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Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why?
View Poll Results: Who wins in a street fight - no holds barred?
Rousey beats Mayweather
131 30.82%
Mayweather beats Rousey
294 69.18%

08-11-2015 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface

Now if Floyd could train MMA for a year or 2 and turn into a real fighter ya he'd prolly win. As is boxing..... NO IT'S NOT REAL FIGHTING PEOPLE. Don't buy into the boxing bull****, it's just wow that anyone things boxing is worth **** in a real fight.
+1 to all of this. Plus it's even more ridiculous because Mayweather's whole strategy is defensive. He pulls his belt up to his chest, hunches way over, hides behind his abnormally long forearms and huge gloves, and dares somebody to try to hit him somewhere that "counts".

Now if it was Rousey vs. Tyson in his prime, that at least might be an interesting question, because Tyson's size, brute strength and ferocity MIGHT be enough to compensate for his lack of MMA training. I'd have to think about that one. But Mayweather? Less than 1% chance.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:07 AM
Yeah definitely, 215 lb prime Mike Tyson vs 135 lb Rousey, that would be interesting if you like seeing women get instantly killed in fights.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:07 AM
That said, it is definitely LOL that Rousey claims to be able to beat "anyone" in a street fight. There are plenty of special forces guys that train no-rules and would destroy her. If she meant to say "any non-MMA trained boxer" at least that would be debatable.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
Floyd would destroy both of them in a fight.

What am I missing here? Seriously are we arguing a 135 lb woman is going to lay on the ground and use that strategy to beat one of the greatest boxers of all time?

She'll never get him in an armbar. She'll just keep getting punched while Floyd dances. If she goes to the ground Floyd can literally just wag his dick at her and kick rocks at her until she gets up. What's she going to do, crawl at him and get kicked in the head?
What I think would happen is they'd dance around for a while then it's gonna happen just like any real fight ever, not a boxing fight, a real fight. They gonna clinch and Floyd GONNA GET HURT. Either he's gonna get wrecked by some knees then get taken down or in no time he's just gonna get dragged to the ground and start crying like a little girl. In MMA you don't have a ref to constantly break up the clinch, instead you get beat up cuz you're a boxer and not a real fighter. Now if he can train for a year or 2 in MMA he may have a chance to catch up his fighting game. As it is he's not a real fighter, that's all you have to say about a boxer lol.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:09 AM
Oh it's busto pro. Tyson in his prime vs ronda a coinflip?

I'm a Ronda and mma fighting fan btw but you guys are embarrassing
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:10 AM
Special forces guys lololol
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:11 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
Yeah definitely, 215 lb prime Mike Tyson vs 135 lb Rousey, that would be interesting if you like seeing women get instantly killed in fights.
LOL so many of you people are complete idiots. It's a street fight, not a weigh-in. When Tyson's knee gets blown out, is he going to roll over and smother her?

As for "instantly killed" the fight would last less than 10 seconds either way, with one of the two permanently crippled or killed, and wouldn't be any fun to watch for anyone but a true sicko. Anyone who doesn't realize this shouldn't be posting.

I'm done.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:13 AM
LOL @ having to think about Tyson in his prime vs Rousey. Even his out of shape chubby ass today would demolish her.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:18 AM
Also anyone posting about a 15 lbs difference needs to look at MMA and there crazy ****. Tiny dudes have ****ed up guys that weight like 2x as much as them.

2 of these have guys have 300+ lbs on their tinier opponents and the tiny guys won in those 2 matches. Didn't study the rest, it's David vs. Goliath stories so I guess the little dudes won all these.

After this I don't wanna here anything about a weight difference, this aint boxing this is MMA. 15 lbs is nothing in MMA.....
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:25 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseNutley26
Floyd is 5'8" and fights only 15 lbs heavier than Ronda. He has a small size and speed advantage to go with a huge power descrepancy, but he has a tremendous skill disadvantage. Judo is a skill that is basically designed to use leverage to overcome a strength disadvantage.
15lbs heavier? He was 146lbs in his last fight vs Manny, and vs Canelo the limit was 152lbs and Floyd came in at 150 and half, so he probably isn't cutting alot of weight. Almost all MMA fighters cut alot of weight, I doubt Rousey weighs less than 150lbs on fight night.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:41 AM
I'm curious what any fighters opinion is on the #1 skill used in their fights overall. I only got in random brawls as a kid and never did real fighting but I did a ton of training cuz I lived in Blue collar uneducated ****ville my entire life and you gonna have to fight someone at some point. I'd say the #1 skill I needed to survive fights was wrestling as it seemed fights turned into wrestling matches super quick damn near 100% of the time. There was never a fight where I thought I needed to learn more boxing as wrestling grappling seemed to take up way more then 50% of the duration of all the fights I've been in.

