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The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.
View Poll Results: What are your coronavirus contingency plans?
I'm prepping, here's how.
90 36.14%
This coronavirus thing is not all that bad.
75 30.12%
OP is an idiot.
25 10.04%
59 23.69%

03-22-2020 , 12:39 AM
@rick roll, it was a response to suzzer's link. I don't give a **** who you are or what you claim to do because I assure you that you're selling a toxic fish:

Here, if it makes you happy.

The ‘Surreal’ Frenzy Inside the US’ Biggest Mask Maker

Prestige Ameritech typically makes 250,000 masks a day. Now it's manufacturing 1 million daily, and turning away orders for 100 million more.

One reason is that over the last two decades China has become the primary manufacturer for the world’s masks and respirators. When the virus swept through China in late 2019 and early 2020, the country’s increased need for masks dealt a double whammy to the global supply. The US is particularly reliant on China for masks and other medical gear. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 95 percent of surgical masks and 70 percent of respirators used in the US are made overseas, and China is one of the biggest producers.

Clearly, we are running low on masks. It's okay to say we can't keep up, and it is fact that we do get a large portion of our masks from overseas. It's also okay to say that they have not been exporting them because that is fact.

Seriously? You can't sell masks right now?

Did you really...? say. you. can't. sell. masks.

If you want to describe yourself as an expert on this topic, don't come in here spamming us for sales and complain about not being able to sell masks. Not in this world where people are going out and buying designer masks like this:

I really don't like the way you are responding to people here, and that's why I've been ignoring you. The thought you can't sell masks in today's world is so far beyond comical that I couldn't help myself this time.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:40 AM
Colleges are going to be the thing that keeps this alive longer.

Just went for a drive at 9pm on Saturday night to see what stuff looked like. Restaurants and bars were closed and handful of people out walking in groups of 2-3.

Saw a group of 6 walking near dorms, kinda spaced out but not really. Get to the stop light and become a group. 3 people are crossing the street who knows them, so sure enough, handshakes and hugs go around. I was right next to them in my car. Had flashes of rolling down my windows and calling them idiots, they were clearly not dangerous, but still, 9 of them could do something stupid.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:40 AM
wondering how many of the viruses are in the body at the peak point of infection, read that about a million can be expelled in a one cough
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
@rick roll, it was a response to suzzer's link. I don't give a **** who you are or what you claim to do because I assure you that you're selling a toxic fish:

Here, if it makes you happy.

The ‘Surreal’ Frenzy Inside the US’ Biggest Mask Maker

Prestige Ameritech typically makes 250,000 masks a day. Now it's manufacturing 1 million daily, and turning away orders for 100 million more.

One reason is that over the last two decades China has become the primary manufacturer for the world’s masks and respirators. When the virus swept through China in late 2019 and early 2020, the country’s increased need for masks dealt a double whammy to the global supply. The US is particularly reliant on China for masks and other medical gear. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 95 percent of surgical masks and 70 percent of respirators used in the US are made overseas, and China is one of the biggest producers.

Clearly, we are running low on masks. It's okay to say we can't keep up, and it is fact that we do get a large portion of our masks from overseas. It's also okay to say that they have not been exporting them because that is fact.

Seriously? You can't sell masks right now?

Did you really...? say. you. can't. sell. masks.

If you want to describe yourself as an expert on this topic, don't come in here spamming us for sales and complain about not being able to sell masks. Not in this world where people are going out and buying designer masks like this:

I really don't like the way you are responding to people here, and that's why I've been ignoring you. The thought you can't sell masks in today's world is so far beyond comical that I couldn't help myself this time.
dave, notice the date on that article

all your info is outdated - as i stated earlier, the export ban was until they met their own demand and they've since lifted it a while ago

you simply have no idea wtf you are talking about you're spreading ignorance with you aids posting

you seriously think you have the inside scoop that reuters/ap/nyt/etc all somehow missed

and yeah, i'm not joking about selling masks, a 20' shipping container i sourced is heading off to the dominican republic of all places tomorrow

i'm launching a retail site for individuals to buy later today as well

stop it dave, you're literally talking to someone doing exactly the thing you claim is impossible and yet you are going to post week old articles from wired showing me what I'm literally doing isn't possible?

the you have the balls to try to make me seem like a bad guy as if me shaming you is a sales tactic? seriously, gfy dave

seriously dave, this is a good time to apologize for posting nonsense or at least sit it out for a while and start posting under your alt

Last edited by rickroll; 03-22-2020 at 12:54 AM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
I've been saving about 3 months worth of food in various places around my body in preparation for this moment. It is my time.
I hear ya, brother.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:51 AM
I much prefer angry rickroll to regular rickroll

WHO is now replacing "social distancing" terminology with "physical distancing":

The WHO has shifted to recommending “physical distance” instead of social distancing to help prevent transmission of the virus, officials said.

