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Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play?

04-06-2015 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
I'm not entirely sure of this. Don't all men kind of lose interest in having sex with their wives after a while, regardless of their attractiveness? Seems like a pretty well established pattern.
maybe my relationship experiences have been outliers, but generally if i'm attracted to my partner i don't get "bored" of sex with them or really ever seriously consider other women.

it's definitely possible that i'm the weird one here. regardless, OP's situation isn't borne out of "my super hot wife who always wants sex is awesome, but i wanna bang other chicks". he's trying to initiate and getting shut down frequently on top of the fact that his wife has gained quite a bit of weight.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
I know my snippy comments irt cunnilingus have been glossed over at best, but there's truth behind them. Going down on your woman//attempting romance, and the such, is a unilateral way to preserve the health of any relationship and it's a route that most men seem to be oblivious of when assessing their partner's erosion into losing interest in sex.

There was a story in the American news cycle a few months ago of a man who kept a spreadsheet of dates & reasons why his wife rejected his sexual advances; and it was only slightly amusing. But most predictably was the way he likely went about getting sex from her, and all of the other failures that were on his part and unspoken about by his wife.

Men are typically selfish and really bad at love. And the harmonious distance partners face is almost never sudden.
He already said she has gotten fat and he is not that attracted to her anymore, so trying to get her all worked up so she might throw him a bone is bad advice.

I say go for it man, but be careful not to fall in love with the waitress and dont get caught. Just remember every woman has one of those between her legs.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Tuma
I know my snippy comments irt cunnilingus have been glossed over at best, but there's truth behind them. Going down on your woman//attempting romance, and the such, is a unilateral way to preserve the health of any relationship and it's a route that most men seem to be oblivious of when assessing their partner's erosion into losing interest in sex.

There was a story in the American news cycle a few months ago of a man who kept a spreadsheet of dates & reasons why his wife rejected his sexual advances; and it was only slightly amusing. But most predictably was the way he likely went about getting sex from her, and all of the other failures that were on his part and unspoken about by his wife.

Men are typically selfish and really bad at love. And the harmonious distance partners face is almost never sudden.
Are there really significant numbers of men who never consider trying to pleasure their woman to improve their sex life? Seems impossible to be that oblivious.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
op how dumb will you feel if you pass up this hot piece of ass and you find out your wife has cheeseburgered on you?
Very good point.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:15 AM
Did he fk the waitress or not?
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by SoCalQuest
A man is more likely to be raising his own children if his partner doesn't have multiple sexual partners. A woman is more likely to have the man stick around and raise their children if he doesn't have multiple sexual partners.

Yes, she should care about her own appearance for long term health and to continually attract her partner, separate issue though.
So you're all really worried that your partners are not only going to have momentary lapses in self control, but then a) not use birth control, b) carry the child to term, and c) lie to you and force you to raise someone else's child? I mean, I accept that this is a valid response, but yeesh. I'm just glad that this will all become a non-issue once male birth control pills become a thing.

Originally Posted by wombat4hire
Did OP ever update or are we just 250+ posts deep of people blathering on about their own domestic issues?
Mostly blathering. I'm assuming OP is in the middle of a 24-hour ball-draining session of hot waitress sex.


Now you know how I feel!


How on earth did 'cheated' become 'cheeseburgered' in the post you quoted??
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
op how dumb will you feel if you pass up this hot piece of ass and you find out your wife has cheated on you?

That's what I said early in the thread. With the type of marriage they have, she might very well beat him to it.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
Are there really significant numbers of men who never consider trying to pleasure their woman to improve their sex life? Seems impossible to be that oblivious.
I'd like to hear RJ's opinion. It's been brought to my attention in the past year or so that a disproportionate number of men don't give head to their women; likely comparable to the amount of women that dislike it but do it anyways.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by blakkman08
Did he fk the waitress or not?
He tried, but she is a serial killer moving from town to town.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 03:12 AM
Originally Posted by metaname2
I've watched enough Dateline to know how this ends. Just be sure that you don't look up anything about poisoning or killers for hire from your home computer.

Op, I can't comment on what you should do, but I can say that in my life (as a single, attractive guy who just hit 30) it's not like those wild crazy nights and things you listed happen all that often. Our lives are not like an american pie movie or something.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 03:13 AM
Just be the type of man who commands respect through your actions, take care of yourself physically and have a conversation with your wife about doing the same. Tell her that as parents you both need to be prioritizing health and additionally that the current state of your sex life (or lack thereof) isn't sustainable for you. If you love her and are as happy with all the other aspects of the relationship give her a chance to get her act together. If she doesn't and you guys break up this won't be the last woman you have a chance to sleep with. Sex is a big part of a relationship, and there's no reason not to be honest about what's going on if it's to the extent you feel you need to cheat. If you can't keep it real with your wife then who can you keep it real with?
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 04:56 AM
Originally Posted by FeralCreature
Weird, I'm from there but never knew this.
Correction: Southern Europe.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 05:59 AM
the "she'll kill ya" crowd is amusing. that **** is just too funny. "c'mon... she's a 9, you're a 6. one could reach no other conclusion. this is a stone honey pot."
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 08:03 AM

I'm probably too late but what the heck it's an internet forum.

