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10-16-2010 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by LiveNow
he can tell them about the option of abortion w/o pushing his own agenda imo. its pretty important they both know thats an option imo...
From the OP, it seems like he wanted to push abortion as THE option and that makes me nervous. Of course it's possible to bring it up without pushing an agenda, but I would suggest seeing if the kids bring it up first so it doesn't look like OP is weighing in on one side or the other.
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10-16-2010 , 09:30 PM
"Here lies the body of Mary Lee
lived to the age of 103
for 15 years she kept her virginity
not a bad record for this vicinity"
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10-16-2010 , 09:36 PM
help them with an abortion

Don't listen to poga. These are kids. They need direction. The proper course is to terminate the pregnancy. Paint a picture to scare the **** out of them -- the late teens and twenties are for having fun and experimenting. Parenthood at that age will rip their lives apart.

Take her out to the tundra, or forge the parental consent forms.

Last edited by Dog Boy; 10-16-2010 at 09:38 PM. Reason: At least she's not crying rape. (But it might make it easier to swing the abort.)
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10-16-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dog Boy
help them with an abortion

Don't listen to poga. These are kids. They need direction. The proper course is to terminate the pregnancy. Paint a picture to scare the **** out of them -- the late teens and twenties are for having fun and experimenting. Parenthood at that age will rip their lives apart.

Take her out to the tundra, or forge the parental consent forms.
Dude, this is seriously ****ed up and misogynistic. Perhaps you think that abortion is the best course of action for these kids. Maybe it is. Perhaps I agree. That isn't even the point, though. If this girl doesn't want to have an abortion then she shouldn't be forced or coerced or pressured into having one. Period.

I realize that on the internet on a forum full of men I am going to encounter misogyny, but sometimes I come across posts like this that I don't think are all joking and posturing and they kind of freak me out.
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10-16-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by nuisance
Um she's already knocked up whats the worse than can happen?

What else is that sentence supposed to mean?
Originally Posted by Spurious
Pretty sure most teenage knocking up happens when parents are not around.
You got no point.
If you can't figure out the meaning of my post then I can't wait until your son/daughter has a kid when they're 13 or 14.
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10-16-2010 , 10:49 PM
The reason they went to the sons father is because the girls father "presumably" would have had murder on his mind.

Of course you want to go to the boys father. He knocked up her fathers little baby girl.

Just go with them to tell the father let them know that abortion is an option but not mandatory. On the other hand adoption may be the best option since they may be abortion as murder and there are thousands of couples that want a baby but cant have kids.
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10-16-2010 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
Dude, this is seriously ****ed up and misogynistic. Perhaps you think that abortion is the best course of action for these kids. Maybe it is. Perhaps I agree. That isn't even the point, though. If this girl doesn't want to have an abortion then she shouldn't be forced or coerced or pressured into having one. Period.

I realize that on the internet on a forum full of men I am going to encounter misogyny, but sometimes I come across posts like this that I don't think are all joking and posturing and they kind of freak me out.
She doesn't know what she wants. Neither child is capable of making an informed and rational decision. Their brains are not fully developed. This is a time for parental guidance. It doesn't matter if the child wants to keep it, maybe she wants a dog, too. From the sounds of it, she not not mature enough or responsible enough to have a pet.

Frankly, I am appalled by your mindset.
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10-17-2010 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Dog Boy
She doesn't know what she wants. Neither child is capable of making an informed and rational decision. Their brains are not fully developed. This is a time for parental guidance. It doesn't matter if the child wants to keep it, maybe she wants a dog, too. From the sounds of it, she not not mature enough or responsible enough to have a pet.

Frankly, I am appalled by your mindset.
They're (presumably) not actually mentally ******ed. I think a rational and informed discussion that leaves strong emotions aside is possible and called for. This decision should not be the parents', only guided by the parents.

I'm appalled that you would force a girl to have an abortion against her will.
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10-17-2010 , 03:02 AM
People are acting like 13yr old just walk around mindlessly.
Do some of you people remember being a teenager? There not 8.

The worst thing that could happen is they decide to have a kid and OP's son breaks up with her and becomes a deadbeat dad which is the most likely to happen. Then she is stuck raising the kid by herself.

I'm not saying they are ready to raise a kid but they are old enough to know if the want an abortion or not.

