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The e-cig: Healthy cigarette alternative The e-cig: Healthy cigarette alternative

01-22-2012 , 03:39 AM
Brock, have you seen this

Pokeraddict - not much more to add really, but +1 to everything being better than cigs. health def. returns, and taste (omg taste), and sense of smell (!!!) surprisingly quickly
01-22-2012 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by PJo336
I think ecigs can accomplish what you would like them to. By that I mean, I do think they can become a different addiction (though hopefully more healthy/ less unhealthy) but I also think they offer many easier options for weaning yourself. When I started, I began with 18mg of nicotine in my juices, then down to 12, then to 6, and I barely ever craved a real cigarette. I also vaped much less frequently than I smoked cigs (I know lots of people probably vape much more than they smoked).

I made a concious choice to re up the nicotine in mine to 18 (I feel like you get a better throat hit), and although this sounds bad, I feel much more unattached to ecigs than I did to cigarettes. I still believe its hard for a person to quit totally vaping or smoking cigs, but I think this can be used as a tool for however you see fit. I.e. you could wean yourself rather easily, you could replace smoking with vaping, you could vape and smoke if you like, etc. Its pretty much up to your discretion, but I think you can work to tailor it to your goals.
this is a great couple paragraphs for people wondering. i mean that in the sense that people jump into the thread wondering about it but with all the terminology they are uncertain about whether going back and reading the whole thread to figure it out is worth it.
01-22-2012 , 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
At home: Provari with a (Boge) cartomizer tank and some Rawr Vapor juice
No wonder you've stopped hunting. That device/tank/carto combo should pretty much be the holy grail of vaping, no?

I'm just about to order some vv devices for me and the gf. I've been on pure 3.7v batts up til now, so this should be another huge step up for me. My current batts are getting a bit haggard, so I can finally justify it.

With the provari are you using standard or lr boge cartos? Is one a better performer than the other on a vv device, or is it just equal performance from either once you've got the voltage dialed in?

I'd assume that a standard would produce a bit more vapour, but a lr would have a longer usable lifespan, just because a lr has a shorter coil to heat the wick, but is also less coil to get gunked up. Is that accurate?
01-22-2012 , 07:09 AM
Pokeraddict, I can add a bit more from a much heavier smoker perspective. I typically smoked 2 to 3 packs a day, more if I was drinking. When I was still smoking, on a flight to Japan, I had applied 2 nicotine patches, was chewing nicotine gum and still almost ate a damn cigarette. I was bad.

Within a month of quitting I was feeling a tremendous difference in my health. I could breathe, I woke up without coughing up ****, and after a couple of months regained my sense of smell.

I started vaping at 36 mg of nicotine, I'm now down to somewhere between 12 and 15mg. I can go 3 hours without a vape if necessary.

Hope that helps!
01-22-2012 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
No wonder you've stopped hunting. That device/tank/carto combo should pretty much be the holy grail of vaping, no?

I'm just about to order some vv devices for me and the gf. I've been on pure 3.7v batts up til now, so this should be another huge step up for me. My current batts are getting a bit haggard, so I can finally justify it.

With the provari are you using standard or lr boge cartos? Is one a better performer than the other on a vv device, or is it just equal performance from either once you've got the voltage dialed in?

I'd assume that a standard would produce a bit more vapour, but a lr would have a longer usable lifespan, just because a lr has a shorter coil to heat the wick, but is also less coil to get gunked up. Is that accurate?
Standard boges give my Provari a larger range of available voltage settings ie 3V -6V but a LR will not and gives error messages at 4.5Vish and over. This gives less room to find the sweet spot for juices. In my experience LR Boges never last as long as the standards although all boges are nowhere near as good as they seemed to be 3 or 4 months ago.
01-22-2012 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
My current setup:

At home: Provari with a (Boge) cartomizer tank and some Rawr Vapor juice
Out and about: A GLV Super Mini (3.7 volt) with an Avid Vaper (Cisco) 1.5 ohm 306 atomizer also with Rawr Vapor juice.