I'm married too, I have a daughter, and I've been tempted to cheat on several occasions. My wife is a 10, which is different from what you're saying your situation is, but like you, we have sex maybe 10 times a year due to the combination of insanely busy lives and our special-needs daughter sapping all of energy. I travel for business 30 times a year, so believe me, I have plenty of chances.

My opinion is this: The day you made a CONSCIOUS decision to become a parent is the day you made a CONSCIOUS decision that YOUR LIFE NO LONGER BELONGS TO YOU - IT BELONGS TO YOUR KIDS.

You no longer have the right to make decisions based on whether or not they're what's best for *you*. If there's *any* chance at all they could hurt your kids (and there *is* that chance no matter *how* much you think you can hide your indiscretion from your wife), you don't have a decision to make - you already *made* it when you decided to become a father.

Sorry if it isn't what you wanted to hear, but hope it helped.


EDIT: *Every* married man has wrestled with this decision. You're not alone. Far from it in fact.

Last edited by DalTXColtsFan; 04-06-2015 at 08:19 AM.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 08:12 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Way TLDR, but are you comfortable spending the rest of your life keeping this from your wife?
it's something he has to live with, telling his wife would only do well in getting rid of his guilt. So if he ****s up why put the pain on his wife just so he can feel less guilty?
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:01 AM
I wonder how many people who are okay with this guy breaking his marital vows which is a form of a contract would be okay if they and this guy had a staking contract and the OP decided not to pay up because he unilaterally decided the staker hadn't lived up to some nebulous term not even defined in the contract.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:14 AM
dude, get over the fact that your ex ****ed some other dude, thus breaking the vow, while you were some stand-up, unimpeachable husband.

traditional vows are a joke. the fact that you think you can just love someone forever, never hurt them, etc. is naive and childish.

realistic vows should include some sort of '**** happens' clause.

Last edited by PoundingTheUnder; 04-06-2015 at 09:22 AM. Reason: nevermind, he's a bible thumper.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:27 AM
Being the married and mature adult that I am, I don't think he should smash out the waitress, but sure as hsit wish he would. Would make for a more interesting story
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
dude, get over the fact that your ex ****ed some other dude, thus breaking the vow, while you were some stand-up, unimpeachable husband.

traditional vows are a joke. the fact that you think you can just love someone forever, never hurt them, etc. is naive and childish.

realistic vows should include some sort of '**** happens' clause.
My believing in marriage vows has nothing to do with being cheated on or being a Christian. It has to do with believing in living up to my promises.

Sorry you don't feel the need for people to live up to promises.

Last edited by Doc T River; 04-06-2015 at 09:42 AM. Reason: Even if I wasn't a Christian, I would still have the same belief in promises.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 10:07 AM
The correct answer to this OP is couples therapy.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
My believing in marriage vows has nothing to do with being cheated on or being a Christian. It has to do with believing in living up to my promises.

Sorry you don't feel the need for people to live up to promises.
do you think it was a realistic promise?
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Didace
Are you guys suggesting that that are some situations where the laws of thermodynamics do not apply?
Its tough in America where feeding the baby off the shelf is the convenient thing to do, but a ton of changes occur during pregnancy, including putting a bunch of fat on, meant to be converted to milk to sustain the infant for years. If you don't breast feed, its pretty hard to get rid of the fat, since a lot of your priorities have changed from 'me me' to 'them them', and all the psychological energy it takes to take care of kids.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
traditional vows are a joke. the fact that you think you can just love someone forever, never hurt them, etc. is naive and childish.

realistic vows should include some sort of '**** happens' clause.
Says the 15 year old who understands nothing about real life. Tons of couples hold true to their vows and never cheat.

Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
do you think it was a realistic promise?
Sure it's a realistic promise. But it really doesn't matter, that's the promise married people make. You keep the promise.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Doc T River
I wonder how many people who are okay with this guy breaking his marital vows which is a form of a contract would be okay if they and this guy had a staking contract and the OP decided not to pay up because he unilaterally decided the staker hadn't lived up to some nebulous term not even defined in the contract.
That's just ridiculous.

It would actually be more like the guy been staked to play MTTs on Pokerstars and deciding to play a bit of Rush poker on fulltilt on his own dime one Saturday night.
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
04-06-2015 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by ContactGSW
Its tough in America where feeding the baby off the shelf is the convenient thing to do, but a ton of changes occur during pregnancy, including putting a bunch of fat on, meant to be converted to milk to sustain the infant for years. If you don't breast feed, its pretty hard to get rid of the fat, since a lot of your priorities have changed from 'me me' to 'them them', and all the psychological energy it takes to take care of kids.
Putting a bunch of fat on is not necessary to have a baby. What is the process for converting fat into milk exactly?
Hot girl gave me her number... but I'm married. What's my play? Quote
