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I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement

01-19-2010 , 11:26 PM
WARNING: If you don't have GERD/acid reflux/chronic heartburn or if you aren't a medical professional, this will probably be TL;DR and boring as ****. Cliff notes at the bottom.

Junior year of college at 20 years old I randomly started getting heartburn/acid reflux symptoms. It eventually progressed to where I got it every single day. I felt like this was a sick beat because I was in the prime partying time of my life and alcohol/good tasting food burned so bad. Also, this was odd because I was in very good shape and exercised regularly. I self treated with tums/zantac for a little while. Tums didn't do much. The zantac definitely helped, but I still got breakthrough symptoms. I eventually saw a gastro and he ran a bunch of tests and diagnosed me with GERD due to hiatal hernia. He put me on Prevacid (Proton Pump Inhibitor), and it worked amazingly well. For the most part I rarely got heartburn and could drink/party again!

Fast forward 6 years--I was still on proton pump inhibitors. I was glad that PPIs could help me lead a relatively normal life for my early 20s, but I hated the idea of being on medication for the rest of my life. Also, I've read studies that people that take PPIs tend to have more bone issues in old age because they have such low acid levels in their stomach, which messes with the digestion and absorption of key nutrients like Vit-D and Calcium. I tried to go off the PPIs several times. I tried bland diets, and I mean REALLY bland. For instance a lean chicken, brown rice, and vegetable diet--with no condiments or flavorings--and I would still get heartburn. I tried weening myself off by switching to zantac, but I would still get acid reflux symptoms eventually. I tried supposed natural cures like Aloe Vera Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, and digestive enzymes--none of them worked. I always got reflux symptoms.

Six months ago I tried an herbal supplement called DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) expecting the same results as everything else. But I didn't get the same results. It worked. It actually ****ing worked. I didn't get full relief instantly though--that took time. But I noticed partial relief almost right away.

I eat roughly 6 small meals/snacks a day. I started taking 1 DGL before each meal. I noticed that I would still get acid reflux symptoms eventually, but it seemed to be a lot less severe and it would take longer to manifest. So I started a regiment of 6 DGLs a day and 1 zantac a day. With this combo I was getting almost no heartburn/acid refulx. I did this for a couple weeks and eventually dropped the 1 zantac a day. To my amazement I still continued to get practically zero heartburn. During this time, I was still avoiding very offensive foods--for instance I still stayed away from citrus, soda, and spicey foods--but I would still eat things like pizza, hamburgers, and steaks every once in awhile and be fine. A couple months ago I was able to finally start adding occasional citrus foods and be totally fine. I had to be super strict about taking a DGL before EVERY meal in the beginning, otherwise I'd get some symptoms. I had to carry them around in little plastic baggies if I was going to go out. Slightly inconvenient, but worth the trouble to be off medication.

Today, about 6 months since I started taking DGL, I get zero heartburn/acid reflux/stomach issues. My stomach feels WAY better than when I was on PPIs. I haven't taken any heartburn medications in over 6 months. I buy and eat oranges and pineapples now on a regular basis. I haven't done that in over 6 years. I eat whatever I want and don't get symptoms (although I still eat relatively healthy, with binges on the weekends). I still take DGL just to be on the safe side, but I sometimes forget before a meal and it's no big deal. I probably take about 3-4 a day now. I'm sure in a few months I won't need them anymore.

Wow, I wasn't expecting this to get this long. I guess I wrote this because I'm so thrilled to actually be off medication for my GERD and I wished someone told me about DGL sooner. WHY AREN'T GASTRO DOCS TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT THIS? Maybe I'm a unique case, but this herb has practically been a miracle for me. So, if you're not allergic to licorice and your doctor thinks it would be safe, and you suffer from GERD, maybe you should give it a shot. Feel free to ask me any questions about this herb or my experience, but keep in mind that I'm so lol not an expert on this supplement or dietary nutrition by any means. The reason why DGL is better for your body is that--unlike PPIs and H2 blockers--it doesn't reduce the amount of acid in your stomach. So it doesn't mess with your digestion. Instead, I believe it helps build a protective layer in your stomach (doctors/medical professionals/science scholars--feel free to correct me on any of this) so that your body can handle the extra acid that's causing the pain.

Cliffs notes: Had chronic GERD for 6-7 years. Was on proton pump inhibitors for all of that time. Started taking an herbal supplement called DGL. Been off medication for over 6 months and no longer get any symptoms.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-19-2010 , 11:29 PM
what brand, buy it online?
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-19-2010 , 11:39 PM
Im allergic to PPIs so i might check this out. I almost never get Heartburn anymore tho.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-19-2010 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by FrankieBigNuts
what brand, buy it online?
I've tried two brands: Planetary Herbals and Enzymatic. Haven't noticed a difference in effectiveness. They both have worked well for me. Enzymatic has flavored ones like German chocolate, which I've heard tastes decent. For some reason I've always bought the plain though--which tastes like ass at first and definitely takes some getting used to. After awhile it grew on me though. The Planetary Herbals DGL has an orange taste to it. I think it tastes pretty good.

