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Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do?

12-23-2012 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
What back pay are you owed,
20% of his last year's pay.
and for what?
his elite proof-reading skills
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 01:11 AM
...Are we getting leveled now?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by PFUNK
I'm confused.

What back pay are you owed, and for what?
Yeah, this.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by SeanyJ
...Are we getting leveled now?
Originally Posted by AlexM
Yeah, this.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by knivesout
Didn't mean to come off as a dick, for all I know maybe they are giving me back pay. I just don't know if I should leave it or bring it to their attention or what.
You got promoted + raise that you worried you wouldn't get.

Originally Posted by knivesout
I've decided that I am going to take legal action to obtain the back pay I am owed, and if they don't give it after settlement talks, I will be prepared to go to trial against them. I'm probably going to use the affair as a second claim. I've been given a lot of good advice ITT and in order to cut costs I plan on representing myself pro se. I understand a lot of the legal issues surrounding this case and have spent a lot of time reviewing case law on this subject. Hopefully this thread can become a forum in which I can bounce my legal questions off of. It's the holidays and everything but I plan on taking action after the new year. Wish me luck!
and then you go light up some crystal looking drug and think your superman?

Ps: I'm new to 2p2 obv but must say I haven't laughed this hard in long long time. p2p=great site
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by SeanyJ
...Are we getting leveled now?
No doubt about it, imo.

Really my only question is how he could possibly overplay it that far. I think he must've been serious up until that post and then become embarrassed when everyone started criticizing him, so he made the last post so obvious that he'd definitely get called out for leveling and can pretend all the earlier stuff was a level too.
I know nothing about this guy or what he's like, but that's the only way I can rationalize that post.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 10:49 AM

Regarding the real initial issue, had he not gotten the promotion he could have filed a complaint about not being treated fairly as a gay and how the workplace was uncomfortable for him due to the boss banging and showing favoritism towards straight dudes. Then there's a big chance the insurance company would have just offered to settle for 25-50k or more with even the tiniest bit of initial evidence.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 11:24 AM
I guess I don't know why you all think I'm crazy or "leveling". Is it not common sense to save thousands of dollars on a lawyer and just google legal information for free?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 11:32 AM
Wow what the wide world of **** are you thinking OP?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by knivesout
I guess I don't know why you all think I'm crazy or "leveling". Is it not common sense to save thousands of dollars on a lawyer and just google legal information for free?
just stop no one is buying it anymore.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 11:53 AM
Ok. That was quite a payoff of a thread read. Goes from blackmail to success to theft within no time.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 12:04 PM
OP trolling now for sure
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by knivesout
I've decided that I am going to take legal action to obtain the back pay I am owed, and if they don't give it after settlement talks, I will be prepared to go to trial against them. I'm probably going to use the affair as a second claim. I've been given a lot of good advice ITT and in order to cut costs I plan on representing myself pro se. I understand a lot of the legal issues surrounding this case and have spent a lot of time reviewing case law on this subject. Hopefully this thread can become a forum in which I can bounce my legal questions off of. It's the holidays and everything but I plan on taking action after the new year. Wish me luck!
Good luck, I think this is absolutely the correct path to take! I also believe that it's a good thing to go pro se, because who knows more about the true situation than you? I believe this will let your company know that you won't allow yourself to be pushed around and it will place you on the direct route to the top. Don't let these corporate scum run you around!

Last edited by tylertwo; 12-23-2012 at 12:36 PM. Reason: In defense of my slow pony, this is proof that 50ppp does not work and one "must read the last page before posting...
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 12:47 PM
Pics of said slut
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by buddyholly
Really my only question is how he could possibly overplay it that far. I think he must've been serious up until that post and then become embarrassed when everyone started criticizing him, so he made the last post so obvious that he'd definitely get called out for leveling and can pretend all the earlier stuff was a level too.

The fact that he replied and put leveling in quote marks confirms this.

Originally Posted by El Diablo
Then there's a big chance the insurance company would have just offered to settle for 25-50k or more with even the tiniest bit of initial evidence.
There is about an 8-10% chance max of that happening.

Far more likely is a 10-12k settlement, or 2-3 months of his salary.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-23-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by knivesout
Asked him where he was coming from and he said you're mom's house.
Good answer, I like this guy.

Originally Posted by knivesout
When I saw them I asked the guy, "Hey, do you need any help stuffing boxes back there?"
Nice bitch move. Your management career at this location, if not company, is DOA.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by knivesout
I guess I don't know why you all think I'm crazy or "leveling". Is it not common sense to save thousands of dollars on a lawyer and just google legal information for free?
Of course it is but you have to pay us.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by knivesout
In the meantime, the person involved in the affair has been trying to pry out of me how I do my job, and has tried taking over a lot of the responsibilities I have, which I've mostly blocked (without knowing about the affair). It's also been rumored that he has recieved more $ and more power in the last month.
When I first read this I assumed the guy having the affair would be promoted to your original job. If you get a promotion someone has to take over your old job right?

Are all gays as paranoid as you?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by knlkjlhlh

Are all gays as paranoid as you?
I lol'd
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
12-24-2012 , 02:31 PM
We're going to need to see pics of the office slut.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
01-11-2013 , 06:46 PM
Well, it's the new year. Results?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
01-11-2013 , 06:50 PM
clark, you're jumping the gun
Originally Posted by knivesout
my raise takes effect 1/7/12 and will be shown on my 1/18/13 pay stub.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
03-13-2013 , 03:35 PM
bump for knives
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
03-13-2013 , 05:53 PM
They finally figured out that everyone knows and its either gotten really discreet or they've stopped all together. I don't really care anymore.
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
03-13-2013 , 08:53 PM
Did you take legal action?
Intraoffice affair affecting my growth within company -- is there anything I can do? Quote
