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Ask me about Weighing 340lbs having Gastric, Down to 185 then malnutrition 240 now Ask me about Weighing 340lbs having Gastric, Down to 185 then malnutrition 240 now

10-20-2008 , 05:45 AM
i'm really not tired at all... i tried to fall asleep and I can't... going to go exercise some more in a few minutes
then will make
pancakes and acorn squash and cookies simultaneously for breakfast

already have smoothie ingredients pretty much together in a container in the fridge

and all that salad **** is in a container in the fridge too...

will make oregano yam fries tomorrow night w some pasta probably, and will make this sick coconut / date / pear cake thing while I make the yams since they take a while. The cookies aren't really for me but I use wheat flour, hemp flour, and other substitutes for part of the ingredients to make slightly more healthy... also no eggs in these cookies so that is A+
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