I guess after all of the trial and error that I have put in I like the hunt as much as the kill
I use the same setup and feel like you. I think you start taking things for granted after a while, although I am still hunting for my perfect juice and seem to keep going back to the menthols.
01-22-2012 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Can you give me cliffs on wtf that is and why it's over $100?? Repairable?
01-22-2012 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by _dave_
Brock, have you seen this

Pokeraddict - not much more to add really, but +1 to everything being better than cigs. health def. returns, and taste (omg taste), and sense of smell (!!!) surprisingly quickly
I did see a review on the Mark T Dave. It looks interesting and would satisfy my tinkering urge. I'll look into it, thanks.
01-22-2012 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
No wonder you've stopped hunting. That device/tank/carto combo should pretty much be the holy grail of vaping, no?

I'm just about to order some vv devices for me and the gf. I've been on pure 3.7v batts up til now, so this should be another huge step up for me. My current batts are getting a bit haggard, so I can finally justify it.

With the provari are you using standard or lr boge cartos? Is one a better performer than the other on a vv device, or is it just equal performance from either once you've got the voltage dialed in?

I'd assume that a standard would produce a bit more vapour, but a lr would have a longer usable lifespan, just because a lr has a shorter coil to heat the wick, but is also less coil to get gunked up. Is that accurate?
I have used the Provari with both LR and SR cartos and haven't really noticed any difference in the vape. Of course I up the voltage with the SR cartos. I've heard it is easier on the batteries to use SR cartos at a higher voltage. I've noticed that I get longer battery life when doing this.

I'm not sure about the idea that less coils could = less gunk but that makes sense.
01-23-2012 , 09:10 PM
Got my riva in the mail about 10 min ago... Set it up and hit it a couple times. I just quit smoking cigs, thanks 2p2!!

Last edited by curlyface; 01-23-2012 at 09:26 PM.
01-24-2012 , 12:05 PM
On my list is checking out this whole tobacco alkaloid juice
01-24-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by curlyface
Got my riva in the mail about 10 min ago... Set it up and hit it a couple times. I just quit smoking cigs, thanks 2p2!!
Congrats curlyface!

We haven't quit completely yet. We've both cut down by 2/3 or so. I can see the day coming soon when I'll decide that I simply prefer vaping. Almost there.
01-24-2012 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme
Congrats curlyface!

We haven't quit completely yet. We've both cut down by 2/3 or so. I can see the day coming soon when I'll decide that I simply prefer vaping. Almost there.
Heh, thanks. I never smoked too much to begin with (roughly 1/2PAD usually a bit less) and I got tired of being able to smell cigarettes off myself as it started to make even me nauseous. I got about 20ML juice total and from the ~12hr I've had the vape it seems like it might last me a couple weeks at least. cool.

Brought it out last night as I went to meet up with my buddy. He msged me and said "can you grab me a pack of smokes on your way here" to which I agreed knowing full well I'd just bring the vape, haha.

Anyway, met up with him and let him try it out .. at first he was skeptical (before trying it) but once he tried it he pretty much pulled the "you ordered yourself one and not me?" type of deal.
01-24-2012 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by entertainme
That's a Volcano Clearomizer on my Lavatube. Just got them yesterday. Love the flavor and the idea that there's no filler to burn. From reading ECF, it seems that they're fussy though - all brands.

Husband and I have both had burnt taste already. I'm rotating 2-3 of them to keep them from getting hot, and dry burning a few seconds whenever I feel like the draw has tightened up. My husband has already taken his apart and cleaned it tonight. Nevertheless, seems a step up from a carto.
Originally Posted by Bode-ist

if you like the CE2 clearomizers, try these out: By far the best ones ive used out of 5 or 6 different types/vendors. These have a much tighter connection at the bottom along with an o ring to help stop the leaks. They also have a thicker plastic tube. I've gone through 15 in the last 2 months and have yet to have a single leak out of the bottom. I use one for a weekish, then clean it while i use another, then switch back to the original after another week while constantly rotating a fresh one in the odd weeks.

