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When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning

01-15-2010 , 10:55 AM
About 100 including bonuses, Finally broke even the other day over all. Pretty excited about it. Hopefully I am riding the + train now!
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
01-15-2010 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by jakeeshannon
Simple, easy question!
When i first started i was scared of losing money so didnt deposit much at once.

$20-25 each time.

In total i lost $100 so 4 deposits.

Then i found 2+2 re-deposited on stars and its been 7 months since ive re-deposited, though 2 weeks ago i came extremely close to re-depositing.
Built my roll back up now though so i dont think i will have to re-deposit anymore and hopefully ever again.

If i didnt lose my roll the other week though i would have about $600 in profit, which i guess i can thank 2+2 for helping me understand position, ranges and more.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
01-15-2010 , 11:49 AM
Deposited $100 on Party 2 years ago, lost $60 playing 10c/25c micro limit, unlocked $100 deposit bonus at that time. Switched to playing 5NL instantly won back all the $60 I lost at limit in one day, withdrew my initial $100 deposit and never needed to redeposit.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
01-15-2010 , 11:53 AM's so embarassing to tell you about that
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
01-16-2010 , 01:50 AM
I lost about $250 over a heap of small deposits (well, around 6-7 deposits), that occurred over about 8 months. At the beginning I plain old just sucked, didnt know how to play, just wanted to have some fun.

Then I found this site and started reading up, learned heaps, but still had a big problem playing too many different games, then I clicked and got really disciplined with sticking to one game type(cash FR) until I can beat 10nl, then i can try out 6max and sngs and tourneys, but just grind out and through a few stakes before sinking my money in games i know nothing about like a vast number of different sngs. in fact, im down over $200 in sngs right now, cash im up just over $100, so havent broke even yet, but i believe im a winning player (well at 2nl and 5nl so far).
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
01-16-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by obviously.bogus
Ha! PS gave me $2 !!!!

Also deposited $20 for a buy-in to Fish Fry tourneys where I won lots of bounties. I still have over $20, so I guess i haven't lost anything yet, but actually at the tables without bounties, I'm probably down a bit.
Why do they give you money? I want some of that! Free 2 bucks would be nice
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 04:36 PM
I would say in my life i'm probably down 10k online. I was stupid as hell. I would deposit $500 on PP play 1000NL. Work it up to 8-12K religiously and go broke in a day. Dumb as hell right. Last couple years i have won back about 5k or so. So it was at 15k.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 06:29 PM
PTR says I am down $300. I deposited $300, lost most of it, deposited again, took some money out to pay for bills, took more money out to pay for more bills.

So overall I would say $300.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 07:29 PM
You can win online??
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:33 PM
Deposited $10 and lost it. Then deposited $50 and got it up to about $2k. Moved up to 100nl and lost about 8 buy-ins running into AA preflop with QQ-KK. Moved down to 50nl and then 25nl and was still getting crushed. Finally down to my last $200 I took another shot starting over at 10nl and since then I'm up about 9k 300k hands later.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:39 PM
I lost lots of freerolls until I won $2 in a freeroll and built my bankroll up from there.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:53 PM
Lost deposits total to about $1000. Then finally told myself I'm going to follow bank roll management for once and it worked!
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:54 PM
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 09:56 PM
a **** load
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-02-2010 , 10:07 PM
Haha, everyone has to pay for their education

I have been playing for 6 years and have made over 300k in the last 4 years playing live as a professional

Different story in my first two years. Can't rememeber exact amounts but when I was part of the workforce I would take a lot of my money down to the casino, play poker and lose it all more times than not. Probably around 40-50k before I started winning...
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 03:36 AM
Deposited totally about $250 on Stars, FTP and RedStar, played only 8000+ low buy-in mtt for about a year, then decided to go cash.
Now started at nl2, up to nl25 now
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 03:49 AM
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who lost in the range of a few hundred before he got his act together.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 12:02 PM
Deposited $10 online for the first time on Stars 3 months ago, grinded it to $40, just as i cleared my bonus, had around $55 to be exact, played a $50 DoN, Doubled to $100 then started playing $3.30 STTs After a week of being breakeven, tilted Took my full BR of around $92 to a Cash table, tryed to get back the $10 by stealing blinds, got caught, shoved with K7o, lost.

