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My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting My job is driving me nuts. Thinking of quitting

02-14-2015 , 03:23 AM
Yeah we all joke about train wrecking Babs but until he fires an opening shot, posting EL D Facebook or something similar, I don't think it's cool to take it to that level.
02-14-2015 , 03:28 AM
lol at thinking he's serious.

edit: G, no need to come back and say "I'm 100% serious." etc...
02-14-2015 , 03:30 AM
Hey I just want to cover my ass when beast goes on a killing spree.
02-14-2015 , 03:31 AM
For what its worth... My opinion is don't post it... or point her to this thread.

NO ONE deserves it more than TWeasel... But even he doesn't need to have his life jacked up as much as that would jack it up...

Do however PM me info... Do we have a pic of her?

Last edited by StoneColdTex; 02-14-2015 at 03:37 AM.
02-14-2015 , 04:26 AM

If tboss is as attractive as you say, do you think she's attracted to a thirty something, low-level employee making less than $33K? Do you think she believes you own a home on that salary?

If the answers to both are "yes," you are lying to yourself.
02-14-2015 , 04:29 AM
i doubt his boss would be surprised, or care about this thread.
02-14-2015 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe

haha this was amazing and so on point.

Originally Posted by jmakin
If you're serious, that's not cool at all.

You're right, from the amount of threats he posts here, he does deserve it, but bleh. That's a bit much and will probably lead to this glorious thread being mbp'd which would suck a lot. I still have like 100 pages to catch up on but the sports betting contests not related to a beast are so, so unreadable.
Agreed, at this point. He behaves like an ass but noone deserves a real life train wreck based on crap posted on the internet. There are definitely limiting factors.
02-14-2015 , 04:46 AM
babs are you still considering Thailand? I'm heading back in April.
02-14-2015 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Yeah I'm serious.

Other two posters who I won't mention are in the firm "no" category.
I'm all for yanking 'ol weasel breath's chain, but this kind of trainwrecking is way over the line imo. Seems cruel and unusual, and will probably get this thread deleted in its entirety.

If you care to PM me the juicy bits, however.....
02-14-2015 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by tbabs
My Dad is 78 years old. He wanted to help me out. I am fully responsible for all mortgage payments, and once the mortgage has been paid the house becomes mine.
So you're going to inherit, that's good. Have you seen a copy of the will?
02-14-2015 , 10:17 AM
Grear, what you're planning to do is pathetic and your obsession with trainwrecking beast is pitiful.

Beast, if you're truly pulling in 40k in sales a month and do those sorts of numbers regularly you should definitely demand a raise or set up some kind of bonus after hitting a certain threshold.
02-14-2015 , 10:26 AM
Trainwrecking would be way out of bounds, but G10 obviously doesn't actually have anything.
02-14-2015 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by LKJ
Trainwrecking would be way out of bounds, but G10 obviously doesn't actually have anything.
pretty sure a beast will be in here shortly reminding you of G10 having an ex-wife that is so ashamed of carrying his offspring that she became a suicidal drug addict.
02-14-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
Yeah I'm serious.

Other two posters who I won't mention are in the firm "no" category.
I'm breaking my hard and fast rule of not posting before 8:00 (or my brain engaging, whichever comes first...)

You had better not be serious, I'm probably the one person who really can't be hurt by trainwrecking (they don't fire retired people), but I would still go ballistic if someone were joking about it.

I don't like when beast threatens El D either.

tbab, have you considered how your coworkers might feel if your boss hooked up with her subordinate? I would fire someone on the spot if they hurt my business over a personal liaison.

Get a med card to relax and go out and find somebody else, IMO.
02-14-2015 , 11:29 AM
Sgt RJ,

Regarding Tbab's sister

Check your PMs
02-14-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
I haven't posted in this thread much lately. Been working with 2 other frequent posters itt trying to figure out who the hell this lady is BEAST is so obsessed with. We thought we had it ~2 weeks ago, now we know for sure.

Still debating on linking her to this thread or not. Like, BEAST deserves it in the worst way. But I can't even fathom the embarrassment he would feel... I mean he just talked about how she wants him to **** her in the ass ffs.

BEAST the ball is in your court. What do you think we should do?
damn dude wtf, EAD
02-14-2015 , 11:44 AM
Grear has consistently been a top 2 bad poster ITT, no surprises there.
02-14-2015 , 11:48 AM
Now that would be a interesting contest - rank the worst posters over the entirety of this thread.

Anyone recall PayTheLine?
02-14-2015 , 11:50 AM
@a Beast: El O El Diablo. You need to learn to like him.
02-14-2015 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Now that would be a interesting contest - rank the worst posters over the entirety of this thread.

Anyone recall PayTheLine?
I'd forgotten him! Hahaha that guy was all kinds of sad. He had some entertainment value just because of how surreal he was, so I would take him over Fubster.
02-14-2015 , 12:13 PM
When I said top 2 I meant of the consistent posters fwiw. Grear probably gets beaten by Yak and Pay (who I had indeed forgotten, lol) if we include those who only posted for a short period, for example.

babs is hard to rate, anywhere from top 3 to "clearly best poster" is fine by me.
02-14-2015 , 12:25 PM

Hoenstly, just the implication that you might do this, is enough that I'm debating just deleting this entire thread right now.

I know you don't like beast, and I know you have good reason not to. But honestly, hes the ******ed kid down the street, sure he makes it bear impossible to likes him, but its not entirely his fault. Its just the way he is.

I called you Babs Jr a lot earlier in this thread, and its because you have a lot of the same characteristics as him, think about that for a second. Tracking this chick down, and linking her to this thread is pathetic and mean on a level even higher than beast is. Don't ruin his life just because you are a dick.
02-14-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by tbabs
I threw her a candy today actually. Another girl gave me a couple heart shaped chocolates and I threw one at her. She seemed a little embarrassed that she didnt catch it and said "Im a better thrower than catcher". All smiles.
This is good news if you are into pegging, IMO
02-14-2015 , 12:33 PM
Alobar, txs for that but why on God's green Earth would you refer to me as "the ******ed kid down the street". Lol what the hell is the matter of you, your perception of me is so unbelievably off its honestly disturbing to me.

As far as greear and this thread goes, I don't think he has anything, but the fact that he would even make these claims makes me wonder why he hasnt been banned.

I like to joke around but I would never do anyone here any harm irl.
02-14-2015 , 12:34 PM
Lol someone said I bring in 40k a month so I should demand a raise.

Ice brought in 40k SO FAR just this month, the second person has 11k.
