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Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!!

01-10-2020 , 03:17 PM
The Tom Green Show does not belong on that list!!
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-10-2020 , 04:11 PM
No ****! That show was awesome. Even though I could barely watch it due to my phobia of awkward situations.

Also Manimal was awesome! Dude could turn into a black panther whenever he wanted. What's not to love?

And from the link to bad sitcoms:

Heil Honey I'm Home!

This 1990 UK sitcom depicted fictionalised versions of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun living next to a stereotypical Jewish couple. The show was criticised for being unfunny and distasteful, and was cancelled after a single episode aired.[88] One TV historian has described Heil Honey I'm Home! as "perhaps the world's most tasteless situation comedy".[89] The Telegraph named it the 8th worst British sitcom ever made.[23]
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01-10-2020 , 04:36 PM
It's a funny idea, they probably just didn't execute it well. Title is funny too.

Last edited by txdome; 01-10-2020 at 04:43 PM.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-10-2020 , 04:48 PM
No. No it is not a funny idea. Wtf is wrong with you?
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-10-2020 , 05:53 PM
Exactly what YouTube was made for!

Certainly didn't help it's case that it looks like it was broadcast directly after the goat WWII based sitcom.

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01-10-2020 , 06:35 PM
That was far from the worst thing I've watched

Hitler in a checkered sweater is pretty funny to look at

Last edited by grando1.0; 01-10-2020 at 06:35 PM. Reason: lol at actually making the show though
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-10-2020 , 06:37 PM
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-10-2020 , 10:48 PM
I actually think that sitcom isn't so bad
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-11-2020 , 12:45 AM
I love all most of the comedy from the mr. show guys, mostly their writers, but Heil Honey in funnier. Guarantee Odenkirk, PFT, Hot Soccermom, and David Cross would agree.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-11-2020 , 01:14 AM
The Mr Show skit was 2/10 imo
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01-13-2020 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
The Tom Green Show does not belong on that list!!
It was pretty bad. And by pretty I mean REALLY REALLY.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-14-2020 , 08:52 AM
Desmond Doss was a ****ing BOSS.

Mel Gibson made a movie about him - Hacksaw Ridge
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-14-2020 , 09:18 AM
I found a deep appreciation for Tom Green when brought Monica Lewinsky on his show and it was one of the first times anyone in media has humanized her

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01-15-2020 , 04:02 PM
Movile Cave
Movile Cave is a cave near Mangalia, Constanța County, Romania discovered by Cristian Lascu in 1986 a few kilometers from the Black Sea coast. It is notable for its unique groundwater ecosystem rich in hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide but low in oxygen. Life in the cave has been separated from the outside for the past 5.5 million years and it is based completely on chemosynthesis rather than photosynthesis.
Despite the dark and the dangerous gases, Movile Cave is crawling with life. So far 48 species have been identified, including 33 found nowhere else in the world.

There are all sorts of scuttling and slithering things. Snails and shrimps try to avoid the spiders and water scorpions. In the air bells, leeches swim across the water and prey on earthworms.

Strangely, the worse the air gets the more animals there are. It's not at all obvious why that should be, or how the animals survive at all.

On the surface, plants use sunlight to extract carbon dioxide from the air and turn it into organic compounds. They can then use these chemicals to grow leaves, roots and bulbs. Animals then feed on these plant tissues.

Without sunlight, the animals in Movile Cave seem to be without a source of food.
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01-15-2020 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by rickroll
I found a deep appreciation for Tom Green when brought Monica Lewinsky on his show and it was one of the first times anyone in media has humanized her

Never heard of Tom Green but this was excellent. Kind of interesting to put a face and personality to Lewinsky. What a weird twist that girl's life took.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-15-2020 , 08:44 PM
01-15-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
The Tom Green Show does not belong on that list!!
It's not The Green Tom Show.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-15-2020 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by abysmal01
Never heard of Tom Green but this was excellent. Kind of interesting to put a face and personality to Lewinsky. What a weird twist that girl's life took.
She is very good on Twitter ftr.
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-18-2020 , 01:40 AM
Imagine being the most famous c*cksucker of all time
Interesting Wikipedia articles for killing time and expanding your mind!! Quote
01-18-2020 , 02:59 AM
If you're going to be known for something at least be the best at it

+1 to her being awesome on Twitter
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01-18-2020 , 04:37 AM
Originally Posted by grando1.0
If you're going to be known for something at least be the best at it

+1 to her being awesome on Twitter
Quality posting right here

Will have to check her out on Twitter

Heart goes out to her, young girl swept up in the fact she's not only got the internship but is actually working with the president, said president is well known to be one of the smoothest operators out there - a number of female journalists noted that they felt an incredibly strong attraction to him etc etc. I just can't imagine, especially when you think how promising her career was looking until that point
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01-18-2020 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
Imagine being the most famous c*cksucker of all time
Some stiff (haha) competition from Cleopatra.
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01-18-2020 , 10:49 PM

Ken Jennings - master of twitter and Jeopardy
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01-18-2020 , 11:50 PM
For Hundreds of Years a Small Dog was a Cook’s Dream Kitchen Gadget

For hundreds of years the now-extinct turnspit dog, also called Canis Vertigus (“dizzy dog”), vernepator cur, kitchen dog and turn-tyke, was specially bred just to turn a roasting mechanism for meat. And weirdly, this animal was a high-tech fixture for the professional and home cook from the 16th century until the mid-1800s.

Edward Jessy included the turnspit dog in his 19th-century book Anecdotes of Dogs, and he remembered it well from his youth. “They were long-bodied, crooked-legged, and ugly dogs, with a suspicious, unhappy look about them, as if they were weary of the task they had to do, and expected every moment to be seized upon to perform it,” he reminisced.

Turnspit dogs came in a variety of colors and were heavy-set, often with heterochromatic eyes. They were short enough to fit into a wooden wheel contraption that was connected to ropes or chains, which turned the giant turkey or ham on a spit for the master of the house.
The short, chubby, depressed cooking dog couldn’t escape her task for hundreds of years, but by the turn of the 20th century, animal rights activist groups made people question the decision to use a living, suffering dog as a kitchen gadget in the home. According to food historian William Woys Weaver, the treatment of Turnspit Dogs in an 1850s Manhattan hotel so angered activist Henry Berg that it inspired him to found the ASPCA.
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