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A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images

06-29-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
This whole don't go out for dinner on a first date seems very strange to me. Of course it's been a long, long time since I went on a first date but I seem to remember that a movie was the worst choice and that dinner was a pretty good one. Is this change because of internet dating? Every first date I have ever been on was with someone I already knew.
Fwiw I'm in the same boat as this, can see how and why things have changed though.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-29-2016 , 06:06 PM
There is some discussion as to the nomenclature of a first online date. Some people refuse to call an initial contact a 'date'. It's a 'meet'. Takes pressure off.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by kiwi
Didn't really intend thread to be about me and my ex gf but whatever. We decided we weren't going to stay together forever so ended the relationship. We are still good friends, she knows me well, we are occasional f**k buddies and she gives the best blow jobs in town. Who else would you suggest I ask for dating advice?
You shouldn't ask any woman for advice about women, ever. They don't know what they want, partly because they want many different things and some of them conflict with each other and partly because admitting to themselves a lot of the things they actually want would make them feel superficial and empty, so better just pretend like we're all in a romantic comedy (in her head).
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 03:02 AM
Let me suggest a simple question pre-date or before dining: "Is dutch ok?"

This solves this problem because what is she gong to say? No? If she says no it's either because she's the plague or a keeper- you'll know which.

Preferably, a first date with a strange woman is a walk somewhere, drinks or coffee if you are pretty sure she is attractive.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:26 AM
OP, the path to greatness lies in geting back in touch with crazy mom and linking her to this thread.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Let me suggest a simple question pre-date or before dining: "Is dutch ok?"

This solves this problem because what is she gong to say? No? If she says no it's either because she's the plague or a keeper- you'll know which.

Preferably, a first date with a strange woman is a walk somewhere, drinks or coffee if you are pretty sure she is attractive.
My issue with this is that if it's a good date, as it usually would be, then I'd like to be able to pay
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
OP, the path to greatness lies in geting back in touch with crazy mom and linking her to this thread.
There is merit in this suggestion.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 01:32 PM
But before you do that, just be up front with this woman.
Tell her you will gladly refund her entire half of the meal, as soon as she gives you a bj.
THEN link her to this thread.
Should be win win.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 02:08 PM
Sounds like the OP ordered $40 of food, ate $60-70 worth of food, and felt he was being charitable by paying half the bill. I don't think the text is super unreasonable if you ate a bunch of their food, which doesn't seem totally impossible that a male that just worked out would eat more, although the timing of the message is pretty horrible.

No way does this qualify as a "dating nightmare". I've had very explicit death threats after not calling for a few days after a third date. Why not just throw the single mom who is obviously a little unstable and apparently very hard up for money another $20? Personally, I think you should have declined letting her bring the child, and also picked the restaurant.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 02:21 PM
Need to see a pic of OP in case he's 250lbs and ate a starving 4 year old's dinner, the swine.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 03:44 PM
I must be missing some details here. We have accounted for:

$28 - sushi and sashimi
$12 - glass of wine
$xx - squid tempura (so basically fried calamari?)
$xx - beef plate
$xx - ice cream

ice cream was as most what, $5? That leaves $75 for the beef and squid, or was there more food ordered? She makes a point of being shocked that the op's entree was $28, but that makes no sense if the beef and squid average $37.50 each.

This kind of reminds me of single life after college when a mixed group of friends (guys and girls) would go out to dinner and just get one bill. Everyone would throw in for their portion, but we'd end up like $20 short on a $100 bill because inevitably a few people would order an entree that was listed for $7.99 and try to pitch in $8, ignoring tax, tip, and the $2 coke they also ordered.

This whole story is even more lol after I looked up the exchange rate and found US$1 = NZ$1.40. So the woman is complaining the US$43 she spent at a sushi place that she picked blew her eating out budget for the month? How many meals off the dollar value menu was she hoping to get for her and her kid?
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
I must be missing some details here. We have accounted for:

$28 - sushi and sashimi
$12 - glass of wine
$xx - squid tempura (so basically fried calamari?)
$xx - beef plate
$xx - ice cream

ice cream was as most what, $5? That leaves $75 for the beef and squid, or was there more food ordered? She makes a point of being shocked that the op's entree was $28, but that makes no sense if the beef and squid average $37.50 each.

This kind of reminds me of single life after college when a mixed group of friends (guys and girls) would go out to dinner and just get one bill. Everyone would throw in for their portion, but we'd end up like $20 short on a $100 bill because inevitably a few people would order an entree that was listed for $7.99 and try to pitch in $8, ignoring tax, tip, and the $2 coke they also ordered.

