How to get started with taking online poker seriously? what game to play, variance, tilt, etc.
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 41
I am a 24 year old student from Norway, looking to take poker a bit more serious this year, with the main goal of becoming a winning player over time.
I started playing poker in 2008, playing mostly for fun with friends and being a re-creational player.
Eventually this led to me depositing 50USD on Stars and having some fun with it, despite being a losing player, I am suprised at how long my roll lasted.
Last year I played some more, and did a 100USD deposit, playing mostly NLHE, but also some PLO8.
Should also note that last year I didnt have proper BRM and did some serious mistakes playing MTT's for 10% of my roll etc.
This year I decided to take poker abit more serious and I have put in more volume than before and I am enjoying it alot, despite being a losing player.
My biggest sample to get an idea of my game is 10k hands played @ .2NL full ring being -4bb/100hands.
I play general ABC poker and over the course of these 10k hands I have tilted away 5 full stacks of 100bb~ each, so dealing with tilt has to be my #1 priority in order to get better.
Tilt usually happens after I lose a pot where I was big favourite to win and get sucked out, and feel the need to "catch up" at other tables if I am multitabling.
It is also hard for me to spot when I am on tilt before it happens, however I am quite aware of it afterwards and stop playing immidiately.
I have also played some SNGs, I played about ~200 hyper turbo 6 max and I ran good for the first half of these, but ended up with negative ROI by -8%
I think the variance and downsings stopped me from playing these. Also it was really boring playing the push fold game for the most part.
Additionally I played some 180 man turbo SNG's, mainly .5 and 2.5 buy in. I haved played about 300 of these, and I am actually +ROI in these with about +10% mainly because I won one of the 2.5 ones, I don't know if I was lucky or played good. Can post HH.
but I don't like the downswings and variance in these either. I know that I have tilted away quite a few of these tournaments when I got bored and wanted a break aswell.
While I am +ROI, I dont think this is the longterm game for me, also the fact that it requires you to have 2-3 hours every time is putting me off.
Its not that I cant play for 2-3 hours or more every day, but I like to be able to take a break when I want.
Also I dislike the fact that u have to be prepared for 20-50 tournaments in a row where u dont cash, which I know would frustrate me alot.
Basically I need to fix my tilting problem and not giving up at the first sign of a downswing, but also I need to work on my game ofcourse.
I should also note that my current roll is 250USD on Stars, which I am looking to play with until I become breakeven and hopefully a winning player.
I have access to more than 1000USD to deposit when I am confident in my game.
Should also note that I have a Pokertracker 4 license to track my games.
I use the default PT4 hud (and I would be willing to pay a small ammount 10-20USD for someone willing to help me setup and USE a proper HUD)
General ABC poker knowledge:
NLHE: 8/10, I know how to play decent ABC poker unless im consistently put in bad spots.
I make some weak plays when deep stack, but shortstacked im doing ok unless I am on tilt.
PLO: 2/10, I have the basic knowledge but would like more strategy.
PLO8: 4/10, I have the basic knowledge and some basic strategy. I really like playing this game.
Too be fair I play NLHE below average when im not tilting, and in the other two I just suck.
But I am willing to learn and put in the time and effort needed to become better.
250 USD to work with on Stars.
Looking to improve and find my game.
Is it best to put in the volume to become better? or should I read/watch coaching videos online?
How do I make use of my Pokertracker 4 HUD? I know the basic PFR, VPIP stuff, but thats about it.
Which games has the least downswings and variance?
How do you deal with tilts?
Which games are the softest at Stars in your opinion?
Is it easier to get an edge playing a less popular game like PLO8 as opposed to NLHE?
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by Cplpro
Looking to improve and find my game.
Is it best to put in the volume to become better? or should I read/watch coaching videos online?
A combination of both imo. Also, if you're trying to learn how to beat/crush the game, don't make volume your main goal (don't mass table like a maniac if you cant handle it)
How do I make use of my Pokertracker 4 HUD? I know the basic PFR, VPIP stuff, but thats about it.
Which games has the least downswings and variance?
Probably cashgames. Swings are part of the game though, deal with it.
How do you deal with tilts?
The more you play, the less you care. Bad beats happen; in time you'll learn that they're just part of the game and there's nothing you can do about it.
Which games are the softest at Stars in your opinion?
At the micro's, pretty much everything is reasonably soft.
Is it easier to get an edge playing a less popular game like PLO8 as opposed to NLHE?
I don't play anything else than NLHE, but I believe that if you're for instance really good at PLO, you'll have a bigger edge against fish/bad regs than at NLHE.
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 12,073
A word about playing catch up after a bad beat:
If your emotions are directly connected to your results, you'll be miserable. If you are comparing where your bankroll is now to it's peak, you'll be miserable unless it's at it's peak. Poker can be a relaxing game if you separate yourself from the game emotionally. Poker will be an emotional roller coaster if you don't separate yourself from the game emotionally.
Some of the best advice I ever got was from a very serious and competitive baseball coach:
"We practice hard so when the time comes to play the game for real, it's more fun."
In poker what this equates to is studying hard so that when the time comes to play the game, you get to enjoy yourself. For me, that means playing limit holdem because that's what I've studied and played the most; it's the most fun for me because I put in the time.