I've been getting mine from one of my local brick and mortar organic food stores, but you can definitely get them online as well. Search around for them.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 12:01 AM
This is interesting to me as have had similar issues with acid reflux. Was on Prevacid for awhile, got lazy about keeping script current and now take Prilosec on weekends when I know I will be drinking and when I have a flare up.

Probably will have to try this.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 12:21 AM
does it taste like black licorice? I ****ing love black licorice.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 01:51 AM
Is it expensive?
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 02:58 AM
ive pretty much cured my stomach problems with an "herbal" supplement too

cant wait to move to colorado and get it prescribed legally
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bostaevski
does it taste like black licorice? I ****ing love black licorice.
Not really sure. I haven't had straight black licorice in a long time. They probably taste pretty similar though.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by onoble
Is it expensive?
Not really. It's about $10-13 bucks a bottle. A bottle usually has about 100 caps. It probably runs me about $25 a month, which is cheaper than the copay I used to pay for meds.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 09:55 PM
Have you tried prilosec? I have to take that everyday pretty much, which is a pain and is expensive. What does GERD stand for? Can you get DGL that you can just swallow whole? Can you provide some links for info or purchase?
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 10:52 PM
Very interesting..

My story follows your nearly exactly. Had some serious symptoms that started late in college (when I was ~21-22), eventually diagnosed as GERD due to hiatal hernia. Tried several PPI's, Prevacid was the only one that worked, but it does work fairly well.

Been on Prevacid for like.. 5-6 years, I generally do okay, barring the occasional month long flare up. Most of the time it's no big deal, but it's still not the same as before I developed any symptoms. Recently switched to Kapidex, which is simply a time release form of Prevacid (same active ingredient). Seems to work about the same at just one 60mg pill a day (vs 2 30mg Prevacids), maybe slightly better.

I've looked into a few alternative treatments, with no real success. The surgical options seem to pretty much suck as well, the real (100% better) success rates are pretty low. There are some new procedures out that show some promise, but are unproven.

Details on exactly how long it took to get different stages of results?

Also do you think this is an actual cure? As in you'll be able to go off it completely at some point and be fine forever? Your statement "I'm sure in a few months I won't need them anymore." leads me to believe you think this is the case.

Great post imo. This kinda stuff doesn't hit very many people real hard (although it affects most people to a small degree), but to those it does it can become a major issue in their lives. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely try this stuff out.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-20-2010 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by sledghammer
Have you tried prilosec? I have to take that everyday pretty much, which is a pain and is expensive. What does GERD stand for? Can you get DGL that you can just swallow whole? Can you provide some links for info or purchase?
Prilosec is a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) as well. Essentially the same thing as Prevacid, just patent now expired so you can get OTC.

GERD - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (Google is your friend)
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 03:12 AM
have u guys all tried weed? it works way better than any ****in pill and it also gets u high at the same time as treating ur stomach problems. it also doesnt taste like *****ty actually tastes good...there are many flavors....i suggest u give it a try if u havent
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 05:17 AM
A natural supplement treating a chronic condition better than a pharma drug does not surprise me anymore after what I've read and personally seen. Licorice (especially DGL) is supposed to have a ton of beneficial properties. I had no idea it was so effective for heartburn/acid reflux though.

Drinking a lot of water and avoiding a ton of acidic foods will help too (ldo), but certain citrus should be fine (water w/lemon etc.). My mom's ex-husband had GERD and ate like **** and drank a lot of beer, and suffered like crazy.

