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Dexter? Dexter?

10-21-2008 , 01:53 PM
I hereby admit i'm not a deb hater! I honestly don't think she's terrible and quite interesting as a counterweight to dexter in methods/personality.

Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 01:58 PM
I like how Dexter's first reasoning in his mind for marriage is that is would make a better cover for him than "lives alone and keeps to himself". Makes me hopeful that he will kill more often.

I like that he has gone off of Harry's rules, makes it more likely that he may make a mistake killing the wrong guy, which would make for interesting viewing. I kinda hope he finds out that pedo that he killed was taking pictures of the kids at the beach shots for an entirely innocuous reason.

I also like that the Smits' character knows he put a bad guy away for something he didn't do, but doesn't care because bad guys belong in jail. That situational morality makes me think he can get closer to Dexter, which will probably end in Dexter having to kill him for knowing too much and slipping.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by woodguy
I also like that the Smits' character knows he put a bad guy away for something he didn't do, but doesn't care because bad guys belong in jail. That situational morality makes me think he can get closer to Dexter, which will probably end in Dexter having to kill him for knowing too much and slipping.
I don't think Dexter would kill him because he knew. If this was the case he would have killed Doakes, and they weren't even friends.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 02:50 PM
Anyone else hoping for a Dexter moving into a Harry role with one of the kids storyline?

I would love for him to start rearing another serial killer with a code...
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by Rag & Bone
Anyone else hoping for a Dexter moving into a Harry role with one of the kids storyline?

I would love for him to start rearing another serial killer with a code...
This happens in the books, and it's pretty bad.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:11 PM
The later "Dexter" books follow this storyline, he sees signs of his dark passenger in both of Rita's kids (because of the abusive behaviour they suffered and witnessed from their biological father) and trains them accordingly.

But the show, correctly, broke from the books a long time ago. They have moved into fantasy and inanity a while ago -- killing kids, weird writing, a cult that follows Dexter around because he's a god to them -- weird stuff that wouldn't fit the show at all.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:17 PM
I agree most of the books don't work with the show. (Especially any supernatural stuff)

But that is the one storyline I thought would work well on the show, and I am glad they started to use the "dark passenger" term too.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:29 PM
I dunno, a Dexter cult would be fun
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 03:38 PM
Thought episode was allright. Quite a few sub-plots developing:

-Quinn being manipulative (going on for a few eps)
-Angel's prostitute ordeal (dno where they are going with this)
-La Guerta giving the Chicky Hines info to the defense attorney (sure to piss off Prado)

I also think we haven't seen the last of the bloody shirt Prado gave to Dexter in order to gain his trust. Believe this was two episodes ago.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by pindawg
I don't think Dexter would kill him because he knew. If this was the case he would have killed Doakes, and they weren't even friends.
Dexter was working within Harry's code then, not now.

He now sees himself as the alpha of a pride, and as we saw with the pedo, will kill anyone who threatens the pride.
Dexter? Quote
10-21-2008 , 07:06 PM
As a non-American I gotta say I love hearing the Cuban accents scattered throughout this show. Surprised to hear it tilts some of you guys.

I can certainly understand concerns they lack authenticity. I wouldn't really know the difference.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 02:36 AM
wrt the marriage, i don't see how hes gonna have time to stake out places and stay out all night killing people if hes married. its a bad idea and i hope something happens to deter it in the upcoming episodes. i really don't care about dexter's "family life" or Rita and her children, i just want to see him track criminals and **** people up.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:09 AM
Something interesting about La Guerta going behind Prado's back about the Hines case is that La Guerta will become Prado's and Dexter's common indirect enemy. Dexter's because of her connection to Doakes and how she knew he was framed, and Prado's because she went around him. In each case, she's in the moral right, but she threatens Dexter and Miguel.

I'm interested to see how they develop Miguel and Dexter's relationship. How long is Jimmy Smits signed on to the show? Is he going to be like Keith Carradine (Lundy) and star for most of a season, or will he stay on indefinitely? I think there's some promise in his character because he could become a sort of Commissioner Gordon character to Dexter's Batman. An ally in law enforcement who aids the hero, or in Dexter's case, anti-hero. In the previews, they seem to hint that Prado wants to take care of some murderers who got away with their crimes because of the flaws in the justice system. It would also be interesting for another person to finally know Dexter's true identity.

I also agree that Quinn is definitely tied to those murders somehow. I sort of like his character because you know he's dirty somehow, but he's pretty smooth. Pretty solid acting on the actor's part.

If Quinn is a murderer, what are the chances Dexter gets to take out Quinn? I'd say pretty decent.

I'm definitely liking this season. Season 1 is hard to top, 2 came close, and this one is keeping me interested, which is all I can ask.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:24 AM
I haven't enjoyed a single ep this season. I LOVED both of the first two. I'm not entirely sure how much of this is the show and how much is me.

