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Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ?

05-28-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
I'm not sure I agree with this. I think you are comparing yourself to the current old people and not the young people. In fact, the opposite is likely true. People our age are considered old sooner from the eyes of youngsters than how soon we thought those older than us were old. That's a terrible sentence but basically the difference in life quality of a newborn today compared to someone who is 30 is likely much greater than when we were a newborn compared to a 30 year old. Because advances are basically accelerating. Or maybe not, maybe it's all relative.

All I'm saying is that if you define old as when your quality of life starts to dramatically decline, then we will all be "not old" for longer due to technology, better understanding of what is bad for us and good for us, etc. You could say quality of life starts declining when you're in your late 20s bc your not as spry and energetic as you used to be. But it's not a dramatic decline. If you're 35 and want to live like you're 25, you can pretty much do that. But I you're 65 and want to live like you're 25, it's physically impossible (usually). But maybe by the time we are 65 ("we," meaning I'm 34), science will have allowed us to live like we're 25. That's not likely, but hopefully you get my point. Hell maybe by the time we're in our 80s we'll all just upload our consciousnesses to servers and party in the matrix forever.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 06:02 PM
Yeah but the people younger than you will still think you are ancient. Relative to them, you are. That's like people in their sixties now thinking they are young because they didn't have to worry about contracting polio, and had such a huge advantage against people born before them. But then people our are are like "no, trust us, you're old"*

I mean I guess it doesn't matter. Because if you convince yourself you are more like the younger crowd than the older crowd that's good for you. But from the young crowd's perspective they will lol @ you. I'm pretty sure when we were born, smoking in hospitals was like required by the doctors. Wearing seat belts was frowned upon, and drinking and driving was still allowed in parts of the country. I'm only a year younger than you. The food pyramid has since been basically turned upside down, etc.

Some say that the first person who will live to be 150 years old has already been born somewhere.

*To all 60 year olds, I don't actually think this, I was just using a number that I thought was a decent cut-off for polio example. My dad is 61 and he still beats me at basketball lol.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 06:32 PM
Why would you define old by what younger people think? Who cares? When I was 8 I thought 18 was old. But it wasn't. I'm defining old as no longer being able to live a life that is pretty similar to what you lived in your prime. Technological advances allow that portion of your life to be larger.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:10 PM
It will be harder to re-live your prime years when the youngsters are so much younger, fresher, and healthier than you. That's the point.

55 year olds might be able to still play pickup basketball with 25 year olds today but when those 25 year olds are 55, they might only be able to hang with 30 year olds. Even though their actual aggregate skill level is better than that of the 55 year olds who used to play them. Though both will obviously have benefited from advances in human medicine and health. The difference in benefit from between the 3rd generation and 2nd might be significantly more than the difference in benefit from the 2nd generation to the first.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:27 PM
Who cares what 21 year olds think about anything?
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 07:32 PM
21 year olds are probably more intelligent and stronger than I was at 21. Hell we didn't even have wikipedia or know about Starting Strength. 21 year olds from 50 years ago were probably ****ing their own sisters and trying to breathe and walk at the same time.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
21 year olds are probably more intelligent and stronger than I was at 21. Hell we didn't even have wikipedia or know about Starting Strength. 21 year olds from 50 years ago were probably ****ing their own sisters and trying to breathe and walk at the same time.
Maybe you're joking, but I'll bite. Having instant access to information does not equal intelligence. And people fifty years ago were by all accounts less morbidly obese and generally more self-reliant than people today.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-28-2012 , 09:16 PM
also skooling sux now i heer
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by A-Rod's Cousin
I'm pretty sure when we were born, smoking in hospitals was like required by the doctors. Wearing seat belts was frowned upon, and drinking and driving was still allowed in parts of the country. I'm only a year younger than you.
Smoking was required by doctors in the late 70's? Hmmm... it was allowed in hospitals, don't know about required.

Lol, at drinking and driving being allowed in parts of the US in the late 70's.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:21 AM
I turn 30 in like 12 days.

I'm single and have been for 95% of my twenties
I play poker for a living
I have no responsibilities, kids, mortgage etc....

Yet I am feel as if I have somewhat failed my twenties as most people are married with kids and have a proper job by this point.

Oh well time to join
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by MMD
I turn 30 in like 12 days.

I'm single and have been for 95% of my twenties
I play poker for a living
I have no responsibilities, kids, mortgage etc....

Yet I am feel as if I have somewhat failed my twenties as most people are married with kids and have a proper job by this point.

