ask for from the father in law... I could use a dvd/netflix streamer for my office. Anyone have recommendations?
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by 175503
sure but I was fine with 480 too, and we were fine with CRTs and VHS and everything else we've ever had. If it's only $1-$2 more a month, what's the downside?
From CRT to 720 HD is a huge jump up in quality, as is obviously VHS to BluRay.

Not sure how accurate this is, but according to the chart and from what I've read, at normal viewing distances based on screen size, it is debatable how much the human eye can discern w/r/t the difference between 720 and 1080.

Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 09:22 PM
I think the best argument possible for 1080p is my mom. My mom is an idiot on technology-related things by choice. She impulsively bought a Sebring convertible because it was the prettiest shade of blue. She literally can not spot her exact car on the road unless it's the exact same color and a covnertible. I can show her 60 pictures of a 2008 Porsche Boxster in white and 30 times she will say she hates it and 30 times she will say she loves it. None of this is an exaggeration. She tells me she "can't tell" when surround sound is working, and she refuses to text message because she "can't figure it out" which is complete crap.

Needless to say, when my mom sees something that uses electricity or gas and is impressed, it's impressive.

I was watching Crank on blu-ray one day when I was living with my mom on my 30" She's seen my computer and the dual monitors and the speakers etc and not given a crap about any of it. Anyways I'm in the living room just sitting there with my $500 headphones she doesn't think sound any better than her ipod buds and she walks by and I literally hear her gasp and stops. I kinda get freaked out and she just yells WHAT ARE YOU WATCHING I'm like Crank, have you seen it?

She asked me what I did to make the picture so special. I was still confused and she just walks up to the screen, touches it like she thought there were people inside and goes "YOU CAN SEE HIS PORES"

Blu-Ray is no joke, even the blind, deaf and ignorant by choice can't miss the quality.

I'm not smart enough to fully process that chart and what it's completely telling me but some of it probably had to due with my screen size(though I'm not sure if the 2560x1600 res makes it more or less significant) and she was probably only 10' away when it happened

Still, how often are people 30' from their TV?
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 09:55 PM
My set-up according to the chart would make 1080p quite relevant.

The love for Instant in general is bothersome to me because of what it might mean for future Blu-Ray+ releases of everything that hasn't been released that way yet.

I've softened up on it a bit used to be that I wouldn't watch anything I deemed "important" if it was available on BD, including 70 year old movies. I'll watch a lot of those now, but I'm still not watching Citizen Kane or The Third Man that way.

Try looking at Apocalypse Now Redux and tell me it's acceptable to watch it streaming.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
oftened up on it a bit used to be that I wouldn't watch anything I deemed "important" if it was available on BD, including 70 year old movies. I'll watch a lot of those now, but I'm still not watching Citizen Kane or The Third Man that way.
You and me both. I've got something like 260 blu-rays and I watch instant probably 5-6x more than the blu-rays, maybe even more.

It's just so good especially for stuff that was made for TV. Screw spending whatever the price of a TV show costs on blu-ray when I can just marathon through it in a day, and waiting for 5-6 discs because production companies want you to feel like you're getting "your money's worth" by using more discs than you actually need. All that means to me is slowing down my queue.

I just blasted through an entire season of 24 in something like 26 hours which is awesome and much of that is just due to the sheer convenience.

I hope Netflix 1080p will be almost as good as blu-ray. I doubt that it will given most blu-ray discs are holding around 48GB of data, sometimes only 40, it's just a ton to transfer.

Guess we'll see but either way it's definitely positive for streaming.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:22 PM
Stop talking like Netflix 1080p isn't already available, it has been for month.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by 175503
You and me both. I've got something like 260 blu-rays and I watch instant probably 5-6x more than the blu-rays, maybe even more.

It's just so good especially for stuff that was made for TV. Screw spending whatever the price of a TV show costs on blu-ray when I can just marathon through it in a day, and waiting for 5-6 discs because production companies want you to feel like you're getting "your money's worth" by using more discs than you actually need. All that means to me is slowing down my queue.

I just blasted through an entire season of 24 in something like 26 hours which is awesome and much of that is just due to the sheer convenience.

I hope Netflix 1080p will be almost as good as blu-ray. I doubt that it will given most blu-ray discs are holding around 48GB of data, sometimes only 40, it's just a ton to transfer.

Guess we'll see but either way it's definitely positive for streaming.
I think my main point is the opposite of yours. I've softened up a little on streaming and am willing to watch things I previously would not have, but for many things I think it's woefully inadequate and that people are giving themselves far inferior experiences by going with crappy streaming when they could have gotten BD.

Examples of things I would not watch streaming unless they were truly BD quality: Jurassic Park, Pirates of the Caribbean, most Kubrick, a lot of Spielberg, any Coen Brothers, Sopranos, Twin Peaks, Carnivale, etc. My fear is that the love for Instant will put BD conversions of stuff like that by the wayside.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:28 PM
btw, here are bandwidth requirements HD:

8mbps for 1080p on a ps3.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-19-2010 , 10:47 PM
Just to avoid tons of confusion 1MBps is 1 megabyte per second and 1 mbps is a megabit, which is 1/8th of that. So this will require 1 megabyte of download speed.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
11-20-2010 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by 175503
Wow I just finished Louis CK's season 1 show. Seriously, what the hell. The first 3-4 episodes were pretty funny and from there it pretty much just turns in to this really depressing drama. There's seriously an entire episode where he and his mother don't get along and his brother just bursts in to tears and then it's like THE END.

Oh yeah, spoiler, I just saved you from watching the most depressing comedy ever.

The cold open on episode 2 was hilarious though
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Hint - it's not a comedy.
I thought it was funny. Maybe it hit close to home.
Netflix &quot;Watch Instantly&quot; Quote