There teenagers not children.
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10-17-2010 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by pongo
Dude, this is seriously ****ed up and misogynistic. Perhaps you think that abortion is the best course of action for these kids. Maybe it is. Perhaps I agree. That isn't even the point, though. If this girl doesn't want to have an abortion then she shouldn't be forced or coerced or pressured into having one. Period.

I realize that on the internet on a forum full of men I am going to encounter misogyny, but sometimes I come across posts like this that I don't think are all joking and posturing and they kind of freak me out.
Misogynistic? Huh? Why, because he disagreed with you and you're a woman?
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10-17-2010 , 10:24 AM
No, because even though he doesn't even know the woman invovled, he decided for her that she needs to have an abortion. When men decide what women should do with their bodies for them, it is generally considered misogynistic. Forcing a woman to have an abortion falls into this category.
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10-17-2010 , 12:36 PM
pongo said he shouldn`t even MENTION abortion. That's fundamentally wrong. Seeing how the kids live in Alaska, I wouldn't be surprised if they're brainwashed into thinking it's an evil sin.

They need to be aware of the option, not coerced into taking it. The choice can be taken after, but knowing all the options is key imo.

I wouldn't ever make the decision for the girl, but it's hard to argue rationally against an abortion in these settings. How many "so I got knocked up at 14, had the kid, and lived happily ever after" stories to you know?
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10-17-2010 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Jim14Qc
pongo said he shouldn`t even MENTION abortion.
She may have, but the post I responded to quoted her as saying
Originally Posted by pongo
Dude, this is seriously ****ed up and misogynistic. Perhaps you think that abortion is the best course of action for these kids. Maybe it is. Perhaps I agree. That isn't even the point, though. If this girl doesn't want to have an abortion then she shouldn't be forced or coerced or pressured into having one. Period.
The bolded part does not seem at all unreasonable to me, and to suggest that the girl should be forced or coerced into having an abortion does seem misiogynistic.
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10-17-2010 , 02:36 PM
OOT is the rudest forum on 2+2 ainec. Nobody even said Congrats Grandpa!
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10-17-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
No, because even though he doesn't even know the woman invovled, he decided for her that she needs to have an abortion. When men decide what women should do with their bodies for them, it is generally considered misogynistic. Forcing a woman to have an abortion falls into this category.
He said the young mother needs guidance because she's a child, not because she's female. If she was beyond needing guidance from adults, she wouldn't be a knocked up 14 year old now would she?

Also, you're repeatedly calling this knocked up 14 year old a woman. Just because she can procreate doesn't mean she's a woman.
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10-17-2010 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Heya
He said the young mother needs guidance because she's a child, not because she's female. If she was beyond needing guidance from adults, she wouldn't be a knocked up 14 year old now would she?

Also, you're repeatedly calling this knocked up 14 year old a woman. Just because she can procreate doesn't mean she's a woman.
This. And forced is the wrong word. The child need guidance, which includes some scolding for getting into this in the first place.

You don't always get people doing what you want by forcing them to do something. That is why you scare the crap out of them and then offer a solution to their problem. This is part of parental guidance.

And for those arguing that a 13 and 14 year old are capable of making the best decision for their lives, you are misguided. They may not be 8, but the are certainly not adults. Their brains are not finished growing -- they are physiologically incapable of thinking like an adult.

Last edited by Dog Boy; 10-17-2010 at 03:04 PM. Reason: If you look at my first post, I said "help them with an abortion."
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10-17-2010 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Dog Boy
This. And forced is the wrong word. The child need guidance, which includes some scolding for getting into this in the first place.
You said
The proper course is to terminate the pregnancy.
This is not guidance. This is telling them what they should do.
Originally Posted by Heya
He said the young mother needs guidance because she's a child, not because she's female. If she was beyond needing guidance from adults, she wouldn't be a knocked up 14 year old now would she?
He said
Take her out to the tundra, or forge the parental consent forms.
This does not sound like offering guidance. What do you plan to do with her when you take her out on the tundra? Go ice fishing? Why should the boy's father be forging parental consent forms for the girl? Why does he get to decide over the girl's parents? Also, there is no parental consent required to get an abortion in Alaska, so there are no forms to forge.