Oh well time to join
Is there anything more to this than the feeling that you need to conform? Examine that closely, it seems like you're doing fine. Unless you actually want a "proper job" and to be married with kids but the way you put it, it sounds like you're dealing with external pressure to live the way most people live even if it doesn't make sense to you. But otherwise, live how you want and try to associate with people who are willing to accept that.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 09:12 AM
Meh, its the case of the Jonse's, we are just used to measuring our lives by other people's lives which is just entirely wrong. All of the US and Im sure other developed countries have it like a crack addiction.

I just measure my life by what I did in the past. To use someone else's life as a measuring stick is just a huge fail at least for me cuz then I pick people that there is just no way I could live up to.

Besided the whole wife, kids, car, house with the white picket fence sounds boring as all hell.....
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by uradoodooface
Meh, its the case of the Jonse's, we are just used to measuring our lives by other people's lives which is just entirely wrong. All of the US and Im sure other developed countries have it like a crack addiction.

I just measure my life by what I did in the past. To use someone else's life as a measuring stick is just a huge fail at least for me cuz then I pick people that there is just no way I could live up to.

Besided the whole wife, kids, car, house with the white picket fence sounds boring as all hell.....
Somewhat related imo

Hopefully I dont get banned for that, im not a part of that project, just think its apt to his comment on this thread.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by powder_8s
I turn 40 this week. 30's were/are great. I'm happier at 39 and 51 weeks then I was at 30. The older I get the better life is.

Here is why. I have so much more experience dealing with things. The little details don't bother me as much. I've been broke, depressed, heart broken and all kinds of **** in the past. In my 20's these things all felt like the huge events. Now I know its no big deal. Just smile and keep rolling along. Life is so much mentally simpler as I get older. It makes it so much easier for me to relax and be happy.
The only reason I would go back to being in my 20s is to be 20 years further from death. But, that's a pretty good reason.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by fsoyars
Why would you define old by what younger people think? Who cares? When I was 8 I thought 18 was old. But it wasn't. I'm defining old as no longer being able to live a life that is pretty similar to what you lived in your prime. Technological advances allow that portion of your life to be larger.
what is this prime you speak of? because maybe if the metric is purely athletic or skin condition (superficial) then everything over 16 is non-prime about women But if you can get beyond egotism, then a mind doesn't really form enough to be cognisant about issues until the 30's, no matter the pure sluice box of raw information available (ie wikipedia)

Every generation from the beginning of recorded time has thought they were smarter and better than their predecessors. Yet on average that changes once the wisdom of experience becomes more prevalent.

imo, the current generation is lacking in basic functioning. If their smartphone were to die, they probably can't even perform basic math of adding up the sales tax on a purchase.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by cres
Every generation from the beginning of recorded time has thought they were smarter and better than their predecessors. Yet on average that changes once the wisdom of experience becomes more prevalent.

imo, the current generation is lacking in basic functioning. If their smartphone were to die, they probably can't even perform basic math of adding up the sales tax on a purchase.
Every generation from the beginning of recorded time has thought they were smarter and better than the following generation too. There are some quotes from Plato (I think) about 'kids nowadays'.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
05-29-2012 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by cres
what is this prime you speak of? because maybe if the metric is purely athletic or skin condition (superficial) then everything over 16 is non-prime about women But if you can get beyond egotism, then a mind doesn't really form enough to be cognisant about issues until the 30's, no matter the pure sluice box of raw information available (ie wikipedia)

Every generation from the beginning of recorded time has thought they were smarter and better than their predecessors. Yet on average that changes once the wisdom of experience becomes more prevalent.

imo, the current generation is lacking in basic functioning. If their smartphone were to die, they probably can't even perform basic math of adding up the sales tax on a purchase.
Call prime whatever you want. Sure, call it 30s. It doesn't matter. It's the same point.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-05-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by cres
imo, the current generation is lacking in basic functioning. If their smartphone were to die, they probably can't even perform basic math of adding up the sales tax on a purchase.
Hell, I see grown men in their 40s+ entering the final bill total in their smart phones tip calculator app. How hard is it to figure out what to tip on a $78.43 bill? Dumb**** fails at both rounding and basic math.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by orangepeeleo
Wife has already said that we'll spend a week in vegas for my 30th, which is something i've never done before, so the first week of my 30's will be amazing at least lol

For me at least, it looks like my 30's will be better than my late 20's, my youngest will be older and more able to do her own thing like my son, leaving me precious time to read the papers on the weekend uninterrupted, start playing more mtt's, hell, getting more of the weekend back for myself and wife to wind down after the week, right now it feels like I get no time off at all, I'm either working or have a very demanding and CONSTANT 2 yr old to deal with!

