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Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!!

01-13-2021 , 05:02 AM
Ryanair deserve applauds for managing to take off, and for every moment in the air, for not completely falling apart.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-13-2021 , 05:55 AM
(Former obv.) Hawaiian leper colony. Not the greatest article but still good enough for this thread I reckon.,_Hawaii
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01-13-2021 , 06:40 AM
Terrible bet by the copilot. He was right; the pilot wasn't able to land the plane with the curtains closed, but he died and thus wasn't able to collect. Pilot recognized a free roll when he saw one.
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01-13-2021 , 10:58 AM
What is it about Russians that makes them care so much less about staying alive than everyone else?
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01-13-2021 , 11:03 AM
Ever drunk vodka?
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01-13-2021 , 05:13 PM
Not since I was a teen. Vodka for me is that spirit everyone has that gives them the boak if they even smell it after ruining it as a kid.
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01-13-2021 , 05:26 PM
Get the stuff you can really smell. It's cheaper and will make you think you can fly planes blindfolded! Win - (rarely) win
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01-14-2021 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by blind squirrel
(Former obv.) Hawaiian leper colony. Not the greatest article but still good enough for this thread I reckon.,_Hawaii
Landed at Kalaupapa a few times in light aircraft when I lived in Hawaii. There are still signs about not leaving the airport.Beautiful scenery on the north shore of Molokai...sheer cliffs rising from the ocean about 1800' or so, iirc.
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01-15-2021 , 03:01 AM
Leon Theremin

Best known as the inventor of the instrument theremin. Here is a video:

BTW this is a pretty cool cover of Gnarls Barkley's Crazy using the instrument:

Probably, the most famous contemporary band who used the instrument is Portishead.

Although credited with a "Thereman" [sic] on the "Mysterons" track from the album Dummy, Portishead actually used a monophonic synthesizer to achieve theremin-like effects, as confirmed by Adrian Utley, who is credited as playing the instrument;on the songs "Half Day Closing", "Humming", "The Rip", and "Machine Gun" he has actually used a custom made theremin.
I do remember seeing a video where they used the theremin during a live performance of Glory Box or Roads. Can't seem to find a copy tho.

Back to the main point of this post. Leon Theremin was born in Russia and had several inventions there. For example, he is credited for the first functioning television apparatus in Russia.

He started touring Europe with the Theremin in 1927 and found his way to the US. Some of the next part of his life is best to be just quoted:

He performed the theremin with the New York Philharmonic in 1928. He patented his invention in the United States in 1928 and subsequently granted commercial production rights to RCA.

In 1930, ten thereminists performed on stage at Carnegie Hall. Two years later, Theremin conducted the first-ever electronic orchestra, featuring the theremin and other electronic instruments including a "fingerboard" theremin which resembled a cello in use (Theremin was a cellist).
Theremin's mentors during this time were some of society's foremost scientists, composers, and musical theorists, including composer Joseph Schillinger and physicist (and amateur violinist) Albert Einstein.
It is also noteworthy that he married an African-American ballerina Lavinia Williams.

This was in 1930s and obviously the marriage was a shock to his social circle. Then, in 1938, because of financial difficulties he suddenly returned to the Soviet Union. He was imprisoned and later sent to a labor camp, and Williams never saw him again.

During his incarceration, he was put in charge of developing spyware.

One of his inventions was a bug that was powered by actively being irradiated remotely. Hence, it was nearly impossible because it had no power supply or active electronic components. in 1945, this device was given to the U.S. Ambassador as a "gesture of friendship" to the USSR's World War II ally.

More on this here:

The_Thing (listening_device)

Another interesting invention was the Buran eavesdropping system. Basically, it could detect vibrations in a window (using an infrared beam) and could reconstruct what was said inside a room. Modern versions use lasers:

Laser microphone

The Soviet Union eventually rehabilitated him in 1956. He spent the rest of his life being involved in music. He was part of the Moscow Conservatory of Music and was a Professor of Physics at Moscow State.

After 51 years in the Soviet Union, he could travel again. He visited France in June 1989 and then the United States in 1991. He passed away in 1993 at the age of 97.

There are lots of other details that I didn't include. It is a worthwhile read.
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01-15-2021 , 07:00 AM
That instrument angers me for some reason.
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01-31-2021 , 02:18 AM
While reading about Roland Garros I ended up on this other aviator from the same era, Eugene Gilbert who apparently during one of the first airplane races was attacked by an eagle. Not particulary interesting but that part made me laugh and thought I'd share.

In the 1911 Paris to Madrid air race, Gilbert flew across the Pyrenees and was attacked by an angry mother eagle defending her young and nest; to ward off the large bird, he simply fired pistol shots at it rather than kill it.
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01-31-2021 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by W0X0F
Landed at Kalaupapa a few times in light aircraft when I lived in Hawaii. There are still signs about not leaving the airport.Beautiful scenery on the north shore of Molokai...sheer cliffs rising from the ocean about 1800' or so, iirc.
Vintage signs from when it was a leper colony? Seems like these would be prone to theft!
Should I ever visit Hawaii I'll try to get to Molokai as well. I have in-laws in Washington State, maybe while visiting them.
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02-26-2021 , 01:20 AM

1984 Japan, an anti-capitalist gang calling themselves "The Monster With 21 Faces" kidnapped executives from multi-billion dollar candy companies. They ignored any ransom payments, stating that, "money is irrelevant."

The group burned cars of other executives and issued threats of poisoned products, causing tens of millions of dollars in damages. They harassed police for over a year with tongue-in-cheek notes, only stopping when the lead investigator burned himself alive in shame.