Originally Posted by Dog Boy
And for those arguing that a 13 and 14 year old are capable of making the best decision for their lives, you are misguided. They may not be 8, but the are certainly not adults. Their brains are not finished growing -- they are physiologically incapable of thinking like an adult.
Where did i argue they are capable of making the best decision for their lives?
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10-17-2010 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
blah blah now I'm neglecting the false accusation of misogyny and focusing on the word "guidance" blah blah
Concerning some subjects, proper guidance involves advising only one proper course of action. For example, educating young children about poison "DON'T EAT IT! DON'T TOUCH IT! DON'T EVEN LOOK AT IT! YOU'RE GONNA DIE! DIE!!!!!" You do what you have to do to burn this one course of action into their brain.

Dog Boy thinks abortion is the only reasonable way to resolve the situation in the OP so that's the sort of guidance he's advocating and I think he was using some hyperbole to illustrate that. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, it doesn't mean he's a woman hater. Pulling the misogyny card here is way out of line.

Last edited by Heya; 10-17-2010 at 03:41 PM.
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10-17-2010 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Heya
Concerning some subjects, proper guidance involves advising only one proper course of action. blah blah blah straw man blah blah.

Dog Boy thinks abortion is the only reasonable way to resolve the situation in the OP so that's the sort of guidance he's advocating and I think he was using some hyperbole to illustrate that. Regardless of whether it's right or wrong, it doesn't mean he's a woman hater. Pulling the misogyny card here is way out of line.
I didn't pull the card, Pongo did. You seemed confused. You thought the card was played for this reason:
Misogynistic? Huh? Why, because he disagreed with you and you're a woman?
I was just offering an alternate exlpanation for why she thinks he is a misogynist.
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10-17-2010 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
I didn't pull the card, Pongo did. You seemed confused. You thought the card was played for this reason:
Yeah it's confusing when a person is labeled as a woman hater when there's no real evidence of misogyny.
I was just offering an alternate exlpanation for why she thinks he is a misogynist.
And I was just offering an explanation for why I'm not buying your explanation.
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10-17-2010 , 05:18 PM
In this case abortion is much less clear as the best course of action than say, not eating poison. Also, these are teenagers, not little kids who don't understand that drano probably isn't a great beverage.

I'm all for abortion access. I think that should be an option for any woman that becomes unintentionally pregnant. Or pregnant at all really, but that's kind of irrelevant here. But I don't care if this woman is 14 or 45. If she's old enough to get pregnant, then she's old enough to make the decision of whether or not she wants an abortion. And forcing or otherwise coercing a woman into have a procedure that can be painful and gruesome, both physically and emotionally, is cruel, sick, and definitely misogynistic. I think it's misogynistic for some kids dad to think he knows better that a girl what she should do with her body.
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10-17-2010 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by pongo
In this case abortion is much less clear as the best course of action than say, not eating poison. Also, these are teenagers, not little kids who don't understand that drano probably isn't a great beverage.

I'm all for abortion access. I think that should be an option for any woman that becomes unintentionally pregnant. Or pregnant at all really, but that's kind of irrelevant here. But I don't care if this woman is 14 or 45. If she's old enough to get pregnant, then she's old enough to make the decision of whether or not she wants an abortion. And forcing or otherwise coercing a woman into have a procedure that can be painful and gruesome, both physically and emotionally, is cruel, sick, and definitely misogynistic. I think it's misogynistic for some kids dad to think he knows better that a girl what she should do with her body.
Regardless of whatever the law says, this is hardly an absolute truth. Can't girls get pregnant as young as 11-12 in some cases? You're not going to convince me that a 12 year old has the ability to make that decision as an adult just because her lady bits work. There's a line somewhere.
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10-17-2010 , 05:36 PM
Yeah, I just checked. There's been a ****ing five year old who got pregnant and delivered a baby alive. Let's end the bull-**** about "if you're old enough to get pregnant, you can decide". I don't pretend to know where or how the line should be drawn, but there definitely is a line somewhere.
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10-17-2010 , 06:17 PM
The notion that it's misogyny to assume that a 14 year old isn't capable of good judgement is pretty ****ing stupid. That isn't a bias against gender, it's a bias against idiot children.
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10-17-2010 , 06:19 PM
Basically, +1 to everything any non-pongo has said. Except for the hyperbole part of forging the consent forms, I guess.
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