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** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** ** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread **

01-04-2011 , 02:37 AM
Preflop looks OK for FR, tight but enough aggression and good positional awareness (SB steal is too low, just).
Postflop looks like yo're playing too weak-tight: aggression factors are definitely too low and your W$SD is huge, which indicates you're folding too much (and probably not value betting enough too).
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-04-2011 , 02:40 AM
Kua2: Frankly, there are no huge leaks in your stats, most are in the "correct" range for standard TAG. It looks more like you may be having trouble folding big hands that are beaten, but that's a bit of a guess from the stats.
I'd advise to analyse all the big pots and see if you should have folded some hands, or if it's just been bad beats and coolers.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-04-2011 , 12:04 PM
thanks for the feedback, fabadam
I'll check my hands when I get home, and hopefully I'll learn something from it
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-04-2011 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by fabadam
Preflop looks OK for FR, tight but enough aggression and good positional awareness (SB steal is too low, just).
Postflop looks like yo're playing too weak-tight: aggression factors are definitely too low and your W$SD is huge, which indicates you're folding too much (and probably not value betting enough too).
thanks for the feedback! i have been trying my best to value bet hands within villain hand ranges but often times i get scared on certain boards. i tend to value/buff same amounts on flop and sometimes turn, because i dont want people who pay attention to find possible betting patterns. would u recommend value betting amounts that vary on opponent and their hand ranges more?
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-04-2011 , 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by JustWantMinWage
thanks for the feedback! i have been trying my best to value bet hands within villain hand ranges but often times i get scared on certain boards. i tend to value/buff same amounts on flop and sometimes turn, because i dont want people who pay attention to find possible betting patterns. would u recommend value betting amounts that vary on opponent and their hand ranges more?
I also try to keep my bet sizing independent of whether I bluff or value bet, even though it's probably unnecessary against many opponents. I do vary my bet size a ton based on other factors though. I'll value bet more money against calling stations, or when I read my opponent as on a draw. Against some nitty players I may actually bet higher when I bluff -- sometimes pot sized bets seem to have hugely more fold equity than 70%
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-04-2011 , 09:31 PM
sng stats- My question is: is this sustainable? Can I at least expect half this ROI when I move up?

Currently at $3-6 90 man KOs on FTP and looking to move to the 12s and 24s and some 45 man tourneys as well.

Last edited by mad_mardigan; 01-04-2011 at 09:32 PM. Reason: sry about the small size thanks everyone
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-05-2011 , 04:54 AM
mad_mardigan: I don't know much about SNGs but this must be a hot run. I'm guessing this is 90-mans or 180-mans or so? In these, just a few more wins than normal will really skyrocket your winnings.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-05-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by fabadam
mad_mardigan: I don't know much about SNGs but this must be a hot run. I'm guessing this is 90-mans or 180-mans or so? In these, just a few more wins than normal will really skyrocket your winnings.
like half reg speed 45 man, the other half turbo deep stacked 90 man KOs

Thx for the reply I was just wondering how much my roi would dip heading into midstakes....
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-06-2011 , 10:25 AM
Hi everyone, after a losing year in cashgames i think an analasys of my stats can do me some good.

All FR 10NL and 25 NL, i plan on improving a ton this year


Last edited by Bonobo11; 01-06-2011 at 10:27 AM. Reason: sorry for layout, i cant get it better
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-06-2011 , 11:07 AM
The main leak I see is that you call way too much from the blinds. Your PFR/VPIP ratio is too low (should be >= 75%) and looking in more detail, this is partly caused by a lot of limping/coldcalling, which is maybe not so bad in FR, but also by a heap of calling in the blinds. As a general rulem, don't call/limp in the blinds unless you would have played the hand from UTG too. Of course you sometimes get way too good odds to limp, but in general there shouldn't be a lot of it.
Also, you seem definitely on the passive side postflop (AF too low), so probably you are calling often where you should either be raising or folding -- chasing draws without odds.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-11-2011 , 08:56 AM


Hi guys
I'm playing 6max NL4 on entraction. Players here are mostly very week, stats like 70/6/AF <1 sometimes >4 not folding to almost any 3bet WTSD more than 40%, basically they won't fold any pair or draw. I really i have no **** ideahow to play against players like this, as you can see on img my winrate is not great. I think that with players like this i should have winrate at least 20bb/100.

