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do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life?

03-21-2008 , 06:19 PM
i might still be on top of my wave despite recent market performance. it could depend though, i was recently holding for taxes i don't see that as my money. very cool question.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 06:26 PM
By far.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
ultimately I think it's just you meet who you love and you work out the rest later.
Uh, yeah, hello upcoming divorce.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 07:32 PM
lol no, bought a house in oct, started grad school. Good year for us...
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 08:02 PM
Yes.. By far.

Well maybe a few $k less than a few days ago, but nothing major. Standard swings.

edit: sometime in the next few months I'll probably start paying off the house in fairly big chunks, but I don't think I'm gonna use much savings money for it. I'd rather just use x% of my monthly income to go towards the mortgage and hopefully it'll be gone pretty fast.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:05 PM
yes. poker's been going well. my net worth is pretty small compared to most, prob like 40kish, but i'm debt free, so that's good.

edit: actually, it's closer to 50k

Last edited by nation; 03-21-2008 at 09:12 PM.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by nation
yes. poker's been going well. my net worth is pretty small compared to most, prob like 40kish, but i'm debt free, so that's good.

edit: actually, it's closer to 50k
big hand?
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:18 PM
<------ Marlo best pay me my ****ing bounty.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:20 PM
awesome to hear anacardo is making 6 figs.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:43 PM
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:43 PM
Yes, I think that the 2nd or 3rd year after graduating from school is one of the times in life when you have the most disposable income. I still live a fairly cheap lifestyle like I did when I was a student but I'm now making 80K/year. I don't have a family or mortgage payments so all of the money comes to me.

Obviously though it depends on how much student debt you have. Since I graduated debt free, that clearly helps me now.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:56 PM
Pretty close to peak. I'm down a relatively small amount from my peak (stock fluctuations and poker fluctuations).
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
awesome to hear anacardo is making 6 figs.
KKF cares what I make? What gives here.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've been in debt ever since I got my first $500 college "training" credit card (1989). I make 6-figures + poker money, my rent is cheap, and somehow I still can't make any traction on my debts. I am not a saver.
I don't understand this at all...where does the money go?

6-figures PLUS poker covers a LOT of expenses. You'd have to really be going out of your way to blow money to not get rid of this debt.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 10:32 PM
I quite playing poker a couple months ago and my former bankroll is all but burnt through. Meh, **** happens. So I am technically the poorest I have been since I was 16.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by z28dreams
I don't understand this at all...where does the money go?

6-figures PLUS poker covers a LOT of expenses. You'd have to really be going out of your way to blow money to not get rid of this debt.
coke coke coke coke coke coke coke coke Johnnie Walker Blue coke coke coke coke fancy toilet paper coke coke hookers coke?
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:58 PM
nope. 6 months ago when i came back from afghanistan. haven't worked since i got back and have been travelling for 4 months thus spending lots of $$$
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-21-2008 , 11:59 PM
yes I am smart thats why
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by Badger
At this second no, because my net worth is ~ 80% in stocks. But on a larger timescale definitely yes. I've been working as an engineer for 3+ years and splitting a house with gf and roommate. I love paying $300 a month for a nice place in Austin.

I just gave 5 weeks notice at work. I'm going to move to MN, be unemployed and possibly supporting my girlfriend who is quitting her job to finish her Master's in 6 months instead of 2 more years. That'll pay off huge though when she gets her degree in non-profit management. Oh wait, no it won't. So looking forward if I shook an magic 8 ball it would read "OUTLOOK NOT SO GOOD"

That doesn't matter though. I'm pretty excited for it. We're going to take a nice vacation to Europe, I'm going to have some time to ride my bike, travel and catch up with old friends. I'm probably going to spend down all the cash I have and then some. Oh well.

nice i gotta get me a gold digger
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 06:05 AM
Originally Posted by Swiitch
$15k for a wedding is actually pretty reasonable. I'm sure a lot of weddings drop $30k or more, in today's market.

When my wife and I were married in '96, our families dropped about $15k, and could have spent a LOT more.

Also - forgot to mention that the trick is marrying someone who ends up making about triple what you do.

wtf would u care what other people pay for weddings compared to you
15k on one day is still 15k in the ****ter
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 07:08 AM
No. I had more money when I lived rent free (live-in job that also paid me $) had a full-time job (still do), and made $ playing online poker, owned no car, and had no wife. When I started snorting 1/2 ounce of cocaine per week, every week, that kinda took a bite out of my cash as well.

Don't do coke.

Plus I think my porfolio took a hit recently, as did the US Dollar. Fortunately I have overseas property and overseas investments.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 11:08 AM
Assets, yes

Net worth, no
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 11:33 AM
great to hear anacardo is pulling six figures and banging hookers.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by xxThe_Lebowskixx
great to hear anacardo is pulling six figures and banging hookers.
He's gotta satisfy that rape fantasy somewhere!
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
03-23-2008 , 12:52 PM
yea i've got more loot than ever before. but thats true like 80% of the time since I live cheaply, have no debt, and am pretty good at poker.

for a while I was concerned that I had too much in poker accounts and not enough in investments, but then I didn't lose much when the market tanked. probably a good time to buy though, so that might change soon. well, after taxes. goddamn taxes.
do you currently have the most money you've ever had in your life? Quote