"Some licorice root extracts have had the glycyrrhizin removed, and are known as deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). This form retains many of licorice's healing properties and is the better choice for long term use. Excessive consumption of glycyrrhizin can cause a condition in which an individual becomes overly sensitive to aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex. Fatigue, headaches and high blood pressure may result. DGL may be the better choice for treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Studies have shown that DGL reduces inflammation and is as effective as prescription drugs for gastric ulcers, without the side effects."
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 05:20 AM
Originally Posted by HIV
have u guys all tried weed? it works way better than any ****in pill and it also gets u high at the same time as treating ur stomach problems. it also doesnt taste like *****ty actually tastes good...there are many flavors....i suggest u give it a try if u havent
thanks for remindin' me brah. I give this post 2 thumbs up.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by HIV
have u guys all tried weed? it works way better than any ****in pill and it also gets u high at the same time as treating ur stomach problems. it also doesnt taste like *****ty actually tastes good...there are many flavors....i suggest u give it a try if u havent
You realize that nausea is entirely different than Acid Reflux. If anything, the irritation the smoke could cause on your throat could just make everything feel worse.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 04:11 PM
I'm not going to read that insanely long post but in general the reason medical professionals don't suggest 'herbal' remedies is because they haven't been proven effective in medical studies.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Duerig
I'm not going to read that insanely long post but in general the reason medical professionals don't suggest 'herbal' remedies is because they haven't been proven effective in medical studies.
effective, or safe. it's easy to say well it's "natural" so it must be safer, but you really don't know that and it very well might not be.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by sledghammer
Have you tried prilosec? I have to take that everyday pretty much, which is a pain and is expensive. What does GERD stand for? Can you get DGL that you can just swallow whole? Can you provide some links for info or purchase?
I've tried Prilosec and it worked fine for reducing acid reflux for me. But I like the idea of reducing my symptoms without screwing with the amount of acid my body produces. GERD is Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Finding places to purchase shouldn't be hard. Just google "DGL", or go on amazon and search for DGL. Or go to your local organic/natural foods store and ask the clerk where DGL is. I'm sure they'll know where it is.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:54 PM
"Slightly inconvenient, but worth the trouble to be off medication."

You're still on 'medication' (ie, any drug or remedy used for an ailment).


Because luckily medicine these days is evidence-based, driven by clinical studies proving benefit rather than anecdotal evidence. There is one meta-analysis showing possible benefit over placebo but not much other research on this.

Nutritional supplements/herbals are not FDA regulated. Products vary widely in what they actually contain based on what is on the label. One reason why herbals aren't always trustworthy.

Compliance is another issue. A once daily medication is always preferrable to an equally effective three times daily medication.

PPIs are a highly effective and well tolerated class of medication. They have been extensively studied since the 1980s and no long term adverse effect worries have really panned out. Licorice supplements can cause a syndrome of pseudohyperaldosteronism.. leading to decreased potassium levels and sodium/fluid retention. This is a very undesirable side effect in patients with hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias and other common comorbid medical conditions found in GERD patients.

PPIs are also more affordable if someone has prescription insurance (and possibly without).. I don't know the price of licorice supplements off hand but they have to be more than a $5-$10 copay for omeprazole.

But it's awesome you found something that works for you. GERD sucks (as does any chronic disease) and it's never a bad idea to explore all options possible.

2 cents from a pharmacist.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by tagtastic

Details on exactly how long it took to get different stages of results?
Before I started taking DGL, I had ran out of my Protonix, and so I was taking two 150 mg Zantacs a day instead. On two Zantacs a day I was still getting some break through symptoms, but for the most part I was getting by. When I started on DGL, I went down to 1 Zantac a day. I did this for probably 10-14 days, and then I dropped the Zantac completely. So within less than two weeks I was off meds and taking 6 DGLs a day. Although, at this stage, in order to stay off meds I had to avoid the really bad foods like citrus, soda, coffee, juice, etc.

Probably after about 2 months I could start having an occasional citrus fruit or soda without symptoms, although I couldn't go to hog wild. Also, it was still very important that I took DGL before every meal. After probably another 2-3 months, I could eat virtually anything at any time without issues. This was also when I started to notice that I could skip taking a DGL for some meals. So I got some relief nearly immediately, but it took a good 5 or 6 months to get the full results.

Originally Posted by tagtastic
Also do you think this is an actual cure? As in you'll be able to go off it completely at some point and be fine forever? Your statement "I'm sure in a few months I won't need them anymore." leads me to believe you think this is the case.
You know, I'm not really sure. But I do know that over time my stomach keeps getting better and better. And I feel like if it keeps improving like this, I might not even need them any more at some point. But only time will tell. Even if I had to keep taking these for years, I'd much prefer that than going on PPIs again.

Originally Posted by tagtastic
Great post imo. This kinda stuff doesn't hit very many people real hard (although it affects most people to a small degree), but to those it does it can become a major issue in their lives. Thanks for the info, I'll definitely try this stuff out.
Cool, come back with updates after you try. I hope it works out for you.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by tagtastic
Been on Prevacid for like.. 5-6 years. Recently switched to Kapidex
Yikes. Hate when docs do that, so influenced by drug companies. You were likely switched since Prevacid just went generic and the price will be plummeting in the near future. All PPIs are equally efficacious in equipotent doses so if you want to save some $, talk to your doctor (or get your pharmacist to call) about getting back to lansoprazole (Prevacid) generic, or even omeprazole.

Also do you think this is an actual cure? As in you'll be able to go off it completely at some point and be fine forever?
It's not. It blocks the metabolism of two prostaglandins (E and F2 alpha) in the stomach, which naturally protect your stomach lining from acid. It's the same principle of why NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) can cause ulcers, because the drugs block production of prostaglandins.