I've easily been in like 100+ fights between my crazy brother, my cousins and random dudes, not a brag at all cuz I'm a pussy with anxiety and I attract ******* bullies lol. I'd say that wrestling is the #1 skill you need to really dominate another human being in a fight as the stand up game stuff only last for a short period of time and then GRAVITY. Striking seems likes its more for movies and karate tourneys.....
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by BustoPro
+1 to all of this. Plus it's even more ridiculous because Mayweather's whole strategy is defensive. He pulls his belt up to his chest, hunches way over, hides behind his abnormally long forearms and huge gloves, and dares somebody to try to hit him somewhere that "counts".

Now if it was Rousey vs. Tyson in his prime, that at least might be an interesting question, because Tyson's size, brute strength and ferocity MIGHT be enough to compensate for his lack of MMA training. I'd have to think about that one. But Mayweather? Less than 1% chance.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:46 AM
Now I'm wondering: can a silverback gorilla with no MMA training beat Rousey?


Last edited by Joseph Hewes; 08-11-2015 at 07:51 AM.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by Joseph Hewes
Now I'm wondering: can a silverback gorilla beat Rousey?
Is he from this planet ?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:01 AM
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by Joseph Hewes
Now I'm wondering: can a silverback gorilla with no MMA training beat Rousey?

Depends on who gets the bat.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by BustoPro
LOL so many of you people are complete idiots. It's a street fight, not a weigh-in. When Tyson's knee gets blown out, is he going to roll over and smother her?

As for "instantly killed" the fight would last less than 10 seconds either way, with one of the two permanently crippled or killed, and wouldn't be any fun to watch for anyone but a true sicko. Anyone who doesn't realize this shouldn't be posting.

I'm done.

You actually think Mike Tyson is a flip vs Rousey in a fight and think she beats Floyd 99% of the time.

Knowing nothing else about you I can already tell your opinion on anything is worthless. LOL @ calling other people complete idiots.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:18 AM
Originally Posted by Joseph Hewes
Now I'm wondering: can a silverback gorilla with no MMA training beat Rousey?


No chance. Rousey just takes it to the ground and armbars the gorilla's limbs off one by one. What she gives up in size and strength she makes up for in technique. What's a bloodthirsty gorilla supposed to against a 135 lb woman crawling towards him?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by mullen
No chance. Rousey just takes it to the ground and armbars the gorilla's limbs off one by one. What she gives up in size and strength she makes up for in technique. What's a bloodthirsty gorilla supposed to against a 135 lb woman on the ground patiently waiting for him to attack?
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
Eh he's letting her like my older brother would let me think I could win before crushing my dreams if needed.

He's probably working harder while taking a dump
I've seen videos of her training with Nate Diaz and other male fighters, the Diaz one is most relevant as he is more similar to Mayweather in terms of weight and at the end of the session he is shattered, breathing heavy and pouring with sweat so there can be no question of him taking it easy.

She is able to throw him down multiple times and also she is is strong enough to stop him from taking her down.

She could very easily throw Mayweather around like a rag doll if she gets hold of him. And as I said before with this being a street fight and Ronda's years of experience in judo it is highly likely Mayweather would get injured in the process of being taken down.

Even if he didn't get injured hitting the solid concrete floor it's also likely when he lands he gives up an arm. Ronda's reactions are like a cat in these situations, if he puts his arm out to break his fall then she'd have hold of it and break it.

Originally Posted by froegg
Pro-Ronda crowd is sure because they're informed.

Pro-Floyd crowd is sure because they're ignorant.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by BustoPro

Now if it was Rousey vs. Tyson in his prime, that at least might be an interesting question, because Tyson's size, brute strength and ferocity MIGHT be enough to compensate for his lack of MMA training. I'd have to think about that one.
You can't really believe this, lol, Tyson beat the heck out of the top heavyweight boxers in the world as a teenager, some of whom were well over two hundred and fifty pounds.

And before anyone says I favor boxers, I only trained and fought in MMA.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by Sun Tzu

this might be the dumbest post itt and that's saying a lot
think it's probably "floyd would crush mousasi in a fight"
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 09:35 AM
Can't read this thread any longer. Too many uneducated people on the art of MMA and have absolutely no clue. No clue. No freggin clue. Yes, clue.

I'm not saying I wont accept Floyd winning a fight between Ronda and himself, but some of your answers are so faulty/ridiculous that it would be impossible to argue with you because you have no idea/education on the topic.

Most of those that chose Ronda and provided a reason why, actually have a valid point.

For those of you that forgot, Randy Couture fought James Toney (a professional boxer). For those that think the boxer can just pop him in the chin real quick, please take a look at the below video to see what happens when you challenge a professional MMA fighter.

James Toney also has like 30+lbs on Randy...
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by froegg
Pro-Ronda crowd is sure because they're informed.

Pro-Floyd crowd is sure because they're ignorant.
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
08-11-2015 , 09:47 AM
Im pretty sure FM pulverizes poor Ronda's skull before she even touches him. I've trained both MMA and boxing for a total of around 5 days and thus my opinion should be taken very seriously when it comes to intersex top level street fighting. You are all idiots.

Last edited by Yakmelk; 08-11-2015 at 09:48 AM. Reason: interwhat
Floyd Mayweather vs Amanda Nunes Streetfight - Who wins? Who loses? Why? Quote
