Expert Heads Up No Limit Hold’em v.1: Optimal and Exploitive Strategies by Will Tipton
, 01:47 PM
My secret is a carefully-managed caffeine dependence.
, 01:55 PM
The theory pretty much all applies very straightforwardly to PLO, but I imagine a lot of practical difficulties arise from the number of hole card possiblities in PLO. How do you even visualize or write down a PLO range? Also, a lot of operations involve doing something (e.g. finding the most profitable way to play) for every one of our possible holdings. And that takes a lot more time if there are a lot more hole card possibilities. Some sort of hole card bucketing is probably the right way to deal with these issues, but that's not something I'll be talking about.
, 02:08 PM
I'm close to finishing the book (gonna re-read it obv) and just came across the exercise on p. 288 which suggests making a table.
Are the type of hands (eg. BB hand/SB threshold hands) supposed to be lined up as mentioned (i.e. bluff bet-folding hands, bluff check-raising hands etc.) or do I have to pick a hand example and line up the exact hand values (tp+, 2nd pair, mid pair etc)?
Are the type of hands (eg. BB hand/SB threshold hands) supposed to be lined up as mentioned (i.e. bluff bet-folding hands, bluff check-raising hands etc.) or do I have to pick a hand example and line up the exact hand values (tp+, 2nd pair, mid pair etc)?
(worst hands) |--b/f--|-----------check----------|--b/f--|-b/c-| (best hands)
We called the threshold hand between b/f and check hsbbf (hand SB bluff bet-fold). If we move that threshold hand to the left, it means SB is bluffing less when checked to on the river. How does that affect each of the BB's holdings' max expl play? Stuff that used to be indifferent between c/c and c/f is probably now all c/fs. (But not all of his previous c/c range was indiff.) What about stuff that was planning to c/r bluff? Should it now c/f? Should he blufflead more or less than before? What about the top of his range? Should he value bet more since he gets less money in the pot by checking?
Anyhow, if you consider each of SB's threshold hands and each type of BB hand, you can make a table, and fill it out with the proper max expl adjustment..
, 02:32 PM
I have multiple troubles understanding the statement p.174.
It seems to me that on the contrary the strength of BB's average hand have decreased with the flop. If I plug the ranges into pokerstove I get for BB:
Preflop: 56.2% equity
Postflop: 54.3% equity
and then:
The dotted line represent the end of the preflop and the solid one the the beginning of flop play... So it should be the contrary, it should say : "since the dotted line is on average lower than the solid one"
At which graph should we look btw? The left or the right one?
Lol. Give me an aspirine.
Please, help.
I have multiple troubles understanding the statement p.174.
In the case of Figure 6.1, we see from the graphs that the BB's average hand strength increased slightly with the advent of the flop
Preflop: 56.2% equity
Postflop: 54.3% equity
and then:
...since the dotted line is on average higher than the solid one
At which graph should we look btw? The left or the right one?
and the opposite is true for the SB
Please, help.
, 02:48 PM
So, after watching the vid pack I tried my hand on some Gambit. Don't know if this is the correct thread, hopefully it is.

I tried to model a situation where there's a straight on the board and players either have the split or the 6-card straight. Both
have the 6-card straight 10% of the time. There's a pot of 1, and a stacksize of 1 behind. Players can jam or fold.
First question: did I get all the information sets right? Follow up: is C:2 and C:3 one information set?
I guess it's ok that the BB never checks a straight OOP because the SB/BTN can't put enough pressure on him anyway, only jamming
30% (.1*1 + .9*(2/9)) of the time when checked to.
It's a bit weird to note that being in position in this game has 0 value. Even when it's asymetric. When the BB has 20% nuts and
the SB only 10% pay-offs are 33/20 and 27/20, if it's the other way around payoffs are 27/20 and 33/20.
The game looks the same when we increase SB nuts frequency. BB jams his nuts and some splits. SB calls everything. BB checks rest
of his splits and calls everything.
This is true for up to SB nuts 33/100 (BB nuts still 1/10). See IMAGE 2.

At SB nuts 34/100 it completely shifts. See IMAGE 3.

Now, the BB checks everything, and the SB jams all his splits, as many nuts as he can, and checks the rest of his nuts behind. BB,
interestingly, only calls his nuts and folds his splits, so folds 90% of the time. I can see why, but it's still weird to see.
