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Irritating behavior of your significant other. Irritating behavior of your significant other.

01-12-2015 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio

prewashing is important if your dishwasher is from the 1970s, and I don't understand why you want to do the less efficient and more time consuming handwashing, but can't really argue with the heart wants what the heart wants. Still, it seems silly to be annoyed with her for doing it right.
She rinses the glasses out first. By anyone's metric, they're already clean, and it leads to unnecessary loads being run. So you're not making the argument you thought you were.

But this is a stupid 2p2 asp-off anyway, and I'm aware the spectrum-gentsia frown on my methods. You quoted an article that uses a worst case scenario to demonstrate a 20 buck per year savings, while glossing over the fact that it mentioned the very point I did: reducing the number of runs saves energy too (if that's a metric you care about, which I don't).
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-12-2015 , 01:52 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
lol at this actually being a concern, but regardless I doubt this is actually true, and if it is, the difference is small enough to make no difference either way.

I think this conversation is going to devolve into an argument about what degree of pre-washing is necessary before putting your dishes into the dishwasher; I get everything within at least 90% of being "dishwasher clean" before putting it in because it's not that much more work and I have to clean the dishwasher filter less often. With older dishwashers it may also have helped extend the life of the unit by not clogging it with half of last night's dinner, but I have no real knowledge if that's true these days.

So in the context of how I wash, once something is ready to go into the dishwasher, it's equally ready to dry, especially if it's as lightly used as a glass that held water or booze or something. I recognize most other people use the **** out of their dishwasher and I'm in the minority, but the heart wants what it wants.
I guess if you're pretty much washing them before you throw them in there, then that changes things a little bit. When we were buying a dishwasher a few years ago, we just found one that requires virtually no rinsing -- handles fairly large food debris without any problems whatsoever. It's a huge time saver. I basically don't rinse ****.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-12-2015 , 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Montecore
...clean the dishwasher filter less often...

Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-12-2015 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Anais
So, the visceral reaction of "but what if they were black!?" has something to do with high risk behavior?

Seems pretty clear the guy was worried about not, uh, measuring up to the competition. Particularly given that male porn stars are routinely chosen for being above average when it comes to endowment.
actually it made me prouder considering that i got her to woooo like eddie murphy talks about
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-12-2015 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Poker Reference
If it helps focus the conversation, ChronicFever inhabits a straight-up madonna/whore dichotomy and actually got mad at this awesome woman for ruining herself.
spot on
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-12-2015 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Minimalist


Damn it you have to clean something in the dishwasher?
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 10:26 AM
When she gets out of my car and leaves the seatbelt all twisted up and stuff. That **** needs to be straight and flat and ready for the next passenger. RAH!
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
She rinses the glasses out first. By anyone's metric, they're already clean,..
um, no? they've been rinsed with water, but rinsing with water does not make something clean. I assume you skip the whole soap part of the shower since once you get rinsed off with water you're already clean by "anyone's metric"?
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
um, no? they've been rinsed with water, but rinsing with water does not make something clean. I assume you skip the whole soap part of the shower since once you get rinsed off with water you're already clean by "anyone's metric"?
There's a pretty extensive discussion of my showering habits in the FACK, but suffice it to say that I am quite the multi-tasker in that department and soap and shampoo are prominently involved.

And if you're asking me if I use soap when I'm washing out a glass I just had water or white wine in, the answer is no, I do not. Rinse it out a few times, maybe a swipe of the sponge (that probably has a bit of soap in it) on the spot where my lips were, and it's good to go. Your concern is, however, duly noted and has been given all necessary consideration.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 03:27 PM
Not wanting to date a porn star seems super standard. Who the **** wants to introduce their girlfriend or wife to a friend/co-worker/etc. and have a bunch of them recognize her because they saw her in Backdoor Sluts 152. I think that is more than enough reason to not date a porn star.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by CalledDownLight
Not wanting to date a porn star seems super standard. Who the **** wants to introduce their girlfriend or wife to a friend/co-worker/etc. and have a bunch of them recognize her because they saw her in Backdoor Sluts 152. I think that is more than enough reason to not date a porn star.
The shame and embarrassment is on the part of the viewer, not the star, and certainly shouldn't be you.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 04:41 PM
Maybe it's not so much shame as not wanting my friend/co-worker to be so well acquainted with the interior of my wife's rectum.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
There's a pretty extensive discussion of my showering habits in the FACK, but suffice it to say that I am quite the multi-tasker in that department and soap and shampoo are prominently involved.