This whole story is even more lol after I looked up the exchange rate and found US$1 = NZ$1.40. So the woman is complaining the US$43 she spent at a sushi place that she picked blew her eating out budget for the month? How many meals off the dollar value menu was she hoping to get for her and her kid?
Please keep up. The ice cream was free.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by tongni
Sounds like the OP ordered $40 of food, ate $60-70 worth of food, and felt he was being charitable by paying half the bill. I don't think the text is super unreasonable if you ate a bunch of their food, which doesn't seem totally impossible that a male that just worked out would eat more, although the timing of the message is pretty horrible.

No way does this qualify as a "dating nightmare". I've had very explicit death threats after not calling for a few days after a third date. Why not just throw the single mom who is obviously a little unstable and apparently very hard up for money another $20? Personally, I think you should have declined letting her bring the child, and also picked the restaurant.
she's ranting and raving like a lunatic for eating at least 60 dollars worth of food and spending 60 dollars at a restaurant she picked and brought her daughter to on a date with a stranger and trying to guilt trip him after the fact.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
I must be missing some details here. We have accounted for:

$28 - sushi and sashimi
$12 - glass of wine
$xx - squid tempura (so basically fried calamari?)
$xx - beef plate
$xx - ice cream

ice cream was as most what, $5? That leaves $75 for the beef and squid, or was there more food ordered? She makes a point of being shocked that the op's entree was $28, but that makes no sense if the beef and squid average $37.50 each.
You're forgetting the mystery dish that was served by mistake and the 12%+ (?) tax.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress

Please keep up. The ice cream was free.
I read it as two ice creams. The kid's was free, the 2nd he split with the mom. Is that wrong?
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:46 PM
Shoulda gone to Applebee's.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Brad Childress
You shouldn't ask any woman for advice about women, ever. They don't know what they want, partly because they want many different things and some of them conflict with each other and partly because admitting to themselves a lot of the things they actually want would make them feel superficial and empty, so better just pretend like we're all in a romantic comedy (in her head).
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by tongni
Sounds like the OP ordered $40 of food, ate $60-70 worth of food, and felt he was being charitable by paying half the bill.
It doesn't sound like that all.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by jcorb
First Date = coffee or a drink
Second Date = Lunch, short (I have to get back to work) and not expensive
If she is not bat sh*t crazy, move on to dinner.

I am old school and pay the bill all the time.
Yeah so much this. I even started doing walks on the beach and ice cream type stuff back when it was an online dating factory. 45-60 mins and low costs, but it was also like 3-4 first dates a week. I needed to get efficient.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by tongni
Sounds like the OP ordered $40 of food, ate $60-70 worth of food

Why not just throw the single mom who is obviously a little unstable and apparently very hard up for money another $20? Personally, I think you should have declined letting her bring the child, and also picked the restaurant.
That was the way I read it as well, but I'm still not even sure which of the things was his $28 entree, and when asked he just responds "read OP." And even if that's incorrect, I agree with your attitude.

Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
I read it as two ice creams. The kid's was free, the 2nd he split with the mom. Is that wrong?
I was as confused as you about the bill! As for the ice cream, I believe you have it flipped. Kid's was an ordered and charged for dessert serving, and the second one was a small complimentary bowl.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by cs3
OP why are you taking advice from your ex? And even more LOL, why are you taking dating advice from her? Obviously that relationship didn't work out and she was part of it... so you're going to talk to her about who you should date??

Didn't really intend thread to be about me and my ex gf but whatever. We decided we weren't going to stay together forever so ended the relationship. We are still good friends, she knows me well, we are occasional f**k buddies and she gives the best blow jobs in town. Who else would you suggest I ask for dating advice?
Do you not have any competent male friends? This girl is literally sucking your dick. It's a conflict of interest dude.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
06-30-2016 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
So the woman is complaining the US$43 she spent at a sushi place that she picked blew her eating out budget for the month? How many meals off the dollar value menu was she hoping to get for her and her kid?
That was text trolling not to be taken seriously.

The only tangible part is that she set up a date to bring her kid to, to get a free meal for mom and kid.

The texting went on way too long for anything but lols.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
07-01-2016 , 01:24 PM
What happened to bitches ordering salads on dates?
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
07-01-2016 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by kiwi
Who else would you suggest I ask for dating advice?
OOT should naturally be your first port of call for any advice.
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
07-01-2016 , 01:52 PM
'..Tell her you will gladly refund her entire half of the meal, as soon as she gives you a bj...'

best advice yet itt
A freak and a very weird dudess - dating nightmare with images Quote