I'm kinda glad though sometimes that I have had kids when I did, as I could not be ****ed in the slightest doing all this when im in my 40's/50's with acky joints and no energy! When I get to that age the kids will be off at uni, me and the missus will have moved up in our careers and will have the money and time to have fun together at the weekends again

I'm looking forward to getting old, because the kids will grow up, i'll have watched them turn into awesome, successful (in w/e they choose to do) people, and we'll be fairly well off and able to do w/e the **** we wanna do whenever we wanna do it.
So basically, without kids your life would be 500x better?

I'd rather donate sperm and have like 150 kids that I don't have to worry about at all, than this misery..

btw. Troy Robertson AKA Troyzan from this season Survivor, is 50, and he's fitter than most 20 year old's
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-05-2012 , 04:44 PM
Most people fail at moving the decimal point and then multiplying by 2 apparently.

My sister does it, but I think its an OCD thing with her - she can do the math just fine like I can, but I think she likes doing it on the phone calc.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-05-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by saw
So basically, without kids your life would be 500x better?

I'd rather donate sperm and have like 150 kids that I don't have to worry about at all, than this misery..

btw. Troy Robertson AKA Troyzan from this season Survivor, is 50, and he's fitter than most 20 year old's
People watch Survivor?

I turn 30 in 6 days. I'm pretty happy.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-09-2012 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ctyri
I think its a shame for society that higher education is viewed more and more in terms of a specialist jobs training program, so I applaud your college.

This was definitely not always the case. I think in general, undergraduate education has become more specialized over the last 100 years than the other way around.

George Will does not join you in applauding:

The Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald notes that sinecures in academia’s diversity industry are expanding as academic offerings contract. UC San Diego (UCSD), while eliminating master’s programs in electrical and computer engineering and comparative literature, and eliminating courses in French, German, Spanish and English literature, added a diversity requirement for graduation to cultivate “a student’s understanding of her or his identity.” So, rather than study computer science and Cervantes, students can study their identities — themselves. Says Mac Donald, “ ‘Diversity,’ it turns out, is simply a code word for narcissism.”
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-09-2012 , 02:03 AM
grunching. Turn 30 by the end of the summer, but I don't feel young. I feel like I am well aware of how inferior to the me of even 5 years ago physically the current me is, much less when I was still in college and could literally eat nothing but brownies and drink nothing but beer and never come close to 180 much less 200 lbs, stay up all night with no repurcussions and the like. So as a soon to be 30 y.o., I feel like I can safely say (for me at least) 30 doesn't have **** on 20.

On the career side, I feel like the extra decade makes no difference though, and I literally feel like I am in the same place I was post-college with the only difference being I'm not getting callbacks I was then.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-09-2012 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by MMD
I turn 30 in like 12 days.

I'm single and have been for 95% of my twenties
I play poker for a living
I have no responsibilities, kids, mortgage etc....

Yet I am feel as if I have somewhat failed my twenties as most people are married with kids and have a proper job by this point.

Oh well time to join
**** that, Im in the same boat and all my friends that have kids are tired, stressed, HAVE to work full time instead of just choosing to and are locked down to a mortgage. It looks like I could live over 100 given how long my grandparents have lived so far (all close to 90 or over) and who know how long they will last. Being free is awesome imo.

Ill wait till Im 50 or so and done living to settle down and have the damn anchor on me. Just look at the new 50 years olds these days, so many of them are like 20 years younger looking and healthier then the dudes who were 50 when I was a kid.

All the old rules are changing, I mean hell u can get upgrades for your body now with hips, knees and such as well as well as hormone therapy and the list goes on and will keep on expanding.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
06-09-2012 , 06:20 PM
I'm 26. The group of friends I run with range anywhere from 23 to 30ish, with most prob being 28+ and a few exceeding 32. We all live either directly in or right next to a major city (DC). There's not much of a difference between most of us other than that the 30+ guys in the group have more money than the younger guys. None of us have kids and none of us are married. The former members of our "crew" that have had kids and gotten married all tell us how jealous of us they are. They occasionally come out with us when the wife permits it, and it always makes for an... entertaining insight into the "other side." We're not exactly jealous of their life style in return.

We're those career driven, single males in their late 20s/early 30s that chick in the Wall Street Journal was bitching about last year. While we certainly like to have fun, all of our careers are at pretty critical junctures, and we focus on them with the utmost priority.

If I think about my extended group of friends, there's a clear correlation between where people live and where they've gone in life. A vast majority of my friends located in urban areas are single and still have a "20 something" lifestyle. Most of my friends living in suburban/rural areas are married and/or talk about getting married all the time. Obv this is all stuff I'm pretty sure you all already knew.

As a side note, I'll interestingly point out that nearly all of the women we date, with a few rare exceptions, are under the age of 25.
Is Age 30 Considered Young In This Society Today They Say "30's The New 20's" Is The True ? Quote
