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Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast

04-14-2017 , 07:11 AM
First time poster here so forgive me if im in the wrong category.

Ok i was at the 2nd day 1 event for the Easter Beast uk comp in walsall yesterday (2 day comp).

we are at level 13 of a 14 level day 1 with the blinds 1000/2000 200 ante, 8 seated.

Hero is sitting on around 75000, villan has around 80000. Average stack is 76000

Hero in the big, villan in the small.

UTG raises to 5500, Button flats, villan flats.

Hero has Ah3d and completes.

Flop 5s3h9c, checks round.

Turn As.

villan checks, hero bets 10000 into 23600.

Thinking here is UTG/button could have A and ive not got 2 pair pretty underrepped.

UTG folds (he had 77), button folds.

Villan takes a very long time, then flats.

River is the 9s. counter fitting heros 2 pair.

Villan checks, Hero bets 10000 again putting villan on some sort of 5, or 64 type hand.

Villan calls with 10sQs hitting the flush.

While it didnt bust me, it was a significant dent late in the day with a large pot going to the villan.

Looking at the odds when i bet 10000 on the turn villan has to call 10000 to win 33600 giving him 25-30% odds on pot with only a 20% chance of winning the hand. Which is why i bet 10000 and not 7-8000. Plus at that point i was looking to get reraised by a AK type hand from UTG or button.

On the river i think i played it badly by not checking behind as any ace now probably has me outkicked, a 9 beats me, and the flush got there.

I guess i was so sure he had some sort of 5 or straight draw i was confident.

On the river i think villan can only check call as the 9 completes the flush, but pairs the board.

Im pretty sure villan made a bad call on the turn given odds, stack size and stage in the comp.

Hero made a bad bet on the river.

So just a few questions.

1. should hero be happy villan is calling bad odds which in the long run should be good for hero?

2. should hero bet larger/smaller on the turn with 2 pair to either take the pot down then, or risk less across 5 cards.?

3. Does the pre flop action seem legit? i dont see merit in squeezing or folding the big blind given the action and cards.

4. Do the pot odds matter so much for the villan given late stage?
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-14-2017 , 08:37 AM
I would check the turn, planning to call a very likely bet by the PFR or a stab by the button.

As played, betting the river is spew. Just check it back, as you're not getting called by worse, or folding out better (by turning your hand into a bluff).
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-14-2017 , 08:29 PM
River is a trivial x

Not sure about calling pre either. I fold given stack sizes and we effectively need to flop 2P+.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-18-2017 , 09:40 PM
Fold pre. There's an UTG raise and two callers. You are behind and not in position. What sort of flop puts you ahead?

River is a check.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-19-2017 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by lee__mason
Villan checks, Hero bets 10000 again putting villan on some sort of 5, or 64 type hand.
You realize that when you bet on the river, last to act, it is either because you want a better hand to fold or a worse hand to call. When you put him on a 5, or possibly a busted straight draw - what do you think will happen if you are correct, and what do you think will happen if you are wrong? If he was on the hand you expected, he folds. If he has a 9 he calls and wins. If he has a strong ace he calls and wins. If he has a flush he calls or raises (and wins).

If you hadn't been counterfeited by the 9 (and a spade) you could value bet 2 pair hoping to be called by a strong ace, but here there is no point. Pretty much any hand that calls you has you beat, and your hand has enough showdown value that you don't need to bluff. If you think you need to turn your hand into a bluff, you are representing a very strong hand on that board - you need to bet a lot more than 10,000 into 43,600 if you expect anyone to fold a better hand.

As for the guy calling with incorrect odds - your betting on the river increases his odds. In other words, he was counting on implied odds if he hit his flush. If a spade came that didn't pair the board, he would have probably gotten a lot more than just the 10,000 additional. As it happened, he still called 10,000 to win 43,600, which is over 4-1, simply because you made the ill-advised river bet. I wouldn't expect too many people to fold a strong flush draw there, for that sized bet.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-19-2017 , 01:58 PM
folding pre is not an option we're in the bb getting an insane price in an ante game.

River is a check as others have said.

Think turn is interesing. Have 2 options, bet big or x/r. Given flop goes x/x, villains likely have a lot of A highs in there range. We want to get as much money in now as we can. I think x.r is prob better as we should check this turn with our range given how Ax heavy everyone else is.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-19-2017 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Big_Mick00
folding pre is not an option we're in the bb getting an insane price in an ante game.
Folding is definitely an option given that the reverse implied odds aren't good. We're basically hoping to hit 2 pair (even then we aren't too comfortable) or the wheel.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-19-2017 , 03:16 PM
Hero has Ah3d and completes.
There are so few flops that you are going to like with this hand that even given the "insane price" to me, this is a trivial fold pre.

position, ranges, and initiative are all against you. I would understand if it were suited, but it's not.

Villan checks, Hero bets 10000
What's the point of your river bet? Did you not want to show down? You're beat by so much of any turn calling range that a river bet is throwing away chips.

So just a few questions.

1. should hero be happy villain is calling bad odds which in the long run should be good for hero?

2. should hero bet larger/smaller on the turn with 2 pair to either take the pot down then, or risk less across 5 cards.?

3. Does the pre flop action seem legit? I don't see merit in squeezing or folding the big blind given the action and cards.

4. Do the pot odds matter so much for the villain given late stage?
1. of course, but odds are not as bad as you think

2. I'm almost never betting less than 1/2 pot on the turn. However, it's not like your hand has a lot of relative, let alone absolute strength given the action. merit in squeezing without noted history. I am firmly in the fold pre camp for reasons already stated.'re forgetting about implied odds. Everything that VBAces said in his last paragraph.
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
04-19-2017 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by onehandatatime
Folding is definitely an option given that the reverse implied odds aren't good. We're basically hoping to hit 2 pair (even then we aren't too comfortable) or the wheel.
You're right. We're not facing a min raise. My bad
Looking for help on a hand that virtually bust me in the GUKPT Easter Beast Quote