“We are changing to say ‘physical distance’ and that’s on purpose because we want people to remain connected,” said Dr. Maria Kerkhove, a WHO epidemiologist.

“So find ways to do that, find ways through the Internet and through different social media to remain connected because your mental health going through this (pandemic) is just as important as your physical health,” she said.

The closed cases death rate on worldometers is now up to 12%. It was 9% a few days ago. USA#1 was ranked #7 in total cases 48 hours ago. Now ranked #3. Nice to see some actual testing finally.

NY has more than 6x the # of confirmed cases (12.3k) than any other state with WA in second place at 1.8k. FL currently tied with LA for #6 with 763.

I'm wondering how long it will take before we start seeing the inevitable politarding of people showing maps of red vs blue states compared to infection rates. That can't be more than about 2 weeks out.

Won't bore you with details but borders continue to shut down over here in SE Asia, as well as worldwide. More and more lockdown approaches keep getting announced worldwide as well.

For those worried about looting and riots in USA#1 - I wouldn't be too concerned. The fed govt is already planning to step in with massive aid packages to prevent exactly that scenario. No it won't be perfect and yes there will be strings attached and some people will use the opportunity to enrich themselves, but it will prevent the utter chaos that some folks are so afraid of.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by tarheels2222
Just remember guys, Jesus will save us. Don’t worry.
This is obviously correct.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 12:54 AM
I had a fairly dramatic health experience last night. Some of you will identify it much quicker than I did. I started feeling strange pressure changes, some mild heat, and some discomfort in chest, throat, windpipe area. Never felt it before. Shouldn't be heart, but of course could be, I say to myself. Some pounding feel of heart.

I started being nice to everybody, no mean posts. That was very sincere, as sincere as anything I've got.

Since its in chest and throat I'm wondering about lungs with all this of course. I've had a mild, very typical cold. No fever or shortness of breath either with cold or with whatever this thing hitting me is. However one symptom, the hot pressure thing around windpipe, could be mistaken for shortness of breath. However when I sucked in a bunch of air and held it for 10 seconds, no problem. Kind of a wow as it lasted for a few hours.

Turns out I had eaten some high spice, high fat cheese from Switzerland a couple hours ealier, had never eaten it before, and the result was my first ever attack of indigestion, the kind that mimicks a heart attack a little, but I was wondering about lungs and this virus of course as it was weird in the chest cavity all over.

Never felt better when it lifted later with an antacid. Went for a walk in high spirits. Then when I ate a bite later it returend again. Lucky diagnonsis.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by chopstick
I much prefer angry rickroll to regular rickroll
i don't

i just can't understand why some people are posting rumors or shower thoughts as facts here

further don't understand why when people point out they are wrong with actual data and facts they then frantically search on google to find a week old article from wired instead of just typing "i'm sorry for posting nonsense"

dave should be banned from this sub imo, he repeatedly posts outright lies and then resorts to personal attacks when called out on it
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:12 AM

where are you located? I see your location says from Mass but was wondering if that is where you reside. Need a lackey to sell some masks for 25$ an hour right now? haha

You and Dave have been very courteous to responding to me so no beef either way but I am curious with regards to what Dave is saying. I mean I heard just a week ago the masks were selling on amazon for 90 bucks or some crazy ****. Maybe that is no longer true as I don't keep up with these things but if that were indeed the case couldn't you make a killing? Mom works in the ER and is saying people are stealing masks (surgical and N95) from each other left and right.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
dave, notice the date on that article

all your info is outdated - as i stated earlier, the export ban was until they met their own demand and they've since lifted it a while ago

you simply have no idea wtf you are talking about you're spreading ignorance with you aids posting

you seriously think you have the inside scoop that reuters/ap/nyt/etc all somehow missed

and yeah, i'm not joking about selling masks, a 20' shipping container i sourced is heading off to the dominican republic of all places tomorrow

i'm launching a retail site for individuals to buy later today as well

stop it dave, you're literally talking to someone doing exactly the thing you claim is impossible and yet you are going to post week old articles from wired showing me what I'm literally doing isn't possible?

