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Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why?
View Poll Results: Who wins in a street fight - no holds barred?
Rousey beats Mayweather
131 30.82%
Mayweather beats Rousey
294 69.18%

08-12-2015 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by PeteMesquite
Here is the thing you mouth breathers dont seem to understand. You are always posting videos of smaller guys that are superior athletes and very much quicker beating slow big guys.
In the PBF v. RR scenario, PBF is easily 3x as quick on his feet/body/hands. PBF is prob 2x more powerful. AND PBF is 20lbs heavier.

If RR shoots on him, her shoot is going to look like its slow motion to what hes use to. PBF is also prob the best/quickest lateral mover / puncher alive. It will look l ike that scene from Snatch. If RR even does grab PBFs shirt (lol) she still will have a hard time even taking him down. pBF is prob the very best at gaining 6 inches of space and uppercutting. Did you even watch the videos, he does it with ease to other grown men. Even if it did start going to the grown (big IF) it is just not that easy to arm bar someone that is so much superior in speed/athleticism/strength. Being completely superior in athletisism/speed/strength IS a legit defense for ground work, and a pretty good one.

RR wins 1/20 times at best.
I'm pretty sure the videos were shown as an example of why Mayweather beats LBJ in a fight. You are the mouth breather.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 07:41 PM
How about RR vs Fat George Foreman?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 07:44 PM
What all you simpletons are neglecting to factor in is the bigger they are the harder they fall.

And big country would beat the bricks off of Lebrun in street fight. Lebrun would beat him in hoops probably. Tie in lugue.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:04 PM
RR has chunks of guys like Mayweather in her stool.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
That's nuts. Props to that dude. It's one thing for some 220lb guy (for the most part near the peak for fighting) to fight a giant, but that guy looked like 150lbs or less.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by Csaba
Why isn't the weight advantage huge in MMA?

It's massive in judo.
Speaking of which, where is this 20 pound advantage for Mayweather coming from? People say he doesn't cut to make 151. Rousey fights in the 135 WEIGHT CLASS. She says she comes into the octagon at usually 148.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:43 PM
yeah hong man choi is over 300 pounds.

he almost beat fedor, lol.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
At what weight do RR and FM walk around?
She walks around at 150.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
Y'all still are not talking street fighting anything goes. Bas Rutten is the only person whose opinion I would trust on the matter.
You mean Kimbo Slice?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:02 PM
im still takin bron. the power that bron could bring in a fight would be incredible.

if lebron practiced ufc like 10% of what hes put into bball that mofo would be baaaaaaad. a lebron kick...just think about it
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by LBloom
I don't get why so many people seem to assume that nobody except professional fighters has done any training that could be relevant to a fight, ever. I'm sure there are a great deal of say football players and basketball players that have done some sort of relevant training, and their vastly superior overall athleticism could help make up for some of their deficiencies in fighting technique.
You obviously missed the TUF where a number of guys were ex-NFL and had a hard time with it, even though they had substantial MMA training before the show.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Johnny Truant
What all you simpletons are neglecting to factor in is the bigger they are the harder they fall.

And big country would beat the bricks off of Lebrun in street fight. Lebrun would beat him in hoops probably. Tie in lugue.

Not just in a street fight, ANY kind of fight.

BTW, Big Country is a BJJ black belt and knocked out 6' 11" Stefan Struve in 39 seconds.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 09:39 PM
some odds maker must have done work on this. There has to be less than a 1% chance rousey lasts more than 30 seconds.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill

Not just in a street fight, ANY kind of fight.

BTW, Big Country is a BJJ black belt and knocked out 6' 11" Stefan Struve in 39 seconds.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:56 PM
Nelson would crush LeBron in any kind of fight.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
I'm pretty sure the videos were shown as an example of why Mayweather beats LBJ in a fight. You are the mouth breather.
You think RR would beat FM in a street fight. Every opinion you have from now until eternity is moot.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 10:59 PM
Originally Posted by pig4bill
You mean Kimbo Slice?
No way. Kimbo is a bare knuckle boxer, not a street fighter. Bas has forgotten more about street fighting than Kimbo ever knew.

All B.S. aside, I really would trust Bas on this subject over about anyone. He fought many disciplines and both bigger and smaller opponents in Japan. Plus, all the chowderheads in this thread are forgetting about a head-butt delivered out of nowhere. BONG!!!!
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-12-2015 , 11:35 PM
Obviously RR could certainly take FM and usually take prime Tyson. The real question is how often could RR take someone like Ndamukonga Suh. This would be tougher for her but I'm thinking she'd probably win like 75% of the time. She'd just break his arm.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:06 AM
Do you still all agree that a hundred pound chimp is a big favorite over any human?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:24 AM
Depends whether the chimp is wearing a shirt.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:24 AM
Mayweather wins this easy.

There is some small chance that RR could take him down and submit him, but I think Mayweather is going to be much stronger and he is going to be much faster.

Betting line would probably be something like Mayweather -1200
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Depends whether the chimp is wearing a shirt.
Not necessarily. How thick and graspable is the chest hair on this hypothetical chimp?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 12:42 AM
Has the chimp solely trained stand-up throughout it's life?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 05:02 AM
I don't know anything about either of them except for viewing a few YouTube videos. From what I have seen, Mayweather would win, hands down in a street fight.

Women in general don't have the muscle mass protection around their kidneys and abdomen to the extent that men do.

It doesn't appear to me that she would be able to withstand a kidney or abdomen punch from this man. Sparring is not streetfighting. I'd say 95% in his favor.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-13-2015 , 05:19 AM
Rousey would get destroyed in a boxing match vs Floyd, and she would get knocked out in a street fight. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs their head examined. I think most people who think Rousey would win is just taking the UFC side over boxing because they are the new breed of "LOL Boxing" trolls

She would get KTFO
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