Side question: what do we make of the calling frequencies in nodes the BB doesn't take? For example, the SB folding the nuts to a
bet (upper 2:1)? Just ignore.
It seems like in this situation, BB play is to either frontjam nuts and enough splits, c/c all other splits. Or if SB is too
strong, just check everything and calling all your nuts, folding everything else. This is def not what I expected ><
Interestingly, this remains true when we vary BB nuts frequency (1% but also 90%). Yet, even though SB frequency is the only
variable affecting what the game looks like, position has no value in this game. Why is that ?_?
Cliffs: Would like to know if I used Gambit correctly/modelled the situation correctly. Would like to discuss the weird-looking results - nothing seems to matter but one infliction point that totally changes how the game looks.

I tried to model a situation where there's a straight on the board and players either have the split or the 6-card straight. Both
have the 6-card straight 10% of the time. There's a pot of 1, and a stacksize of 1 behind. Players can jam or fold.
First question: did I get all the information sets right? Follow up: is C:2 and C:3 one information set?
I guess it's ok that the BB never checks a straight OOP because the SB/BTN can't put enough pressure on him anyway, only jamming
30% (.1*1 + .9*(2/9)) of the time when checked to.
It's a bit weird to note that being in position in this game has 0 value. Even when it's asymetric. When the BB has 20% nuts and
the SB only 10% pay-offs are 33/20 and 27/20, if it's the other way around payoffs are 27/20 and 33/20.
The game looks the same when we increase SB nuts frequency. BB jams his nuts and some splits. SB calls everything. BB checks rest
of his splits and calls everything.
This is true for up to SB nuts 33/100 (BB nuts still 1/10). See IMAGE 2.

At SB nuts 34/100 it completely shifts. See IMAGE 3.

Now, the BB checks everything, and the SB jams all his splits, as many nuts as he can, and checks the rest of his nuts behind. BB,
interestingly, only calls his nuts and folds his splits, so folds 90% of the time. I can see why, but it's still weird to see.
Side question: what do we make of the calling frequencies in nodes the BB doesn't take? For example, the SB folding the nuts to a
bet (upper 2:1)? Just ignore.
It seems like in this situation, BB play is to either frontjam nuts and enough splits, c/c all other splits. Or if SB is too
strong, just check everything and calling all your nuts, folding everything else. This is def not what I expected ><
Interestingly, this remains true when we vary BB nuts frequency (1% but also 90%). Yet, even though SB frequency is the only
variable affecting what the game looks like, position has no value in this game. Why is that ?_?
Cliffs: Would like to know if I used Gambit correctly/modelled the situation correctly. Would like to discuss the weird-looking results - nothing seems to matter but one infliction point that totally changes how the game looks.
Yup, your games look right, well done.
There's no advantage to being in position in the first game (the low nut frequency regime) because both players have the same ranges and nobody ever folds. They have the same amount of nuts, they both get paid when they have the nuts, both pay off when their opponent has the nuts, and when they do show down, it's a chopped pot.
Solutions to these spots are a bit weird/subtle to interpret, since many strategies are co-optimal. For example, you note the SB is doing something weird in a spot that never comes up because BB's play means we never get to that spot. Well, the thing is that SB can play any way he wants there and still be at equilibrium, so long as he doesn't play badly enough to make BB want to start showing up there with some hands.
Anyhow, I think I talk a lot more about this stuff in the vid. If you still have more questions now that you've seen it, please let me know.
, 02:55 PM
I started reading Tipton's book recently and only got to p.139 so far. I had thought i'd postpone general comments until after I am finished but what I read already convinced me that this not only is the best books on poker I have ever read (and I have read about 30 such books) but it also is one of the best books about any technical/practical/theoretical topic that I have read (and I have read hundreds of those). The depth of insight, rigor of analysis and clarity of presentation are impressive. It also seems guaranteed to stand the tests of time. Finally, it has the virtue of being tough enough so that only few players will both read it though *and* perform the work required to fully assimilate the content.
I am currently doing the exercise proposed on p.130 with some post-flop scenarios pulled from my game and this is incredibly instructive both as a means to reviewing the previously covered material but also for finding possible heroic leaks and exploitable villainous tendencies.
Few minor errors not yet listed in the errata (or typos almost not worth mentioning that might be fixed in the next printing):
p.82: last line of text, "8-6o" should read "8-7o"
pp.98-99: the references to figures 3.3 and 3.2 should rather be to figures 3.9 and 3.8 respectively.
p.131 bottom third of the page: "than Hero should bluff 100%" should read "then...".
