Originally Posted by chillrob
Logically it shouldn't be, but for most people it is.
I think it moves the needle therefore it does "for me" is also nonsense if said about a whole-universe proposition.
But if you mean most people think it does then, sure, that's why there are more people playing pit games than poker.
"I want it to come up red this time, I feel it's going to come up red this time."
is the same argument as
"I want there to be a god, I feel there is a god."
If you want to leave the tradition of logic started by the Greeks and which the modern world around you has been built upon then you're basically driving with your eyes closed and from then on you no longer control whether the particular tree into which you're going to crash is going to be a soft one like titheing to the church, wasting time praying, or a hard one trying to cure cancer with alternative medicine, problem gambling or, relevant to this thread, accepting that an overly pessimistic view of the world and one's options within it is true "for me".
(btw I'm not trying to start an argument about whether god exists, just saying that you have to follow logical argument where it leads. If that leads to god existing then that's great, I'm just arguing against choosing a version of reality the same way as one picks a flavour of ice cream)