And if you're asking me if I use soap when I'm washing out a glass I just had water or white wine in, the answer is no, I do not. Rinse it out a few times, maybe a swipe of the sponge (that probably has a bit of soap in it) on the spot where my lips were, and it's good to go. Your concern is, however, duly noted and has been given all necessary consideration.
remind me to never drink out of any cups at your house.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
The shame and embarrassment is on the part of the viewer, not the star, and certainly shouldn't be you.

You have GOT to be kidding me? You would be more embarrassed if you had to tell some one you watch porn than if you had to tell them you star in porn? Especially if you're a male viewer and female star? Either way though that's rediculous.

Everybody ITT that doesn't see why having been a pornstar is an undesirable history is messed up. Promiscuity, potential money, drugs, physical and mental health problems are all really bad, as is their inability to make life decisions. Come on.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Bode-ist
remind me to never drink out of any cups at your house.
I'll make sure to run yours through the autoclave for you prior to your visit.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Arito.v2
You have GOT to be kidding me? You would be more embarrassed if you had to tell some one you watch porn than if you had to tell them you star in porn? Especially if you're a male viewer and female star? Either way though that's rediculous.

Everybody ITT that doesn't see why having been a pornstar is an undesirable history is messed up. Promiscuity, potential money, drugs, physical and mental health problems are all really bad, as is their inability to make life decisions. Come on.
I think the general undercurrent behind that side of the argument is that an individual and/or society's shame towards this underclass of people that we exploit to fulfill out own prurient sexual desires and afterwards demonize them is just another example of BIG PATRIARCHY in action.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 06:30 PM
I think the undercurrent is that being a sex worker (hooker, stripper, porn) is as valid a career choice as being a lawyer, cop, or used car salesman
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
I think the general undercurrent behind that side of the argument is that an individual and/or society's shame towards this underclass of people that we exploit to fulfill out own prurient sexual desires and afterwards demonize them is just another example of BIG PATRIARCHY in action.
Is it really demonizing to say that the caliber of woman who would do porn is generally not going to fit the model of what our society deems as an ideal mate/girlfriend/wife?
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by BleetBleetImaSheep
Is it really demonizing to say that the caliber of woman who would do porn is generally not going to fit the model of what our society deems as an ideal mate/girlfriend/wife?
Yes. Just as much as saying someone who works at mcdonalds isn't an ideal mate/girlfriend/wife.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Yes. Just as much as saying someone who works at mcdonalds isn't an ideal mate/girlfriend/wife.
If a woman said I don't want my ideal husband to work at McDonald's, it would be perfectly fine.

I am not sure why everyone is up in arms about one individual's personal preference for a long term mate.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:17 PM
Not really a great comparison. I doubt any teachers get fired because they used to work at McDonald's
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by BleetBleetImaSheep
Is it really demonizing to say that the caliber of woman who would do porn is generally not going to fit the model of what our society deems as an ideal mate/girlfriend/wife?
The girlfriend who got dumped for porn was a model girlfriend.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Not really a great comparison. I doubt any teachers get fired because they used to work at McDonald's
Do you feel like teachers should be fired because of their previous occupation?
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
The girlfriend who got dumped for porn was a model girlfriend.
Bah dah bum
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
01-14-2015 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Not really a great comparison. I doubt any teachers get fired because they used to work at McDonald's
If the guy said " I didn't give her the job because of her previous occupation" I would be right there with you but that's obviously not the situation.

To characterize his right to choose whatever mate he wants as demonizing porn workers is just lol.
Irritating behavior of your significant other. Quote