I am also looking forward to the eventual release of your next video together with the computational tools mentioned earlier in the thread. I understand you've been busy moving. I have of course pre-ordered vol.2 and will buy the video pack shortly.
Also, congratulations to the author for the award of his PhD and for his new job at Google!
I am currently doing the exercise proposed on p.130 with some post-flop scenarios pulled from my game and this is incredibly instructive both as a means to reviewing the previously covered material but also for finding possible heroic leaks and exploitable villainous tendencies.
Few minor errors not yet listed in the errata (or typos almost not worth mentioning that might be fixed in the next printing):
p.82: last line of text, "8-6o" should read "8-7o"
pp.98-99: the references to figures 3.3 and 3.2 should rather be to figures 3.9 and 3.8 respectively.
p.131 bottom third of the page: "than Hero should bluff 100%" should read "then...".
I am also looking forward to the eventual release of your next video together with the computational tools mentioned earlier in the thread. I understand you've been busy moving. I have of course pre-ordered vol.2 and will buy the video pack shortly.
Also, congratulations to the author for the award of his PhD and for his new job at Google!
, 03:03 PM
I have both the ebook and hardcopy. When I go thru the examples I think it would be aweesome if I had the range syntax to put into software (such as propokertools odds oracle or flopzilla) just so I can look at the range and look at equities by myself. Such as...
Page 48
If we count all these combos that /= 45. besides point, anyway to copy+paste these into pptoo or flopzilla without writing them down individually?
Great book still early in it.
Page 48
A♣-J♣, K♣-J♣, Q♣-J♣, J♣-10♣, 5♣-4♣, K♣-J♥, Q♣-J♥, K♦-J♣, Q♦-J♣,
5♦-4♦, K♦-J♥, Q♦-J♥, K♥-J♣, Q♥-J♣, A♥-2♥, A♥-5♥, A♥-8♥, A♥-J♥, K♥-J♥, Q♥-J♥,
J♥-10♥, A♠-10♣, K♠-J♣, Q♠-J♣, A♠-10♦, A♠-10♥, K♠-J♥, Q♠-J♥, Q♠-6♠ - Q♠-10♠,
10♠-7♠, 9♠-7♠, 8♠-7♠, 3♦-3♣, 3♥-3♣, 3♥-3♦, 6♠-6♣, 6♦-6♣, 6♦-6♠, A♠-A♣,
A♦-A♣, A♥-A♣ excluding those hands which conflict with the board. This is
45 hand combinations.
A♣-J♣, K♣-J♣, Q♣-J♣, J♣-10♣, 5♣-4♣, K♣-J♥, Q♣-J♥, K♦-J♣, Q♦-J♣,
5♦-4♦, K♦-J♥, Q♦-J♥, K♥-J♣, Q♥-J♣, A♥-2♥, A♥-5♥, A♥-8♥, A♥-J♥, K♥-J♥, Q♥-J♥,
J♥-10♥, A♠-10♣, K♠-J♣, Q♠-J♣, A♠-10♦, A♠-10♥, K♠-J♥, Q♠-J♥, Q♠-6♠ - Q♠-10♠,
10♠-7♠, 9♠-7♠, 8♠-7♠, 3♦-3♣, 3♥-3♣, 3♥-3♦, 6♠-6♣, 6♦-6♣, 6♦-6♠, A♠-A♣,
A♦-A♣, A♥-A♣ excluding those hands which conflict with the board. This is
45 hand combinations.
Great book still early in it.
I agree that it's hard to list long exact ranges. It gets much worse when some combos are played with non-0%, non-100% frequencies. In vol2, I often turned to figures (like Fig 7.1) which should hopefully make reading, if not copy&pasting, easier.
, 03:55 PM
Hey Will,
I just finished rereading chapter 7 and once again, I have a bunch of questions. Hopefully you can help:
The 'almost' here depends on the effective stack size on the river, right? It depends on how much we can bet/overbet relative to the pot?
I just finished rereading chapter 7 and once again, I have a bunch of questions. Hopefully you can help:
Originally Posted by p213, you write:
"In fact, there is no advantage for him in having the best hand 100% of the time at the equilibrium. As long as he can put in a bet, having it almost all of the time is just as good."
