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I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement

01-23-2010 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by wezvidz
"Slightly inconvenient, but worth the trouble to be off medication."

You're still on 'medication' (ie, any drug or remedy used for an ailment).


Because luckily medicine these days is evidence-based, driven by clinical studies proving benefit rather than anecdotal evidence. There is one meta-analysis showing possible benefit over placebo but not much other research on this.

Nutritional supplements/herbals are not FDA regulated. Products vary widely in what they actually contain based on what is on the label. One reason why herbals aren't always trustworthy.

Compliance is another issue. A once daily medication is always preferrable to an equally effective three times daily medication.

PPIs are a highly effective and well tolerated class of medication. They have been extensively studied since the 1980s and no long term adverse effect worries have really panned out. Licorice supplements can cause a syndrome of pseudohyperaldosteronism.. leading to decreased potassium levels and sodium/fluid retention. This is a very undesirable side effect in patients with hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias and other common comorbid medical conditions found in GERD patients.

PPIs are also more affordable if someone has prescription insurance (and possibly without).. I don't know the price of licorice supplements off hand but they have to be more than a $5-$10 copay for omeprazole.

But it's awesome you found something that works for you. GERD sucks (as does any chronic disease) and it's never a bad idea to explore all options possible.

2 cents from a pharmacist.
"A once daily medication is always preferrable to an equally effective three times daily medication."

Should we be eating one meal a day instead of 3, or preferably (imo) 5-6?

I know you've studied your field quite well, but there are a lot of benefits of eating live organic food and consuming live supplements. Probably 99% of the supplements I take are not FDA approved, and I am happy for that.

I don't see America getting any healthier thanks to Big Pharma, in fact the opposite seems to be true because people's diets are worse than ever. But lo and behold, Big Pharma steps in to mask the symptoms, meanwhile the systemic problem still exists.

Also, you claim that we have 'evidence' based medicine now, rather than anecdotal. I have read a number of examples of the FDA throwing away the evidence of independent studies and only taking the evidence of a study done by the company selling the product. The FDA seems to take the standpoint of 'everything is safe, until proven dangerous' too often to be trusted, imo. Then they throw the homeopaths and natural supplements under the bus, because there is no money to be made off plants that people can grow cheaply themselves.

Furthermore, saying that a new product is effective based on 30 years of study just isn't enough. Americans are quickly becoming a society of diseased mutants, and a large segment of the gene pool is devolving by the day. If everybody ate live, raw food and the right supplements when necessary, you would be out of a job. You can pretty much just eat 90% raw fruits and vegetables all day with a few supplements and almost never get sick.

That is why Big Pharma and the medical industry is mostly a scam, imo. Not saying it hasn't helped anyone, but if people are given the knowledge to cure themselves systemically and remain healthy through diet, then profits go down the drain.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-23-2010 , 06:51 AM
fwiw, based on the 'anectodal' evidence I've read on other sites, DGL works wonders for many other people with OP's problem, while garbage like antacids escalate the problem tremendously. Unless there are hundreds of people out there with reason to lie about DGL, it sounds like you've found a winner.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-23-2010 , 01:38 PM
Your whole argument is weakened when you include a defense for homeopathic "medicine".
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-23-2010 , 01:47 PM
Just as a headsup to those of you with chronic GERD

It's not good for you. Barretts esophagus is caused by constant exposure to acid and is essential pre-cancer cells that will eventually turn into cancer.

If your medication isn't working and you can't find anything else that works, get it repaired.

My father is a thoracic surgeon specializing in GERD and has done literally thousands of repairs for people that said it changed their life.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-23-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by Hume
Your whole argument is weakened when you include a defense for homeopathic "medicine".
pls explain? to be specific I'm talking more about naturopathology, but homeopathy without snake oil isn't remotely bunk.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-23-2010 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Hume
Your whole argument is weakened when you include a defense for homeopathic "medicine".
Right to the point and well said.

DCJ, I understand the point you're trying to make and I definitely think there are some people suffering from chronic conditions out there that would greatly benefit from eating a healthier diet with less processed foods. But you're hurting your credibility by mentioning homeopathy. It really is pseudoscience quackery. There's no biochemical explanation for why a homeopathic treatment would work. The pharmacological effects of DGL, on the other hand, can be scientifically reasoned.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-24-2010 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by Unoriginalname
Right to the point and well said.