the you have the balls to try to make me seem like a bad guy as if me shaming you is a sales tactic? seriously, gfy dave

seriously dave, this is a good time to apologize for posting nonsense or at least sit it out for a while and start posting under your alt
I'm well-aware the export ban was lifted. What you seem to be not aware of is that this company did not collapse and get to zero orders. You also must be 100% unaware that we don't use a worm hole to transport goods from overseas and across the country.

Why you haven't opened up an eBay, Amazon, and Shopify store already while you're twiddling your thumbs and "can't get sales" is so far afield of common sense that it's not worth discussing.

Now you tell me that US calls your product too expensive while you can apparently can sell at a price that can be handled by one of the poorest countries in the world.

You need to apologize for offending my intelligence and wasting my time with this.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:28 AM
rickroll, legit questions here out of curiosity.

How many masks does a full 20' container hold? 100K? More? Why to the D.R.? While you can't have too many, is that country going to absorb all of that supply or are some of them likely to be forwarded on? Gov't order or private party? I'm not assuming you can or want to answer all of this, but still curious.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:30 AM
dave, why don't you just admit you were wrong instead of trying to move the goal posts and create strawmen to setup personal attacks

i never said there weren't sales nor that i was struggling

i said that it was business as usual, people were price hunting, bargaining for lower deposits, holding off on orders to time a better deal on shipping etc

and frankly, if you think there is a massive demand for masks then by all means, order a shipping container delivered to your house and start printing that mask money - you don't even need me to do it as you've often said you worked in the supply chain world before moving on up to bigger and better dj things

you're a dickhead dave, you lie about all kinds of stuff and then when pointed out you resort to personal attacks - i genuinely hope a mod will ban you because you contribute nothing to this thread and just give it aids
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this is wrong, it was the case before china contained it but they have been exporting masks again for weeks

i've been dealing with people trying to buy masks from me every day

nothing but price shopping and trying to negotiate better deals while time keeps on ticking

i have several factories with thousands in stock and can make 20k+ per day but have no orders

Dave - with all due respect, your "china reports" are all absurdly incorrect, I've tried gently pointing out your nonsense but I'm finally going to formally ask you to stfu and stop spreading iditioc nonsense, you have utterly no ffing clue what you are talking about

this thread has enough covid, doesn't need you tossing in aids as well

-sincerely, rickroll

i'm deadly serious about that, anyone who wants a shipping container of masks sent their way can pm me... if i could afford it i'd send a container directly to your door to prove a point about your nonsense that you're spreading

please stop dave, your china reports are pure aids
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.

No longer grunching: Wow! Lots of flexing both ways!

In one corner, you've got Dave, and he is mad. And in the other corner, you've got Rick, and HE is mad!

Clearly a HU4Rollz spot, or a Survivor... or something!

Last edited by Bighurt52235; 03-22-2020 at 01:53 AM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:33 AM
Originally Posted by Smokey11053
rickroll, legit questions here out of curiosity.

How many masks does a full 20' container hold? 100K? More? Why to the D.R.? While you can't have too many, is that country going to absorb all of that supply or are some of them likely to be forwarded on? Gov't order or private party? I'm not assuming you can or want to answer all of this, but still curious.
there's a quarter million masks in that container, unsure how much space was leftover, i believe they could have fit another 30k or so but you don't want to over order and then leave them on the dock

from my understanding they are planning on reselling most of them to south americans - that's a guess though based upon the actual buyer's location and even if i knew more i wouldn't disclose it

it's private but even when gov't does orders it's often through private organizations so you wouldn't know unless they felt the need to disclose that

import/export is very cloak and dagger and unless it's a long term relationship there's basically no trust because everyone is worried about getting screwed or front run - ie if you order 5 containers of fidget spinners for iceland i could tip off my danish fidget spinner buyer and he could use that intel to get a container there first and beat the competitor who must have done a lot of research to believe there's a market for it there

it's also mostly time spent with people shopping around and talking to 20 different companies so most stuff is usually competition research disguised as a buyer or a buyer talking to a lot of sellers - surprised dave didn't understand that given he's a self procalimed expert

