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The e-cig: Healthy cigarette alternative The e-cig: Healthy cigarette alternative

03-28-2008 , 08:52 PM
I've just discovered these through stumbleupon!

Allegedly healthy cigarettes. Provide you w/ nicotine without the harmful substances in tabacco smoke. Nicotine on its own is still harmful but much less than the rest of the 4000 substances you end up smoking when lighting up.

Supposedly it taste/looks/feels like a cigarette too.

Is the existance of such a product common knowledge? Has anyone tried it? Reviews?

More info:
-Wikipedia entry
e-cig online shop (lol@ USB version!)
03-28-2008 , 09:33 PM
I know nothing about cigarettes but aren't American Spirits supposed to be like this?
03-28-2008 , 09:42 PM

no, that's completely different. American Spirits is just tabacco with no additives. Tabacco smoke is harmful.

The e-cig vaporises nicotine. It's smoke free & i guess as healthy as nicotine gum or other nicotine replacement products.
03-28-2008 , 11:09 PM
Didn't they sell the "eclipse" like 4 years ago and it did more or less the same thing?

I remember people trying them for a few months and just eventually getting sick of them and switching back

People who smoke aren't nearly as interested in smoking healthier as they are in the satisfaction they get from smoking
03-28-2008 , 11:13 PM
yeah, nothing like charging your cigarette every day. if you have the resolve to charge this thing daily, you can probably just quit.
03-29-2008 , 12:08 AM
here's a vid of one in action. I'm really tempted to order one of these but for some reason I feel like it would make me want to take up smoking for real again.

Basically yeah, what Nath's hard to imagine getting the same smoking "experience" with this thing that you do with regular cigs.
03-29-2008 , 12:24 AM
This is pretty cool. Possible to swap out the nicotine for more fun substances?
03-29-2008 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by NoahSD
This is pretty cool. Possible to swap out the nicotine for more fun substances?
Just buy a vaporizer dude
03-29-2008 , 02:08 AM
Kind of funny you had this today. I was thinking back to the pictures I posted of Kate Beckinsale the other day of the celebs who looked bad not made up and stuff. And she did not look bad in the pictures, except she was hogging on a cigarette in one, and I found it highly unattractive.

That got me to thinking, she probably smokes because it helps suppress her appetite. So why not have just a nicotine delivery system without all the other chemicals that are so bad for you. I realize that nicotine is not good for you, but I wonder how bad it is on its own. Also if you took it in a form other than inhalation, it would not impact your lungs.

I am not up for trying it, because I gave up chewing tobacco like 7 years ago... but I am kind of curious about just taking nicotine by itself.
03-29-2008 , 09:00 AM
Dude, they have nicotine gum. The strong stuff will give you a decent buzz the first few times you chew it.
03-29-2008 , 11:43 AM
I assumed a "healthy e-cig" would be a picture of a cig online and maybe you lick your monitor once in awhile. :shrug:
03-29-2008 , 03:10 PM
first time I chewed nicotine gum, I almost ralphed.
03-29-2008 , 03:12 PM
The primary reason people smoke is to look cool(impress HS girls). This does not look cool(will not impress HS girls).
03-29-2008 , 07:58 PM

I'm 28. The reason i smoke is not to look cool & impress high school girls. It's because I'm a nicotine addict.

I don't think this product is targeted to people who want to start smoking. It's targeted to those who want to quit but can't. If this thing really taste and feels like a cigarette then it's the greatest thing ever invented for nicotine addicts.
03-29-2008 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by dtemp
Dude, they have nicotine gum. The strong stuff will give you a decent buzz the first few times you chew it.
Nicotine gum is not a suitable long-term replacement for smoking. It taste horrible & has plenty negative side effects. It's also not made for long term use i believe. There is no pleasure in having chewing nicotine gum for a smoker. It just relieves some of the pain associated w/ withdrawal symptoms.
03-29-2008 , 08:50 PM
american spirits...worse than regular smokes?
Pankow and his team recently compared the levels of free-base nicotine found in the most common brands of American cigarettes (see "Percent Free Base Nicotine.." in the bibliography). They found that some -- including the famously popular Marlboro -- contain 10 to 20 times higher percentages of free-base nicotine than other brands. But the brand with the most free-base nicotine? The "Natural American Spirit" cigarette, marketed here as "100% Chemical Additive-Free Tobacco." American Spirit cigarettes contain 36 percent free-base nicotine, compared with 9.6 percent in a Marlboro, 2.7 percent in a Camel, and 6.2 percent in a Winston.
03-29-2008 , 08:52 PM
why don't you ****ers just show some self-control and quit?
03-29-2008 , 10:30 PM
What exactly is "free-base nicotine" and what makes it worse

I don't think American Spirit ever argued their cigarettes were healthier, just additive-free
03-29-2008 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I don't think American Spirit ever argued their cigarettes were healthier, just additive-free
everything natural is healthy ldo
03-29-2008 , 11:40 PM

a healthy cigarette is an anachronism but, ya, the less additives the better
03-30-2008 , 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by sawseech

I do not theen it means what you theen it means.
03-30-2008 , 01:27 AM
I'm currently reading "Cigarette Century" by Brandt, Allan. The reason the cigarette did not have widespread popularity is due to an awful odor emitted.
03-30-2008 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by XXXNoahXXX
why don't you ****ers just show some self-control and quit?
I don't want to derail the thread but ... would you says the same to a heroin or crack addict? It's difficult to simply quit smoking, afterall its an addiction.

Studies have shown its harder for smokers who acquire the habit an early age to kick the habit than their peers who begin smoking later in life.
03-30-2008 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Maulik
I don't want to derail the thread but ... would you says the same to a heroin or crack addict? It's difficult to simply quit smoking, afterall its an addiction.

Studies have shown its harder for smokers who acquire the habit an early age to kick the habit than their peers who begin smoking later in life.
Last I checked, most things that require one to utilize self control to stop using are difficult to stop using.

It's difficult, yet many people do it - it ain't impossible.

Thats my tough love speech of the day.
03-30-2008 , 01:58 AM

"It's difficult, yet many people do it - it ain't impossible."

This is the same logic cigarette companies used to defend their product in the face of hearings discussing the addictive aspects of the products.
