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02-17-2012 , 04:51 PM
there is at least one shortcut:

player A bets 103$. B Calls all-in for $77, and C makes a full call. B is $26 short, and there were 2 other players, so the side pot contains 2x26=$52, with everything else in the main.

Very often it's easier to do this than splitting out 77 from each of the 3 players or counting out 3x77=231 to add to the main.

Last edited by AlienSpaceBat; 02-17-2012 at 06:48 PM. Reason: bah, arithmetic.
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02-17-2012 , 09:20 PM
At Party Poker does being a Silver or Gold VIP have any benefits apart from being able to buy additional items at the points store?
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02-17-2012 , 09:48 PM
is it possible to make 20K a year in low stakes SNGs playing one table at a time?
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02-17-2012 , 09:56 PM
When you're at a hand and you think : "well, i'm gona bet here 1/2 of the pot because 70-80% of the time he's gonna fold and overpair." In this example, totally made up now btw, how do you calculate the percentage of time that a player folds a hand or calls a hand and etc?
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02-17-2012 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by Pokernutz1954
is it possible to make 20K a year in low stakes SNGs playing one table at a time?

Is it the more interesting question...and one that can not be answered without much more information.

Originally Posted by 2close
When you're at a hand and you think : "well, i'm gona bet here 1/2 of the pot because 70-80% of the time he's gonna fold and overpair." In this example, totally made up now btw, how do you calculate the percentage of time that a player folds a hand or calls a hand and etc?
It's a guesstimate. Is the player tight or loose. Station or weak-tight? Does he chase draws? What is the effective stack size...what's behind? Are there others still in the pot? What does the board look like to villain? Does villain think the board hit hero? I'm sure there are many other factors.
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02-17-2012 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by King Spew

Is it the more interesting question...and one that can not be answered without much more information.
what more information do you need
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02-17-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Zenjo
At Party Poker does being a Silver or Gold VIP have any benefits apart from being able to buy additional items at the points store?
no, apart from being offered more random free bonuses (no set frequency or way to predict them) and possibly being taken more seriously by support if you ever need their help

really need to hit palladium to get non-points store extras like free cashouts (no fees), and palladium+ subpromos (extra ones alongside main monthly promos), much higher likelihood of free bonuses, better support

Originally Posted by Pokernutz1954
is it possible to make 20K a year in low stakes SNGs playing one table at a time?
pro SNG players play 30+ tables at a time, i don't think you should even pose this question to yourself, frankly. do a search for 'variance' in the STT forum. asked this in the beginners question thread there yet? i see you're posting there too

Originally Posted by 2close
When you're at a hand and you think : "well, i'm gona bet here 1/2 of the pot because 70-80% of the time he's gonna fold and overpair." In this example, totally made up now btw, how do you calculate the percentage of time that a player folds a hand or calls a hand and etc?
people just do it intuitively based on experience and a rough idea of what range he'd have on the river based on how he played the previous streets and in the past, and what they can represent. they aren't really doing a big mental 'calculation' per se
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02-17-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Pokernutz1954
what more information do you need
What stakes? What win rate? How many hours per day? How many days per week? How many weeks per year?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-17-2012 , 11:33 PM
I'm not sure if this can be answered in one post but it is a dumb question so here goes:

What's the fundamental difference between an OOP turn 3b all-in and an OOP turn call+river donk shove?

Generally you want to take the former line (since allowing villain to freeroll the river can help him improve his hand) but is there ever a time you'd go with the latter?
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02-17-2012 , 11:47 PM
the difference of course is.... villain (and hero) gets to see the river card....and decides he doesn't want to put any more money into the middle.

as a wonderful example seen often in the can shove it all-in on the the turn and incredibly, villain calls....on a gutshot. (you can make it a FD...against odds if you like)

Would he call a river shove after seeing a brick (to him) on the river?
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02-18-2012 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by DK Barrel
is there ever a time you'd go with the latter?
Yes. When you have the near or total nuts and want villain to improve to a hand that will call a river shove.
e.g. You have AA on ATKK and villain is either on the straight draw or has a flush draw, or possibly has a worse boat or is drawing to one. You really want him to improve his hand so that you can get paid off in full.
In reality, all the money would usually have gone in on the turn on such a scary board, but I suppose there are occasions where you might wait till the river.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-18-2012 , 12:23 AM
does anyone have an opinion on what the cash games are like on party poker at present? (NL10 specifically)