"In fact, there is no advantage for him in having the best hand 100% of the time at the equilibrium. As long as he can put in a bet, having it almost all of the time is just as good."
I remember using the prime symbol (') when dealing with derivatives and I'm wondering what B* is here. Do we have:
B* = EVHero(betB)' (prime) or maybe
B* = the value of B which satisfies EVHero(betB)' = 0
Something else?
Originally Posted by p226, you write:
"To find the bet size which maximizes EV Hero (betB), we simply take that quantity’s derivative with respect to B and set it equal to 0"
"To find the bet size which maximizes EV Hero (betB), we simply take that quantity’s derivative with respect to B and set it equal to 0"
B* = EVHero(betB)' (prime) or maybe
B* = the value of B which satisfies EVHero(betB)' = 0
Something else?
Do you mean when/if SB bets the river or SB's getting to the river range?
Originally Posted by p228 talking about SB's distribution after he cb flops, turn goes x/x and BB doesn't lead river, you write:
"and due to how narrowly defined the BB’s hand is, the SB’s range is effectively polar"
"and due to how narrowly defined the BB’s hand is, the SB’s range is effectively polar"
Are you talking about the ability to play more bluffs profitably by raising a wider polar range on the river? Or, do we assume the "checker" won't have enough strong hands in his range to bet/take the lead (similarly to what you said on page 223, section 7.2.5, where wilain had some slow plays)?
Originally Posted by p230, you write:
"And, even if a small fraction of the player’s range is strong because of the new card or a slow-play, these hands generally have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones in the player’s range."
"And, even if a small fraction of the player’s range is strong because of the new card or a slow-play, these hands generally have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones in the player’s range."
By 'approach', you mean overbetting here, right?
Originally Posted by p238, you write:
"Might that be a good approach to play on particularly volatile flops? (§2, last sentence)
"Might that be a good approach to play on particularly volatile flops? (§2, last sentence)
After studying the examples figure 7.10 (section 7.3.1) and reading the beginning of section 7.3.2, there is something I don't get:
OK, from section 7.3.1, since checking means losing:
1. I understand that we use our top X% to bet, even if some of them have an EQ < EQSB(Hc)
2. It also makes sense to me when you say we could have used our crappiest hands as bluffs (same result when called)
3. In example 7.10d we remove some of our value hands and you say that in this case the equilibrium change: Since our overall betting range has gotten weaker if we keep betting all the hands whose EQ is > Mb, SB's previous cutt-off hand, hc, becomes a clear call.
Here is what confuses me:
- If you compare 2&3, in both cases (say we actually used our crappiest hands as bluffs) our overall betting range is weaker and yet in case #2 it would not make a difference, whereas in case #3, it does.
So... is it the equity of our overall betting range that matters or is it the overall equity of our value betting range, the hands whose EQ is > EQSB(hc) or even maybe the number of combos that beat Hc?
After studying the examples figure 7.10 (section 7.3.1) and reading the beginning of section 7.3.2, there is something I don't get:
OK, from section 7.3.1, since checking means losing:
1. I understand that we use our top X% to bet, even if some of them have an EQ < EQSB(Hc)
2. It also makes sense to me when you say we could have used our crappiest hands as bluffs (same result when called)
3. In example 7.10d we remove some of our value hands and you say that in this case the equilibrium change: Since our overall betting range has gotten weaker if we keep betting all the hands whose EQ is > Mb, SB's previous cutt-off hand, hc, becomes a clear call.
Here is what confuses me:
- If you compare 2&3, in both cases (say we actually used our crappiest hands as bluffs) our overall betting range is weaker and yet in case #2 it would not make a difference, whereas in case #3, it does.
So... is it the equity of our overall betting range that matters or is it the overall equity of our value betting range, the hands whose EQ is > EQSB(hc) or even maybe the number of combos that beat Hc?
If BB is going to be both betting and c/f with hands that never win when called (equivalent hands for practical purposes), SB must be calling just enough to make all those indiff to bluffing. (e.g. 1/2 the time for a PSB).
So, (if we're using PSBs), BB's betting range has to make SB's 50th percentile hand indifferent to calling (b/c then all his stronger hands will call and weaker hands will fold and overall he'll have the correct 1/2 calling freq). OK, so SB's 50th percentile hand is indifferent to calling if it has 33.3% equity vs BBs betting range.