The ones from Volcano were by far the worst of the ones i've tried. Its like they tried to pack way too much wick into the little ceramic cup and it just makes the draw too tight. I still have a few left from ECX, but i think i need to order some more soon.
If anyone orders the Royals, I highly recommend that you wash them before use. They must have some primer on there. Horrible burnt taste for at least a day on the one I used fresh out of the box.

We washed all the others, first in alcohol, then a water rinse. No burnt taste.

That being said, I do think you get a stronger hit off the volcanos because they have more wick.

Originally Posted by curlyface
Brought it out last night as I went to meet up with my buddy. He msged me and said "can you grab me a pack of smokes on your way here" to which I agreed knowing full well I'd just bring the vape, haha.

Anyway, met up with him and let him try it out .. at first he was skeptical (before trying it) but once he tried it he pretty much pulled the "you ordered yourself one and not me?" type of deal.
I've written down recommendations for two strangers in the last week. Both had tried other ecigs previously. I think I'll start carrying alcohol swabs to wipe drip tips when people want to try it out. Swabs - syringes - if I'm not careful, I'll end up calling the husband to post bail over a misunderstanding.

Vaping a mix of cinnamon bun and house blend. It's pretty tasty.
01-24-2012 , 06:43 PM
Scoured this thread for 2 days on my Android back from page 65 and tried to plug as much information as I could because I'm a huge lurker ( 4 posts in over 3 years, probably browsed 2 years before that and only made an account because I wanted to post. )

Anyways. I'm still confused on what some of this crap is / means. If one of the oldtimers / knowledgeable folks would give me 5 minutes of their time through pm ( don't think I have it? ) msn, yahoo messenger, aim, I would forever be grateful. Just want to pick someones brain on a couple things and won't take up too much of your time. Thanks!
01-25-2012 , 08:22 AM
Just post whatever questions you have in here. You will probably get good answers from multiple people, which is nice with something like this where people's preferences vary pretty greatly
01-25-2012 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by Royston Vasey
How do you know when to refill?? Or am I being an idiot?

They've only gone and put a window in it now. Sweet, more expense.
01-25-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by pleaseriverme
Scoured this thread for 2 days on my Android back from page 65 and tried to plug as much information as I could because I'm a huge lurker ( 4 posts in over 3 years, probably browsed 2 years before that and only made an account because I wanted to post. )

Anyways. I'm still confused on what some of this crap is / means. If one of the oldtimers / knowledgeable folks would give me 5 minutes of their time through pm ( don't think I have it? ) msn, yahoo messenger, aim, I would forever be grateful. Just want to pick someones brain on a couple things and won't take up too much of your time. Thanks!
Post 838 in this thread I posted a primer to try to help beginners. Give it a read, it might help clarify things:

Come back and post whatever questions you have here.
01-25-2012 , 10:10 AM
$60 tho. Wow.
01-25-2012 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by runout_mick
Post 838 in this thread I posted a primer to try to help beginners. Give it a read, it might help clarify things:

Come back and post whatever questions you have here.
It's a really good post and it helped me when I switched back in June. But it's a fast moving, immature market and things have changed quite a bit.

Here's something I sent to a couple of my friends a month or so ago.

The e-cig thing is a bit complex until you get the hang of it. There are basically three components to a e-cig


If I were starting now I’d get the Lavatube. A starter kit is about £55.

It’s a variable voltage battery which means that you can control the amount of power going into the atomiser and therefore how big a hit you get.

The downside is that it’s pretty long and so you might feel self-conscious smoking it (it’s about the same size as the one I use, a much more expensive Provari).

If you want something smaller and cheaper get a Riva or an Ego 510 starter kit. This is what I started with – it’s about £35.


This is basically the element which gets heated by the battery and turns the juice into vapour.

There are a lot of choices, but to keep things simple I’ll just describe two.

