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idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses

11-05-2012 , 08:24 PM
I have seen the "I'm predicting Obama will take an early lead, until the Republicans get off work" status like 10 times today is this an old joke I don't remember the facebook last election. Each time its been posted it gets 20+ likes though

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11-05-2012 , 09:36 PM
The sporadic punctuation is the worst part of that one mutigers.
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11-05-2012 , 10:12 PM
If Anglos were as racist as blacks, and voted 96% for the white guy, would be the largest landslide in election history... thats why the constitution was ammended to let blacks and women vote.... so it would be more even
So THAT'S why.....
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11-05-2012 , 11:21 PM
PLEASE PAY CAREFUL ATTENTION TO THIS!!! In the event that you are planning to vote democrat on Nov. 6, when you go into the voting booths, DO NOT SELECT THE BUTTON "all democrats" first, because Barack Obama will be excluded from the vote. However, if we choose "Barack Obama" first, and then "all democrats", he will earn our votes. People are not being told this information, because they are trying to use every trick in the book. TELL EVERYBODY YOU KNOW THIS! PLEASE FORWARD to as many people as possible even if you do not vote!!!
Come on people.
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11-06-2012 , 01:02 AM
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-06-2012 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by cookieb
Come on people.
that one is especially stupid.
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11-06-2012 , 01:39 AM
Girl who loves god
This is incredible, reminding me how fragile our concrete jungles are. Only God is awesome.
Comes with youtube link to aftermath of sandy

did she just compliment god on causing billions of dollars worth of damage and over 100 deaths? god is pretty awesome for having that kind of power though, flaunt it if you have it I guess
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11-06-2012 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisCrocker
did she just compliment god on causing billions of dollars worth of damage and over 100 deaths? god is pretty awesome for having that kind of power though, flaunt it if you have it I guess
Coulda bin 2,000 deaths tho. if He wanted to... you know, cause he can. if He wants to.

But He was just showin' sum mercy this time. cause He can.

thank you merciful lord for only killin' 100 this time around.

idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-06-2012 , 06:44 AM
true though, could've been more deaths from all the hype i've heard about it. GOD IS GREAT
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11-06-2012 , 06:59 AM
Look how many people God killed in the Haiti earthquake though, or the tsunami. He was being glorious and awesome with this one.
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11-06-2012 , 07:09 AM
I feel like nobody ever gives God credit for all the days where he doesn't send a natural disaster to kill everyone. The guy's pretty chill most of the time
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11-06-2012 , 09:51 AM
Today is the day that will determine, not only the future of America, but indeed the fate of the world. I don't say that lightly or with undue hyperbole, but with sober rationality. In four years, we have witnessed more than we needed to show us exactly how far we have moved down the wrong path. A debt that will cripple the future of our children, their children and their children's children. A society that values their iPhone more than their faith. The rise of a 'religion' steeped in the blood of its victims, including their own daughters! A national press that has actively colluded to hide the truth from the public they pledge to protect as purveyors of truth. A world where I fear travelling abroad for fear that my nationality invites violence.

This morning I pray, not for one man to win or one man to lose, not for one party to prevail, but for a nation to rise from the ashes of the disastrous ideology of superficiality that has gripped it by the throat for the last four years. I pray for my daughter. My daughter's future. For the return of greatness, and national pride. For the restoration of what we were, recognition of who we are, and realization of what we can be! I pray to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, protect us from ourselves and remind us that we are ONE nation under God! Born of the blood, sweat and tears of heroes. Entrusted to us to preserve her for our children that they may inherit something better than what we have now.
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11-06-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by mutigers5591
I have seen the "I'm predicting Obama will take an early lead, until the Republicans get off work" status like 10 times today is this an old joke I don't remember the facebook last election. Each time its been posted it gets 20+ likes though
Version I saw credited it to Tim Tebow.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-06-2012 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
Urgghh....I think a great response to that mindless crap would be something simple, short and to the point (ie the opposite of that post). Something like "STFU" would seem apt.
idiotic / narcissistic / annoying facebook statuses Quote
11-06-2012 , 10:28 AM
OMG my polling place woudl not let me bring my pitbull into the voting booth because he was barking at the volunteers! All you liberals talking about voter fraud, what about this? Is it any coincidence that dog owners support Romney by 52% to 48%? I bet if dog owners supported Obama they would have bowls of purina dog chow lined up next to the voting booths LOL. SMH

P.S. My dog was Einstein from the movie "Back to the Future"

Last edited by Dr. Spaceman; 11-06-2012 at 10:45 AM.
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11-06-2012 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
"So I voted for the guy who's just like him"
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11-06-2012 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
OMG my polling place woudl not let me bring my pitbull into the voting booth because he was barking at the volunteers! All you liberals talking about voter fraud, what about this? Is it any coincidence that dog owners support Romney by 52% to 48%? I bet if dog owners supported Obama they would have bowls of purina dog chow lined up next to the voting booths LOL. SMH
This can't be real can it?
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11-06-2012 , 10:38 AM
there is no way that is real since it means a black person wanted to vote for romney
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11-06-2012 , 10:40 AM
Sounds like major election fraud to me.

Let the pitbulls in I say. Getting your leg chewed off is a small price to pay for electoral freedom. Also tigers.
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11-06-2012 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by TheNothing
This is about the return of Full Tilt, right?
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11-06-2012 , 10:44 AM
pretty much all of facebook will be idiotic today. Bar's pretty high today people.
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11-06-2012 , 10:46 AM
Girl from before just posted an album with 11 pictures in it titled "Headshots 2012". 3 of them have the dogs in them.
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11-06-2012 , 11:10 AM
Finally read the bin laden raid exclusive in vanity fair. It made me feel that much better about my vote. For all of you voting republican, unfriend me now, you disgust me.
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11-06-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by JaredL
Version I saw credited it to Tim Tebow.
Guess he tweeted it.
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11-06-2012 , 11:36 AM
A fake Tim Tebow twitter account tweeted it. It was spread by the sort of people who follow Tim Tebow impersonators on Twitter.
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