Deposited $100 on FTP 2months ago, cleared $50 of my bonus, grinded it to $200 on $2.20 STTs, grinded away for November, end of Nov my BR was at $300, but i was $-108 Net Win for the month, Bonus's + Rakeback made me in the $, in Dec i cleared the Bonus + the $100 holiday bonus was +$3.50 for the month so basically breakeven but again bonus's + rakeback, Finnally got serious at the start of Jan as my new years reso, Started playing $5.50 STTs when my BR was up to $400, Jan was a great month +$108.00 STTs only, Got my BR up to $500 by end of Jan, had a wee look at Rush Poker lost $10 in like 2 hands, thought id get it back by stealing blinds, so took $200 to 200NL, lost it in 1 hand, then lost $80 more, so BR was down to $220 at end of jan took 3 days off to clear my head, I can safely say im NEVER EVER playin cash games Online EVER! again, got my roll from $220 to $360 in 5 days ran amazing for 5 days finnally started playing to win and not just to cash

Sorry for the long story lol
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 12:45 PM
Dropped maybe the equivilent of a 100-200$ in home games before I got a clue, then ran well in the same homegames at the same time I kind of started getting some minor clue and ended up with some profit.

Never deposited online, did that pokerstrategything and got 50$ at FT (=no rakeback now so I won't be playing there anytime soon), proceded to jump into 10nl-fr, pretty much died at the nittiness there and jumped to 25nl 6max, before they got real micro stakes there, and proceeded to run at about 40/15/9 going lagtard in every pot (had a good redline if you're looking for that, not a good green line though for some reason).

Then I played a massive amount of playmoney at some point (highstakes playmoney baller itt) until I found a free 5$ in my stars account I had opened up trying to get another free 50$. Proceded to take that to 2nl 6max and run at a good ~20ptbb playing at a more reasonable 22/18/2 after learning one should just raise or fold preflop, have not gone back to losing overall since then.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 12:52 PM
Deposited 40$, started playing NLHE with no bankroll management. Decided to playing properly when BR was approx ~100$
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by rockyraccoon222
I am a super low volume player. Deposited $50 on Stars in Jan 2008, played .02/.04 fixed limit; got down to $25; switched to 2NL and never looked back. 31K hands later, up to $300.
Likewise here, started Feb. 2009. Play on PS .01/.02 & .02/.05, some .05/.10 and low stakes Tournament D or N, STT, MTT and HU, I deposited a 100.00 I am up about 110.00 in tournaments and about 30.00 in cash games. I keep track on an excel spreadsheet.

I am down a couple of bucks HU, but have won about 60%, but lost a couple of the bigger HU's to put me in the hole HU. I have cashed in about 46% of all my tournaments combined (116/251) of course the D or N helps (about 60%), have cashed in about 44% STT and about 23% MTT, which are mostly FPP buy-ins.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 01:19 PM
I've been playing for less than a month. I read a couple books, then decided to try out what I read. Deposited $68 that I had that wouldn't matter if I lost it or not.
Within 4 hours I was up to $450 at the .50/1 nl holdem. I figured, since I had more money I could afford to see more hands. Within the next 2 hours I went down to $300. So I quit for the day.

I played about 1,500 hands at the ring games, 5 $20 sngs (which I lost at the bubble every time) and about 20 or so $3,$4, and $5 SNGs (also bubbled out most of them), and a few MTT from 18players to 180 players. Lost them all. I played 12hrs a day every day for 2 weeks.

And I lost my entire bank roll. So I deposited another $100, and about trippled it in 2 hours at the .50/$1 ring games. Went back to SNG's, and lost it all.

Every time I started losing the SNG's, I just went to the ring games for a replenished bank roll.

I deposited another $100. Played some more ring games, This time I stayed at the lower limits, .10/.25. Played a few hands, but lost one of those huge pots where both players have great hands, just one has a little better.

Down to $60, I went to the $1 SNG's. I started placing in the money with these. I'd win 3rd mostly and 2nd in a couple, and 1 first place cash. I got down to about $46 bucks. Got my aces cracked for that same amount,, now I'm taking a break.

So, total,, I'm down $268. But, the education is worth it. Pattern recognition was a big thing,,, understanding position, and understanding of why certain cards are used for certain positions, and understanding the importance of being able to let go of those aces and high cards when you absolutely know you're beat.

What is needed for improvement for me? Any form of bankroll management. Any form of tilt control.

When I return to the tables, I'm staying at low limit micros and grind it out. If I realize I'm on tilt or chasing losses, I'm going to quit playing or go to the free tables to donk out. I don't know If I'll play SNG's or not. But, I will definately play cash games.

Anotherthing I'm going to study the odds and percentages, so I can look at my cards and automatically know all my outs without thinking.

Down to basics,,,and lower limits. I'm confident my game has improved since I first started, just with more visible leaks to be plugged.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 02:37 PM
Never a loser,first 50k hands and im winning,was in the minus 20 dollars at one stage between 20k-30k but i was never a loser before i was a winner.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by jakeeshannon
Simple, easy question!
Not simple. Because sometimes you win and sometimes you lose at poker. Depends on soooo many things. Funny how all these people attempt to answer this vague question.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
02-03-2010 , 03:04 PM
Lost about 1K playing 100 and 200NL and $100 DONs before I realized that I should learn poker and stop losing money.
When you first started playing poker, how much did you lose before you started winning Quote
