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Found out GF is cheating on me... Found out GF is cheating on me...
View Poll Results: How should I handle the breakup?
79 33.91%
49 21.03%
84 36.05%
21 9.01%

09-08-2010 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by ChickenKiev
She'll probably just inform everyone that OP has a child sized penis and is a stalker freak who monitors her web activity and maybe she will even have a photo of his baby penis to share with her entire facebook friend list and then everywhere OP goes he will be known as Tiny Dick, which will make him unemployable and he will be forced to either move to Canada or embrace his tootsie roll sized organ and engage in humiliating low paying novelty tiny penis hardcore pornography.
You can't deny someone employment on the basis of race, religion, or baby dick.
09-08-2010 , 11:57 PM
Catch22 dude,

You're getting lots of good reasonable advice in this thread. You're also getting advice from people who want to witness a dramabomb and get some voyeuristic jollies. Follow the good advice. Bison's posts, among many others, are spot on. Nothing about this unfortunate situation makes it a good idea to try out creative, cool ways to slander or hurt her. Tell her what's up, why, and move on.
09-09-2010 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
You can't deny someone employment on the basis of race, religion, or baby dick.
Not officially.
09-09-2010 , 12:01 AM

you said you were going to mix A and C, then laid out a crazy ass plan that is all C. Please don't do this.

I can only assume that you were in your relationship because you were in love. I hope even that you were in love with the idea of being in love, and with love itself. Why then would you want to go about spreading so much hate? Shaming your exgf is not loving behaviour. Inflicting family strife is not loving behaviour.

I think the only even remotely appropriate contact with either the husband or the wife would be to tell the husband, maturely and without malice, that you think he should consider what his behaviour has meant to your relationship and his own. I don't even recommend that, it sounds hard to pull off.

I think you should just be happy that she cheated now, before you got any more committed. You got off early and easy, and hopefully have some good times to remember, and some important lessons learned together. You are only 20; you have lots of time ahead of you to meet somebody else. Hopefully a few somebodies before you settle down; variety is the spice of life, especially when you are young.

I was cheated on when I was younger and I reacted immaturely, and I regret it. This is more or less how I wish I had/think I should have acted. Maybe it's not quite perfect advice for your life, but I think the underlying message should be clear. Live a life of love.
09-09-2010 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by Alobar
dude, look at it this way. You are young, its the time in your life when you are supposed to make mistakes so that you can learn from them and then be all wise and **** when you get older. If you dont make these mistakes, how the hell are you ever supposed to grow? What are you going to learn more from, taking the high road here, or going out swinging? I guarantee you its the latter. How do I know this? Cuz I made these mistakes when I was younger and learned from them. And its not only you this is good for, its all of society. If people actually listened to older more experienced people, theyd never learn anything and then when it was their turn to be giving out advice who would the young and naive not listen to? Nobody, thats who. And then where would we be? ****ed, thats where. So you are not only hurting yourself, but everyone here if you decide to act mature. And lets be honest, 10 years from now you arent going to be talking to any of these "common friends" anyway, so who cares how they end up viewing you.

So stick to the gameplan. Public page full of scandalous details and nudes, and please to be linking here.
09-09-2010 , 12:06 AM
i think b) alone is fine
09-09-2010 , 12:08 AM
I also don't understand why he's moving out unless there's a "too many memories" thing or something. He can't FORCE her to move out because of the lease I guess. But if he told her he found out about the cheating and wanted her outta there I suspect she would do it mostly out of shame and acknowledgment that it was her fault.

Could tell her, "I'm going away for a few hours...and when I come back I want you and all of your stuff out of here. Here are some boxes. I don't care where you go. But I don't want you here anymore." Decent chance she agrees to that. And you don't have to bother moving all your furniture.

If she tries to be weird or dramatic or simply refuses to leave then you move on to Plan B and get your buddies to come and drag out the furniture...and tell her, "have fun sleeping on the floor" as you carry the bed out the door.
09-09-2010 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey_Tilt
What is a serious crime about changing someone's passwords? I assume she gave them to him and he didn't guess all of them. If someone gives you a password, they give you access.
When you assume, you make an ass out of u. There are quite likely state (and federal) laws that you can be prosecuted for doing this kind of thing. They're mostly for bad "hackers" but they'll probably cover doing something stupid like changing passwords. Verrrrrrry risky idea imho.
09-09-2010 , 12:15 AM
If she tries to be weird or dramatic or simply refuses to leave then you move on to Plan B and get your buddies to come and drag out the furniture...and tell her, "have fun sleeping on the floor" as you carry the bed out the door.
I would have to agree
09-09-2010 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
I also don't understand why he's moving out unless there's a "too many memories" thing or something. He can't FORCE her to move out because of the lease I guess. But if he told her he found out about the cheating and wanted her outta there I suspect she would do it mostly out of shame and acknowledgment that it was her fault.

Could tell her, "I'm going away for a few hours...and when I come back I want you and all of your stuff out of here. Here are some boxes. I don't care where you go. But I don't want you here anymore." Decent chance she agrees to that. And you don't have to bother moving all your furniture.