So, I guess I'd say that what matters is that the equity of SB's cutoff hand vs our betting range is 33.3%. And that's equivalent to saying that the average equity of our entire betting range vs that one hand is 66.6%
I don't understand the part that's in parentheses.
Originally Posted by p280, talking about the possibility for SB to check down, you write:
"The showdown EV of each of his hands is different (with the exception of those holdings with which the BB would have led the river)"
"The showdown EV of each of his hands is different (with the exception of those holdings with which the BB would have led the river)"
The first part of the sentence makes sense to me but again, I don't get the part in parentheses. if vilain raises us with worse, he's bluff raising us, right? Did you mean whether he calls or folds with it?
Originally Posted by p282, you write:
" First of all, if Villain is never bluff raising, a bet-fold is clearly better than a check whenever Villain calls with a worse hand more often than he holds a better one (whether he calls or raises with it)."
" First of all, if Villain is never bluff raising, a bet-fold is clearly better than a check whenever Villain calls with a worse hand more often than he holds a better one (whether he calls or raises with it)."
Do you mean BB here?
Originally Posted by p287, you write:
"If the SB is checking all his thin value hands intending to check-call"
"If the SB is checking all his thin value hands intending to check-call"
Do you mean that since he has a bunch of air hands, many of the SB's weaker hands have more incentive to call a bet?
Originally Posted by p303, you write:
"Just as importantly, whereas before even his bluffing hands were ahead of almost half of his opponent’s range, he can now tempt many of the SB’s weaker hands to call a bet, and thus he has more reason to bet with his real hands too
"Just as importantly, whereas before even his bluffing hands were ahead of almost half of his opponent’s range, he can now tempt many of the SB’s weaker hands to call a bet, and thus he has more reason to bet with his real hands too
Is this "general rule"? I mean, should we generally try to devise our strategy to target the largest group of hands in our opponent's range that have the same/similar equity?
Originally Posted by p315, you write:
"To the degree that a long, flat region is a dominant feature of the player’s distribution, his opponent’s equilibrium strategy will favor bet sizings and ranges which target those hands. Even if all his hands do not have the same equity, we can think of targeting any large groups of his hands that do."
"To the degree that a long, flat region is a dominant feature of the player’s distribution, his opponent’s equilibrium strategy will favor bet sizings and ranges which target those hands. Even if all his hands do not have the same equity, we can think of targeting any large groups of his hands that do."
One more...
How does it feel to have a real job
How does it feel to have a real job
, 06:51 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 55
Especially if you write good books...
I completely agree, I think this is one of the most important idea really.I often feel like I don't know what I'm doing and the main reason for this is that I don't know my own range.
I'm trying to understand how we get to this GTO betsize B*, mathematically that is.
Given what you say in the book, it looks like:
1. you created a function, say f(B) = EVHero (Bet B)
2. Calculated its derivative, f'(B)
3. Set f'(B)=0 and solved for B
I guess my question is, if the above is true, what's the outpout of f(B) here, do we have f(B) = FJ (S − B) + (FBC)(S + P + B) + (1 − FJ − FBC )(S + P)?
If so, how do you get its derivative, f'(B)? I have only worked with very simple functions, I'm not used to seeing so many variables.
I used the right quote, but maybe my question didn't make sense.
You say that even if a turn card improves a small fraction of our range significantly, these hands have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones and I want to make sure I understand why.
What are these reasons?
Cocktail party level poker theory... Nice
I agree that this is not the right approach to poker theory but look at it from an author's perspective. Well, OK, say an author who doesn't care too much: No questions from the readers! Sure, these cocktail party poker theorists may quickly go from no questions from the readers to no readers...
Point is, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions.
If I were to do more introductory work, it'd be more on reading our own range, a la the end of this post:
Given what you say in the book, it looks like:
1. you created a function, say f(B) = EVHero (Bet B)
2. Calculated its derivative, f'(B)
3. Set f'(B)=0 and solved for B
I guess my question is, if the above is true, what's the outpout of f(B) here, do we have f(B) = FJ (S − B) + (FBC)(S + P + B) + (1 − FJ − FBC )(S + P)?
If so, how do you get its derivative, f'(B)? I have only worked with very simple functions, I'm not used to seeing so many variables.
I used the right quote, but maybe my question didn't make sense.
You say that even if a turn card improves a small fraction of our range significantly, these hands have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones and I want to make sure I understand why.
What are these reasons?