hoping to find something a little softer/more lucrative than NL10 on PS
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02-18-2012 , 07:55 AM
I started learning to play poker about 1 year ago.
After about 6 months, I started to get some success playing online micro buy-in tournaments and low cost S&G's (net profit 2000$ in 2 months).
after taking a 3 month break, I started again and changed my strategy a little, resulting in the fact that in my last 20 tournaments, I've reached prizemoney 9 times (45%), despite getting very few good hands and a lot of bad luck.
How normal or abnormal is this percentage?
Here are just a few examples of what I believe is plain bad luck:
1) going all in with KK (small stack) and being called by 2-6 who gets 2-6 on
the board
2) going all in with TT (small stack, late position, folded around) and bumping
into the button who wakes up with AA
3) going all in with JJ (small stack, late position, 1 limper) and getting called
by 89s, board show 7TJxx, giving my opponent a straight
4) going all in with AK (small stack, late position, folded around) and being
called by 55, board doesn't improve my hand.
In all these cases, my stack was so small (compared to the blinds), I had no other choice but to wait for some decent cards and go all in.
This kind of "bad luck" happens to me a lot, often keeping me from the really interesting prizemoney. Am I right to call this "stupid bad luck"?
All opinions welcome
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02-18-2012 , 08:08 AM
Your sample is too small, but to be honest if you are think that finishing in the money 45% of the time is bad luck then you will be in for a shock.

Your % is way too high, you have been running extremely lucky so far is my guess.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-18-2012 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by S7ARSCREAM
does anyone have an opinion on what the cash games are like on party poker at present? (NL10 specifically)

hoping to find something a little softer/more lucrative than NL10 on PS
yeah it's softer
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-18-2012 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by jspill
yeah it's softer
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-18-2012 , 10:06 PM
thanks for the responses guys will look into transferring some $$ across and see how I go
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-18-2012 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Cry Me A River
What stakes? What win rate? How many hours per day? How many days per week? How many weeks per year?
stakes: $5-10 SNG
5% ROI
hours per day: 3-4
days per week: 6
weeks per year: 50

any other information you need?

"pro SNG players play 30+ tables at a time, i don't think you should even pose this question to yourself, frankly. do a search for 'variance' in the STT forum. asked this in the beginners question thread there yet? i see you're posting there too"

30 seems a bit high. I think pokerstars only lets you max out at 24.
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Pokernutz1954
stakes: $5-10 SNG
5% ROI
hours per day: 3-4
days per week: 6
weeks per year: 50

So do the math:

Beginners Forum Frequently Asked Questions

(Section 11)

Originally Posted by Pokernutz1954
30 seems a bit high. I think pokerstars only lets you max out at 24.
Only cash games. You can play an unlimited number of tournaments. (30 is very high).
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-19-2012 , 07:05 PM
How do I filter in HEM1 to see the table with all hands and see which one I played x number of times and lost/won for today, this week, this month, last month, this year ?
***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-19-2012 , 07:28 PM
On the left hand side. Cash games - preflop cards.

Is that what you're looking for ?
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02-20-2012 , 04:04 AM
Live poker etiquette question:

Is it poor etiquette to change tables at 1/2 with a big stack?

I quickly built my stack to $800 (all other stacks were < 100bb) and saw a table that was much better than mine, but I didn't move to it because I thought maybe some of the players would get mad that I was taking a lot of their money off the table. And also I wasn't sure how the people at the new table would react to me moving from a "hot seat" and not "playing my rush".

My guess is no one cares, but I've never seen anyone with > $500 request a table change at 1/2 before, and just want to be sure. Thanks
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02-20-2012 , 04:07 AM
hey guys, currently trying out PT3 using the 60 day free trial. first time using a HUD/tracking software, its really cool

If I want to try HEM before making a decision on what to buy can I use the same postgreSQL database I've been building up with PT3?

ie, is the database an object that can be read/written to by either program or will they each make their own that isnt interchangeable?

***** Official Dumb Questions Thread **** Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by S7ARSCREAM
hey guys, currently trying out PT3 using the 60 day free trial. first time using a HUD/tracking software, its really cool

If I want to try HEM before making a decision on what to buy can I use the same postgreSQL database I've been building up with PT3?

ie, is the database an object that can be read/written to by either program or will they each make their own that isnt interchangeable?

No, they are totally different database schemas. You won't need to install PostGres again though, but you will need to let it create a second database.

You will be able to import all the PT3 hands, by manually importing them (iirc they are in a folder called 'processed' or something like that for PT3).
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02-20-2012 , 04:46 AM
thanks bat
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