Originally Posted by scottmci
Playing online backgammon for money disappeared overnight when world class bots (Jellyfish, Snowie) became widely available.
What the non-engineers fail to grasp...
Is the same fate is INEVITABLE for online poker.
Badbeat Poker is the template.
This is a sophisticated Irish financial trading firm...
That branched out into backing and managing...
Mid-level online poker grinders.
Their business model was possible for 2 reasons:
(1) A $5 million investment.
(2) Pre-existing trading computer infrastructure...
That allows close surveillance of their players.
Backing talented winning players is Step One.
Step Two...
They went to a 3rd World country (Serbia)...
And trained 50 intelligent novices from scratch...
To play in a very structured system...
And we able to manufacture break-even players...
Basically Human Bots.
Step Three becomes obvious.
You merge sophisticated Poker Bot AI infrastructure...
With the 3rd World "Human Bots"
Intelligent, break-even players you train from scratch...
And run sweat shops of "cyborgs"...
Smart guys running sophisticated Bots.
People are working on this...
The ONLY thing slowing it down...
Is that most people with 7-8 figure capital...
Are deploying it in the financial markets...
Because the poker world is actaully very tiny and sleazy.
That's what is slowing/stopping me.
I could do the above...
But I'm making 7 figures net annually trading...
So why bother with all the BS that comes with poker?
A bunch of penniless Grad Students...
Or idiot savants on skateboards...
Are the leading edge of Botting.
Who cares.
If Google threw $50 million at Poker Botting...
(Petty cash for them)...
It would be the end of online poker as we know it.
An equilibrium level of quality Bots in online poker...
Is a 100% forgone conclusion eventually.
So let's talk about it.