I agree that this is not the right approach to poker theory but look at it from an author's perspective. Well, OK, say an author who doesn't care too much: No questions from the readers! Sure, these cocktail party poker theorists may quickly go from no questions from the readers to no readers...
Point is, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions.
, 01:39 PM
quick question:
on p48 9s6s is in villains range (at least i assume that is what 9s4s+ means), on p50 it's not anymore. why not?
on p48 9s6s is in villains range (at least i assume that is what 9s4s+ means), on p50 it's not anymore. why not?
, 06:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 181
It should be in the range. This has been mentioned in the errata available on this books webpage on the editor's site.
, 07:01 AM
so it's not in the iteration/ev numbers in the book are slightly off?
, 03:38 PM
I'm trying to understand how we get to this GTO betsize B*, mathematically that is.
Given what you say in the book, it looks like:
1. you created a function, say f(B) = EVHero (Bet B)
2. Calculated its derivative, f'(B)
3. Set f'(B)=0 and solved for B
Originally Posted by yaqh View Post
Well, as it says, B* is the GTO betsize, the special value of B that maximizes EV_Hero(bet B).
Originally Posted by yaqh View Post
Well, as it says, B* is the GTO betsize, the special value of B that maximizes EV_Hero(bet B).
I'm trying to understand how we get to this GTO betsize B*, mathematically that is.
Given what you say in the book, it looks like:
1. you created a function, say f(B) = EVHero (Bet B)
2. Calculated its derivative, f'(B)
3. Set f'(B)=0 and solved for B
I guess my question is, if the above is true, what's the outpout of f(B) here, do we have f(B) = FJ (S − B) + (FBC)(S + P + B) + (1 − FJ − FBC )(S + P)?
If so, how do you get its derivative, f'(B)? I have only worked with very simple functions, I'm not used to seeing so many variables.
If so, how do you get its derivative, f'(B)? I have only worked with very simple functions, I'm not used to seeing so many variables.
- derivative of a sum of things is the sum of the derivatives of the individual things
- if X is something that doesn't depend on B, then the derivative (with respect to B) of X*B is just X
- derivative (with respect to B) of something that doesn't depend on B is just 0
Other than this, the thing you'll need to look into is known as the Quotient Rule, because FJ and FBC are fractions which involve B.
I used the right quote, but maybe my question didn't make sense. 
You say that even if a turn card improves a small fraction of our range significantly, these hands have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones and I want to make sure I understand why.
What are these reasons?
You say that even if a turn card improves a small fraction of our range significantly, these hands have reason to keep playing the same way as the weaker ones and I want to make sure I understand why.
What are these reasons?
Why? Well, since the traps are the nuts, they simply make the most money when they play in whatever way gets SB to put as much money in the pot as possible on average. And it turns out that SB puts a lot more money in the pot vs a check.
This is b/c most of BB's checking range is bluffcatchers, and we know SB will bet big with all his value and some air as bluffs when checked to w/ a range of mostly bluffcatchers. On the other hand, if BB leads himself with traps (which are then value hands) and bluffcatchers (which he turned into bluffs) then all of SB's air has to fold, and SB's value becomes effectively bluffcatchers and might sometimes fold.
So checking gets money in vs all of SB's value and some air, while betting gets money in vs no air and maybe not even all his value. So, BB gets a lot more money in w/ a check on avg.
Cocktail party level poker theory... Nice
I agree that this is not the right approach to poker theory but look at it from an author's perspective. Well, OK, say an author who doesn't care too much: No questions from the readers! Sure, these cocktail party poker theorists may quickly go from no questions from the readers to no readers...
Point is, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions.
I agree that this is not the right approach to poker theory but look at it from an author's perspective. Well, OK, say an author who doesn't care too much: No questions from the readers! Sure, these cocktail party poker theorists may quickly go from no questions from the readers to no readers...
Point is, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions.
, 03:42 PM
Generally, I'd recommend to anyone starting to read the book to get the errata from the website and mark the edits in your copy.
, 09:06 PM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 55
Awesomeness... Thank you very much, Will!
, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 24
Hello again Mr. Tipton. Thank you for your prompt reply and apologies for my tardy one. Its water under the bridge now but in answer to your question as to how I arrived at the frequencies I did (re: fig. 3.2/3), I am probably embarrassed to admit that I simply averaged out the stated values. Whether this places me into the league of the clueless imbecile I have absolutely no idea. In all honesty I started reading your book as a losing poker player. In the meantime this has changed and I now maintain a respectable ROI (at least so far so good for a while). In truth, I realise now that the level you write at and the audience you write for is not my level. However, through poker I have discovered a hitherto unknown maths/stat geek, and I truly enjoy reading and learning all this stuff, and so far the maths involved in your book has not yet defeated me ( I'm about half way through). And as poker is just an obsessional hobby and not a profession, who cares how long it takes me to get through it? I am not embarrassed to say that I literally might take hours understanding a paragraph. I actively enjoy it. But while we are here I may as well lay all my cards on the table. I wonder where we are going with all this maximally (minimally) exploitative business. I also wonder whether the days I am putting into understanding all this stuff will translate into any discernable practical benefit to me. Am I correct that the thrust of the idea is that I should play non-exploitatively vs villain until I establish he has exploitable tendencies which I might then exploit? Surely once I move to exploit said tendency I am no longer playing GTO. Ah, I'm light years behind here right? I could care less, truly I am really enjoying the challenge (to me at least) of your fine book.
Regarding Pokersnowie Im not so sure it isnt legit. As I understand it the authors simply told the bot the rules of the game. And then let it play against itself for years, allowing it to establish the most effective play vs itself in any number of possible situations. Being very far from a GTO expert myself as we have established, in my limited understanding would this system not produce maximally exploitative play? Anyway I bought the freakin' thing tonight based on a very simple criterion: it beats me far more often than I beat it. It is as simple as that.
Much respect, Mark
Regarding Pokersnowie Im not so sure it isnt legit. As I understand it the authors simply told the bot the rules of the game. And then let it play against itself for years, allowing it to establish the most effective play vs itself in any number of possible situations. Being very far from a GTO expert myself as we have established, in my limited understanding would this system not produce maximally exploitative play? Anyway I bought the freakin' thing tonight based on a very simple criterion: it beats me far more often than I beat it. It is as simple as that.
Much respect, Mark
, 01:16 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 21
Hi Will!
I'm reading the book for the second
time and realising that it should be treated like a Bilble and be read every weekend forever
I think my doubts probably will disappear very soon with Vol. 2, but just to be a Vol.1 expert:
-On page 88, at the end of "3.1 Shove/fold chapter" are explained the applications of the solutions in real play but you mention that at around 7 BB at equlibrium the SB can not raise-fold.
Do you mean it also in real play or only in preflop-only-games? I find the evidence in the next chapter for preflop-only-games, but don't know if at equilibrium in real play the BB shoving range (having the option to call) would give the odds to the SB to call with his entire raising range at arround 7 BB.
-On page 102 "3.3 Bet sizing considerations": In the last paragraph it is explained that in preflop-only-games the player putting in the last best was in disadvantage if he had a bad risk/reward ratio on his all-in bets, so it can sometimes to be worthwhile to make a bigger bet in a spot if doing so will cause a Villain to play shove-or-fold.
In real play it is only possible if Villain is playing badly, i.e he is shoving at deeper stacks than he should be? Or could even exist this possiblilty in a GTO strategy?
Thanks very much for your atention Will!
I'm reading the book for the second
I think my doubts probably will disappear very soon with Vol. 2, but just to be a Vol.1 expert:
-On page 88, at the end of "3.1 Shove/fold chapter" are explained the applications of the solutions in real play but you mention that at around 7 BB at equlibrium the SB can not raise-fold.
Do you mean it also in real play or only in preflop-only-games? I find the evidence in the next chapter for preflop-only-games, but don't know if at equilibrium in real play the BB shoving range (having the option to call) would give the odds to the SB to call with his entire raising range at arround 7 BB.
-On page 102 "3.3 Bet sizing considerations": In the last paragraph it is explained that in preflop-only-games the player putting in the last best was in disadvantage if he had a bad risk/reward ratio on his all-in bets, so it can sometimes to be worthwhile to make a bigger bet in a spot if doing so will cause a Villain to play shove-or-fold.
In real play it is only possible if Villain is playing badly, i.e he is shoving at deeper stacks than he should be? Or could even exist this possiblilty in a GTO strategy?
Thanks very much for your atention Will!
, 04:44 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 193
Hi i was doing 1 exercise and i found this place what i cant understand.