i'm no expert, just dabble in it and moving more in that direction because a lot of these factories never exported before and my own line of tech consulting is pretty much kaput until the economy roars back and that could be some time
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
when it was first happening in china i was getting daily panicked emails and phone calls from family telling me i needed to get out asap

i gave the lol response, pointed out how many people die of the flu, how it's statistically irrelevant, yadda yadda

then over time as I saw more evidence i did a complete 180 the evidence became undeniable

then i couldn't believe when my family, who all have advanced degrees and "brainy" careers were talking about their corona plans to go camping in the keys and go visit families and spend more time at the parks

what finally sunk it in was pointing out China built 16 new hospitals to treat everyone in Wuhan, a city of about 10 million. They built them in a week. They also cut trenches through the highways and used the military to create a blockade to prevent people from leaving the province as a whole

the us is incapable of that, same with italy, which is why it's now continuing to spread and despite having some of the best healthcare in the world, milan is so packed with patients they now won't treat anyone over the age of 50, previously it was the age of 70

that's what convinced my family to stay inside and not leave the house
Yup that's what sold me too. When my contacts in Wuhan were showing me what was going down I knew this was not good.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 01:57 AM
Thanks for the answer. I've dabbled in containers before for a previous job. If you have the access, I'd be surprised (based on the news) if you couldn't push out multiple containers a week before too long of just that type of product.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by Jkpoker10
Went to the store 2 days back to get some fruit, I thinks it’s cool that some older people are wearing masks. However, if you are wearing a mask, the side to your mouth shouldn’t be loose. After listening to a rogan podcast, the masks are kinda useless if the sides aren’t tight to your face. People just looking ****** stupid.

Btw, I hate to be mean but I feel people here are a little too worried. I’m from ny so maybe your state is different, but it seems like almost anyone that can work from home is working from home due to law/ company protecting itself from lawsuits. I really find it odd people are scared to go to the grocery store. Just maintain distance from people, wear gloves if you must (overdoing if you ask me but if older/ weak immune, go for it), and wear a mask that is tight to your face.

I’m more worried that this is going to blow up the economy due to fact so many people with crappy jobs lose them and now earn nothing vs a laughable small wage anyways (bartenders, waiters, etc). Even people acting like going out for a walk or bike ride where you aren’t even in close proximity to other people..... dudes take it easy. If you are telling me someone can’t go for a walk... you are nuts.

Btw I love I can finally say I’m happy not to live in nyc and rather live in upstate ny. Think I would be more worried about this if I was in a big city but where I’m at, there might be 30-40 cases now which doesn’t really worry me.
This is quite the Meg Ryan post.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by VincentVega

where are you located? I see your location says from Mass but was wondering if that is where you reside. Need a lackey to sell some masks for 25$ an hour right now? haha

You and Dave have been very courteous to responding to me so no beef either way but I am curious with regards to what Dave is saying. I mean I heard just a week ago the masks were selling on amazon for 90 bucks or some crazy ****. Maybe that is no longer true as I don't keep up with these things but if that were indeed the case couldn't you make a killing? Mom works in the ER and is saying people are stealing masks (surgical and N95) from each other left and right.
vincent, i'm in beijing and just a middleman who fell into this because i happen to be well connected with someone who owns a biotech company who asked me to help deal with whitey

the problem is bureacratic not market or logistical

1. hospitals etc have very strict supply chains that are very stringent in suppliers - overwhelming majority of mask production, even masks that are n95 certified is brand new production, a factory that made bedsheets last year is making masks now etc - so the hospitals are unable to source these because they are not approved suppliers - this is the same exact issue with covid testkits

2. private industry can do it but they lack initiative, most people assume the hospitals can't get it because there are no masks and don't even bother

3. the companies who were trading in this stuff before are now doing massive volume, hence why there are so many masks all over the world but since there are so many new factories producing them there are a lot that slip through the cracks and hence my involvement

4. with shutdown of flights, the time required to get a shipment is longer than ever and more expensive than ever - i'm sure there are millions of masks in the pacific right now that should arrive in seattle, san francisco and san diego within a week

5. #4 is is what makes people so hesitant to buy, wholesale prices are higher than retail used to be right now and few people want to buy a container of them and hope in the time it takes to manufacture, pack, ship and arrive the prices haven't dropped and Covid hasn't gone away - it's really only the doomsday bears buying these right now because if you have any doubt this will be over in 2 months you just sank a whole lotta money into something that no longer can sold for even half what you paid for it

