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E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking

07-16-2015 , 07:34 AM
Actually $13 was the total and I bought soup and chips too, so probably around $7 for the v2
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-16-2015 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
Glad your Goblin worked out. Mine had a stripped screw within a month. The threading and general overall quality was just terrible. Filling it was kind of a pain (I use thick juice). My first thought after using it a bit was "what a piece ****." I was kind of relieved when it broke.

Also, it is irritating to rebuild in the middle of holding juice. The press-style tank makes this completely impossible.

You can do way better for the price, IMO. The $30 is kind of a misnomer since it doesn't come with a drip tip. That pushes the price to $40 to $50 right off the bat.
Sorry to hear you didn't have a good experience. I have found the build quality to be pretty good. You are right that rebuilding because of the press style and filling is kinda annoying.

For me the size, weight, and airflow is second to none. I feel like you always have to compromise on a tank.

Either way, that's the great thing about having so many choices in this space. You can find what works for you.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-18-2015 , 11:17 AM
What's the current go to set up for someone who can only afford to spend $60-$80? I need to replace my 20w iStick and I am broke as ****. FWIW I greatly prefer dripping over tanks, but I haven't tried any new tanks in nearly a year.
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07-18-2015 , 02:12 PM

ordered this two weeks ago was on my doorstep in 3 days with the nautilus 5ml. previous setup was istick20watt and nautilus mini. i prefer it over the istick and if i wanna get into subohming ill prob get the sigeli 50watt but the aspire esp30w works great as i usually vape 10-15 watts. it mostly got good reviews and all the negative ones were on the look not the performance
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-19-2015 , 11:16 PM
My stuff mostly survived the airplane. I had to break down my contact lotion into smaller bottles and I ended up leaving an unopened 10oz bottle in the lobby.

Southwest offered to take everything and not bother with any carry on. I told the woman I have a bunch of vape batteries and I thought that had to be carry on. She didn't seem to think it would be an issue to put it in the bottom of the plane. Regardless, I took my laptop bag and put my 18650s and mod in my carry on. Security was totally relaxed and cool. In fact, I over did it. I just let them nuke me and didn't want to make a statement. Whatever.

There is no place to vape at LAX, so I didn't vape at all from 5pm to about 1am. Didn't bother me really. I think there is truth to nicotine not being addictive in itself. I didn't feel like I was going to smash out a window.

The airline did go through my non-carry on luggage They opened up the cotton ball bags, dumped out a bunch of eye lotion, pouring some of the liquid on my expensive keyboard. They didn't touch the vape juice or any of the supplies in the plastic baggy at all.

So, no big deal, I guess.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-20-2015 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
What's the current go to set up for someone who can only afford to spend $60-$80? I need to replace my 20w iStick and I am broke as ****. FWIW I greatly prefer dripping over tanks, but I haven't tried any new tanks in nearly a year.
Hi! I was looking for the same thing as you and I tought it would be helpful for you to know what I've been digging for a couple of days. Check this out ... there are some really nice items at really nice prices and I think it's worth to try a starter kit. I'm going to order one too.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 03:34 PM

Looks pretty cool, especially for the price.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 04:14 PM
That looks like eleaf's answer to the subbox kit. Pretty good price, if the tank works well.
I don't like that it's a built in battery though. I like the safety and convenience of 18650s and a dedicated charger, but could see how it would be a good option for new vapers to be a cheap plug and play system.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
What's the current go to set up for someone who can only afford to spend $60-$80? I need to replace my 20w iStick and I am broke as ****. FWIW I greatly prefer dripping over tanks, but I haven't tried any new tanks in nearly a year.
subtank kit, definitely worth it.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 04:40 PM
Looks nice. It's gotta be an 18650 in there with that form factor, just whether it can be accessed without destroying the device...

Been back to using the Kayfun on my subox mini, can't get a good build on the subtank rba will try again later most likely tonight
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
That looks like eleaf's answer to the subbox kit. Pretty good price, if the tank works well.
I don't like that it's a built in battery though. I like the safety and convenience of 18650s and a dedicated charger, but could see how it would be a good option for new vapers to be a cheap plug and play system.
Some of us are too invested in how we do things to want to walk back to that, of course, but at $35, this is my go to device for anyone who asks me how to get started.

I am somewhat uncomfortable telling a new vapor to start a 0.3 Ohm, but I suppose we have to wait to see when the bombs start going off.

To think, a year ago, the suggested newb setup was 2 Joyetech 1100 mah EGO Twists that didn't really pump the promised voltage, 2 1.5 mil tanks, preferably with replaceable 1.5 Ohm coils, plus a charger, and that ran over $100 easy. My first kit wasn't this good, and it cost me about $80, which was a risky shot.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 09:02 PM
If I did the calcs correctly, at 0.3 Ohm it should be pushing ~14A on a fresh battery so it's not terribly insane (depending what they got in there of course).

I'll certainly pick one up to try when they make their way over here. An unregulated non-PWM device can be a super smooth vape, but the drawback of lowering power as the battery tapers off is something I haven't had to put up with in a while. It's like a nemesis, but with a pile of safety features... sounds worth $35 at least!

~60W though an 0.3 coil is nowhere near what I like to vape, though I haven't actually tried. Removed the Kayfun and rebuilt the subtank mini "old skool" just now. 1.8 Ohm 2mm microcoil, actually pretty good! The higher voltage required will drain my batteries quicker? idk lol. Used a different technique for wicking - basically cut the cotton to the edges of the red o-ring before sliding the chimney over, as it goes down the wicks will naturally fall in to a good place. As opposed to the usual "rabbit ears" technique from Kayfun wicking. Seems effective so far.