On page 115 book says that when we know that BB 5 bet shoving range is 20.6 % SB calling range will be hands with 38% equity and they are {A2o+,.....} (25.5% of hands)
(stacks are 50 bb and 4 bet size is 12 bb ) so yea i understand that we should have 38% equity not less coz we loose just 12 BB if we fold (50-12 = 38) and if call we win EQ*100 so equty should be greater than 38.
But when i check equity of A2o versus his 5 beting range its ~35%
As i understand 38% + is needed for each individual hand not all range together right? if this is true than A2o shouldnt be in his calling range right? When few hands come off this range it would mean its actually not 25.5%, but number 25.5 was used to calculate his total 4 beting range and also open raising range. Not a huge deal but than it means they would be a little different than in the book.
On page 115 book says that when we know that BB 5 bet shoving range is 20.6 % SB calling range will be hands with 38% equity and they are {A2o+,.....} (25.5% of hands)
(stacks are 50 bb and 4 bet size is 12 bb ) so yea i understand that we should have 38% equity not less coz we loose just 12 BB if we fold (50-12 = 38) and if call we win EQ*100 so equty should be greater than 38.
But when i check equity of A2o versus his 5 beting range its ~35%
As i understand 38% + is needed for each individual hand not all range together right? if this is true than A2o shouldnt be in his calling range right? When few hands come off this range it would mean its actually not 25.5%, but number 25.5 was used to calculate his total 4 beting range and also open raising range. Not a huge deal but than it means they would be a little different than in the book.
Last edited by minotaurs; 04-28-2014 at 04:53 AM.
, 08:34 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 21
Hi Minotaurs!
I was on the same page and think I can help with that.
Maybe the mistake is in your ranking of hands. For simplicity, the book points out that the hands are ranking by their preflop all-in equity versus any-two-cards in these situations. So 20.6% would be something like:{55+, A3s+, K8s+, QTs+, A7o+, K9o+, QJo}. Versus that range A2o have near 40% equity.
I was on the same page and think I can help with that.
Maybe the mistake is in your ranking of hands. For simplicity, the book points out that the hands are ranking by their preflop all-in equity versus any-two-cards in these situations. So 20.6% would be something like:{55+, A3s+, K8s+, QTs+, A7o+, K9o+, QJo}. Versus that range A2o have near 40% equity.
, 09:07 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 193
Hi Minotaurs!
I was on the same page and think I can help with that.
Maybe the mistake is in your ranking of hands. For simplicity, the book points out that the hands are ranking by their preflop all-in equity versus any-two-cards in these situations. So 20.6% would be something like:{55+, A3s+, K8s+, QTs+, A7o+, K9o+, QJo}. Versus that range A2o have near 40% equity.
I was on the same page and think I can help with that.
Maybe the mistake is in your ranking of hands. For simplicity, the book points out that the hands are ranking by their preflop all-in equity versus any-two-cards in these situations. So 20.6% would be something like:{55+, A3s+, K8s+, QTs+, A7o+, K9o+, QJo}. Versus that range A2o have near 40% equity.
, 10:07 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 21
I sometimes use the Hand Range Selector from PT4, but it only allows two models to ranking hands: 'Sklansky-Karlson' and 'Hand vs 3 Randoms'. My easiest way to visualize a range vs ATC is in and selecting: Ranking Vs Random Hand.
, 11:23 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 193
I sometimes use the Hand Range Selector from PT4, but it only allows two models to ranking hands: 'Sklansky-Karlson' and 'Hand vs 3 Randoms'. My easiest way to visualize a range vs ATC is in and selecting: Ranking Vs Random Hand.
, 11:32 AM
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 21
, 04:21 AM
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 193
Hey i have a noob question. If i play unexploitable i end up with 0 profit against another opponent who plays just like me right. But if i play against some crazy guy i would still profit by not changing my game at all (playing unexloitably) right? I would profit, just not as much as if i would be by maximaly exploting him right?
, 06:03 AM
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 263
just wanted to do the exercise on p. 125 and wanted to know how to calculate the top x% of Hero's range vs Villain's range on the 8h6c5d flop. Isn't it just all hands that have at least 33,3% equity? Can somebody pls recommend a tool which can do these kinds of calculations?
just wanted to do the exercise on p. 125 and wanted to know how to calculate the top x% of Hero's range vs Villain's range on the 8h6c5d flop. Isn't it just all hands that have at least 33,3% equity? Can somebody pls recommend a tool which can do these kinds of calculations?
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