This is a letter sent by The Monster with 21 Faces that was received on April 8th 1984: English Translation:

"To Japanese police fools Are you stupid? There’s so many of you, what on earth are you doing? If you are real pros try catching me. There’s too much handicap so I will give you a hint. There’s no fellows in the Ezaki’s relatives, there's no fellows in Nishinomiya police, there's no fellows in Flood fighting corps. Car I used is gray, food was bought at Daiei. If you want a new info, beg for it in the newspaper. After telling you all this you should be able to catch me. If you don’t you are tax thieves. Shall I kidnap the head director of the prefectural police?"

This is a letter sent by The Monster with 21 Faces gang that was received on April 23rd 1984. It was sent to both Sankei and Mainichi newspapers as well as the Koshien police station. It read:

"To police fools. You shouldn’t lie. If you lie, you steal. I also sent this to the Koshien police. Why are you lying. Don’t hide things. Why are you complaining? You guys are having such a hard time, so I will give you a hint. I entered the factory from the side staff entrance. The typewriter we used is PAN-writer. The plastic container used was a piece of street garbage.
Monster with 21 faces"
Unable to capture the suspect believed to be the mastermind behind the Monster with 21 Faces, the police superintendent Yamamoto of Shiga Prefecture died by suicide by self-immolation in August 1985. Five days after this event, on August 12, "the Monster” sent its final message to the media:

"Yamamoto of Shiga Prefecture Police died. How stupid of him! We've got no friends or secret hiding place in Shiga. It's Yoshino or Shikata who should have died. What have they been doing for as long as one year and five months? Don't let bad guys like us get away with it. There are many more fools who want to copy us. No-career Yamamoto died like a man. So we decided to give our condolence. We decided to forget about torturing food-making companies. If anyone blackmails any of the food-making companies, it's not us but someone copying us. We are bad guys. That means we've got more to do other than bullying companies. It's fun to lead a bad man's life. Monster with 21 Faces."

After this letter, the Monster with 21 Faces was not heard from again. The statute of limitation for the kidnapping of Katsuhisa Ezaki, president of Glico, ran out in June 1995, and the statute of limitation for the attempted poisonings ran out in February 2000. No suspect was ever caught or convicted of the crimes, and the identity of the Monster with 21 Faces remains a mystery.

This case was the inspiration for The Laughing Man arc in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
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02-26-2021 , 04:59 AM
Quite the read!
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03-17-2021 , 07:31 PM
'Dark Watchers' have been spooking California hikers for centuries.

The Dark Watchers are most famously given a brief mention in John Steinbeck's "Flight", included in the 1938 collection of his short stories The Long Valley:

"Pepé looked suspiciously back every minute or so, and his eyes sought the tops of the ridges ahead. Once, on a white barren spur, he saw a black figure for a moment; but he looked quickly away, for it was one of the dark watchers. No one knew who the watchers were, nor where they lived, but it was better to ignore them and never to show interest in them. They did not bother one who stayed on the trail and minded his own business."
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03-18-2021 , 02:14 AM
Related - if you've ever seen a sun dog - they're pretty mindblowing.

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03-18-2021 , 05:05 AM
Superior mirage - saw this in the news a couple of weeks ago.

Walker 'stunned' to see ship hovering high above sea off Cornwall

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03-18-2021 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by whatthejish

1984 Japan, an anti-capitalist gang calling themselves "The Monster With 21 Faces" kidnapped executives from multi-billion dollar candy companies. They ignored any ransom payments, stating that, "money is irrelevant."

The group burned cars of other executives and issued threats of poisoned products, causing tens of millions of dollars in damages. They harassed police for over a year with tongue-in-cheek notes, only stopping when the lead investigator burned himself alive in shame.

This case was the inspiration for The Laughing Man arc in Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.
This is Patty Hearst level bananas.
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03-21-2021 , 08:56 PM
Solitons exist in nature but were not discovered until 1834 by John Scott Russell. Essentially they are like a wave, but move in a constant shape thru a medium indefinitely. They could not be explained at the time using existing models, but are now fairly well understood using partial differential equations.

Wikipedia article:

Below is a paper describing the use of solitons to propel an object faster than speed of light, given enough energy:
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03-21-2021 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Related - if you've ever seen a sun dog - they're pretty mindblowing.

Yeah, we get them on really cold days. They look like there's 3 suns.
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03-22-2021 , 09:01 AM
Barnard 68
a molecular cloud, dark absorption nebula or Bok globule, towards the southern constellation Ophiuchus and well within our own galaxy at a distance of about 400 light-years, so close that not a single star can be seen between it and the Sun.

Also there's a few space rabbit (worm?) holes to go down here - List of largest cosmic structures
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03-30-2021 , 05:34 AM
George Archibald really likes cranes and has pretty much single handedly saved them from extinction.

"Archibald pioneered several techniques to rear cranes in captivity, including the use of crane costumes by human handlers. Archibald spent three years with a highly endangered whooping crane named Tex, acting as a male crane – walking, calling, dancing – to shift her into reproductive condition."

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03-30-2021 , 12:59 PM
Gerorge Archibald makes panda porn seem like a half-hearted attempt to make a species breed in captivity. This was attempted in Thailand (Chiang Mai) in 2006-2007.

panda porn wiki

Panda pornography (or panda porn) refers generally to movies depicting mating pandas, intended to promote sexual arousal in captive giant pandas. Under zoo conditions, the animals have, in general, proven unenthusiastic about mating, placing their species in danger of extinction.
Didn't really work with the panda pair, but artificial insemination did resulting in a birth in 2009.
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04-02-2021 , 06:19 AM
What's weird is pandas have no issue reproducing in the wild, only in captivity.
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04-02-2021 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by thethethe
What's weird is pandas have no issue reproducing in the wild, only in captivity.
Also weird:George Archibald.
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