At ~$70, Subox mini kit + a decent 18650 remains my beginner recommendation for now.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
can't get a good build on the subtank rba will try again later most likely tonight
I'm having great luck with mine. 2x28 gauge kanthal twisted together, wrapped about 6 times around a 3/16"ish drill bit, makes a good one ohm coil with lots of room for cotton.

No dry hits and no leaks. Top notch production. Been on it for a week or two.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 10:37 PM
3/16" is very large! tonight's effort is prob 3mm rather than 2. to maybe bigger, it's close to the posts so idk how one could get 3/16" (~4.7mm) in there even! it's working quite well so far. Probably was a problem with not enough diameter for cotton to feed it in previous efforts. Maybe a 3/16" drill bit is thinner than that at the point you're wrapping around?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:04 PM
My bad, I misremembered. I just checked and it's 1/8".
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-21-2015 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Claymicro
subtank kit, definitely worth it.
bro a subtank is only for expierenced vapors. ive quit newports for about 4 months and been heavy vaping +ohm coils and still cant handle 20+ watts on sub ohm coils. do not listen to this advice if just getting into vaping. you will want to start at 1.8 ohms and vape btwn 5-10 watts. i was a pack a day newports plus 2 grams of decently potent weed and 5-10watts still hurt my throat until i built up a tolerance. DO NOT START OUT SUB OHMING if learning to vape. work your way up.

most ppl in this thrd are use mechanical mods which are way over your head and even mine. buy a regulated mod which uses 18650's or built in battery and practice before you preach. mechanical mods are very unsafe unless your very experienced in vaping and even then can be walking a thin line

Last edited by EatMyDitka; 07-21-2015 at 11:30 PM.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-22-2015 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by EatMyDitka
bro a subtank is only for expierenced vapors. ive quit newports for about 4 months and been heavy vaping +ohm coils and still cant handle 20+ watts on sub ohm coils. do not listen to this advice if just getting into vaping. you will want to start at 1.8 ohms and vape btwn 5-10 watts. i was a pack a day newports plus 2 grams of decently potent weed and 5-10watts still hurt my throat until i built up a tolerance. DO NOT START OUT SUB OHMING if learning to vape. work your way up.

most ppl in this thrd are use mechanical mods which are way over your head and even mine. buy a regulated mod which uses 18650's or built in battery and practice before you preach. mechanical mods are very unsafe unless your very experienced in vaping and even then can be walking a thin line
you are mixing things up, no worries the branding "subtank" is a little misleading.

he's referring to the kanger subox mini kit, which is as claimed an excellent noob kit. it comes with one each of a 0.5, a 1.2 and an RBA coil (0.5 coils provided). In posts just above, I told of how I just built the RBA deck it with a 1.8 Ohm coil, and I vape it at ~10W (usually more like 8).

It's not a mech, it's regulated and has all the usual safety features.

I doubt many of this thread's regs use unregulated + unprotected mechs these days.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-24-2015 , 05:52 PM
I'm not a noob. Just broke atm and looking to replace my dying 20w istick. I have a scorpion clone as well but it's never been that great for me.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-24-2015 , 10:19 PM
My brother smokes like 10-20 a day, and has resisted my attempts to persuade him to try e-cigs. He relented today, and had a puff of my istick30w with a subtank mini (0.5ohm coil at 24.5w, producing a 3.5v delivery) that was loaded with 3mg high VG juice.

He coughed for 2 minutes straight. Smokers looking to ease off the cigarettes definitely need to start at the bottom of the e-cig power scale and work their way up!
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-25-2015 , 10:48 AM
Subtank is not for experienced vapers, you don't have to build your own coil, it won't be strong, if you choose "normal" nicotine concentration, like 3mg/ml or smth.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-26-2015 , 12:09 AM
This mini sub kit is a monster. Picked up a black one today, flavor, hit, auto adj vv. All amazing. Nice cloud (idc).

MVP 20 randomly stopped hitting on my coil, had to pump it from 3.7 v to 5.8 before I got a good fire. Kind of worried me so after a few more builds I though it was time for trash.

May have been nothing but didn't want to risk a bad battery in my pocket or car while Im at the office.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-26-2015 , 09:30 AM
I wish rip tripper would've told us how the thing charges. I know it's a USB cable but how do you know when it's fullly charged?

On another topic. Anyone have problems with eLeaf Lemo Drop (v1) when taking a very long draw and then it burning? I definitely cannot take long draws from it (much shorter compared to my RDAs and Lemo v2)
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-26-2015 , 10:31 AM
It has a battery on the LCD.

Threw my Delta 2 on it today. Absolutely beautiful combination. Finished the last few puffs of Ectocooler from Baker and then filled up with their Jozmogloben. What great favor. The auto adjusting VV is such a huge improvement over manually guessing where to put my MVP 20 at.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-26-2015 , 07:36 PM
TheDuke, is mini sub kit a temp controlled device?

Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't even vape below 0.5 Ohm, and that is honestly a little too much for me. I keep at 0.8 Ohm and found that to be a happy medium for me. I guess I shouldn't suggest a 0.3 Ohm device to a total newb?
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
07-26-2015 , 09:07 PM
It's not temp-controlled no, it is a constantly-reading VW.
E-cig Thread: Alternative to Smoking Quote