I would realy appreciate if you could give my some feedback.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-11-2011 , 09:26 AM
Not sure if such a high winrate is possible over large samples. I know lots of people say it's possible, but you see very few people actually do it.
Looking at your stats, they look basically in the right ballpark. Your stats in the BB are a bit weird and different from all other positions, maybe you are getting carried away sometimes on free flops or so? Also, you have very low aggression in that position.
In general, your postflop aggression is on the low side. Against players such a you describe, you will usually not call when they bet or raise, which should lead to a high AF (because you are hardly ever calling). You are clearly calling quite a bit still .
Odd is that you have a fairly high WTSD, and also a very high W$SD (a bit too high), yet a low W$WSF for 6-max. This may be just variance (these numbers converge very slowly), but could also indicate you are not value betting hard enough, and are letting yourself get pushed off hands you should win.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-13-2011 , 03:26 PM
Hi, these are 20k NL5 Rush hands.

I'm always playing 4 tables at once, so red line is going down, but lets first find really important leaks.

How about AF, what are good values for my 18/15 style. How about my riverstats?

Thanks in advance.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-13-2011 , 04:43 PM
jurado: These are some pretty solid stats, nice brag.
Your preflop play is extremely position-aware, which I guess makes a lot of sense in Rush, since you're forced to playing generic poker most of the time.
Postflop, I think you're a bit too much playing "take one stab and give up": your c-bet flop is huge, as is your AF, but the drop on turn and river seems too big.
Also your WTSD is very low, and your W$SD is very high. SO it looks like you are letting yourself get pushed off the best hand a considerable amount.
I think you should try to get some more thin value out of turn and (especially) river betting, but this will edfinitely involve getting into marginal situations: this may increase your EV (if you do it right) but it will for sure increase the variance (since you're making pots bigger in marginal spots).
I'd advise to just grind up and move up when you feel ready. It looks like you're solid enough to beat up to NL25, at which point the marginal spots may start to have some significance.

Caveat: I don't play Rush, because I don't like the readlessness of it, so I don't know how it really plays.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-13-2011 , 06:13 PM
Thx, for the input.

I'm going to work more on 2barrel, and riverplay.

What would be a good AF on flop, turn and river?
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-13-2011 , 07:23 PM
@jurado: AF generally goes down a bit street by street (though it's possible to do different and play well).
Basically, your overall AF (postflop) should be > 3. something like flop 4.1, turn 2.7, river 3. Or maybe flop 3.5, turn 3.1, river 2.4.
You cant put it on such absolute figures.

In the end, your goal isn't to get good stats. Your goal is to win as much money as you can. If you're on a table full of maniacs, that means calling down any good made hand (AF=0). On a table full of calling stations, it means betting the hell out of any hand and folding to any playback (AF=infinite). Most real life tables are somewhere in between (actually, all of them).
So you just try to play as good as you can, and usually this results in something like ideal stats if you're playing well.

So, in your case, I'd just continue to play as you are currently doing, but give some more thought to turn and river situation.
(1) What does your opponent have?
(2) What does he think YOU have?
(3) given that, what will he do if you bet/raise?
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-13-2011 , 09:44 PM
Hi lads. Could someone tell me what needs my attention most here - I'm just getting to grips with PT3 so it looks a bit mad to me. This is filtered for 25nl full ring which is 'where I'm at' atm but I have 250k hands total FWIW.