When the licorice is discontinued, the prostaglandins will be metabolized like normal again and likely lead to return of symptoms.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by wezvidz
"Slightly inconvenient, but worth the trouble to be off medication."

You're still on 'medication' (ie, any drug or remedy used for an ailment).
Meh, fine, but I think there's a chance that my stomach is improving to the point where I might not need to take anything at some point. With PPIs my condition didn't get better, and even though my heartburn and reflux was virtually eliminated, my stomach would still get these weird crampy feelings sometimes. It doesn't anymore.

Originally Posted by wezvidz

Because luckily medicine these days is evidence-based, driven by clinical studies proving benefit rather than anecdotal evidence. There is one meta-analysis showing possible benefit over placebo but not much other research on this.
Fair point. There isn't a ton of research on this treatment. I definitely think there's more than one study showing possible benefits, but after a quick google, I realized finding the studies was going to be more effort than I was willing to put in.

Originally Posted by wezvidz
Nutritional supplements/herbals are not FDA regulated. Products vary widely in what they actually contain based on what is on the label. One reason why herbals aren't always trustworthy.
I do agree with this and think that most herbal supplements are probably crap.

Originally Posted by wezvidz
Compliance is another issue. A once daily medication is always preferrable to an equally effective three times daily medication.

PPIs are a highly effective and well tolerated class of medication. They have been extensively studied since the 1980s and no long term adverse effect worries have really panned out. Licorice supplements can cause a syndrome of pseudohyperaldosteronism.. leading to decreased potassium levels and sodium/fluid retention. This is a very undesirable side effect in patients with hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias and other common comorbid medical conditions found in GERD patients.
I have some issues with this. PPIs weren't introduced into the market until 1988-89, so your term of "1980s" is kind of misleading. "Long term" is a relative term, but right now we know nothing about what kind of effects it will have on someone taking it for 30 or 40 years. I doubt it would be anything very severe and I agree that PPIs probably aren't very dangerous, but there are several studies coming out now that show PPIs affect your digestion and your ability to absorb nutrients. For example google 'PPIs' and 'bones' and you'll see some studies that show people that take PPIs have more hip fractures as they get older.

Also, studies show PPIs can make you dependent on them, even if you didn't originally have symptoms. Obviously if you don't have acid reflux, just don't take them, but I think this kind of shows these things definitely eff with your body:

It makes me wonder...maybe I never even had GERD. I just had some fluke stomach acid one day and started taking meds which just escalated the problem into something chronic?

"Licorice supplements can cause a syndrome of pseudohyperaldosteronism.. leading to decreased potassium levels and sodium/fluid retention."

Licorice does this, but DGL does not. DGL stands for de-glycyrrhizinated licorice. Glycyrrhizinic acid is what causes those issues, but DGL doesn't have it.

Originally Posted by wezvidz
PPIs are also more affordable if someone has prescription insurance (and possibly without).. I don't know the price of licorice supplements off hand but they have to be more than a $5-$10 copay for omeprazole.
I pay about $25 a month. For some people this would be more than their prescriptions, and for some people it wouldn't. If someone switched off of a non-OTC prescription though, it would certainly save money being spent on health care in general though. I don't think that's a bad thing.

Originally Posted by wezvidz
But it's awesome you found something that works for you. GERD sucks (as does any chronic disease) and it's never a bad idea to explore all options possible.

2 cents from a pharmacist.
Yeah I'm pretty stoked. I'm a very analytical, evidence-based, skeptical person by nature. I don't do "detox cleansing" routines and stuff like that. I think most herbal supplements out there are crap and a waste of money--and believe me I've tried a bunch for my acid--so I was actually quite shocked that this worked. There are probably a number of reasons why people get acid reflux symptoms, and I doubt DGL works for them all. But I'm convinced that it works for me and is worth trying.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
01-21-2010 , 11:16 PM
Also do you think this is an actual cure? As in you'll be able to go off it completely at some point and be fine forever?
It's not. It blocks the metabolism of two prostaglandins (E and F2 alpha) in the stomach, which naturally protect your stomach lining from acid. It's the same principle of why NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) can cause ulcers, because the drugs block production of prostaglandins.

When the licorice is discontinued, the prostaglandins will be metabolized like normal again and likely lead to return of symptoms.
Maybe, but not necessarily. I think the chance of a cure is higher than zero. Studies show that taking PPIs can cause rebound acid when you go off them. You can actually have more acid than you had before, which is why you become dependent on them. I think there's a chance that I haven't been able to go off PPIs before because of the rebound acid. But because of the DGL I have more prostaglandins to help with the rebound acid. As my body returns to producing a normal level of acid, I should become less and less dependent on DGL over time if my line of thinking is true. I am finding this to be the case.
I've been off meds and pretty much cured my chronic GERD of 6 years with this herbal supplement Quote