I've looked forward to Lost every week it's been on, despite the lulls they occasionally have. I stuck with the Wire through all of season 5, still curious what would happen even if I didn't like where they went with some stuff. But this season of Dexter is just completely boring the **** out of me. I hope it picks up.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:08 AM
thought it was good like all dexter's, but two things bothered me, the annoying girl having a convo with a ci in the middle of a crowded club (not so confidential anymore one would think?), and dexter allowing jimmy smits to talk about digging up a guy he murdered on his balcony, i know smits was supposed to be drunk, but dexter is so meticulous and quick on his feet you think he would've hushed the guy and said hey bud let's go inside
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by MDPokerAA
If Quinn is a murderer, what are the chances Dexter gets to take out Quinn? I'd say pretty decent.
How about if Quinn/Prado are doing something similiar to Dexter? Particularly Prado - perhaps he was playing Dexter when he got there so that he looked like this was unusual for him
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:00 AM
Angels prositute was hot Hope she returns
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by drjay
dexter allowing jimmy smits to talk about digging up a guy he murdered on his balcony, i know smits was supposed to be drunk, but dexter is so meticulous and quick on his feet you think he would've hushed the guy and said hey bud let's go inside
Dexter was printing off the Teagan Campbell posters in his apartment so he didn't want to let him in.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 11:14 AM
They've already incriminated Quinn enough with the DA trying to get Deb to get to him, and then showing up with an expensive car which he brushes off. I think he's around only to facilitate Deb getting her shield, whether or not she does it legitimately or not, I don't think his character will last too long. I don't think they'll make him a killer, probably just a corrupt cop. I think the bigger question is if Deb will get her shield by ratting or not, and I just don't see that happening, even though she gets closer and closer. That's whats good about the show, it can take any turn. They could easily make Quinn a good cop, and fooling us into thinking he's corrupt, a la seeing it as Deb sees it. My guess is Deb both busts Quinn on something and simultaneously gets her shield at the same time, and then sticks it to the DA for not ratting...I may live to eat these words though.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:28 PM
I have to agree that Dexter hasn't been as good this year. Dexter's character just seems shallower. Before he was a borderline genius who had difficulty relating to people but was slowly growing through his connections to Rita and his brother in Season 1 and his interactions with Lila and Doakes in Season 2.

Now, he's just some stupid careless serial killer who deals with mundane family problems and stands by while Jimmy Smits blabs about his killings all over town. Pretty much every time he kills someone now, it's just dumb luck that keeps him from getting caught and there's way more of him reacting to circumstances than there is time where he really develops his character for the audience.

I still watch it every week, but it's gone from being far and away my favorite show on TV the first 2 seasons to my 3rd favorite show on Sunday nights. I'll watch Entourage and Californication immediately now and then get around to Dexter either several hours later or sometimes the next day.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by iggymcfly
I'll watch Entourage and Californication immediately now and then get around to Dexter either several hours later or sometimes the next day.
I'm torn between Californication and Dexter as to which is better. I would say Dexter simply because they put so much more work into it. Not to go on about Californication in the Dexter thread, but I think they should have stopped after Season 1. Besdies the rushed ending of the season finale, the show was complete. Once the main character achieves his life-goal, there isin't any use in going on. It's reminds me of Frasier, when Niles marries Daphne. It's an obvious jumping-the-shark moment. The main character finally get's the love of his life which is his only purpose for living - the end. If money wasn't the issue, I think they would have stopped after season 1 when they get married. It was like they made season 2 as an after thought, knowing they could and people would watch it.
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
Dexter was printing off the Teagan Campbell posters in his apartment so he didn't want to let him in.
he didn't print off the teagaon posters until 34 minutes in, smits convo occureda round 17 min mark, and he was looking up child molester man and closed his laptop and even wen inside to get glasses leaving door wide open, even if he didn't want him inside, say hey bud let's talk a walk down to the shore, ok i'm officalyy a nitter
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 01:38 PM
Talking of child molestor, what happens if Deb investigates his murder and finds his computer on with pictures of Rita's girl on it? That's pretty good motivation, no alibi, etc., Prado'll probably notice even if nobody else does
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Talking of child molestor, what happens if Deb investigates his murder and finds his computer on with pictures of Rita's girl on it? That's pretty good motivation, no alibi, etc., Prado'll probably notice even if nobody else does
i know they don't show it but i'm guessing dexter took the computer, camera and anything else that would contain those pictures...
Dexter? Quote
10-22-2008 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by CheckRaise
i know they don't show it but i'm guessing dexter took the computer, camera and anything else that would contain those pictures...
They actually haven't showed a thing since dexter killed him. No showing if dexter even disposed of the body or anything. I kind of think the writers just ended everything with him right there and will never be mentioned again, but the door is definitley open for some drama to come of it if they so choose.
Dexter? Quote