Last edited by JustinJude; 01-13-2011 at 09:47 PM. Reason: Am I still a beginner?
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-14-2011 , 02:49 AM
JustinJude: Overall stats seem pretty OK, somewhat nitty TAG (14/11).
You aren't showing any positional stats -- take a look whether your VPIP/PFR steadily goes up in late position.
You have a low WTSD and a rather high W$SD, which indicates you may be getting pushed off the best hand a bit.
Overall aggression looks OK, though you have a weirdly low turn AF. It looks like one of your standard moves is bet-flop/check-turn/bet-river. That's OK if it works, though it could be exploitable by a good opponent, which is not so likely at NL25.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-14-2011 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by fabadam
JustinJude: Overall stats seem pretty OK, somewhat nitty TAG (14/11).
You aren't showing any positional stats -- take a look whether your VPIP/PFR steadily goes up in late position.
You have a low WTSD and a rather high W$SD, which indicates you may be getting pushed off the best hand a bit.
Overall aggression looks OK, though you have a weirdly low turn AF. It looks like one of your standard moves is bet-flop/check-turn/bet-river. That's OK if it works, though it could be exploitable by a good opponent, which is not so likely at NL25.
I think that b/c/b thing might be a TPTK IP pot control line.

I'm fairly new to PT3 and will spend some time figuring out it's features.

Anyway, thank you very much Fabadam - you're a Gent.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-14-2011 , 07:23 AM
Hi, I am playing poker since 1.5 year. I have never been a losing player but I have never structurally worked on my game: i always have played microlevel (2nl or 5nl) but always hopped to different games: full ring, 6max, HU, HUSNG, SNG, freerolls, ..... name it and I have tried it. So i never build a bankroll or did effort for it.
I read a lot of pokerbooks, vids, watched a lot of videos but read and watched so much that i never really studied in detail. So I can play a little poker, know a lot, but don't know anything well enough.
A month ago I decided to start being disciplined and to start again with FR poker at 2NL.
I am a working husband so If I wanted I just could deposit 500 bucks and start higher, but I do not want to do that. I don't think I ever will get rich of poker so I just enjoy the game and want to learn. That is all I want. Therefor I want to start at the very bottom.
Here below are my stats after the first 12.000 hands on this new account I made to start with my pokerdedication and pokereducation. I know it is but a small sample but I would like someone to go over it.

I would appreciate (tried to embed image but did not succeed so here is the link to the statsimage)

** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-14-2011 , 11:47 AM
ce5s97p: This look like solid but somewhat nitty stats. Your PFR/VPIP ration is a bit low, but possibly there are more limping opportunities at Fullring NL2.
Rest of preflop looks solid.
Postflop figures are OK too, though it looks like your turn and river aggression is on the low side.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-16-2011 , 03:49 PM
Don't clikc on lionel's links, they are spam.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-18-2011 , 06:04 AM
I think its time to get the opinion on my stats, its not that many hands but i hope you'll be able to spot my HUUUUGE leaks.


and @(*&@$! graph:
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-18-2011 , 06:57 AM
jeriomina: it looks like this is NL2 fullring. In principle these are reasonable results (~ 8 bb/100). Your graph is upside down from most TAGs in that your redline goes up and your blue line is a bit meh. Here is why (I think):
Your WTSD is quite high and you're W$SD is too low. So you're taking too may losing hands to showdown. I also nothe that your AF is fairly low, and the Fold to Flop Raise% is definitely too low: at NL2 people are generally fairly straightforward and a flop raise indicates a big hand. So you should be folding there a huge percentage of the time.
Your lowish AF also indicates mostly too much calling. And since you're betting/raising enough, it means you should be folding instead of calling often.
As a rule of thumb, fold anything below top pair to a raise (and fold TP to any further bets), and quite often, fold top pair right away when raised (at least when the raise is by a nitty player).
Also you are c-betting too much, learn to recognize boards where it's not going to work.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
01-20-2011 , 02:58 PM
I play 0.02NL FR.
Here are my stats over 7000 hands I played in the last 10 days. I deposited 50$ initially and have lost it all. I play on stars.

Positional stats:


And specifically..

Graph for QQ

My basic question is.. Do I really suck this bad? Or Have I just had a very bad run? As you see above, the Net expected value is way higher than my net value. Also, I seem to have had countless number of bad beats with Queens. I really dont know what to make of it. Please advice.
** Official Beginners NL Holdem Stats Thread ** Quote