DCJ, I understand the point you're trying to make and I definitely think there are some people suffering from chronic conditions out there that would greatly benefit from eating a healthier diet with less processed foods. But you're hurting your credibility by mentioning homeopathy. It really is pseudoscience quackery. There's no biochemical explanation for why a homeopathic treatment would work. The pharmacological effects of DGL, on the other hand, can be scientifically reasoned.
well then ignore what I said about homeopathy and take note of the part about maintaining a healthy diet. I believe that's the most important factor anyway. but I will note my opinion that a lot of 'science' is quackery, in the same way that a lot of 'history' is a lie.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-03-2010 , 04:42 PM
I've been suffering a lot lately, picked up enzymatic german chocolate flavored DGL tablets this morning from an organic store. I feel a little bit better after 1 before breakfast and lunch but it could just be placebo, will update with results over a larger sample size
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by mcorallo
I've been suffering a lot lately, picked up enzymatic german chocolate flavored DGL tablets this morning from an organic store. I feel a little bit better after 1 before breakfast and lunch but it could just be placebo, will update with results over a larger sample size
Bump. Seeing any results at all?

I took just 2 a day for the last few days and have still been fine. Progress continues.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:19 AM
Originally Posted by HIV
have u guys all tried weed? it works way better than any ****in pill and it also gets u high at the same time as treating ur stomach problems. it also doesnt taste like *****ty actually tastes good...there are many flavors....i suggest u give it a try if u havent
Originally Posted by jws43yale
You realize that nausea is entirely different than Acid Reflux. If anything, the irritation the smoke could cause on your throat could just make everything feel worse.
Yep weed is a very bad idea for a cure for acid reflux or heartburn. In fact smoke in general is bad as it increases production of stomach acid. I am pretty sure that's what the doc told me anyways. But I do know when my GERD is flaring and I smoke a doobie or a cigarette I usually wish I had of waited til the meds kicked in.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:36 AM
I also had GERD due to hiatal hernia. Was put on Prevacid for 6 months while avoiding all the offensive stuff. Got off of it and started eating bad again. Was put on for another 3 months. Since then I havent had any problems with food or drink but alcohol, which I really dont like anyway. I am so glad I can enjoy Thai and Korean food again.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 03:37 AM
btw the reason MDs et al don't recommend herbal remedies is because the herbal remedy folks don't bribe as well as the pharmaceutical companies.

tyvm goodbye.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 07:40 AM
I have had GERD only for a couple of months. On meds now, will def check it out.

I have a semi just thinking of getting rid of it with herbal remedies.

Much love OP
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by Unoriginalname
Bump. Seeing any results at all?

I took just 2 a day for the last few days and have still been fine. Progress continues.
Seems to be better. I still have occasional heartburn but the sensation that I was suffocating all the time is gone. Not to get off topic but have you ever had an endoscopy OP? I went and saw a gastroenterologist and he wanted to do one. I probably will over spring break in a month, though I read an article about a pill endoscopy and that seems like a better option.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
btw the reason MDs et al don't recommend herbal remedies is because the herbal remedy folks don't bribe as well as the pharmaceutical companies.

tyvm goodbye.
Sadly, those days are pretty much long gone.

When I was training back when dinosaurs roamed the earth drug companies showered docs with treats and trips. They'd still like to, but most hospitals and pretty much all university health care systems have essentially prohibited them from doing anything beyond lunch and a demonstration.

Does this influence docs? Probably. Commercials, if well done, influence pretty much everyone. But the nearest thing I've had to a bribe recently was a piece of mediocre pizza in exchange for looking at a new packing system for nosebleeds.

Being serious, this is a good thing. Some pretty shady stuff was going on back in the day.

I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by mcorallo
Seems to be better. I still have occasional heartburn but the sensation that I was suffocating all the time is gone. Not to get off topic but have you ever had an endoscopy OP? I went and saw a gastroenterologist and he wanted to do one. I probably will over spring break in a month, though I read an article about a pill endoscopy and that seems like a better option.
I have had and endoscopy. It's not a big deal since you are mostly out of it due to the anesthesia. Doctor printed out a picture showing the damage valves. I couldnt tell the difference lol. Wish I still had that pic tho but I through it out when we moved.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
02-18-2010 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by DrNo888
I have had and endoscopy. It's not a big deal since you are mostly out of it due to the anesthesia. Doctor printed out a picture showing the damage valves. I couldnt tell the difference lol. Wish I still had that pic tho but I through it out when we moved.
I have had an endoscopy and I agree with DrNo. I don't remember the procedure at all. Despite the fact that you swallow a tube, I experienced no discomfort. I think pain/discomfort/complications are very rare, but I suppose it's possible.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
11-30-2012 , 05:15 PM
I know it's been awhile, but I was wondering if you are still taking dgl licorice? Are you cured from gerd?
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