If she tries to be weird or dramatic or simply refuses to leave then you move on to Plan B and get your buddies to come and drag out the furniture...and tell her, "have fun sleeping on the floor" as you carry the bed out the door.
its like 100000x easier just to move out yourself. Have you ever watched a chick try and move? Much less when shes forced to? God its excruciating. I mean granted its not as bad I guess cuz it sounds like he owns most of the ****. But I guarantee you it takes her AT LEAST a week to clear her ass out and after much drama and stupid nonsense.

If you went with your leave and come back plan. Youd find her sitting on the floor crying with 3 socks and a hair dryer in the bottom of the box and some long as convoluted ******ed story about how she cant find her missing hair ties and she doesnt know if it should be her copy or your copy of "Step Up" since you technically bought but she said shed pay you back and never did, and that Jessica cant come help her move cuz she had to get her legs waxed and booohooo I swear Ill be out of here tomorrow please just let me stay tonight, yada yada yada waaaah waaaaah waaaaah
09-09-2010 , 12:25 AM
Well, if it's like that then the alternative plan 1a (before you get to plan B) is to just grab some boxes and pack her stupid stuff for her while she's away and tell her, "I packed your stuff. Now leave."

She probably has lots of stupid nonsense he would have to pack...but just throwing all of it as fast as you can into a few boxes has to be easier than loading up all the furniture and taking it into storage, right? I just don't think he should have to abandon his own place over this (assuming he doesn't hate the place and is actually interested in staying).
09-09-2010 , 12:28 AM
Have flowers sent to your gf at your apartment under the guy's name and then watch her reaction.
09-09-2010 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Have flowers sent to your gf at your apartment under the guy's name and then watch her reaction.
haha, thats actually pretty ****ing tits.
09-09-2010 , 12:35 AM
I think I would tell the wife but I'm a vindictive ass that was cheated on a year ago and still wish I would have broke down the door when I got to her apartment and found out that the guy I thought she was cheating on me with all along was there. I still wish I kicked down that door. What sucks, and what will suck for a long time is that you still love her. So from someone that was there one year ago. Let it rain. But never talk to her again after the storm.
09-09-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Have flowers sent to your gf at your apartment under the guy's name and then watch her reaction.
omg, actually pleeease do this OP.
09-09-2010 , 12:49 AM
Understand if you feel the need for revenge, but don't do anything that will make you look like the a$$ to your common friends. I don't see any issue with telling the wife, I would do it at the same time you are moving out and present the wife with proof. If you need to say your peace with her, do so, but don't listen to her bs when you are done talking, just leave. Just don't show any sympathy when she starts crying, instaleave at this point.

When you pack up your stuff don't do anything to hers, leave the place as is. Take pics if there any chance of psycho rage and she throws something through the window or other acts of random psycho vandalism

DONT tell her parents, that makes you look pretty juvenile.

Just think out your revenge so its done the right way, gives you closure, and doesn't come back to bite you. If she doesn't know that you know, wait for more and better evidence and *** with her mind in the meantime.
09-09-2010 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by Barrin6
Have flowers sent to your gf at your apartment under the guy's name and then watch her reaction.
I like this, maybe on the day you move out and tell his wife. Neither of the cheaters will know who/what/how.
09-09-2010 , 12:53 AM
Dump her, don't tell her you know she's cheated on you. She'll get angry and bitchy and most likely tell her she was cheating on you to spite you. Reply "Good, at least one of us was happy in our relationship." Don't act angry or emotional at all, just seem jaded and just over her. If you really want to get back at her, sending 2p2 pics of her is the best solution, especially if you're confident she'll never find out about it. You can even post them on those ex girlfriend websites

If you really feel like the wife should know, wait awhile and then send an anonymous letter to her saying you're a concerned coworker of the husband.
09-09-2010 , 01:03 AM
For those of you who have been in a similar situation and just ended it without closure, explanation, anger, confrontation. etc. I don't know how you guys could resist the temptation. I guess I way too immature to do so.
09-09-2010 , 01:13 AM
The bit with the flowers would be hilarious.
09-09-2010 , 01:14 AM
I am really liking that D option to bang his wife.

You call the wife and explain the situation and say you would really like to bang her and to give you a call (if you facebook her/email her).

If you do pick option D, please let us know the results (I am not joking)
09-09-2010 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Henry17
There is nothing to be vindictive about. It isn't like the guy was OP's friend. He didn't owe OP anything.
I think the dividing line is this: If the guy has met you then your girl is off limits. If he's never met you he doesn't owe anything to some annonymous boyfriend.

OP, I like telling the wife but that's a serious move that's totally up to you. Be prepared for unforseen consequences. Please God don't do the facebook/email thing. It's pathetic and makes you look like a little bitch.

Hit the weights. You never know when you might run into this guy at a bar and have to knock his teeth in.
09-09-2010 , 01:24 AM
I say go for B without the C for a peaceful exit
09-09-2010 , 01:54 AM
I wouldn't want to out this girl because tbh if the story got out, I would feel embarassed / in the wrong .. I wouldn't feel like a victim, I would feel inadequate at keeping a girl interested in me.

I would continue to **** her, wait out the couple of weeks, and then break up with her when she is gone, to avoid the sticky "move out for a while" situation.
09-09-2010 , 02:07 AM
Don't hack the personal accounts, ffs.

Just be a man, tell her you're leaving, and leave, or kick her out, or whatever. Her friends will find out whether or not you tool it up and hack her fb.