First there is a traditional atomiser which looks this

It’s got a hole at the top with the element exposed. You drip the liquid directly on to this (four drops the first time, two drops subsequently). The upside is that you get lots of flavour, the downside is that these are expensive and you have to drip quite frequently – two drops last about 8 puffs.

You’ll get a couple of these atomisers with the above kits but it’s worth getting some cartomisers as well. With these, the atomiser is enclosed in wicking material. You get that material damp and the atomiser burns it off. You lose a bit of taste but you don’t have to keep filling it up and the cartomisers are a lot cheaper.

It’s worth getting a pack of 5 of these (about £7) with your first order.

These days I use a tank system whcih I think is the best way. It;'s basically a cartomiser but with a hole drilled into the side enclosed by a plastic or metal barrel in which the liquid is held. It's really convenient and because the wicking material is always kept wet, you get a really consistent vape. I also think the cartomisers last longer this way. Be careful with plastic ones though as some liquids apparently don't agree with them and they may crack. I've not had this myself but I gather cinnamon flavours are a big no no.


There are thousands of different juices. Everyone has different tastes so it’s hard to make recommendations. Buy samples (5 or 10 ml) where you can rather than large bottles. I go through about 2 to 3 ml a day for reference.

You will have to choose the strength of nicotine in whatever you get. I usually go for medium strength – i.e. 15-20mg.

Finally you should also buy a drip tip (about £2) from wherever you buy. This is just a bit of metal or plastic which attaches to the atomiser or cartomiser so your lips don’t get burnt.

There are loads of other places you can buy from e.g. enjuice, vape escape, liberty flights, paradise vapes. Try get free postage and make sure you use a discount code. A list of some of these are here


Finally, it’s worth having a look round the forums, especially the beginners ones – there’s loads of help and info there.

This is the biggest but may be a bit overwhelming in terms of the amount of info and can be confusing cos its mainly aimed at yanks.

UK ones are

01-25-2012 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pavster

They've only gone and put a window in it now. Sweet, more expense.
Looks great I think I will invest once my current tank gives up the ghost.
01-26-2012 , 01:59 AM
I am loving "Absinthe" from Rawr
01-29-2012 , 08:41 AM
How much would it cost for a solid kit that will last me a decent amount of time. I smoke maybe a pack every day and a half/two, and im really curious about these things.

I havnt read this thread much ( its 830am and i havnt slept tonight so maybe later) so can anyone post some links to some good ecigs/kits as well as some recommendations on some flavours.

A few question however, how long does the battery last? is the vapor odourless? Does this really give you the same kick smoking a real cigarette would? Do you guys who smoke ecigs also smoke regular cigarettes or have you moved on? How expensive is it smoking these?
01-29-2012 , 09:32 AM
My answers to some of your questions after 7 months vaping.

Get a Lavatube and some boge cartomisers and some juice will be about £60 ~ $100

Originally Posted by JayKhalifa
A few question however, how long does the battery last? About a day
is the vapor odourless? Yes except one coffee one I had
Does this really give you the same kick smoking a real cigarette would? Yes when at 18mg nicotine strength or higher liquid
Do you guys who smoke ecigs also smoke regular cigarettes or have you moved on? Never had another cigarette from first vape ( I smoked for 20 years)
How expensive is it smoking these? Cheaper than cigs, maybe half the cost once you have a set up you like.
01-29-2012 , 10:20 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. Next step, since im a huge noobie (spent the last few hours reading this threads/others, can someone link me to whichever lavatube is the best, as well as any other things needed (if theres a lavatube starter kit thatd be great as well)

But im not exactly looking to buy one to try, and then purchase better ones after. From what everyones been saying in this thread, I think id have no problem making the change. So I want to get one thats going to last me. Im still pretty lost even after reading for hours (no doubt stems from everyone using abbreviations every 4th word lol)

Also, first link on google says canada banned the importation of these (never searched beyond the first link) whats the deal with this?

