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heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC) heh, I came here to rant and then everybody is topping each other in crappiness. (LC/NC)

10-04-2010 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
shipping it still has boatloads of equity with pro deals etc
only for David though, juanda is pretty set in that area
10-04-2010 , 04:49 PM
yea i was meaning david, couldnt give a **** about jj atm
10-04-2010 , 04:52 PM
with all these min raises david should of got in one snake riders imo
10-04-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by crazyfool1985
with all these min raises david should of got in one snake riders imo
I'm still getting over the pain of my limited experience, but thanks for reminding me.
10-04-2010 , 04:54 PM
jesus moneymaker even i can work out what the chip values are
10-04-2010 , 04:57 PM
lol, david will be the Scot with the most money won in line events
10-04-2010 , 04:57 PM
david playing a metric ton of pots oop...
10-04-2010 , 04:58 PM
highest scottish cash in EPT no matter what. Nice
10-04-2010 , 04:58 PM Ridiculous huge lead in all time Scottish money.
10-04-2010 , 05:02 PM
164th to 1st lol
10-04-2010 , 05:04 PM
im glad its a long HUHU battle. Giving him more airtime at least. Had it been a few hands luckbox thing it would be as epic
10-04-2010 , 05:19 PM
so if david wins he gets 300k (having only 1/3 of himself?)
10-04-2010 , 05:19 PM
lol comments
10-04-2010 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
so if david wins he gets 300k (having only 1/3 of himself?)
10-04-2010 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by AGWeir
and he gets signed to pokerstars pro as well?

sick life
10-04-2010 , 05:25 PM
actually he gets £240k, he made a deal for £650k + £150k to winner. So £800k for winner x 30% = £240k

And i think hes good for a stars pro status and also i think he gets a seat into some other tournament
10-04-2010 , 05:26 PM
don't know if they sign him, but there is certainly sponsorship money as a EPT winner
10-04-2010 , 05:32 PM
stars has a history of signing whoever wins a big donkament. Maybe the fact david doesnt play on stars might go against him but as said having a EPT under your belt is good for some sort of extra money
10-04-2010 , 05:35 PM
David is pwning him right now
10-04-2010 , 05:35 PM
18 Mil /7 Mil
10-04-2010 , 05:37 PM
just need a nice cooler to go davids way
10-04-2010 , 05:39 PM
I'm so hungry. I want to eat but I can't miss the end of this.
10-04-2010 , 05:41 PM
lol "he is reduced to shufling the red chips"
10-04-2010 , 05:45 PM
c'mon David TID
10-04-2010 , 05:47 PM
he, Finish Him!

Last edited by A.Ertbjerg; 10-04-2010 at 05:50 PM. Reason: lol at CF for thinking I hadn't planned the most epic 5k post ever