6. #4 is also why i haven't yet fully committed to retail, i'm not sure it's worth it given how nobody will buy if i advertsie 2-4 weeks for shipping (which is the case for anything not manufactured in the US right now - that or air shipment which is just lol expensive now) or i just do what every other shop does and not mention that slow arrival and just hope that i don't end up prepaying for a bunch of masks and then get hit with tons of chargebacks once people get tired of waiting after a week - only way to make retail risk worthwhile is massive margins and i'm not sure if i can sleep at night if i use this as an opportunity to price gouge
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.

No longer grunching: Wow! Lots of flexing both ways!

In one corner, you've got Dave, and he is mad. And in the other corner, you've got Rick, and HE is mad!

Clearly a HU4Rollz spot, or a Survivor... or something!

You read my mind ***COVID-19 Survivor: rickroll v. daveT***
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
this has a huge downside

it lets all the selfish dicks continue to break lockdown under the "i can still taste and smell therefore I don't have it"

watched contagion last night and most accurate part of the movie was when damon gets out of his car and yells at the national guard roadblock that he should be let through because he's immune and doesn't have it - would have been even better if the movie didn't explicitly state he was immune earlier
You're 100% right. It's sad but true.

The fact that we live in a country full of millions of people that are too stupid to grasp the concept that loss of taste and smell is a sign of Covid, but that still being able to taste and smell doesn't mean that you DONT have it, is why we're the ****ing worst and are totally ****ed.

My idea is to take the millions of people who are still out partying, living their lives, heeding no advice to social distance, and are LOLing at the Librul hoax, and fly them first class to an all expenses paid all inclusive resort, where they can live it up for two months.

Build a wall around them, and let nature take its course. Meanwhile, our hospitals won't get overwhelmed and we'll get through this with much less death and disaster.


Best part is, a party that epic should still only cost like $20 million, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the trillions we're about to spend.

I have to admit that as much as I weep for the inevitable loss of life that we're about to experience, I take a little solice in the fact that in the grand scheme, chances of survival will favor those who are more responsible, disciplined, adhere to scientific advice, and are compassionate.

We're going to lose a lot of innocent, good people from this, but I have faith that it will take an even greater share of dumb ****ing shitheads.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
WTF, do you contend that out stats are as dishonest as Russia's?
I think we're not testing and some deaths are never going to be even reported as C19. You can quibble all day about whether it's dishonesty or incompetence - the end result is the same - and it happens to be the result the executive branch wants.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
As discussed here and elsewhere, deaths seem to be the best metric atm:

3/14 - 57
3/15 - 73 (^28%)
3/16 - 98 (^34%)
3/17 - 121 (^23%)
3/18 - 152 (^25%)
3/19 - 208 (^37%)
3/20 - 274 (^32%)
3/21 - 346 (^26%)

So right now it is doubling ~3 days and moving up slightly to ~114% in the last 3 day numbers ending on the 21st. I think.
And this doesn't count all the people dying at home or in nursing homes who never get tested.

Even in Italy:

Italy: in the city of Bergamo, there were 108 more deaths in the first 15 days of March this year compared to 2019 (164 deaths in 2020 vs. 56 deaths in 2019) according to the mayor of the city Giorgio Gori. During this period, 31 deaths were attributed to the coronavirus (less than 30% of the additional deaths this year)

"There are significant numbers of people who have died but whose death hasn't been attributed to the coronavirus because they died at home or in a nursing home and so they weren't swabbed," said the mayor [source]
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 02:49 AM
Is WeWorks still afloatThe Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN.

All that space now absolutely dead.

The impact on property owners from all the bunk and legit tenants that vacate space is going to be staggering.

The best businesses cannot survive a shutdown for 2 months without revenue. Think about a 4 or 6 month shutdown.

The banks are spinning right now in these unprecedented times.

And are we on a collision course with China?

Last edited by MofoAgro; 03-22-2020 at 02:55 AM.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
03-22-2020 , 03:04 AM
We probably need to ship our new US Govt. 45-minute test to Germany or China to see if it works.
The Coronavirus Prep/Sweat Thread Part Omicron: Winter is coming AGAIN. Quote
