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Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed.

02-18-2014 , 02:02 AM
and greed is killing the earth.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 06:02 AM
link to faceback page my friend had the exact same ideas a week ago and wants to talk business.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:25 AM
Uh oh. Messages from him to me...

Time to mind my own business I think...
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:42 AM
Hahahahaha, omg. If I hadn't talked to him, I'd assume this was expert level 10 million trolling.

Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by rugby
Uh oh. Messages from him to me....
Just respond with

Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:02 PM
keep posting please, this is amazing.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:47 PM
This guy is clearly having a severe bipolar manic episode, or some kind of schizophrenic break, but at least it is taking an interesting and perhaps on some level for him, educational form. From what I've seen of this kind of thing firsthand, he could be doing worse than becoming Bizarro Bill Nye
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 01:52 PM
If this guy were focusing on art instead of science he might just be putting out masterpieces.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:14 PM
Very obvious that he's a conspiritard, attention-seeking, high-functioning autist. There really is nothing to worry about.

Now say that there is something wrong, maybe he is having a Why do you care? He's not your family, just let him wallow in it. If the guy is of no use to you, then just carry on with your life.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:16 PM
try salt water
try sugar water
try microwave
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Chris DolMeth
Very obvious that he's a conspiritard, attention-seeking, high-functioning autist. There really is nothing to worry about.

Now say that there is something wrong, maybe he is having a Why do you care? He's not your family, just let him wallow in it. If the guy is of no use to you, then just carry on with your life.
Empathy, how does it work?

FWIW - my manic depressive friend Dave shot himself in the chest with a gun he bought from another idiot friend Tim who decided he was going to become a gun dealer. Dave was his first (and I think last) sale. He convinced Tim he needed it for protection.

I bumped into Tim at the gym one time when I knew Dave was going off the deep end. I also knew Tim was talking about dealing guns, and was still possibly in contact with Dave. But it seemed like such a silly tenous connection I didn't say anything. I could have said "Hey dude, just so you know Dave is getting really crazy. Don't think of selling him a gun."

I think Dave would have found another way to kill himself. He had already tried once (which none of his friends knew until after he succeeded). But I really wish I had said something. I vowed after that to never hesitate to say or do something when someone's life is potentially on the line - no matter how far-fetched it might seem at the time.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:50 PM
What kind of impact will creating gold in his microwave have on the economy?
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
If this guy were focusing on art instead of science he might just be putting out masterpieces.
yeah, but hes not going to provide us with the recipe for gold by painting, now is he...

Last edited by Bode-ist; 02-18-2014 at 04:08 PM.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 06:30 PM
I recommend that your friend read this important website to help him further develop his ideas:
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
He needs help from my youtube Guru. How to Stop Thoughts Meditation.
I closed my eyes as instructed and listened. At the end he lost me, when he said somethin' like, "close your eyes and visualize the left eye/right brain and right eye/left brain."

The 3 minutes went by quick and were relaxing, thought free though lol
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
You really should stay out of it, especially if you hardly know this guy. Inserting yourself in this situation is ****ing weird. Just keep posting updates.

rugby strikes me as the crazy one with his compulsion to pester "distant acquaintances" on their medical issues, based on his Facebook-based diagnosis. (And then sharing the symptoms for others to have a chuckle at--which was probably the originator's purpose as well.)
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
try salt water
try sugar water
try microwave
i would buy this shirt

what an incredible thread lol
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:35 PM
Is he left handed? (not because of his crazy theories, but that's what I first thought when seeing his handwriting and now I'm curious if I'm right)

Also OP, I wouldn't listen to those telling you not to care about this guy. I think it's great that you care enough about other people to try to get this guy help. Even though these postings aren't dangerous in themselves, they could be a sign of dangerous things to come, like selling all his things to give money to a company to develop his craziness, or testing out one of these things and ending up getting hurt, or breaking into a science lab, or any number of other things.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Even though these postings aren't dangerous in themselves and can already be read by all his family and other less distant acquaintances, they could be a sign of dangerous things to come, like selling all his things to give money to a company to develop his craziness, or testing out one of these things and ending up getting hurt, or breaking into a science lab, or any number of other things which will be his and his family's problem.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:40 PM
Upon further reflections on his experiment, it's obviously because it worked too well.

Oddly enough, the 11 comments are someone correcting him on his poor spelling...
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:42 PM
He obviously went full crazy last night, never go full crazy.

Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:46 PM
Originally Posted by Vishnu
It may shock you to know that some of us actually care about others. Even if they aren't people we particularly like.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:50 PM
Vishnu. I don't think you just say "not my problem", but how much effort you put in is related to a) how distant you are and b) your capacity to help relative to others.

I don't think simply suggesting he go see a doc and politely raising my concerns to his brother or sister are going too far.

The other part of this, is that he is likely surrounded by fairly uneducated people. From what I've read of the comments from his Facebook friends, they simply think he is being a bit of a nerd. I.e. They assume they don't understand what he's saying because it is science, not because he is bat**** crazy.

Finally, in conversation last night, he confirmed that a year ago he was incredibly depressed, curled up in a ball in bed crying depressed. The combination of the depression and his current mood is pretty clear cut for anyone who has experience with manic depression, which I do, having seen it in 3 close family members.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Empathy, how does it work?

FWIW - my manic depressive friend Dave shot himself in the chest with a gun he bought from another idiot friend Tim who decided he was going to become a gun dealer. Dave was his first (and I think last) sale. He convinced Tim he needed it for protection.

I bumped into Tim at the gym one time when I knew Dave was going off the deep end. I also knew Tim was talking about dealing guns, and was still possibly in contact with Dave. But it seemed like such a silly tenous connection I didn't say anything. I could have said "Hey dude, just so you know Dave is getting really crazy. Don't think of selling him a gun."

I think Dave would have found another way to kill himself. He had already tried once (which none of his friends knew until after he succeeded). But I really wish I had said something. I vowed after that to never hesitate to say or do something when someone's life is potentially on the line - no matter how far-fetched it might seem at the time.
I'm sorry about your friend. Yeah, this is partly my rationale. It's the guy standing on the ledge scenario. Sure, you don't know him, but you are supposed to do what I can.

Unfortunately, I think Im close to exhausting all my options. Not sure there is much more I can do.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
02-18-2014 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
It may shock you to know that some of us actually care about others. Even if they aren't people we particularly like.
Yeah, if he really cared so deeply, there are more effective ways than badgering a distant acquaintance by text to see a doctor, and then immediately posting the texts to add to to the humor of his previous posts.
Friend having an entertaining, but scary, public breakdown on Facebook. Help needed. Quote
